Reddit REEEEEacts

175  2017-12-15 by SperglockHolmes


No one would believe me...

He made me do copious amounts of cocaine with him, to the point I thought my heart was gonna stop.

He told me to calm down, gave me a drink, and I don't know what was in the drink but I blacked out. And when I woke up, he had both my legs over his shoulders, and he was numb-sucking my asshole like there was no tomorrow.

I tried to fight it, I tried to get away, but I was restrained. He told me that I liked it, he told me not to worry cause he used 'the good jelly', the shmuckas.

So nobody's paid me to, uh, confess this now, and I've kept it under wraps for all these years because I knew no one would believe me.

No one would believe... that Ajit Pai ate my asshole.

Reminds me of this

Ajit is lit. 🚬

Ajit Pai ate my asshole.

Wouldn't that be cannibalism?

This is why #ImWithHer is such an important phenomena.

I noticed you are talking about Trump, aka Donald Drumpf. I would like to discuss some of the things around the election which he stole. He stole it from Hillary Clinton, who was the best candidate we had.

This is why #ImWithHer is so fundamental. America is facing the most dangerous, the most extreme, frankly to extreme to be taking seriously, threat that it ever has. Donald Trump is a fascist National socialist with a racist, homophobic, transphobic, ect. ect. agenda that will hurt everyone who is not a straight white Christian male.

How extreme is the Donald Trump threat Consider the following

Donald Trump has refused to release his tax returns.

Donald Trump has bankrupted more companies than he has children

Donald Trump's family original name is actually Drumpf.

His extremest agenda is so extreme it will take social issues back to 1850

What is the deal with his tax returns? It will allow us to see that Drumpf is actually not rich or wealthy at all, We would haev indisputable evidence of his net worth and we will see that not only does he not pay taxes at all but he is also likely broke. How he runs his campaign, ect. is another indication. I interviewed the Field Director of Tax Law at H&R Block about the matter. I asked him: "Why doesn't Drumpf just release his tax returns once and for all?" He responded: "Simply, because he's to extreme to be taking seriously, and his tax returns would reveal that."

Later, as we were driving on Interstate 405, with the wind cruising through our hair and tokking up to some dank weed, he explained further:

Drumpf's tax returns are the holy grail. I guarantee you, that it would prove that he is lying about everything: it will show us his net worth and it's likely near 0. He doesn't donate to charity and he doesn't pay taxes. I know this because I'm in the industry and I "get it." I can't go out and make this public but trust me it's true.

So why is Drumpf so untrustworthy? This is why #ImWithHer is so valuable, it provides answers. I asked about the ancestry, and the genealogy of Drumpf. What is the significance of it?

I went to the Head of Genealogy at USC to ask the question posed. Is Drumpf an indication of extremest attitudes? She replied, "Absolutely."

As we called for the elevator, she continued:

There's nothign wrong with the Drumpf name per se. But it's an indication of dishonesty. Trump supports, you need to ask yourself: Why did he lie about this? What is he hiding? Perhaps he is a felon, a white collar criminal, or perhaps he is a peddafile. Why else would he be so dishonest? Hell, look at the tax return issues!

I brought her up to speed on the tax return issues after speaking with the Field Director at H&R Block.

I knew it! This is why #ImWithHer is so important. We've gotten to the bottom of his tax returns, and we will keep uncovering issues and exposing Drumpf for the lying fraud he is. This is empowering. We are destroying the male intittlement behind his actions and we are, finally, for the first time, holding the top white, wealthy men accountable.

This ties in directly with the bankruptices. Let's look at it logically

Drumpf is a businessman

Drumpf has dozens of bankruptcies on his record

Drumpf has not repaid millions, if not billions, of dollars in loans as a result of the bankruptcies

Extreme much? Absolutely.

I wrote an essay in my Embodiments of Patriarchy class on this very subject.

