Conspiracy sub larps being relevant to the real world.

42  2017-12-05 by TUMS_FESTIVAL


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Is Snappy being powered by a AI these days?

Machine learning, my friend. It's already smarter/better shitposter than /u/ed_butteredtoast

Machine learning, my friend. It's already smarter/better shitposter than /u/ed_butteredtoast


You hate us cuz you anus

“Black Anality” argues that “black” and “anal” are rendered ideologically, discursively, and representationally synonymous, and that black female flesh becomes the material space on which this convergence occurs. Drawing on an archive of online, widely accessible black pornographies, I develop the term black anality to describe how black pleasures are represented as peculiarly and particularly oriented toward the anus, and thus as peculiarly and particularly attached to anal ideologies. In doing so, I depart from black feminist scholarship, which has long examined the buttocks as an imagined locus of racial-sexual difference and which has developed a set of analytics that now predominate in the study of black female sexualities: spectacularity, excess, grotesquerie, and display. “Black Anality” offers a new set of analytics for black feminist work on sexuality: spatiality, waste, toxicity, and filth. These analytics, I argue, allow black feminists to consider how black female sexuality is imagined to be rooted in (and perhaps generative of) certain kinds of filthy spaces, particularly the ghetto; how black sexuality is constructed as literally and metaphorically dirty; how black sexuality is posited as toxic, non-productive, and nonreproductive; and how black sexuality is imagined as wasteful. In turning attention to this understudied and overdetermining space — the black anus — “Black Anality” considers the racial meanings produced in pornographic texts that insistently return to the black female anus as a critical site of pleasure, peril, and curiosity.

Fuck those kids that killed that boy. For real.

Fucking white people.

They weren't niggers? That's a first.

hey knock it off they are called basketball americans


Yeah why the fuck where they released at all?

They began the mayocide when no one else would. Jon Venables and Robert Thompson are honorary PoC.


Wonder if a vigilante will put a bullet in one of these guys and be like big brother America.


Ken McElroy

Ken Rex McElroy (June 1, 1934 – July 10, 1981) was a resident of Skidmore, Nodaway County, Missouri. Known as "the town bully," his unsolved killing became the focus of international attention. Over the course of his life, McElroy was accused of dozens of felonies, including assault, child molestation, statutory rape, arson, hog and cattle rustling, and burglary.

In all, he was indicted 21 times, but escaped conviction each time, except for the last.

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McElroy fathered more than 10 children with different women. He met his last wife, Trena McCloud, when she was 12 years old and in eighth grade. She became pregnant when she was fourteen, dropped out of school in the ninth grade, and went to live with McElroy and his third wife Alice. McElroy divorced Alice and married Trena in order to escape charges of statutory rape, to which she was the only witness. Sixteen days after Trena gave birth, both she and Alice fled to Trena's mother's and stepfather's house. According to court records, McElroy tracked them down and brought them back. He then returned to Trena's parents' home when they were away, shot the family dog, and burned down the house.

alpha af

There is a worldwide ban on publishing anything revealing their current identities.

Is that actually worldwide? How would they enforce that? I checked the actual injuction and it didn't mention anything about international law or extraditions.

So wait the UK is so completely and totally fucked that if you rape and murder a kid they only put you in jail for 7 years, and spend 250,000 pounds giving you a fake identity afterword?

Holy fucking shit......

I knew the UK was fucked I had no idea it was THAT bad


They give you a seat in parliament too.

Nah don't be costs 2 million to the taxpayer.

Oh well that cant weigh that much then

Venables was a kid himself when he killed Jamie Bulger.

The case was huge, massive coverage and some of the tabloids printed horseshit (all that stuff about batteries and gouging eyes out) which meant that the defence were able to get a lot of stuff dismissed as well.

Adult child murderers go to prison for life. In some cases they haven't lasted very long on the inside.

Adult child murderers go to prison for life. In some cases they haven't lasted very long on the inside.


Google Fred West for fun and games.

was that stuff bullshit? prettysure they were sadistic piar of cunts.

Honestly i couldn't remember.

I felt the need to check wikipedia and unfortunately it seems like it may have been true.

I really didn't think two ten year olds were capable. Shows how naive i am.

It's called the "Saville Law" in his honor.

england in a nutshell tbh

oh we couldnt possibly arrest this pedo rape gang thatd be racist

You realize the people that murdered James Bulger were white, right? Oh, we couldn't execute these mayos because of white supremacy.

yeah whats your point

englands priorities are messed up on a bunch of things its hardly just race based

So in America you execute children, do you?

Wait, you probably bad.

Yeah if they rape murder and mutilate another child, hell yeah let the Sparks fly

Actually, that was ruled unconstitutional a while ago.

Stupid Obama

Why the hell were those people released at all?

Because they were both ten years old at the time they committed the crime. Under the age of legal responsibility.

The UK loves their pedophiles.