r/Boston academics deny the existence of conservatives, claim all opinions right of center are all bots and shills that prevent the sub from becoming another r/latestagecapitalism

109  2017-12-14 by ArtisanalCollabo


Massachusetts has a Republican governor.

Mitt Romney was governor, for fucks sake.

You think those are hardcore conservatives?

Those goalposts moved real quick.

You pointed out that the state had some Republicans as governors as if to imply it's some kind of red state? MA is as blue as it gets. Relax, don't get so emotional.

And then you said "hardcore conservative" like that's what the conversation was about.

Sorry, Sally.

They conversation was about conservatives online, not Republican governors.

/r/Boston academics deny the existence of conservatives


And I mentioned conservatives and you dropped your tendies.

You didn't mention anything. You changed "conservative" to "hardcore conservative" and acted smug.

Imagine being this retarded.

Watch the ableism

You've gotten that down to an art.

Knows you are wrong, results to immature name calling. Liberalism 101

Is 4chan having server issues right now

Holy shit you're on to something.../u/RarePepeAficionado not only has that super awesome 4chan name, but look at his profile.

It pretty much screams "look at my edgy 4chan memes bro!"

I haven't seen someone go from dumb to retarded this fast in a long time.

>KiA must defend all journalism!

But hey, thanks for standing up for Real Conservatives like yourself. Youโ€™re really helping the cause.

Who are you quoting?

I don't think anyone said anything about "hardcore". It's sorta funny how that thread is all talking about racism and bigotry as if people can't be conservative unless they're racist bigots.

those bastions of conservatism, lol. keep yourself safe fagget

Are you claiming that Mitt Romney is liberal?

i get it, you learned about Mitt Bane Romney from talking to your nerd friends about Batman movies. you are a fucking wetbrain


i get it, you learned about Mitt Bane Romney from talking to your nerd friends about Batman movies. you are a fucking wetbrain

and unironically drown yourself in a toilet for being such an assblasted little fagget you downvote people in this sub.






Those goalposts moved real quick.

Who presented himself as moderate during the election. After he showed his true colors while in office, Duval Patrick wiped the floor with him. It wasn't even close.

I think the point is that it's not crazy to think that there are conservatives in Massachusetts. Certainly not the point that anyone posing as both a conservative and someone that lives in Boston is a secret Russian agent.

There's really not, though.

Uhh well if you want to fucking ignore reality that's really not my problem.

Romney didn't run for reelection. Patrick beat someone else.

Doesnโ€™t change the fact that Patrick destroyed Romney.

How exactly did he do that?

When Patrick beat him

Which happened when?

Romney implemented Romneycare which was basically Obamacare except limited to Massachusetts.

For a Republican governor he sure had a lot in common with a Democrat president when it comes to healthcare plans...

Entire thread is a shitshow but one highlight in particular is this exchange which took five reads to realize it wasnโ€™t sarcasm and this guy literally went through this other guyโ€™s post history to accuse him of being a Russian sock puppet based on two posts to world news:


Op heavily downvoted as a result

/u/labordata I don't think you should have given up so easily. Think about it this way, even if /u/cupid94throwaway is a genuine American, his opinions are still 100% Russian propaganda, informed by Russian propaganda, so effectively he is a Russian shill, even if he doesn't know that himself.

Also, /u/cupid94throwaway when he called you a shill and then said, "Putin is a murderer" you missed a golden opportunity to reply: "so is your president!"

The Minnesota thread is worse. THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED POSTS... for the original guy in the T_D screenshot, who actually suggests posting on the Minnesota subreddit, on a princely -1. The term 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' is thrown around a lot these days, but stuff like this shows why it's still a useful diagnosis.

Boston is certainly liberal on the majority of fronts but racism and segregation is still a massive issue here.

Glad some Massholes can admit it

Howdy dudes! /u/ArtisinalCollabo is the bees knees about Premium President Donald Trump! Let us join them and musical rocker Kid Rock in praising our beloved leader!

I live in Boston and a few years ago some random Antifa dude invited me to come to the grocery store where he works so that he could beat me up. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. The self awareness is not very strong with these people.

I was going to get him fired by sending screenshots to his HR team, but my GF told me she didn't want me starting fights with randos. ๐Ÿ˜ข

Living in Boston is sometimes like being surrounded by the Blue State equivalent of ignorant rednecks. I mean, my coworkers are pretty smart, but when I go to a party sometimes and meet random people, the ignorance just runs wild. I met some retail worker on section 8 public housing complaining about the new tax bill, and I'm like "Dude, you take the standard deduction and make less than 200k. You know that this bil is actually going to save you a lot of money, right?" and they're like "That's not what Huffington Post says!"

I mean, if it were one of my managers or co-workers being against Trump and the tax bill, I could understand it. Some of these people own three houses and make good money - this bill is really gonna nail them, so I could understand being against it. But a lot of of these Blue State hicks I've encountered (who are all super against the tax bill) are making minimum wage at their retail jobs, and they don't even have the skills to do simple math and calculate what their tax bill is going to be. It's insane.

I think that as a society, we need a new word to describe these Blue State city hicks who are ignorant, uneducated, and basically believe whatever Huffington Post tells them. Like being a redneck, only liberal.