It's not enough that Drumpf is an oppressive force, a testament to the white male patriarchy. He had to flaunt it with his bankruptcies. He stole money from working people and didn't return it. This is a femminnest issue because these actions affected women disproportionately.

And yes, I got an A for the paper. So where are we with this? We've exposed the damages of his bankruptcies, and his extremest attitudes.

His hatred of minorities, especially Mexicans and Blacks, as well as poor people, and frankly anyone who isn't a cis-white straight male is what makes him the most extreme. What could we expect from a Drumpf Precedency?

Deportation of Mexicans

Deportation and incarceration of Blacks

Expansion of #BlueLivesMatter and Dissolution of #BlackLivesMatter

Divisive attitudes,

climate change that will affect the world

A decrease in science and education

The last part is key.

Republicans absolutely hate Education. They know an educated people will never vote against there self interests. They know educated people "get it" and vote for candidates that offer them the most. This is why he would cut it.

Here's some more:

More wealth division

Tax breaks for the rich

Tax increases for the poor

Regressive taxes

Private prisons

Training camps and halocaust-style society

So where does this leave us?

You have to ask us: what kind of person would vote for Drumpf?

Here are some defining attributes:

Don't care about black people

Don't care about minorities

Don't care he lied about Drumpf

Don't care about climate change

Don't care about gay and trans rights

Don't care about bankruptcies

Don't care about wealth division

Don't want to redistribute wealth from the top to the bottom

Votes against his own self interests.

I personally don't know anyone who matches that criteria but then again I don't know anyone voting for Drumpf. I asked the Southern Poverty Law Center's Voter Rights Division about these characteristics. I asked via email: "Are these the characteristics of a Drumpf voter?" They answered: "Absolutely, yes."

Drumpf is extreme. That's the bottom line. And the people that support him are fringe alt-right fanatics who are to extreme to be taking seriously. They want to take America back to 1850, to prevent equality, unless you are a white straight cis male, ect. ect.

So who votes for Drumpf?

Very few people actually. There's no way he can win the election without some sort of fraud.

But isn't voter fraud a concenr?

Yes, absolutely. Republicans are epic at voter fraud. If Drumpf wins this is how we can do it, so that

So how do we stop this?

The power is in the top 1% who need there wealth the least. This is why the power distribution and wealth distribution is such a problem. Do they need there money? Well, no, but that doesn't matter. They'll still steal money from the workign poor who need it hte most.

Such as?

Drumpf. Drumpf wouldn't pay his workers. He routinely stiffs people and fires them.

What can be done?

This is why #ImWithHer is such an important phenomena. Hillary Clinton is the only one that can solve the issue and that is why we need to vote for her.

The email continues:

If you

Care about black people, minorities, and women

Care about Drumpf lying

Care about climate change

Care about gay and trans rights

Care about Drumpf and his bankruptcies

Want a basic income

Want wealth redistribution

ect. ect. ect.

Then the only choice is to really join the #ImWithHer movement. Support a team that is looking out for the common good, for the 99% who neeed help from the Government the most, for the minorities and gay / trans people who need there defense the most, ect. ect.

Its hilarious how big a deal they think this is. They think its going to lead to massive backlash of some sort and are accusing the FCC commissioners of damned near treason. The reality is most US voters dont really give a shit about NN and probably arent even aware that its now gone.

That's my favorite thing about Reddit, the exaggerated sense of self-importance the morons on here have. Remember when Woody Harrelson had that shit AMA and people were literally saying it would be the end of his career, like fucking lol no one gives a shit about this terrible site

They tell AMA celebs that "THIS IS REDDIT, YOU KNOW" as if they're supposed to know about some turbonerd site

Reddit is just People magazine for autists

If T_D is banned, I don't want to live on Reddit anymore.

It would be the ultimate drama

It would be the grand lolcow slaughter. Yes, there would be lots of steak, but milk would be rarer in the longrun.

You make a lot of suspiciously anti-semetic comments.

