It's Civil War in Ancapistan!

33  2017-12-08 by CultOfCuck


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/u/PostNationalism want a real answer? (Disclaimer, you probably know this shit better that me anyway)

It's Hans Hermann Hoppe. The fact that the mises institute is willing to publish his shit makes it clear to hardcore racists that libertarians won't just tolerate, but will welcome them. Hoppe is way more dangerous than Moldbug or whoever.

Moldbug says some shit that makes you wonder if he is a racist, HHH is always willing to clearly explain that the failures of monarchy are due to the the inferior skull shape of the negro man, and that homosexuality is incompatible with capitalism.

At a different time in my life I was impressed by folks on the libertarian right like David Friedman, who even though I disagreed with him seemed to legitimately care about the poor, and something like human rights, but was looking for a different way to protect them. But uh, reddit has changed my mind, ancap is just a code word for nazi.

the subreddit is definitely full of nazis right now!

u/TheGreatRoh this is why I banned you from ECS before you even thought about posting there.

Oh, that reminds me. You guys have a overly strict policy sometimes, maybe. :|

Hey yeah sorry my computer broke so I’ve been unable to look to see if you are actually breaking our rules or not. Computer is coming back in 5 days so I’ll be able to do it then if another mod doesn’t do it before

Somebody unbanned me, not sure who. Thanks though!

Oh cool glad it worked out

Wait, do you actually believe this ancap shit?

What do you mean?

Like do you actually think it's a realistic political/economic framework, as opposed to a meme for edgy teenage racists?

OH, no I don't. I banned u/TheGreatRoh because he's an edgy teenage racist.

/u/slavophilesanonymous is a straight laced Methodist neoliberal and easily the most boring user on /r/debatefascism.

straight laced Methodist neoliberal

The chosen people.


I remember back before we made SubredditOfTheDay, back when DF was good.

I just went there. idgi

Is it like this meme but made into a subreddit?

Actual Natsocs are a minority on the sub.

Plenty of fascists, though

I still dont get how you can have such devotion for the economy and be a Christian, when Jesus said you cannot serve both God and money.

When I advocate for neoliberal policies, I don’t want to make myself the richest man in the world. I want to make my hometown, my country, and the world a richer place in general.

But you still emphasize wealth and wealth alone

I've been to Guatemala and Belize, and I would not want my country to be as poor as they are.

Wow you should really fix your abhorrently shit subreddit. Brb socialist & far left mods BUT DONT YOU DARE BE A TRUMP SUPPORTER

I was sure we banned you at some point, but it looks like you aren't. Are you indeed banned?

I haven't posted there in like a year so idk

A sub that thinks mean words to commies is worse than commies themselves. Pretty sure /u/Br00ce was the one that banned me.

No, I personally reviewed and banned everyone whose comments were on the front page posts of Physical Removal at the time. It was a gas.

Lol. Where Communists calling for seizing the means of production is debate but posting a meme to stop that is "being a horrible human being".

I didn't ban you for anything you did on ECS (because you never posted there). I banned you because you're not the sort of person we want on our anti-communist sub. With regards to communists, anti-communism defines itself against communism, so communists are relevant to anti-communism. So we don't ban them unless they cross a line.

ECS (because you never posted there).

Which is against Reddit rules mate.

So you'd prefer the company of communists and ban anti-communists and call yourselves "anti-communists". LOL

We're liberals against communists, so both liberals and communists are part of what the sub is. Fascists and racists, on the other hand, aren't.

"Fascists and Racists"

Lol- you mean if we don't ban for activity outside the sub or activity unrelated to the sub, it makes you "Fascist" and "Racist".

It was a simple sub, focus on the Physical Removal of the communist and its social influences. Racism or Fascism was not part of it.We just didn't care as long as you didn't advocate the initiation of force against racial minorities. In fact, we really appreciate them such as Pinochet, Suharto, Syngman Rhee, Méndez, Otoya Yamaguchi, Jorge Rafael Videla. Hence why we banned calls of violence against traits you can't change.

Good thing you explained that it was crypto-communists in denial vs self-proclaimed communists. No one else would have ever figured it out.