Nice fiction bro

Please. First off Mass Republicans are generally very moderate. Second, Mass Republicans are very unlikely to post on Reddit. If you see a weirdly conservative opinion that seems out of place in a liberal local subreddit, it's pretty much certain that it's a brigader.

Like, the LA area has tons of conservative people, Trump supporters even. But they aren't fucking posting in /r/LosAngeles.

OP you are stupid.

How do you magically know that conservatives from those areas don't post on reddit? Are you stalking them?

How do I magically know you are downvoting all the lihbrual comments in this thread like they're a personal affront to you?

Simple pattern recognition. It's not difficult. If something doesn't belong, it's probably a troll. If someone looks like they are trying too hard, it's probably because they have a singluar focus on an idea they are trying to push. Normal people give some shit, but not a whole lot of shit.

Anyway most others search a poster's history, which provides a lot of other good info like other subs they post in, and whether they have any non-political posts in the sub in question. If the only things they post are trumptard bullshit, guess what, they don't fucking live there.

It's a full-on cuckold conspiracy over there.


This is retarded. They're retarded for falling for this TD users are retarded for trying this

We need a plague that targets everyone who isn't like me to be quite honest with you family

Seems like basically every local city subreddit has linked this post warning about secret donald supporters. Itโ€™s like a Red Scare, but with MAGA hats.

I challenge them to name one way in which this kind of thinking is indistinguishable from how Jew haters think.

You fuckig moron. You're born a Jew, you aren't born with a MAGA cap on.

At least sort by controversial if the only drama is at the bottom of the comments you agenda-posting, subhuman waste of organic matter.

You know that people still qualify for section 8 housing if they make $70k or lower?

Sauce please? Not that I mistrust random tables from an anonymous internet commenter. I just like references.

Here's mine.

In case you have difficulty reading anything that disagrees with your political views, here's the relevant section.

Who is eligible?

An applicant whose household income does not exceed 80% of Area Median Income. The local housing agency will also screen for CORI prior to admitting an applicant to the program. ย 

It's just that if an influx of people come in with socially conservative opinions that don't reflect those of the local state conservatives, then it's safe to assume those people are new arrivals who are looking to promote their own agenda.

You made the Bernie joke but the local Rs actually agree with him on a bunch of social issues.

Would you accept a Visual Novel instead?

Seems kinda anti-semitic...

Why are you angry? According to you everyone is a bot

Eligibility is based on the family's total gross income. At least 75% of all vouchers issued by a housing agency must be targeted to households whose total income does not exceed 30% of the area median income. HUD establishes income limits.

At least 75% of all vouchers

100% - 75% = 25%

What does this indicate to you about the remaining 25%? Be honest here, the good folks of r/drama won't judge your reading skills.

Who are you quoting?

Nice hypothetical fiction bro

If I take off the memes, will you die?


Yeah Romney basically invented Obamacare with his Romneycare. Don't know how anyone could call that conservative.

My plan for Massachusetts health insurance reform
By Mitt Romney

Admits he will punish people who don't buy insurance (aka the individual mandate):

We would apply "carrots and sticks" to encourage everyone to purchase.


"Conservatives founded the KKK"

Would be the more accurate statement

Holy shit, I'm done arguing with you. Every time I make a point that you can't dispute, you just change the subject or split hairs about irrelevant details. We went from talking about whether some dude at a party could qualify for section 8 housing while still paying taxes and because I made you look like an uninformed idiot there, you're now switching the topic to the various types of housing. Because you don't like to admit you were wrong about something you were spouting ignorant opinions about, now you're trying to switch topics to something different so that we can avoid talking about the thing that makes you look stupid. You think this is my first rodeo with ignorant blowhards like you?

Let me return to the real topic under debate: you made a retarded and totally incorrect comment about how somebody on the program couldn't pay taxes, and you were so dead wrong about that now you look like an ignorant asshole.

Iโ€™ll give you a reply when I can parse your mental incontinence. Thatโ€™s just pure rage and word salad.

They don't but liberals have been conditioned to massively overreact to any kind of racism and since racism is just an inevitable part of humanity that will never be completely eliminated they will massively overreact for eternity.

Consistently? You are giving an example where a person literally votes by a large margin for Democrats? Then they are Democrats or possibly independent if the only choice are those two parties.

I am not american.

What made you think that I am european?

Are you taking the title by OP literally? I think the conservatives we normally see in MA and the Northeast are fine, no problem with them. The whole thing is about T_D users coming in to culturally enrich the sub and claiming they are the majority even though the existing local Republicans are not similar to the ones in T_D.

Post bussy, ladyboy.




Well I had 2 downvotes within 3 minutes of posting so shrug

Because they are old.

Quote me when I did that. You fucking can't because I didn't. Why do redditors keep insisting they know what I said better than I do??

Good. You identified a real person. :)

Well, that's how it got to so many replies in the first place. Minnesota isn't that cancerous on its own.

If you say so, I don't browse /r/all. I'm not sure how a 37k user sub which isn't even that active makes the top of /r/all without brigading in the first place, though.

you can call me professor.


Ya but from LA???

was that supposed to be clever? you don't even know what you're arguing about.
