Delusional weirdo who is totally not self conscious about his weight fights to the bitter end with people over his belief that 105 lbs is overweight for someone who is 4'11". Also, he calls BMI charts 'political constructions' and calls the people depicted in renaissance paintings "morbidly obese."

23  2017-12-09 by Sarge_Ward

Starts in /r/Rateme

(OP)I'm 105 lbs, just 4'11" with baby fat in my face lol

Definitely could lose weight IMO. 105 would be fine if you were 5'3"

In this thread he says that anyone who isn't american would consider her to be obese, calls BMI charts political constructions, etc.

There was already a drama thread about it here, but I wanted to make a second post because things get a little interesting when the SRDines manage to get him to join in over there.

Look at old Renaissance paintings - women there were morbidly obese but that was considered attractive enough (in both sexes) to immortalize by the era's greatest painters.

(look at this group of disgusting fatsos.)

(Sidenote, that thread has probably my favourite off topic side tangent I've ever seen where some dude just randomly starts demanding one of the users, a politics mod, why he was banned from the sub, and absolutely refuses to use modmail to inquire about it.)

(SRD OP)"You will not walk the streets of major cities in Asia and Europe and find more than a handful of women of her age and weight/height. Period. You're wrong. Have a nice night." Whoop, there it is

this brouhaha to defend the girl in the photo from me is a sign of the desperation some have to avoid the truth.

Here the guy reveals that hes a filthy weeb with a little asian fever, and also claims that "European women as a whole aren't fat," (which is, by far, bar none, the most delusional part of his ramblings to be honest.)


105 and 4'11??

Shit, I bet 10 of those pounds are in those fun bags she's carrying around.

4'11 is fucking tiny yet her tits are large definitely a good % of her weight in those tities. I think she is lying about her age though that's some jb if ever I saw it.

"European women as a whole aren't fat."

This is utter fucking shite. I can tell you now, the dirt poor in the East are thin because they are basically dying. The rest are fucking fat disgusting fucks for the most part.

Take this cunt to Sunderland, let him see the true horror of mother nature.

Hey fuck you I posted this first

I included your post in mine. I just wanted to also write about when he continued his shit over in srd.

I... knew that. I definitely knew that.

Im in Asia and that's the normal size of a woman here minus the big funbags.

(Sidenote, that thread has probably my favourite off topic side tangent I've ever seen where some dude just randomly starts demanding one of the users, a politics mod, why he was banned from the sub, and absolutely refuses to use modmail to inquire about it.)

The guy who was asking the mod why he was banned, /u/Biqy, was suspended by the (((admins))) right after.