Blackpeopletwitter still convinced they are fighting the good fight.

82  2017-12-12 by Standard12



There's your problem lol.

Right now?

Maybe that too lol ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

who doesn't love reddits minstrel show

you literally get banned from their sub if you point out how the overwhelming majoritt of BPT users are white. it's in their rules lol

/u/zetice and the rest of the mod team are going to feel real good about themselves next week when they get featured on Anderson Cooper because this kid is going to neck himself.

bitch dont /u/ me

Awww, don't be like that, /u/Zetice. Think of all that sweet, sweet music the two of you could make.

Says the guy who’s bullying an 11 year old kid. Fuck off.

We are all /u/Zetice on this day.

Fuck you zetice, limp dick twink lookin motherfucker

don't be /r/etarded then







You may have meant u/Zetice instead of U/Zetice.

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You may have meant u/Zetice instead of U/Zetice.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.


You may have meant u/Zetice instead of U/Zetice.

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You may have meant u/Zetice instead of U/Zetice.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.


You may have meant u/Zetice instead of U/Zetice.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.


You may have meant u/Zetice instead of U/Zetice.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.


Ha at least /u/zetice is finally getting on the case and removing all the posts for not being BPT enough anymore.

I feel like maybe we made a difference today

are going to feel real good about themselves next week when they get featured on Anderson Cooper because this kid necked himself.

They'll feel fine because they'll still believe the lie that he called people a nigger. They'll double down just like they did with August Ames.

jesus christ /u/DubTeeDub, you're literally defending a fucking kid getting raked over social media around the world based on a faked conversation

you are literal shit

/u/DubTeeDub also mods /r/againsthatesubreddits. Online harassment is his bread and butter.

/u/DubTeeDub Don't you think that's a bit hypocritical ?

Given his profile, I'd say asking questions that require self awareness would be unproductive.

Ah, mod of an actual hate sub. Of course he is a pos.

Someone should post his comment to /r/AgainstHateSubreddits and see how long it takes to be removed.

/u/DubTeeDub , how does it feel to be a huge piece of shit?

user reports:

1: it feels really great :)

what a pussy

Nothing new from them.

I'm going to upvote you based on effort alone.

Thanks! I'm just scrolling through reddit on my phone and it's post after post on BPT about this kid. Then top comment is generally "it's fake, everyone calm down" and then the rest are "Fuck you, they racist".

Pretty good stuff.

Last night I'd heard nothing about him, this morning reddit's fucking filled with it. Nothing like a good old social media witchhunt.

I wonder if at some point people will try and do something about how prone to insane torch and pitchfork mobs the internet has made us. From a drama point of view it's great of course, but if hypothetically I were an adult with a sense of empathy and social responsibility, I'd probably view the growing phenomenon as troubling.

If you were sane in the traditional sense of the word. But the people in charge are all sociopathic whackjobs or otherwise mentally imbalanced, so don't expect any of them to give it much thought.

This is a good article. I found it because someone on the hate subreddit known as SRD was defending the Twitter mob

Last night I'd heard nothing about him, this morning reddit's fucking filled with it. Nothing like a good old social media witchhunt.

For the record, it's the second post about it I see, the first one was here too. You should learn to reddit better.

I wonder about the internet thing too.

What happened with this kid? I'm completely out the loop.

white boy tears

The most delicious of tears, tbh.

White Kid got bullied. Because Reddit hates mayos, they trolled through all his family's social media until they found a picture of his mom holding a confederate flag. Also, someone on BPT faked some racist screenshots. So now Reddit is totally pro-bullying, so long as it happens only to mayo-men.

So now Reddit is totally pro-bullying, so long as it happens only to mayo-men.

And pornstars too!

Reddit is totally pro-bullying, so long as it happens only to mayo-men.

Tbh, reddit's pro-Mayocide policy was stolen from /r/Drama.

It's nice that you can derive so much pleasure from self pity.

He was in a picture with his mom in front of a confederate flag like 3 years ago so that makes it okay to bully the shit out of him now.

Christ, this whole affair is such a shitshow. First time I heard about it I figure it's just some dumbass mother using her kid for attention, definitely not in the best interest of your kid to post his entire crying about bullying video online, but whatever. Some people post fake go fund mes to fish $$, also par for the course.

And now, Reddit being Reddit, they turned it into a witch hunt, using 90% fake information and two screenshots of his mother holding a confederate flag years ago. No idea why I'm even surprised at this reaction. Of course Reddit turned this into a witch hunt.

I really like the people saying he got bullied for saying nigger. The only evidence of that was some random person on Twitter saying so, yet there's hundreds of people on reddit and twitter saying that's why he was bullied.

People are fucking dumb.

It shows transparent stupidity, they are show it us true because they wish it so. Because truly as you rightly said where's the evidence?

I saw the video and i doubt he said the n word. He was sad, not angry.

Do your part to keep our community the world healthy a shitshow by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

The people who run reddit don't seem to get that their level of moderation on this site precludes Safe Harbor protections, and that they can in fact be sued for anything and everything that happens here.

