Neckbeards over at /r/WholesomeMemes fantasize about having the opportunity to deny women agency. Arguments break out when users try to deduce a characters BAC from a shitty four page comic with no dialogue.

13  2017-12-11 by TUMS_FESTIVAL


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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The most chivalrous comment in the thread goes to /u/Casual_Wizard:

Yes! I'm also thinking, in the last panel, it looks like its cold and windy outside, plus the middle of the night. If he stayed and made sure she's okay, he could also crash on the couch and get some sleep, too. Who knows how far he has to go until he's home? They could have breakfast and properly get to know each other. :)

Reading your username gave me giggling flashbacks of when Rich Evans was completely wrong about which movie that line was from. Also, thanks!

Are you serious about the staying over advice? You know that's a good way to get the police calles on you, dont you.

I was kinda going from my own experience where these two aren't compete strangers. I mean, she bricht him home.

Dude if you meet some random chick at a bar and a bar don't be good guy who tuck her in. Hell don't even go to her house if she's that drunk. Fuck that, that's just asking for trouble.

... Which is why I said, I was assuming they're not complete strangers.

But could she consent to a sleepover? Semi problematic.

Watching the pathetic neckbeards of reddit in their natural environment always makes me feel better about myself. Sure, I might be a smug autist who does nothing but shit up /r/drama threads all day, but at least I'm not as pathetic as the average reddit cuckold. Or at least that's what I tell myself.