TrollX loses its mind over whether a tweet might cause GamerGate 2.0

53  2017-12-11 by lewildcard


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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GamerGate 2.0

It's about ethics on Twitter.

140 characters, burgers and fries

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

u/Zombree18, your boyfriend has quite the cabinet collection, tell him I'm impressed.

I would have posted my remade intro of The A-Team based on current trollx posters, or pointed their hypocrisy..but:

a) for the first time in a very long time, they kinda have a point

b) they are not worthy of my brilliance

c) I'm going to sleep, ' cause I have a job to go to tommorow, unlike at least 50% of them, good night everyone.

At least 50%

Really going out on a ledge there with that claim.

d) that sub has 0 bussy

With how many male feminists and trans like to pose as women is bet your looking at quite a lot of bussy.

I was going to say... I'm positive that most of the "female oriented" subs on Reddit are chock-full-o' estradiol addled bussy.

a female

internalized misogyny smh

I love how that works always sends the sub into a little meltdown.

A little bit of drama actually started because of the OP's use of female.

Being really into video games isn’t something to be proud of.

agreed. people who say their hobbies are "playing video games" or make video game references need to sent to the gas chambers

The 6 things I can't do without: * tv
* Netflix * Cheetos
* vidya
* binge-watching [current popular cartoon for adults] * oxygen lol

Looking to meet a cute, fit guy with similar interests


I can accomplish one of those and assuage the rest with liquor.

Assuage is too smart a word for me. Do you mean just get super hammered and not give a fuck? Cause I'm with you.

To make less annoying, so yeah.

This is like my Vietnam

I don't smoke dank weed or crush pussy so I don't have much else to list under hobbies

Weed ain't a hobby, it's just something to do while playing videogames, like developing diabetes!

Play video games is a hobby though.

It also isn't something to be ashamed of.

Aww, honey. Yes it is.

You brag about playing videogames too, don't you?

Nope, I just generally don't think its worth my time to look down on someone who enjoys games, good or any other media. Seems petty.


What no witty response?

i wasnt put on this flat earth to entertain you

But your stupidity provides countless hours for me anyway, and for that I'm grateful.

wow ur badass xD

there is a very large amount of the population that defines themselves only by the entertainment they consume and at that point you have to realize that it's okay to recognize that even people who seem nice can have the personality of a walmart commercial and isolate yourself from those people as much as possible, because trying to extract any conversation above a surface level with them is like pulling teeth out

some ppl will tell u "ohh noo thats a little SMUG dont u think??" and well they can suit themselves as they try to force a smile and nod along when their friend pulls them to the side to watch a cool 15 minute youtube video of his favorite office clips haha have you seen the new seth rogen movie coming out??

You try too hard.

He's not wrong, there are a lot of shallow people out there.

Lol you care too much

Upboated for xkcd h8.

Upboated for hating that specific xkcd

Any misuse of the word "females" bothers me. Even said by a woman. Unless its an obvious mocking of the use.

/u/dearmissally I wouldn't worry about the use of female. When referring to you most people are more likely to use nastier words.

Jesus Christ, they talk about male fragility and then freak the fuck out chanting female to each other over and over with zero self awareness. Ironically the only one that said female was the girl in that convo and not the retard talking to her.

I have observed that too. The complain about “female”, but they also use that word interchangeably with “woman”

It's their word now.

Yo waddup my female

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

How many jimmies have you rustled with the signature?

At least 7. Pretty pathetic how people cannot understand basic internet forum tradition and etiquette.

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

roasties are shit at games and good at throwing tendies. It is known.

GamerGate 2.0 Fuck women to the wall.

um...degenerates, commies, shitlords, racists, and subhumans are tolerated in this sub but incels are absolutely not so get the fuck out of here #metoo

I actually get laid op. Shut your faggot ass up.

How much does that cost?

considering it's a 9 year marriage.

Everything. It costs everything. You dipshit.

nothing screams "i get laid" more than bragging about it on the internet.

LET IT BE KNOWN REDDIT, /u/pointmanzero is totally not a psycho virgin incel who's obsessed with bussy and he has TOTALLY touched a real life living + breathing girl before irl

My wife is hotter than any woman you will ever sleep with in your entire life.

This. THIS!

by "tweet" do you mean this obvious Instagram instant messaging conversation?

or did I miss something?

I'm sorry, I'm not a huge faggot so I wasn't paying super hard attention to the specific social media platform the bullshit was posted on. I'm guessing you already know this, but ((((it's instagram)))).

Is your mind blown? Has all the confusion about the drama suddenly clear now? Please let me know you dumbfuck, I'm sure tens of people are waiting on this very clarification as well.

sperging out this hard to cover the fact that you don't what a fucking tweet screenshot looks like in 2017

wew lad

yes, i am really mad because i don't use twitter

A bunch of nerdy dudes LARPing as women and getting irate about other nerdy dudes.

Trollx is as much men as incels was all women.

The SRDines on this sub definitely overstate the number of fake-men who post there. Most of the people posting there are just shitty women. But the population isn't '0'.

