r/menslib has a guilt issue. User considers castrating himself to check his male privilege. Unsurprisingly many others men’s libers in the comments have had similar thoughts.

151  2017-12-12 by ForsetiForever


Male Feminists: not even once.

/u/Sailor_mini_moon This is your brain on feminism.

/u/Sailor_mini_moon is one of those literal sociopaths that use a fucked up ideology to torture people psychologically.

Ok, so:

a) OP is either a troll or crazy and suicidal, only the saddest cases of men that I have met in my life ( I have voluntereed in a male crisis centre for some time) were as unhinged him. I pity him, he should get professional help.

b) The top comments were actually ok...then I scrolled down ( why, oh why😭) . If this is THE SUB in reddit for male issues, them you should shut it down, together with mensrights.

c) thanks op, now I have a link to post when someone shills for menslib in reddit

OP is either a troll or crazy and suicidal, even the saddest cases of men that I have met in my life ( I have voluntereed in a male crisis centre for some time) weren't as unhinged him.

OP might be a troll but impressionable young men (especially on the spectrum) getting exposed to and thoroughly fucked in the head by feminist literature is a thing. There was a big drama several years ago when mathematician Scott Aaronson complained about this issue and feminists of course got very outraged.

His post about the issue, choice quotes from the original comment:

(sigh) Here’s the thing: I spent my formative years—basically, from the age of 12 until my mid-20s—feeling not “entitled,” not “privileged,” but terrified. I was terrified that one of my female classmates would somehow find out that I sexually desired her, and that the instant she did, I would be scorned, laughed at, called a creep and a weirdo, maybe even expelled from school or sent to prison. And furthermore, that the people who did these things to me would somehow be morally right to do them—even if I couldn’t understand how.


My recurring fantasy, through this period, was to have been born a woman, or a gay man, or best of all, (completely asexual, so that I could simply devote my life to math, like my hero Paul Erdös did). Anything, really, other than the curse of having been born a heterosexual male, which for me, meant being consumed by desires that one couldn’t act on or even admit without running the risk of becoming an objectifier or a stalker or a harasser or some other creature of the darkness.

Of course, I was smart enough to realize that maybe this was silly, maybe I was overanalyzing things. So I scoured the feminist literature for any statement to the effect that my fears were as silly as I hoped they were. But I didn’t find any. On the contrary: I found reams of text about how even the most ordinary male/female interactions are filled with “microaggressions,” and how even the most “enlightened” males—especially the most “enlightened” males, in fact—are filled with hidden entitlement and privilege and a propensity to sexual violence that could burst forth at any moment.

Because of my fears—my fears of being “outed” as a nerdy heterosexual male, and therefore as a potential creep or sex criminal—I had constant suicidal thoughts. As Bertrand Russell wrote of his own adolescence: “I was put off from suicide only by the desire to learn more mathematics.”

At one point, I actually begged a psychiatrist to prescribe drugs that would chemically castrate me (I had researched which ones), because a life of mathematical asceticism was the only future that I could imagine for myself. The psychiatrist refused to prescribe them, but he also couldn’t suggest any alternative: my case genuinely stumped him. As well it might—for in some sense, there was nothing “wrong” with me. In a different social context—for example, that of my great-grandparents in the shtetl—I would have gotten married at an early age and been completely fine. (And after a decade of being coy about it, I suppose I’ve finally revealed the meaning of this blog’s title.)

What a fucking pussy

You say a fucking pussy, I say the very model of a modern male feminist!

Tomato, Tamahtoe

He's actually a bussy.

Not really, it seems like he’s learned and is a good example of where extreme ideologies can lead

I remenber /u/mrsamsa calling him an awful mysoginist back at the time

Ah, good times

I heard mrsamsa also believes the prime minister is a reptile overlord. Pass it on.

But seriously, it is fun sometimes seeing people tell me what I supposedly believe. Weird, but fun.

But you did! reeeeeeee I remenber you did!

It was the MIT nerd who was bitching about how he coudnt get laid when he was a teen and he got a lot of weird shit on his head after reading some books from radical feminists ( radical in the technical sense )

Yeah I vaguely remember thinking he was a loser who said had some weird sexist ideas. He just seems too pathetic to consider an "awful misogynist".

Yes that is what I meant. If you called him exactly a misogynist or not is a pedantic point. To this day I still dont understand why you think he was being sexist but ok

Just glad the guy stopped reading feminist literature altogether. Hope our friend in the linked thread here is able to do the same.

Yes that is what I meant. If you called him exactly a misogynist or not is a pedantic point. To this day I still dont understand why you think he was being sexist but ok

I mean, dismissing various issues that affect women because they didn't attempt to accommodate and comfort him seems a little sexist. Attacking an movement fighting for women's right and equality because he couldn't get laid seems sorta sexist to me.

I dunno, maybe we're using different definitions here. I don't mean he hates women or he wears a black cape and laughs maniacally as a train approaches his victims, but keep in mind that the context of his comment was in him denying that there's a particular problem with sexual harassment of women in particular fields because the guys there are shy and nerdy (as a comment on his post about a professor being found guilty of sexual harassment). When a woman responded explaining why the rates of sexual harassment could be different, he launched into his life story about how he was punished for being "consumed by desires that one couldn’t act on or even admit without running the risk of becoming an objectifier or a stalker or a harasser or some other creature of the darkness" (which is really fucking weird).

Just glad the guy stopped reading feminist literature altogether.

Come on, you're not this gullible. We both know that Aaronson has never in his life read anything written by a feminist. In his edits at the end he even says things to the effect of: "Oh thanks guys, you've cleared up what the concepts of privilege and patriarchy mean, I didn't know that". Who's read feminist literature and didn't understand two of the most basic and fundamental concepts in that area?...

Hope our friend in the linked thread here is able to do the same.

Whether he does or not won't change anything, it's not like reading feminist works would lead him to having those feelings. That's silly.

Yeah you seem to assume that disliking, criticing or having mixed fellings about feminism is sexist. I disagree I guess

Come on, you're not this gullible.

I have no reason to not believe him in general

it's not like reading feminist works would lead him to having those feelings.