They banned /r/Incels because they have issues with angry men. But they should have banned /r/Incels because eventually, one of them was going to go Elliot Rogers or just rape a bunch of bitches, and that was going to lead to lawsuits by families who'd argue that /r/Incels was egging them on, and to the kind of PR you just can't come back from, 4-Chan or Darkweb levels of bad-PR.

And at some point, some whackos from Chapo or LSC are going to blow something up, and because Admins don't have a problem with angry leftists or feminists, they're going to reach the same result.

A responsible company would have shut all of those subs down years ago, instead of playing whack-a-mole in response to media outrage.

I dunno, one of the whackos over at /r/childfree locked his kid in a hot car and cooked it to death.

Did /r/incels ever kill anyone?

Woah what? Can you link a quick rundown?

Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs In contact with aliens Rumoured to possess psychic abilities Control france with an iron fist Own castles and banks all over the world Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city) Own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth Published theoretical physics papers in scientific journals over 200 years ahead of their time. Scientists are still unable to understand the complexities of their research. First designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies Both brothers said to have 200+ IQ Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them These are the Bogdanoff twins They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church They learned fluent French in under a week Saved Europe from destruction with a single phone call Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human. In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love.

goddammit. I knew when I used that word this was going to be posted


Trigger warning: SRDines.

I normally find internet drama funny but this is really fucking sad, the kid is getting insane amounts of hatred over a rumor, and he’s only 11. If he grows up to be a serial killer we’ll have no one but ourselves to blame

Yup, bullying is part of life and most people get over it. But witch hunts can leave a much more lasting impact, when this kid ends up looking for a job later in his life employees will google him and find his name to be associated with racism. And that's unlikely to be a plus on his resume.

It's kind ironic that Reddit and Twitter ended up fucking over the kid more than his bullies ever could.

That reminds me, I went to high school with a guy whose dad is now in prison for a pretty big white-collar crime (millions of dollars), and he has the exact same name as his dad, they look similar, and there are a shitload of articles about it online. So whenever a company looks into him, that will be the first thing they find. I feel pretty bad for him, tbh.

In the court of public opinion sins of the father can definitely fuck over their children, he's obviously a lot younger than his dad so he has the age difference going for him. But employers that only give the results a cursory glance will definitely get the wrong idea, yeah.

That's what's necessary so people stop the weird practice of naming their children after themselves.

rebel flags make redditors irrationally angry. my guess is the men waving them tend to intimidate the average effeminate manlet posting here

Hard to judge this. On one hand I'm pro bullying ugly kids. But on the other hand I'm pro bullying ugly kids.

>no chin


deus vult, amigos.

I get you. It's not like I need a reason to enjoy bullying a mutant but the nazi story sounds like a good hook.


It's like when you give your kid brother and unplugged vidya controller while he watches you play. He's not doing anything at all but man is he happy doing it.

Love how on the original post the top comment was a link to Tariq Nasheed and agreeing with him

I prefer to believe that no one on that sub is real

It's a bunch of white kids laughing at black people while they say they're laughing with.

Those idiots shouls known that the gofundme account was not set up by the mother.

It amazes me that anyone donates to any GoFundMe. If you donated to a nonprofit the money probably goes farther and you can ensure that the money goes where it says it's supposed to go.

Some bitch created a GoFundMe account to buy Twitter to ban Donald and got like $100K that she can use for anything. I respect her innovation so much though.

I need a donald trump thing so i can get a fast 100k

Ask for donations to ban Donald Trump from America. Don't even be specific just say you're going to ban him from America and it's making a statement against the White House or some shit.

10k-20k easy rube money

You just made me a thousandaire

Easy money babe. Easy money.


>black people

/u/wsgy111 was a mistake 🤦🏻‍♀️

Can this not turn into the dead pornstar again where 80% of this shithole sub stumbles over eachother to win a virtue signalling contest?

I really just enjoy the drama to be honest. Don't give a shit about this kid, his family or any of the people whinging about it.

"There's also an unconfirmed story going around that the incident started because Keaton used the n-word on multiple occasions and his schoolmates started getting on him to stop." ....

And /r/blackpeopletwitter makes a post about it with the title:

"EXPOSED! "Bullied kid" turns out to be racist bully. Loads of receipts in the replies. Celebs now retracting offers"

These people are straight up retarded.

And it's so cheesy.

"The only bullying was him repeatedly using the n-word and his classmates selflessly all imploring the evil kid to stop"

It actually came across as satire to me, like a reverse circlejerk.

I can't believe these people.

I used to love being on /r/blackpeopletwitter but since it became almost default in size it's just become retarded.

I guarantee you the people jerking so hard about "HOW BOW DAH, GOT RECEIPTS" are 13 year old white kids trying too hard. It's cringeworthy for actual blacks like me or any people that aren't putting on that reddit black face where you see in every over sub the user is talking normally but in /r/blackpeopletwitter they put on their marmite/nutella/cocoadust/niggergel or whatevertefuck they think will make them legit and start talking in their reddit minstrelsy "SALTY, BITCHH FUCC BOI"

fucking hell.

Meanwhile, his town has a 0.17% population(Maynardville,TN) of black people, it's possible the kid doesn't even go to school with any black people.

Just rename the sub r/whitepeoplepostblackpeoplestweets already.