Which is against Reddit rules mate.

Oh no! This violation of Reddit Law shall not stand! We'll see what /r/karmacourt has to say about this!

I didn’t but only bc SA beat me to it. Your mismanagement of your own anti-Commie sub got it banned. Good job. Plus you’re s Horth human being and I don’t want my sub associated with your like.

My mismanagement also got the sub views than your sub ever will and popularized the Helicopter Meme on Reddit. Had it was banned before the meme really spread, then it would be mismanaged.

How are those views treating you know? Lmao

Every-time you see a Helicopter Reference or groups called "Anti-Communist Action" on Reddit, it's thanks to /r/Physical_Removal. The sub did it's job and longer it would have existed is just bonus commie tears.

You say that like it’s a good thing

My mismanagement also got the sub views than your sub ever will and popularized the Helicopter Meme on Reddit.

imagine saying this like its something to be proud of

Don't let /u/Br00ce insult you. Here at /r/drama we welcome passionate bovines of all stripes, and we're proud to have this sub associated with your unique flavour of political argumentation.

> trying to interfere with my cyber bullying

How dare you

Mods! I'm being cyberbullied!

We have met the globalist cuck and he is us.

"Whoever fights globalist cucks should see to it that in the process he does not become a globalist cuck."


All freedom comes from property rights.

Wrong. Tying freedom to objects and landscapes is as much a construct as the idea that furries don't deserve to be lynched.


There is no conflict between the philosophy of anarcho-capitalism and the alt-right.

Correct. Fascism is fascism whether you call it alt-right, anarcho-capitalism, or systematic child sex slavery--they're all different labels for the same thing.


Who is denying ancap to anyone? The fuckin mud people dont want ancap. They want whitey to share his fuckin loot and womens.

Thank you for describing ancap ideology in three short sentences. With that level of intellect, I'm sure you'll be instrumental in helping the South rise again, missing teeth and all.

GOOD callouts.


Every single nation that has tried to enforce a whites-only clubhouse policy has ended up being fucked up, primarily by other white people who said nations decide aren't actually white.

The fuckin mud people dont want ancap.

Sounds like the mud people might be smarter than you, /u/Superspathi

It’s amazing how many problems would be completely solved by the mayocide. Imagine never having to read another wall of text by a homeschooled white boy about how handing society over to corporate warlords is the only true way to freedom.

Hear me, bussy lovers. Gaze upon my dark words. Mayocide changes nothing. Jews are not white. Inshallah.

this is what happens when mayos have too much time huh

I say we reopen the mines to keep them busy. We don't even have to mine anything. They can mine rocks. A little black lung will do them good.

shippem to sierra leone, do a bit of reverse slavery

meh, just wait a generation. the racists are right that mayos are being 'breeded out'..

global economic competition has not been good to them

> muh free market!

> not that free!


Ordered liberty is for the white man and North East Asians. The other races must be ruled.

What is the North East Asian race? The North East Asian geographic area contains Japan and SK, which I guess are good examples of "ordered liberty," but the rest of it( Eastern Russia, Northern China, and NK) are hardly "ordered liberty" success stories. What about Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan? Are they not fit for "ordered liberty?"

I'm not racist

I just wished that the black race would contribute more to the free market

The AnCaps like those in the thread who latch on to the ideology in hopes of realizing their dream of running the private fiefdom of their dreams are like communists hoping to crush their enemies and reshape society to fit their desires when the revolution comes. Just as the commies never think they'll be the ones up against the wall or lorded over by tyrant commissars, these AnCaps always assume they'll be the aristocrats of the new societal order.

A-fucking-men. This is my issue with Marxist-Leninists, fascists, and ancaps. They delude themselves that they'll be the ones pulling the strings.


Corporations already have near-complete control over the USA. I can't imagine an AnCap paradise looking too much different than it does now.

legal to bribe politicians

immense military spending to benefit arms companies

endless wars to secure resources

welfare net designed to trap people in poverty and insure a supply of cheap labour

subsidies for non-competitive industries

private ownership of utilities and essential services

If you seriously identify as an AnCap and think that your life would be better if the government just went away entirely it just means you're a loser in your own system