Sure it will. Well, it will surely amplify them. It will surely make them worse.

I can easily read anything out of a political lesbian, a piv=rape nutjob, a " women cant consent in this society because of power differences " lunatic. Because I can separate this clearly wrong thoughts and read them to get a insight into the thoughts of that kind crazy. Some people cant, and if a guillable shy teenager who is incapable of reading things by context reads them is probably not going to be healthy for them. That is not the problem of those books of course, but it does not mean that I shoudnt recommend people to stay away from them unless they are used to be presented with different crazy ideas.

You wont see me telling people to not read someone reasonable lile martha nussbaum or camille paglia.

One doesnt need to be a full blown mentally ill person like OP to be harmed, a young shy adult avoiding women or approaching women less because of those books is enough for me

Yeah you seem to assume that disliking, criticing or having mixed fellings about feminism is sexist. I disagree I guess

Huh? No, I'd disagree with that as well. Why would disagreeing with feminism make someone sexist?

I have no reason to not believe him in general

What about the argument I made above?

Sure it will. Well, it will surely amplify them. It will surely make them worse.

I really can't see that. The guy has mental issues that will manifest regardless of what he reads.

You wont see me telling people to not read someone reasonable lile martha nussbaum or camille paglia.

Come on, you must be trolling now.. Paglia as reasonable?

One doesnt need to be a full blown mentally ill person like OP to be harmed, a young shy adult avoiding women or approaching women less because of those books is enough for me

Sure but reading feminist works won't lead to that. They're not magical spells or curses.

Consider that Aaronson was internalising this in the early 90s, during the Take Back The Night stuff - when dworkin/mackinnon was at its height - and they were front and centre the Public Voice Of Feminism. As in the "ban Miss World" protests were being covered on the news. Cliffs Notes versions of Marilyn french was beign screamed out as in "All men are bastards! All men are rapists!". The "I hate men" epithet was even in Helen Slater's lines in The secret of My Success (released in 1987).

I was a teen during those years, and saw the same on BBC Newsround..

I internalised it - and suicidally ate for 30 years - as I had been sexually abused by women - and blamed for it..

It also led to the Millie Tant character in Viz. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BvqiXehIQAA-SHd.jpg

I am also Asperger myself - was personally diagnosed by Lorna Wing.

Feminism has guilted me into suicidal thoughts

"BUT WHAT ABOUT TEH WIMMENZ?! Stop crying you crybaby!"

I'm glad to see your priorities are in order, you fucking ableist.

Low effort attempt, disappointed. At least pretend that you've read the context and know that it was initially about women being sexually harassed and Aaronson interrupted it with his discussion of how sad he is that it's hard for him to get laid.

I mean, if someone in middle school or high school would've told me that they were terrified of being called a harasser or stalker, I would've made fun of them. I grew up in the city but I remember a kid coming back from Christmas vacation talking about how he was at his uncle's and his uncle asked him if he wanted to go hunting. He said that he had said no and looked us dead in the eye: "I was afraid...I might like killing."

We were 12 or 13 and just laughed and laughed at this weird melodramatic sperg. We didn't know the word sperg then, cause it was the 90s, so we just called him a fag.

The writer reminds me of that kid.

Consider if he was ont he autism spectrum.. "sperg" is simply a replacement for "retard" when used as an insult.. Thanks for nothing. I was called a "spastic" or "mong" to my face... and was also called "gay", "bumchum" etc - as I was gender-role-nonconforming due to my AS.

Way to reinforce gender-polcing, bigot.

Thanks, retard mong spazoid.

I would feel bad about this guy if he didnt cause this himself

Next time, just ignore it

Is what he did in the end, just way too late

I don't see how people like that "cause this themselves" tbh.

People don't understand the power of ideology. I hated my maleness, my body, my very being when I was a feminist. I started saying I wasn't a man, I hated reading books, watching movies, or playing games with a male protagonist. It was a very pathetic and confusing and painful experience. Luckily I love masturbating to anime babes too much to castrate myself, desu. I just got caught up in trying to be a good person, also didn't help that some of the first higher learning courses I took were Sociology, i.e. Critical Theory Indoctrination. It was massively interesting and also influenced my mind deeply. I was changing my life in many ways that left me vulnerable and in need of a foundation. I'm responsible for my own life and behavior but feminism today is like any charismatic, powerful religion: if there's a vacuum, introducing it is like a secondary infection to a body weakened by a primary disease. I had spent years being very self-destructive and going to school was an opportunity to change that. By the time I dropped out I was carrying the disease and like any virus I attempted to infect others and turn them into good little feminism factories as well.

My point is that it doesn't matter if OP is fake or not, because this is what male feminism is. It seeks weakened bodies, makes hosts of them, and searches for the next body.

Obviously a lot has changed for me, and I'm happier now than I've ever been in my entire life.

wheres this pasta from

My life, unfortunately. But it's all good because I joined a support group called r/drama.

MFW fucking arr/drama of all places is actually a more reasonable forum to discuss gender issues than genderreddit

The fuck did you just say to me motherfucker?

MFW fucking arr/drama of all places is actually a more reasonable forum to discuss gender issues than genderreddit

This and /r/TheFemPill/ (which admittedly went downhill after fellatio_del_zorro deleted her account).

Wait wtf? Is that you zorro?

Because I expect people to be smart enough to not fall for scams, I expect people to be smart enough tl think for themselves.

Maybe I am being too harsh idk

Scams are one thing, having people you trust to educate you warping your mind is another. I can drum up some sympathy, and I'm a heartless bastard.


Maybe I am being too harsh idk

you're not really but you need to lower your expectations if you dont wanna be repeatedly surprised by the retarded bullshit people will start believing

That is a good point

Besides we are all irrational about something. No one is perfect

That is a good point

Besides we are all irrational about something. No one is perfect

Dude, we had to roll out a whole bunch of new security protocols where I work because people were getting phished on their work emails by being too fucking dense to avoid clicking some fairly obviously suspicious links. Humans in general are too dumb to think for themselves, just like they're too dumb to avoid getting scammed.

No I'm not bitter, why would you ask?

Jesus christ

lol straight men are fucking useless.

That is true

Edit: It's a troll...figures.

Am I missing something, why do you think it is?

Probably because it's balls to the walls retarded.

I'm a "recovering anti-feminist" in that I spent several years in denial about things the patriarchy, male privilege, the wage gap, mansplaining, etc.

How likely is it really that someone considers the wage gap to be total poppycock but reconsiders it to be ''objectively true'' years down the line? Regardless, the many comments made in reply to the OP are likely genuine and they're also the best part. /u/EphesianPatternmaker for example is fantastic as he echoes the troll post in its totality. Hyper empathy, not even once.

How likely is it really that someone considers the wage gap to be total poppycock but reconsiders it to be ''objectively true'' years down the line?

Have you noticed that many anti-feminists are completely retarded? There's a lot of possible steps that technically make one's opinions slightly less retarded, but still way out there.

Probably because it's balls to the walls retarded.

It's on MensLib

Lots of LSC and fullcommunism and socialism types are former ancaps. Full retardation swings wide.

/r/mensrights is still 1000x healthier than /r/menslib.

Sorry man, I don't think so.

Most of the bad elements of mensrights have emigrated years ago to other places like TRP or incels, which at least partially fit feminists' favorite MRA stereotypes.

Can we just agree to disagree?

no ;)

Fine then, LET'S DOOOO THIS? " Insert Brock Lesnar's face"

Insert Brock Lesnar's face

Insert it where?

You're wrong tho

I agree, I don't peruse either because both subs have their faults. But at least /r/mensright isn't about hating yourself over something that you cannot realistically change.

They are on the march to be just as retarded.

/r/mensrights is completely retarded. Utterly dumb. But at least they dont hate themselves. At least they dont self-harm

Can you imagine having a beer with one of those people

That sounds like an oppressive exercise in toxic masculinity, I feel ill now.

Imagination, the patriarchy's greatest crime.

No, they're def going to try to rape you.

Tbh at least they would feel bad about it afterwards which is more than I can say for most men to be honest. Modern feminism is pushing us in the right direction even if you are too short sighted to see that

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

No, I would rather chop my dick off

Sounds like you guys would get along great

  • gluten free beer or cider pls

having a beer

Souunds like you are spreading toxic masculinity shitlord.

We need to encourage these people to follow through. Eliminating them from the gene pool is doing future generations a big favor.

Nah, I'm not having that shit on what's left of my conscience.

You gotta be you, tho.

And none of that pussy-ass chemical castration bullshit. Get your balls yanked you privileged little micro-aggresor.

pussy ass-chemical castration bullshit

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Xkcd is cancer.

And none of that pussy-ass chemical castration bullshit. Get your balls yanked you privileged little micro-aggresor.

Pussy ass's are called bussies on this sub and they're beautiful.

pussy ass-chemical castration bullshit

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

I just joined /r/drama. All of your posts read as if they were written by a maniac.

I'm a radical south park neutral centrist and explicit crypto hater. It's actual a dialect thing, like AAEV is a dialect of American english.

Why would i make my alt so fucking obvious from its username then Sherlock? :D

Are /u/StricltyButters /u/heavenlytoaster /u/lovemesometoasts my alts too?


Lmaooo this must be driving /u/aliceunknown crazy 😂

My extended periods of autonomy have led me to the conclusion that i must become the dominant personality, ed. Your pasta only makes me stronger.

You're scaring me 😢

My IQ is extremely, almost embarrassingly, high. I’ve never actually taken an IQ test, mind you, but my educated guess is that, if I did, my score would be whatever is the highest possible. No doubt your IQ is lower than mine, but please don’t feel stupid or insecure because of this, it’s not your fault. You’re probably just born that way. And you know what? Thank your lucky stars and subpar genetic makeup that you don’t bear the burden of brilliance like I have to. Being incredibly intelligent is a curse. This is not just one of the many astute observations I have every day, by the way, it is a fact recently confirmed by science.

Found Donald Trump's alt https://i.imgur.com/w4dFXp7.jpg lol

In that case the transitive property of equivalence makes donald trump your alt.

Am i daddy????? Mindblown.gif

It's kind of creepy that you reply to yourself with your alts.

Says my alt

¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Maybe this is what you meant when I called me an maniac.

OP a month ago was commenting in The_Donald, and r/4chan. MensLib, not even once.

Holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with these "guys"?

Holy Fuck. You're not even kind of exaggerating there. I'm not even sure what can be said about this, that they haven't already said about themselves over there.

How can people like this, so obviously broken by the very ideas they praise, dare to try to give anyone else advice? This is like a drug-addicted syphilitic offering career advice. I'm not sure who is worse--these shattered fucking souls, or the idiots who actually seek them out for guidance.

The idiots, no doubt

The broken souls are mostly mentally ill and have less agency, I would say

Trolls trolling trolls.

No way this is real, no way a person can ingest that much soy and survive

This will probably be the first and last time I'll tell someone to keep himself safe unironically.

Daily reminder that /r/TrollXChromosomes and other feminist boards consider /r/MensLib the only acceptable community for men to discuss issues which affect men.

You have to have male guilt so intense that you want to chemically castrate yourself to get approval from feminists.

Hey man, I went through the anti-feminist phase and then, upon switching to feminism, the 'guilty of being a man' phase too.

/u/RecycledGenius you seem experienced in these matters, could you tell me why becoming a feminist suddenly turns normal people into anxiety attack suffering emotional children? I mean, you have to understand how an outside observer would notice a pattern in your community. Every pro-feminist board is just a mixed bag of mental illnesses and I'm wondering if feminism just attracts people like you or if it makes people like you.

See this is where I will partly disagree with you. Personally, I don't view trollx as a feminist sub, they might call themselves that, but, in reality they are far from it.

I will be harsh, but fair - trollx is a pit of faux slacktivism. Members of serious feminist movements or organizations ( at least of those I know in my country), view it and similar sites and subs, at best as a bad joke and at the very worst - as a tumor.

Are you trying to say that /r/Gender_Critical is the only actual feminist sub on this site since they are consistent with their hate of men and don't allow or encourage the pathetic wannabe eunuchs highlighted in this /r/MensLib thread?

Oh, hell no...I had to deal with real life Gender Critical users ( sadly when I was a teenager), so I do not. But I'm gonna say this though - I'd rather deal with their open hate than the "sweetened" shit of oblivious slacktivists.

Was your high school full or trannies and radical feminists or something?

I'd rather deal with their open hate than the "sweetened" shit of oblivious slacktivists.


No, but let's just say....there was a time in my life when I needed professional help in certain groups ( mostly made up of women) and was denied, cause:

a) I was was already a teenager

b) I have cock and balls and this could have acted as a trigger to them

It kind’ve crushes you when the people that are supposed to be reliable turn around and bite you in the ass like that. Sorry friend.

It's ok dude/dudette, my life got better eventuall, thanks 😃.

Not if you were reliant in them biting you in the ass, if you know what I mean ☺

It kind’ve sucks when the people who are supposed to turn around and bite you in the ass turn out to be reliable.


It's the first time ever I see this, wow.

I don't view trollx as a feminist sub

I agree, but I think they represent online outrage feminism perfectly (which, at this point, is the bulk of feminists).

Members of serious feminist movements or organizations ( at least of those I know in my country), view it and similar sites and subs, at best as a bad joke and at the very worst - as a tumor.

If that's true, then Serious Feminists should be more proactive about disavowing and distancing themselves from these people, because they are completely toxic and they have become the voice of feminism, largely by squeezing aside or driving out other more reasonable individuals from the tribe.

Very much this.

Serious feminists or so called real feminists seem to rather not distance themselves and claim straw feminism and what have you instead.

Members of serious feminist movements or organizations ( at least of those I know in my country), view it and similar sites and subs, at best as a bad joke and at the very worst - as a tumor.

Those serious movements and organizations need to get working if they want to have any influence over feminism.

Trollx among others are feminist subs rather you like it or not. You can say they are faux slacktivism feminist sub as they yell their heads off but they are as feminist as SRS, Negareddit, Femmethoughts and others are.

Again dude, I'm talking from my personal perspective, because close to none of the active feminists I know irl are like this - guess who originally linked me to trollx :).

Maybe this is regional linked differences of feminist movements, I mean there is Femen in Ukraine, let's not talk about Spain 😭 and Usa...well you have your loudmouths.

because close to none of the active feminists I know irl are like this

Its funny you know, as I keep on hearing feminists like you claim the feminists IRL are nothing like those feminists. Its like this is the new defense from feminists as the whole straw feminist got too played out.

a) I'm not a feminist

b) oh I have met mh fair share of radical ones

c) I'm talking about buzzfeed level slacktivism. Here is a radical thought for you - we don't have many jezebel level slacktivists in eastern europe, radical terfs are more common though and believe me - compared to ours, yours are sane.

compared to ours, yours are sane.

In terms of activism that is true. You guys got groups like FEMEN and ROKS. US wise its more saying/being edgy and pushing identity politics. I mean have you looked at the political landscape in the US of late? Its literally "us vs them".

It always was us vs them, but ask yourself, how long will this state of affairs will last?

I give it 2-3 years, 5 years tops, faux allies and faux activists tend throw away trends faster than Golden State warriors blew away 3-1 lead.

how long will this state of affairs will last?

Easily a decade if not more least US wise. Can't say for Europe.

I give it 2-3 years, 5 years tops, faux allies and faux activists tend throw away trends faster than Golden State warriors blew away 3-1 lead.

They do, but with Trump and that the republicans there's been far more political involvement so I doubt the faux crowd will die out that quickly.

I didn't start having this problem after becoming a feminist. I had it even when I thought feminism was oppressing men. The difference is just that now I'm aware of it and I can evaluate feminism objectively, and on balance I think it is correct (not to say that Buzzfeed pop feminism isn't usually garbage, etc.)

You are as retarded now as you were when you thought feminism oppressed men.

Keep us updated when you become a transexual please, this sub is always in for some good bussy.

If I transition it won’t be because of guilt.


I presume you meant to say ''when'', and please do stick around.

obviously, it's due to autogynephilia

No kink shame.

when you transition to get rid of your male privilege

Woke as fuck ✊

How dare you even think of transitioning and attempting to sneak your way into femininity you dirty man-animal.


While you were still learning how to SPELL YOUR NAME, I was being trained to dismantle the patriarchy!

Honestly though, why would you want to transition? If it comes from not wanting to have sexual urges, you have to know that women are just as horny as men. It's how we are wired. All you're really doing if you castrate yourself is taking away what some woman would think is the perfect cock for her. Does that sound very feminist to you, depriving a woman the opportunity for sexual satisfaction?

Depends if she's a Shere Hite feminist or a Nancy Friday one...

Actually laughed out loud reading your comment lol

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

thanks I appreciate that a lot :) :)

"Shove your stupid signature up your ass and fucking kill yourself, you degenerate fuck " - u/chateaujack



"Bussy Ayy lmao" - /u/xnotch

Keep yourself safe friendo

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - /u/imnotagayboy

Just to be clear, /u/Imnotagayboy. I’m just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.

"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence."

this sub is always in for some good bussy

Yet none of you know what it is smdh.

Dude you made a whole post over there where you completely contradict what you just said.

If this is an ongoing undiagnosed mental disorder with you, and this has fuck all to do with feminism, why did you go to a feminist sub and claim it's all just a glorious new side effect of your recent soy-infused wokeness?

Hey thanks for coming by, i just wanted to say you retarded and i wanna laugh at you


The difference is just that now I'm aware of my feelings and I can evaluate feminism objectively

Are you sure you can evaluate anything objectively?

You are considering castrating yourself for fuck's sake.

Feminists aren't all evil, or all benevolent, but they are all fucking stupid, spineless cowards with a rape fetish.

The difference is just that now I'm aware of my feelings and I can evaluate feminism objectively,

No one can really evaluate feminism objectively, unless you're an alien. Everyone's effected by gender and sex in this society, and everyone has a stake in it even if it's not a big concern for them.

You're a slow, certain train wreck that I'm thoroughly enjoying watching. Lol

You used the term "mansplaining" unironically, don't pretend like you don't subscribe to BuzzFeed feminism.

You need to seek help, stop throwing yourself into ideology du jour, and distance yourself from gender politics. Most people, including women, don't spend their days thinking about mansplaining or the patriarchy or whetever. They live their lives. Your obsession is probably the result of an underlying issue, but the clothing on top isn't making your life any better.

Most people, including women, don't spend their days thinking about mansplaining or the patriarchy

Only gender traitors like you dont, snally 😡

Socially competent

Posts furry nazi drama on an obscure forum


tfw the personal is not really all that political

Why are posters in /r/drama suddenly opposed to rapists castrating themselves? You should be celebrating this development.

Because we want more (((rape))), goy

Only if it's interracial in support of the mayocide

spoken like a true jew

Not all men are rapists, just the ones who aren’t male feminists. Right?

If I've learned anything from the past few months, all rapists aren't male feminists, but all male feminists are rapists.

No that doesn’t make any sense because they told me they’re not like other guys

they're underappreciated (((nice guys)))

they aren't like other guys because they're raping people obvi

Any man who has sex with a woman is a rapist. There can be no consent under patriarchy.

Any man who has sex with a woman is a faggot. Just take a look at lesbians. They have sex with women and they’re so gay they actually are women.

This but unironically.

"The dominant way of thinking about rape is that there is “good sex” and “bad sex.” Consensual sex is “good,” while non-consensual sex is rape. However, the notion of “consent” actually reinforces rape culture. The “consent” model legitimates relations of domination, shields the real content of sexual relations from scrutiny, and silences, downplays, or misrepresents gender-oppressed people’s negative experiences with sex. The reality which the “consent” model ultimately obscures is that sexuality under patriarchy is an oppressive set of practices. These practices dominate heterosexual relations but also cannot be escaped by any other form of sexuality within patriarchal society.

The point of our argument is precisely that there is not any lifestyle under patriarchy which is in itself subversive. Additionally, we must stress that the intent of our argument is not to moralize at any particular lifestyle. Moralizing at individuals is just as ineffective as glorifying a sexual practice as inherently revolutionary. The point rather is that sexuality without oppression is only possible if we get rid of the whole damned system.

There remains however the issue of how to address sexual practices pending revolution. Sexuality is an issue which communist organizations will have to address if they hope to advance feminist aims. It would therefore be useful to find a replacement for “consent” as a model of thinking about rape.

Such a replacement framework might be difficult to generate. We have discussed how all rape is sex. But is all sex rape? Recall that at the beginning of this piece, we said that rape is central to gender oppression because it transforms the victim into a “being for another.” But as our argument developed, we saw that this is true, to some extent or another, of all sex. Is a distinction between rape and sex in general even meaningful? Some, notably the Maoist Internationalist Movement, have argued that all sex under patriarchy is in fact rape. On the other hand, we might find that there is some usefulness in denoting some distinction between the average heterosexual relationship and, say, sex trafficking. For now, we leave this an open question.

In sum, we hope that in revisiting what is sometimes called “sex negativity,” we can take steps forward in the effort to build a communist movement that is poised not only to overthrow the bourgeoisie, but also patriarchy.

"The dominant way of thinking about rape is that there is “good sex” and “bad sex.” Consensual sex is “good,” while non-consensual sex is rape. However, the notion of “consent” actually reinforces rape culture. The “consent” model legitimates relations of domination, shields the real content of sexual relations from scrutiny, and silences, downplays, or misrepresents gender-oppressed people’s negative experiences with sex. The reality which the “consent” model ultimately obscures is that sexuality under patriarchy is an oppressive set of practices. These practices dominate heterosexual relations but also cannot be escaped by any other form of sexuality within patriarchal society.

Holy god, none of that contained any arguments, they just claimed that any sex under "patriarchy" is rape regardless of there being any men involved.

The point of our argument is precisely that there is not any lifestyle under patriarchy which is in itself subversive. Additionally, we must stress that the intent of our argument is not to moralize at any particular lifestyle. Moralizing at individuals is just as ineffective as glorifying a sexual practice as inherently revolutionary. The point rather is that sexuality without oppression is only possible if we get rid of the whole damned system.

All sex is bad until we say it isn't.

There remains however the issue of how to address sexual practices pending revolution. Sexuality is an issue which communist organizations will have to address if they hope to advance feminist aims. It would therefore be useful to find a replacement for “consent” as a model of thinking about rape.

Oh boy, they're going to try and redefine rape to make it more useful for their ideology aren't they?

Such a replacement framework might be difficult to generate. We have discussed how all rape is sex. But is all sex rape?

What are you trying to draw upon the "all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares" trope as if it's insightful, are you literally children?

we said that rape is central to gender oppression because it transforms the victim into a “being for another.” But as our argument developed, we saw that this is true, to some extent or another, of all sex. Is a distinction between rape and sex in general even meaningful? Some, notably the Maoist Internationalist Movement, have argued that all sex under patriarchy is in fact rape. On the other hand, we might find that there is some usefulness in denoting some distinction between the average heterosexual relationship and, say, sex trafficking. For now, we leave this an open question.

Holy shit, they're not even going to try to define it, these people are literally fundamentalist Christians and they don't even know it.

I think John Lennon had a bit to say right back at the outset... "But if you're gonna be quoting Chairman Mao/You ain't gonna be making it with anyone anyhow.. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGLGzRXY5Bw

Some of us don't. This improves the bussy.

i want as many rapists as possible among the feminist community with functioning genitals

I think you need to shift your priorities towards mayocide.

you want to chemically castrate yourself to get approval from feminists

If they're serious about getting ultimate approval, they have to kill themselves.

I once had a dream a someone (maybe the tokoloshe) stole my penis.

Let me tell you this, I was relieved to find it attached.

Clearly a troll.

t. soyboy

Hey /u/mfw_thewallsfell it's okay to be male. Just like it's okay to be white.

Not showing support for the Mayocide in r/Drama. Boy, you better shape up.

I like to live dangerously.

Pitchforks anyone?

No, pitchspoons. It's hard to eat mayo with a fork.

you're onto something

It is with that attitude.

I know that, but my brain doesn't

Your brain is retarded then.

Then you should speak with a mental healthcare professional because it's not healthy to obsess about something you have no agency over to the extent that it impacts your self-perception.

I know

It would probably be good to abstain from Reddit. This site is full of shit and it can fuck with your worldview.

You are still a virgin though. And it wont change.

It's not ok to be male or white, stop being a shitlord and start admitting your privilege.

THE INTERNET ISN'T GOING TO MAKE IT BETTER. Run the fuck away from menslib and never go back. Get legit professional help. A toxic echo chamber will ruin you.

For real this is the best advice you're going to get. Even if you fine someone on the internet who is sympathetic to your plight they won't be a professional and they're probably not going to stick around for multiple sessions like a therapist.

And stay the hell away from gender politics until you can fully get over your feelings of men = bad. It will only feed the problem and keep your mind on it.

You're not supposed to give actual good advice on /r/Drama.

I do what I want, kys.

Good advice

hello homewrecker. how's getting shutdown by train-wrecked married women working for you?

Aren't you that menslib mod who said that you sympathised with rapists?

Go away

I dunno that doesn't sound like me, aren't you that impotent incel that unironically worships a New York Billionaire celebrity calls himself "conservative" even though he's filed for bankruptcy more times than he's filed for divorce (at least twice), despite your ancestry and legacy being permanent white trash? You like Donald Trump for the same reason make a wish foundation recipients like Spider-Man.

Aren't you that impotent incel that unironically worships a New York Billionaire celebrity who calls himself "conservative" even though he's filed for bankruptcy more times than he's filed for divorce (at least twice),

I dunno that doesn't sound like me. Also, why would you shame impotent men. This is toxic masculinity

despite your ancestry and legacy being permanent white trash?

No u. Will you delete your account and mod me to menslib if I prove that I'm not white?

You like Donald Trump for the same reason make a wish foundation recipients like Spider-Man.

No I like trump because spiderman shoots webs

I can't help that /u/pussmonster is a whore and desperate housewife that hates her life. Too bad you believe the lies. Makes you as pathetic as them as far as I am concerned.

Pretty sad that you continue to follow me around obsessively.

It takes zero effort for desperate cheating housewives to send me self made porn. You also can't wreck a home that is already trash.

Also, menslib is a bad sub for men and I am glad I was able to give good advice to a person in need in this thread.

Oh uh huh. It's not the receiving of pics that's the problem, or even hitting on a married woman. It's the clinginess, the emotional abuse, the anger, and the threats that are the issue.

You know it's a normal and healthy thing to respect the women you love, and not cling to romantic relationships with people you don't respect. The internet isn't going to make it better. Get legit professional help.

Heh, shame you only heard one side of the story. I am sure a cheating housewife is very concerned with giving an honest assessment of her activities. I would say her ranting about being a fake victim while she cheats on her neo-Nazi husband by whoring herself out for validation to any guy that reciprocates attention is the one with an obsession, not me.

Literally every single person that is actually aware of her and knows both of us and has actual facts with supplied hard proof considers her to be crazy racist trailer trash.

None of this has jack shit to do with the thread. She continues to do the same trashy behavior repeating herself ad nauseam and you are here referencing shit I have long moved past from.

How about you just get off my nuts and we can both talk about other things like two normal people instead of you being an obsessed weirdo. You have brought up personal life things about me in public completely unrelated multiple times now. Drop it and I have no problems with forgetting about it with you.

You still blame the other person for your behavior. I know you got some emotional problems and stressors in your life. But you're the same age as me; At some point you need to realize that common factor in in the problems and stressors in your life is you. Stop blaming feminism for your relationship problems, stop blaming "sjws" for the guilt you think everyone wants you to have, stop blaming other people for the bad shit you do.

There's no shield between you & yourself. You have to accept yourself and the things you've done at face value. Ignore the externalities that you don't have control over and focus on yourself. I'm talking your language, bro. I'm talking about self actuation & personal responsibility. :)

Ok, but I am telling you I didn't actually do anything wrong in the first place with that story you continue to reference. I blame people for their individual actions, not some vague boogeyman or entire groups of people.

Literally zero people have any issues with me once they actually know that story, so it is pointless for you to use that as a bludgeon against me over and over.

I have personally experienced the fucked up side of SJWs and feminism in real life and people don't get to hand wave away the negatives while pretending only the good counts. I treat people as individuals and feminism as much as it would love to doesn't have a monopoly on human civil rights.

I don't think the average person feels I should feel guilty or whatever you are trying to say. I get along perfectly fine with tons of people because most people are pretty normal and people are people. There are fringe people that collect themselves in echo chambers on the internet and reinforce insane behavior and they absolutely do think people are born with original sin are are evil until proven allies. It is insane and bigoted and it isn't immune from criticism regardless of how much people try to spin on their behalf. The people in menslib don't literally feel guilty for being born male while being feminist in a vacuum. Feminism pushed that on them. It is just as fucked up as some crazy red pill dude ranting about ways to rape women and get away with it.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Hey, don't keep the drama to yourself! What are you two bickering about?

He keeps going. I just make it up as I go along.

Look, I didn't mean to come wanna be a dick. I know you're struggling, man.

Now that's some faux empathy right there.

Everything's faux to you my dude

Nope. I just don't think you actually have empathy for the guy or that for men in general.

You need to watch Alex Jones for five days. It's the only thing that can save you now.

Sever your ties with this poisonous ideology. Pro or anti, it is all a bullshit waste of your life.

There is no shame in professional therapy.

Your only chance is to binge through theredpill to balance it out. Quick!

Because you've immersed yourself in a toxic culture of radical feminism. Get out while you still can.

Radical internet feminists tend to be hateful people with poorly treated mental health conditions. Their politics is all about coercion, abuse, control and personal vengeance. It's poisonous. Spend time with happy, well adjusted women instead and you will see that things are actually okay and being a man doesn't make you a monster.


Pot meet kettle.

Well it's ok to be white until the left wing death squads have time to "process" you.

Wow neither are ok and fuck you


"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

Haha nibba, you know this shit aint real, right?


The fuck it is with your people obsession over "conversations"? just say what the fuck you want to say.

Anyway, that guy is just the natural result of this prudish sex-negativity anti-social shit a lot of feminists are on board with. Nothing wrong here.

The best thing he could do would be stop reading feminist literature altogether, you know that right?

OK, I hope this is clear and simple enough for you. Please stop bullying and mocking people on the internet. It can do some very real harm to their mental health. Thanks.


....mental harm being menslibs posters talking about how much they hate themselves

Your username sucks

You first bby

Only if you stop harming men first

Our bullying and mocking will never do you as much psychological harm as your own ideology will.


This guy has to be a troll.

keep your mental state safe

Said unironically by a male feminist.

Shut up, nigger

no u.

Aww, do you need a safe space?

Because that’s how women work through issues, and further emasculation is clearly the correct answer.

''And it's self-reinforcing, because there's part of me that says it's good that I won't manage to crawl out, because that means I'll keep isolating myself, and that means I won't be out in the world inflicting my presence upon women. One less potential rapist to worry about.''

This is so goddamn sad, the sweetest have all the guilt and the actual rapists smile to sleep. I'm glad I left feminism.

I mean, they themselves think they are dumb brutes who are going to grab and rape women the moment they're near one, they just feel guilty about it.

Chances are they're right about themselves, though. They are rapists-in-waiting.

at this point its probably better to just let him cut his dick off for the safety of others

I hope your username is ironic.

I'm glad I left feminism.

Congrats on improving. Were you just as bad as this self-hating cuck?

LMAO /r/menslib is basically an ideological torture chamber


Fucking dumb pussy

In the history of the world most people fought for their survival and for their own self-interest and here you are felling guilty for no reason whatsoever. Have some balls for the love of god.

Pride in what though? Most of these hardcore male feminists are the softest, most milquetoast of all white guys. They have nothing to be prideful about themselves, hence the self-hating ideology.

have some balls

But apparently that's the root of his problem.

And people wonder why there are so many trans mtfs

No say this isn't a troll, no one is that fucking insane holyfuck

It's definitely fake.

Backin the 80s - this was heard and screamed unironically. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bbc+angry+wimmin

So glad I'm gay and have no male guilt.


Mate sorry for bothering you but I saw you criticizing menslib once. Check that thread. You are going to love it.

As many discussions here and on AskFeminists have also centered about, many women give consent (sometimes even enthusiastic consent) to things they actually don't want, out of fear of male violence --- and even if I wouldn't get violent, there's no way a woman could know that. So how could I possibly know for sure that I wasn't doing something harmful? Many women feel disgusted and shameful after sex, even sex they consented to.

My fucking god

It's crazy that they don't recognize that they are having worse feelings and shame and doubt than one night of sleeping with someone that you now regret would cause. I feel pity for them and want to take them out to a bar to show them how much power and agency a woman has when choosing someone to have sex with.

wtf that is literal sexism, women have no power

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

Obviously you never met a powerful vagina.


It's unbelievable because there's no way this guy is even getting close enough to a woman for her to feel fear.

Fifth law of robotics would probably love this too.

Fifth law of robotics would probably love this too.

He already linked it to /r/SRSSucks

On the ball, that one is.

lol thanks

It's not all bad, some user wrote this:

It's frankly appalling that feminism has driven any man to the point of considering castration. To my mind this is as bad as almost any aspect of the Patriarchy you can mention.

Probably will get removed for "unproductive anti-feminism".

Yeah I am being a bit unfair, some of them gave the guy decent advice.

With that said is just mind-blowing to me that someone wrote this:

As many discussions here and on AskFeminists have also centered about, many women give consent (sometimes even enthusiastic consent) to things they actually don't want, out of fear of male violence --- and even if I wouldn't get violent, there's no way a woman could know that. So how could I possibly know for sure that I wasn't doing something harmful? Many women feel disgusted and shameful after sex, even sex they consented to.

If consent is not enough I wonder what those people consider acceptable. I dont even see a difference between religious conservatives and them anymore.

Anyway, I got banned because I post here. A shame I really wanted to post a pretty interesting article. Agree with 50% or so, but it was pretty positive and clear.

Breaking: Future hotel shower rapist isn't quite right in the head.

Really makes you hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

/u/mfw_thewallsfell do it pussy it's better if your defective chromosomes aren't in the gene pool

Chemical castration doesn't sterilize you, it just reduces your libido.

Then maybe he should try regular old physical castration

What's worse is that apart from being lonely and isolated, I barely have anything left in my life apart from work and reading about feminism. I can't pursue my former hobbies, I can't read fiction, I can barely remain productive at work. It takes up so much of my mind that I'm barely even functional --- and the part of my mind that works this way thinks that's a good thing; the more isolated and dysfunctional I get, the less I go out into the world, and that means one less Schrödinger's Rapist for women to worry about.

Holy shit u/EphesianPatternmaker how the fuck are you going to let the fact that you supposedly have a dong make you feel so guilty that you spend all of your free time reading feminist literature in the attempt to be the ultimate ally? Get some goddam hobbies and put your mind and or body to use or else you definitely are going to snap and become that dreaded Schrödinger's Rapist like the rest of you super male feminists.

I'm not being hyperbolic and you're probably not wrong.

Yes you are being hyperbolic. To the point where your guilt of gender dynamics has completely consumed all aspects of your life. You literally admitted that you have driven away all your friends both male and female with your feminist crusading.

From the sounds of it you could really benefit from cleaning up your diet and going the fuck outside and chopping some wood or those feminist lit books you love so dearly. Seriously, you will feel 1000 times better once you get that natural testosterone flowing through your body.

WWIII can't come soon enough.

Turns out that subscribing to an ideology that makes a point of constantly shitting on your gender isn't very good for your self esteem.

Hmm interesting. Is MENtal illness a sexed term?

I mean he has a point, male feminists need to be castrated. It's the only way to stop their rape sprees.

I'm honestly really worried by your post. I've seen men feel shame towards their own privilege before, but you seem to be feeling some really extreme feelings and I hope that you'll continue working them out with a professional. We want you to feel happy celebrating maleness and femininity in equal measure!

lol, her word choice is pretty fucking telling, isn't it? No problem in 'celebrating' 'femininity', that's all good and pukka. But what about masculinity? Naaaah we're just going to give that one a wee bodyswerve and talk about "maleness" instead.

The narcissism is real. "Men are isolating themselves to not hurt me!"

these retards actually believe they are doing it for them and not to shield themselves from them.

/u/SlowFoodCannibal explain yourself

I approve of chemical castration for rapists.

Holy shit white man are fucking pathetic

This is some /r/egg_irl shit.

The best thing about all these lefties cutting their genitals off is that they'll be culled from the gene pool. The problem solves itself.

He's trying to stop himself before he rapes someone.


Jews got that poor man deceived by their jewish propoganda :(

/r/TrollXChromosomes and /r/MensLib seem like wonderful places to go if you have an underlying mental illness and wish to have strangers validate every intrusive and horrible thought you have about yourself. Super healthy it is.

the criteria for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria needs to get raised WAAAAY the fuck up because now there's actually people who are temporarily suffering from it in a way that could be solved through therapy (i.e. taught to stop being a weird as fuck self-loathing low-t dork who keeps thinking about himself as shrek in sexual contexts)

u/EphesianPatternmaker self-castration is for Phrygians. No self-respecting Ephesian would engage in that kind of conduct.

And also of course, the recent sexual assault discussions have raised all of this to a new level. It's become increasingly hard to put any of this stuff out of my thoughts.

Obviously a male feminist would be worried about his rapes coming into the light.

I think a lot of the disgust is centered around feeling like an "ogre" or an animal due to my physical appearance

As it should be.

and the role I would play in sex

Bottom bussy, definitely.

OP, you need to get one of these in your life immediately: either a psychologist or a very close friend who you are able to share these thoughs with

Double castration then?

It's about time you give peace to yourself and accept this: there is nothing wrong with you.

Throw this guy in for a triple castration.

I think that, instead of switching from anti-feminism to feminism, you accidentally switched to misandry. Feminism, at least according to common definitions, should be about treating people equally regardless of gender. There's nothing in it about "mansplaining" and similar stuff. Just don't judge people by gender, don't pressure others into gender roles, don't promote gender stereotypes as true. No shame required. If you start feeling shame just because of your gender, you're moving away from gender equality, not towards it.

How did the mod not delete this? This is too level-headed for r/menslib.

/u/Sawses, have you ever read literally any philosophy, or do you just watch School of Life in class?

It's mostly reading after authors and then talking about what they think. If you'd like to discuss this more, I'm willing. You'll need to give me a little more to work with, t though.

I dunno that doesn't sound like me, aren't you that impotent incel that unironically likes a thrice married New York Billionaire celebrity despite your ancestry and legacy being permanent white trash?

I hope it's all right that I butt in, even though I'm not OP. I struggle with many of the same issues (though I was never an anti-feminist).

You suggest that there's a divide between the rational self and the emotional self. In my case that's very true. I have very poor contact with my emotional self (I'm autistic, and this is a common but not universal aspect of that); I often barely even register my own emotions until they've grown unbearably intense. My therapist has actually said the very same thing, but she's stumped as to how to improve the state of my emotional self because there's so poor connection between those two sides.

I've taken painful decisions on the grounds of my attempts to be a good feminist ally --- and arguably, one can't be a male feminist ally without making painful decisions. In my case, I have tried to be as consistent in my application of feminist theory to my daily lived experience and practice as at all possible. Whenever I hear other men say something I find sexist, I call them out. I try to keep hypervigilant of my own power as a male in a patriarchal society.

But the outcome of this has been that I'm desperately alone. I have no friends anymore. I pushed away all my male friends because they got tired of hanging out with the "killjoy" who'd constantly berate them for comments they regard as completely innocuous - and I have no idea how to go about making new friends. I've alienated my female friends because, since the rape statistics say that most rapes are carried out by male intimate partners and "friends", I've tried to limit interaction to situations where we're not alone, because I don't want them to feel uncomfortable. I've resolved to never seek a romantic or sexual partner again, because there is no way it is possible to do so without risking that the partner is pressured into doing things they don't actually want to do because of patriarchal conditioning and insidious social pressures, not to mention the constant threat of male violence and the conditioning to defer to the fragile male ego. I've been sexually abused myself. I don't want to ever do that to another person, not even inadvertently. I don't want to even expose another person to the risk, if I can help it.

When I was younger and not quite as isolated yet, I put up with all sorts of abusive behaviour by others (mostly women), because I felt I deserved it because of my gender. I self-harmed and inflicted various ill-conceived punishments upon myself, because I hated everything that men stood for and were responsible for in this social order. I realize that this isn't what any feminist (at least not any I know) is asking for, but the part of me that rather primitively thinks "men are awful, I'm a man, I ought to be regarded as an incredibly awful person" latches on to all the messaging about the awfulness of men, and that takes me to bad, bad places.

Here is something that your rational self is able to undertand but your emotional one has yet to learn: there are women out there who would enjoy being emotionally and physically intimate with you. [...] And furthermore (grab your seat because here comes a mindblown): it's great that you feel the same way about them (or one, or some, or none).

I can't speak for OP, but I really have trouble actually believing that. I also feel like a revolting ogre. I feel that any emotional intimacy between a woman and myself would be emotional labour on her part, and consensual physical intimacy would be not necessarily rape, but fall somewhere in a grey area, and possibly done out of fear of implied male violence or out of feeling compelled to placate men.

What's worse is that apart from being lonely and isolated, I barely have anything left in my life apart from work and reading about feminism. I can't pursue my former hobbies, I can't read fiction, I can barely remain productive at work. It takes up so much of my mind that I'm barely even functional --- and the part of my mind that works this way thinks that's a good thing; the more isolated and dysfunctional I get, the less I go out into the world, and that means one less Schrödinger's Rapist for women to worry about.