Haha it's so fun being young and edgy! ;D

Anyone who cries as a result of this decision is wildly overreacting.

next thing you know you'll have zero public utilities

Last I checked I pay for all my utilities.

Look at how many times that disagREE button was pressed

I'd like to say "Can't wait for their internet price to be jacked up, mommy and daddy won't up their unemployed little timmys to the Reddit Plus Package", but anyone who's ready into NN revoke knows that the ISPs are just going to charge the big tech companies.

The irony when Facebook or twitter tries to say they are being censored. Please God let this happen.

I'm just excited that there's going to be a special shit version of the internet that includes /r/drama which is $5 cheaper than the internet without /r/drama.

"im warning you! if you take muh internet away, im gonna get real violent". i think being outside will do these people some good both physically and psychologically.

I'm very proud to endorse drama partiality.

roads will be falling apart

What exactly does an oligarchy have to gain from destroying transport ways? Trucks need to drive, as do customers.

Resist. Fight. Get violent if you have to. Bring down that internet wall Mr.Daddy 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

I always get the feeling that the purpose of this campaign was to protect Reddits bottom line at some point.

The funniest part is Net Neutrality has only existed in the U.S. since 2015.

I have no issue if you agree with Net Neutrality, but acting like it's the end of the world to return us to the dark days of 2014 is pretty crazy.

I remember when the internet was not in favor of having ISPs regulated as a common carrier. I miss 2006.

So...they do know that Pai was originally appointed to the FCC by Obama with a unanimous vote by the Senate, right? (He asks knowingly...)

No here's how Bernie can still win.

I stole it for easy karma.

It's the same people that believe CNN helped Trump win the election

I'm sorry for your loss.

You see this on Twitter too. People legitimately think Jack '#BlackLivesMatter' Dorsey voted for Trump and that he intentionally doesn't take action against far-right accounts because he's a secret Nazi.

Bernie voted Trump, he's an old whitey after all.

That only matters here, you spastic retard

**Nigga if you are going to serve up DeepDickedHillyBilly-brand pasta don't fuck up the fucking formatting. The arbitrary bolding (including bolding of misspelled words) is a lot of magic. You don't understand the copypasta and that's fine but don't get cute and take out the formatting