Not '0' but not much. Even if you include ones calling themselves women packing hogs, it's mostly real broads there.

At the point you look like shrek without green skin, can they really be considered women any more?

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy


Thinking women suck at video games isn't going to stop anyone from getting pussy. I think when I fuck my wife tonight I'm going to stop and tell her mid colitis, "you really don't know shit about video games outside of those chick games you play on your tablet" and shes going to look at me angry and say "keep going don't stop you asshole, and you already know I suck at video games." Then I'm going to mention you and shes going to look at me confused as to why I'm bringing up some random redditor, and I'm going to say "never mind your pretty little head baby" and finish the job.

Tbh, this is a lot more autistic than anything in the link.

I was going for retarded.

I thought it might be a copy pasta

Remember behind every great copy pasta, there was a retarded post.


It's always nice to see pasta made fresh.

Yeah, but like, did you really play them or did you just run around in circles or spend all your time changing the character skins to make them look pretty?

I mean, what's wrong about doing that anyway if it's fun? This is why I never got into gaming personally; as a kid I wanted to run the characters around and explore the world a bit. Dad and brother would get pissed that I was "wasting time" not following the storyline. I was just doing it differently. FFS It's a game! Let people PLAY.

I remember randomly playing bioshock infinite not too long ago and really enjoying it at first. I was having a great time exploring the world and seeking out whatever thing I was supposed to be finding. I didn't realize it was actually a first person shooter until I triggered the "actual" game play and everything started shooting at me. It wasn't nearly as much fun after that.

the authentic grrrrl gamers showing their hand way too early lmaoooo


This guy probably wants to fuck you right now but is to much of an social retard to do it right. Either that or you literally look like someone who wouldn't be into that music so I do not see what the issue is.

I mean, I would assume a Church going, well dressed bloke wouldn't be into Black Sabbath just like I'd assume that weekend, local bar warrior isn't into Justin Bieber



Except you weren't there and you know nothing about me. And if your made up character says an album is one of his favourite of all time, why would you be more surprised that they know the year it came out? Like I said, you weren't there, so all of your hypothetical scenarios are figments of yoir imagination. Sometimes people make stupid assumptions about women, you don't need to be woke to know that it's not a once in a lifetime kind of event.

Sometimes people make stupid assumptions about women

Think you meant about people in general? cause yea that's totally what I'm going for and it's totally what happens every single day. Do you literally look like someone that wouldn't in to Black Sabbath? think about it for a second and be honest with yourself here.

For me, if you look like the typical american women / girl w.e the fuck you wanna use, I'd assume do not like or even know Black Sabbath.

Think you meant about people in general?

Well yeah, no shit, of course assumptions are made about all kinds of people. But let's not pretend that the exact same assumptions are made about all groups of people indiscriminately. That's not the way the world works.

I'd assume you do not like or even know Black Sabbath.

And more often than not your assumption may even be correct. But if you meet a woman who says to you they're one of her favourite bands, it would be pretty ignorant and arrogant of you to act surprised that she knows the year her favourite album came out.

But if you meet a woman who says to you they're one of her favourite bands, it would be pretty ignorant and arrogant of you to act surprised that she knows the year her favourite album came out.

I mean again if she doesn't look like a person that know's Anal Devastators, I would be surprised to find out she in fact does know and actually enjoys what they do. How exactly is that ignorant and arrogant?

lol at Anal Devastators. I think you're missing the point, and there's only so many times I can repeat the same thing. Peace

No problem babes, keep it fresh <3

Also do not steal AD, it's mine.

Black Sabbath are one of the biggest bands of all time, why would it be surprising that someone liked them?

I had to google them this morning.

Anyway I'm more saying I'd be surprised if my EDM loving step sister told me today she's a huge fan of Black Sabbath because she does not have the look, personality, style and general music taste of someone that would probably like Black Sabbath, so ofc I would be surprised.

Yup you’re right. Women were put on this earth JUST to complain about the shit men do, and you can never do anything correctly in our eyes. Our existence depends on bitching about you. You’ve cracked the code to the meaning of life!



is it easy for just anyone to be a sports reporter?

Yes, it is. Especially in today's blog infested world. Cam was an idiot for his comment but it mostly certainly is easy to be a sports reporter.

Seems they need at least a B.A. in journalism or a related field. I'd think all aspects of sports are highly competitive. It really was a stupid comment then because that lowers the bar for everyone in the room not just the people who happen to have a breast and vagina.

You really don't need that anymore. It helps, for sure, and is probably the best way to get in. But with today's internet based journalism building a reputation regardless of your degree can get you press pass credentials from sports teams.

There was an excellent post on /r/nfl last week breaking down Case Keenum's strengths and weaknesses that's better than anything I've read in years from my local reporters.

I dunno, did the tweet fuck 5 guys and threaten jobs to shut people up?

I mean lol stupid goober gaters stop hating women, shut the fuck up and read some polygon articles you piece of shit

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy