Like in Nazi Germany, SRS advocates staying away from books. They'd probably enjoy an annual book burning too

85  2017-12-13 by nameuser4321



don't laugh at the menta... Oh who am I kidding! Let's ping them all and see what happens 😂

/u/George_G_Geef /u/surviva316 /u/KomradeKapitalist

I like how as time goes by I can see you getting more and more malicious and angry in your messages and copy pastas ed. Drama is finally souring you

This is Ed since coming back from getting banned...

Account age 3 min

The spiral towards rock bottom. What other sub could boast such a spectacle?


Nah. I've always been like this. What's the point of commenting here if you don't ping them? Hmmm?

I don't think that's true ed

I don't think

Well buddy that's your right and well ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

See what I mean!

you're a fucking RUDE BOY now

Omg I'm so sorry 😭

Pls forgiv :(

Well.. alright

Dont touch the poop guys come on this is harassment, this isnt funny guys come on you're taking it too far

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

y tho

Just quoting myself here to show how ardently I was arguing for people to stay away from books:

A giant lol to all the people who are getting off on the "well ackshually, she's a feminist" bullshit. Wonder how many people who are saying, "I bet they never even read the book" have-- I'm not even gonna say read the book, that's too easy. I'll go with: have a basic functioning knowledge of who CHS is.

Sometimes I get really insecure about myself but then I remember at least I’m not one of you, then I feel a lot better

Glad I can help.


"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

Are you one of them male feminists who're like

My recurring fantasy, through this period, was to have been born a woman, or a gay man, or best of all, (completely asexual, so that I could simply devote my life to math, like my hero Paul Erdös did). Anything, really, other than the curse of having been born a heterosexual male, which for me, meant being consumed by desires that one couldn’t act on or even admit without running the risk of becoming an objectifier or a stalker or a harasser or some other creature of the darkness.

I have no problem acting on my desires without becoming a stalker or harasser. It must be because my virtue signaling and white knighting game is so strong. #ThisIsWhyINeedFeminism

Ah, so you're like this guy.

>I have no problem acting on my desires without becoming a stalker or harasser.

No point, when you can just go out and rape them, right?

It's fun to ignore whatever people write and just talk shit on them because you already know who they are!

Like, I know you're an SRS user, so whatever you write will be an ill-considered jumble of half-understood gender studies jargon, which spares me having to read your posts!


No true feminist.

She is a feminist. By some definitions. Namely, the definitions that are so broad that using "she's a feminist too" as if that makes them allies is nincompoopery.

TERFs/SWERFs are only the only true, pure feminists.

Thanks for clearing that up. Should I edit my last post?


If the SEP quotes her in articles about feminism and libertarian feminists, she is a feminist

Just not your particular kind of feminist

The post you're replying to says she's a feminist, sooooo cool?

You care about semantics more than I do. The headline "Contemporary left-wing feminist disagrees with libertarian who thinks second-and-third-wave feminism are bad for society" doesn't suddenly become surprising or ironic just because you find a way to put "feminist" before or after "libertarian."

"Feminism" is either broad enough that it includes political adversaries who thinks each others' books are shit, or it's narrow enough that it excludes CHS. Take your pick. I don't care.

Why does it seem to always be narrow enough to say any person does awful shit in the name of feminism doesn't taint feminism, but broad enough to claim victory for all that is good in the world?

I didn't know this conversation had anything to do with me distancing CHS from feminism because she killed people or claiming her to get credit for doing something great. I seem to remember something about books, and a feminist not liking a certain book, and people wondering how she could possibly not like that book if it's written by a feminist.

But that's just my pesky long-term memory and ability to pay attention to a comment chain getting in the way of maximizing my potential as a shitposter. Teach me your ways.

You are free to not like a book obviously. I am not trying to police your opinions. You are free to hate her too. I am just mocking the idea that is literally being done in that main thread where if someone says they are against feminism it means they are against equality because feminists like to spin it like they own a monopoly on civil rights.

I am just mocking the idea that is literally being done in that main thread where if someone says they are against feminism it means they are against equality because feminists like to spin it like they own a monopoly on civil rights.

You mean the SRS thread? Where?

Sorry, I was vague. The thread that was linked by SRS.

I️ prefer the latter, as it gives up the pretense of being “for men too”. When it isn’t just flat out anti-men, of course.

I am saying feminism is broad enough to include CHS but narrow enough to exclude misogynists and sexists like red pillers.

I dont think it matters either though

The War On Boys is a trash book and should never be touched with a ten foot pole.

She's just projecting what boys have said about her.

Net result - the book will gain 50 pounds.

And start smashing scales

Real Boys by William Pollack is a really good read about that subject.

Can confirm, feminists LITERALLY took my penis away

u/robiconguava Yeah you're right that would be totally ridiculous, lol

We are supposed to encourage people like him to go through with such steps, though.

Think of all the rapes that could be prevented.

people like him

By this, you better mean all mayo scum, no exceptions.

Username... does not check out.

I need mayo to be concentrated into one area, and kept there. Naturally, they will need to build a camp to remain in that area until nature takes it's course.

Are you sure you don't need mayo splattered on your face instead?

I'm 100% ok with these people not reproducing.

The happiest boy in the world.

Google "Liam Fee murder"....😭

dang it, i didn't know about this. disgusting

Wew lads.

Place your bets, will the fat cunts survive prison or get stabbed by a gang of angry mums?

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

I hope they don't.

That's horrible.

Liam Fee murder

Imagine being the lawyer having to defend these fat cunts.

What the fuck....

Please tell me that is a report about how he was taken away from them. It's literally not possible that they haven't fucked with his head, the idea that your first words would be "I am a girl" before you can have any actual conception of what a girl is could come out if a dystopian novel,

Well, they beat him to death so...

Thomas Lobel wasn't.

Oh yep, you're right. I thought that was the Liam Fee kid...

SRS is still a thing?

It’s mostly been replaced by /r/The_Donald

How? I mean the autism levels are equal but the views are on the polar opposites? No? Am I missing something here? 🤔

Look at every admin post, the top comment is always “why haven’t you banned /r/The_Donald?”

Different ideology, but they occupy the same space here

([{horseshoe theory}])

That was actually the first subreddit I ever went too, came to the reddit game late. I thought it was a parody at first, then over time I still maintain no one is that fucking misguided and its all one big super troll sub.

It's a sub that makes actual drama out of most tedious and mundane shit.

In math language:

SRS = 0 of linked drama * double down of shoulder chips and insecurities

They were successfully outcrazied by T_D!

I don't know about that. The Donald is bat-shit insane, but I'd argue even they're more coherent than SRS a lot of the time.

SRS is a weird fucking place. Every time I argue with someone from that sub I get this "I'm not lucid" vibe from them and it's like they aren't real people.

It's like a wild fucking ape just smashing keys on a keyboard.

that's because they're goons, triple distilled autismo incel male neet feminist pedophiles

I think they mostly migrated to SRD, negareddit, various bad* subs, and the like. But mostly SRD.

That is their main watering hole but they then scatter to their preferred purity test approved little clique sub like Ghazi or Negareddit.

If you link it to spell totem and melee splash it's a decent league starter.

SRS with spell totem lol please kys.

I'm shocked that people who spouse backwards and anti-intellectual stances are afraid of books.



Communism is intrinsically Jewish.

wait what the fuck happened to their css

I actually kinda liked it

Ima be honest, I really like SRS and the work they do makes roddit better 1 day at a time

SOY BOY FIGHT!!!!!!!!!! Blows whistle and takes a shot of Zima

Fighting is toxic