This is why #ImWithHer is so fundamental. America is facing the most dangerous, the most extreme, frankly to extreme to be taking seriously, threat that it ever has. Donald Trump is a fascist National socialist with a racist, homophobic, transphobic, ect. ect. agenda that will hurt everyone who is not a straight white Christian male. How extreme is the Donald Trump threat Consider the following Donald Trump has refused to release his tax returns. Donald Trump has bankrupted more companies than he has children Donald Trump's family original name is actually Drumpf. His extremest agenda is so extreme it will take social issues back to 1850 What is the deal with his tax returns? It will allow us to see that Drumpf is actually not rich or wealthy at all, We would haev indisputable evidence of his net worth and we will see that not only does he not pay taxes at all but he is also likely broke. How he runs his campaign, ect. is another indication. I interviewed the Field Director of Tax Law at H&R Block about the matter. I asked him: "Why doesn't Drumpf just release his tax returns once and for all?" He responded: "Simply, because he's to extreme to be taking seriously, and his tax returns would reveal that." Later, as we were driving on Interstate 405, with the wind cruising through our hair and tokking up to some dank weed, he explained further: Drumpf's tax returns are the holy grail. I guarantee you, that it would prove that he is lying about everything: it will show us his net worth and it's likely near 0. He doesn't donate to charity and he doesn't pay taxes. I know this because I'm in the industry and I "get it." I can't go out and make this public but trust me it's true. So why is Drumpf so untrustworthy? This is why #ImWithHer is so valuable, it provides answers. I asked about the ancestry, and the genealogy of Drumpf. What is the significance of it? I went to the Head of Genealogy at USC to ask the question posed. Is Drumpf an indication of extremest attitudes? She replied, "Absolutely." As we called for the elevator, she continued: There's nothign wrong with the Drumpf name per se. But it's an indication of dishonesty. Trump supports, you need to ask yourself: Why did he lie about this? What is he hiding? Perhaps he is a felon, a white collar criminal, or perhaps he is a peddafile. Why else would he be so dishonest? Hell, look at the tax return issues! I brought her up to speed on the tax return issues after speaking with the Field Director at H&R Block. I knew it! This is why #ImWithHer is so important. We've gotten to the bottom of his tax returns, and we will keep uncovering issues and exposing Drumpf for the lying fraud he is. This is empowering. We are destroying the male intittlement behind his actions and we are, finally, for the first time, holding the top white, wealthy men accountable. This ties in directly with the bankruptices. Let's look at it logically Drumpf is a businessman Drumpf has dozens of bankruptcies on his record Drumpf has not repaid millions, if not billions, of dollars in loans as a result of the bankruptcies Extreme much? Absolutely. I wrote an essay in my Embodiments of Patriarchy class on this very subject. It's not enough that Drumpf is an oppressive force, a testament to the white male patriarchy. He had to flaunt it with his bankruptcies. He stole money from working people and didn't return it. This is a femminnest issue because these actions affected women disproportionately. And yes, I got an A for the paper. So where are we with this? We've exposed the damages of his bankruptcies, and his extremest attitudes. His hatred of minorities, especially Mexicans and Blacks, as well as poor people, and frankly anyone who isn't a cis-white straight male is what makes him the most extreme. What could we expect from a Drumpf Precedency? Deportation of Mexicans Deportation and incarceration of Blacks Expansion of #BlueLivesMatter and Dissolution of #BlackLivesMatter Divisive attitudes, climate change that will affect the world A decrease in science and education The last part is key. Republicans absolutely hate Education. They know an educated people will never vote against there self interests. They know educated people "get it" and vote for candidates that offer them the most. This is why he would cut it. Here's some more: More wealth division Tax breaks for the rich Tax increases for the poor Regressive taxes Private prisons Training camps and halocaust-style society So where does this leave us? You have to ask us: what kind of person would vote for Drumpf? Here are some defining attributes: Don't care about black people Don't care about minorities Don't care he lied about Drumpf Don't care about climate change Don't care about gay and trans rights Don't care about bankruptcies Don't care about wealth division Don't want to redistribute wealth from the top to the bottom Votes against his own self interests. I personally don't know anyone who matches that criteria but then again I don't know anyone voting for Drumpf. I asked the Southern Poverty Law Center's Voter Rights Division about these characteristics. I asked via email: "Are these the characteristics of a Drumpf voter?" They answered: "Absolutely, yes." Drumpf is extreme. That's the bottom line. And the people that support him are fringe alt-right fanatics who are to extreme to be taking seriously. They want to take America back to 1850, to prevent equality, unless you are a white straight cis male, ect. ect. So who votes for Drumpf? Very few people actually. There's no way he can win the election without some sort of fraud. But isn't voter fraud a concenr? Yes, absolutely. Republicans are epic at voter fraud. If Drumpf wins this is how we can do it, so that So how do we stop this? The power is in the top 1% who need there wealth the least. This is why the power distribution and wealth distribution is such a problem. Do they need there money? Well, no, but that doesn't matter. They'll still steal money from the workign poor who need it hte most. Such as? Drumpf. Drumpf wouldn't pay his workers. He routinely stiffs people and fires them. What can be done? This is why #ImWithHer is such an important phenomena. Hillary Clinton is the only one that can solve the issue and that is why we need to vote for her. The email continues: If you Care about black people, minorities, and women Care about Drumpf lying Care about climate change Care about gay and trans rights Care about Drumpf and his bankruptcies Want a basic income Want wealth redistribution ect. ect. ect. Then the only choice is to really join the #ImWithHer movement. Support a team that is looking out for the common good, for the 99% who neeed help from the Government the most, for the minorities and gay / trans people who need there defense the most, ect. ect.**

I love you

Lol "other" got a $1 donation. Hope that money went to good use.

Surely the Democrats would never have implemented those protections they implemented.

Solid logic A+

/u/DrWeeGee Why do you downvote? Are you really that sad of a person that you have little fits of spite and have to reach out through a medium that has nothing to do with validity? You do realize karma is worthless right? And that downvoting a comment doesn't do anything to the legitimacy of what's in the post right? Or do you just ignore all of that because you're butthut and have to lash out like a baby in need of a circumcision? I mean seriously! You can't have a conversation with someone on the internet without angrily clicking the downvote button? Do you feel like you've had vengeance on them or something? I personally don't care about downvotes either way (by all means, call your silly downvote brigade on me, it means nothing at all to me), but I just find it funny how seriously you and others like yourself actually take these imaginary internet points. Reddit really is all you have, huh? Damn do I feel bad for you. But you know what? I don’t care! I’ll rake in the coal! Go ahead and press that down arrow, I know you're itching to do it. Think you're contributing to the community? "Doing your civic duty"? Nope. You're just decreasing a meaningless number on the internet. You just want to hop on the bandwagon. Well POUNCE! O can hear you as your feet land on the cold real steel of the inside of the wagon. You know what? Enjoy the ride, for now. Maybe even stick your head out the window and feel the breeze while you reflect on the importance of your downvote to me. I'll even give you my word, this isn't even my primary account, kiddo. Downvote away, downvote to your heart's content. But listen kid, please remember rule 1 of reddit. Treat the other people commenting as if they are human beings. It is fascinating, however, that people ignore the fact that they are right just because the first two people downvoted them. From that point it is just snowballs. When people see downvotes, do they neglect their own ability or reason? It is similar to the fallacy of poisoning the well. Once they see the fact that others disagree, they assume that the person must be wrong, even if undeniable truth is on the other side. It is an interesting phenomenon, and I am not sure how reddit should address this issue moving forward. There needs to be a solution that prevents cases like mine from happening. If someone posts something truthful, it should be upvoted, not downvoted. It is imperative that we allow free speech and the truth to be shared. I don’t care about the karma. Hell, I’ll gladly rake in the coal! But we must remember that free speech and opinions are key to our society and, more importantly, reddit. So, next time you want to downvote something, just think about what you are about to do!


is this as long as your post?

Republicans unredeemable antidemocratic swine, Democrats no good either, noted. Becoming communist.

There is none.

"Killary" because SETH RICH BUTTERYMALES!!!

It's funny because you not only look like a complete idiot for the name calling, but you support a guy that quite likely actually contributed to the death of people living in his shitty slum apartments in the 80's that he was ordered many times by courts to clean up.

How can you be this wrong? Lmao. Fiber is both cheaper and easier to run than copper lines.

Do you not care about laws? I thought Trump supporters were all about the rule of law?

Well, I found a major source of your confusion. I'm not a Trump supporter. People need to stop assuming anyone critical of reddit's popular opinion is a Trump supporter.

The whole situation is a lot more complicated than 'legal contracts they signed with the government'. There's deals with expiration dates at a federal and local level that Democrats and Republicans are both responsible for. Several states have recently passed bills blocking municipal and private networks from forming.

It's not just Telcoms restricting access to 'wires', It's lobbyists ghost writing bills and having states legislate against private companies and municipalities rolling out new networks.

Pricing restrictions were lifted on telcoms years ago with the understanding that they would expand and roll out fiber infrastructure to schools, libraries, and neighborhoods all across the nation. We were supposed to have the best network in the world. At this point, these companies have received subsidies and charged customers to the tune of $400 billion for these improvements, but they've pocketed the majority of that money without improving infrastructure. That's theft.