Steam benned pepe avatars because the creator exercised his intellectual property rights or something.

102  2017-12-16 by snallygaster


Wait 'till he copyright strikes Reddit.

That already happened and TD had to remove that annoying Pepe 'subscribe now' overlay and replaced it with an equally annoying Trump 'subscribe now' overlay.

Article for anyone interested in reading about it. I heard that he was going to do something, but I didn't realize he'd actually taken legal action. He's apparently issued cease-and-desist orders to Richard Spencer and Mike Cernovich (عليهما لعنة الله) too.

I thought this was pretty funny:

At the end of August, Furie's lawyers reached a settlement with Eric Hauser—the former assistant principal in Texas who appropriated Pepe's image for use in an Islamophobic children's book. Furie's lawyers forced Hauser to stop selling the book and made him donate his profits to the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

When a gator kills a baby no one calls it a radical, cause it's obvious that all of them are dangerous animals

1) Nothing better than a self-quote, well done

2) Are the gays, or the islams, the gator in this analogy?

I think xhe means "gator' as in gamergater

Pretty sure it was sarcastic but I may be giving too much credit to their intelligence.

When a gator kills a baby no one calls it a radical
'Cause it's obvious that all of them are dangerous animals
The handwriting has been on the wall, clear and legible
Now we got a muzzy turning fruits into vegetables

It was a great night, it was a Homocaust
Bona fide homocide, 50 lives lost
No Pulse, just Blood on the Dance Floor
Now the fags are more butthurt than before

Look here, a muslim walks into a bar And orders shots for everybody, hardy har har
And he should've killed more but he was not a straight shooter
Almost makes you wanna cry like that bitch Anderson Cooper

It's a tragedy, too many faggots got away
So instead of Islam they're gonna die from AIDS
If survivors wanna feel guilty, that's their prerogative
But I really hope they all remain HIV positive

The majority of victims were spics
Taking loads in the face, but this time not from dicks
Some had trouble deciding which bathroom to hide in
They weren't sure if their gender matched the one they died in

49 faggots and 1 dune coon
Rig the SIG, pop the Glock, and shoot for the Moon
Sandniggers pulling triggers, yeah it's something to see
They may be ignorant savages but they're working for me

I said, 49 faggots and 1 dune coon
Rig the SIG, pop the Glock, and shoot for the Moon
Sandniggers pulling triggers, yeah it's something to see
They may be ignorant savages but they're working for me

Listen, all you see are lies on tv
But you know you can believe it if you hear it from me
False claims, false flags on the internet too
And the mouthpiece behind it all is guess who? The jew

You can't trust the mainstream media
Undeniable, they're less reliable than Wikipedia
The dude was a troll and libs took the bait
Now it's gun control in a police state

He said he was ISIS but ISIS never heard of him
He said he had no problem with niggers while he murdered them
He said he was hetero with semen in his farts
It's the sjw culture tearing itself apart

If DC's the brain then Disney's the heart
If PC's the plan, the pigs play the part
Leave a muzzy in a bathroom, let him throw some darts
Like shooting apples in a barrel or a shopping cart

49 faggots and 1 dune coon
Rig the SIG, pop the Glock, and shoot for the Moon
Sandniggers pulling triggers, yeah it's something to see
They may be ignorant savages but they're working for me

That's right, 49 faggots and 1 dune coon
Rig the SIG, pop the Glock, and shoot for the Moon
Sandniggers pulling triggers, yeah it's something to see
They may be ignorant savages but they're working for me

The libtards are having a hard time with this
They wanna blame Whitey but it's hard to miss
That the shooter was a muslim and a faggot at that
And like most mass shooters he was a democrat

Packing shit, packing heat, smoking fags indoors
And the jews' news says he got a new high score
But that's only 'cause my crimes tend to go unrecorded
When I kill a thousand niggers it just isn't reported

I'm killing niggers, I'm killing niggers (Please stop)
I'm killing faggots, I'm killing faggots (Please stop)
I'm killing spics, killing spics, killing spics
And I'm killing mudslimes who like to suck dicks

49 faggots and 1 dune coon
Rig the SIG, pop the Glock, and shoot for the Moon
Sandniggers pulling triggers, yeah it's something to see
They may be ignorant savages but they're working for me

49 faggots and 1 dune coon
Rig the SIG, pop the Glock, and shoot for the Moon
Sandniggers pulling triggers, yeah it's something to see
They may be ignorant savages but they're working for me

This is Moonman here
Telling you queers, greasy wetbacks, and sandniggers to take a long walk off a short pier
Vote 50 faggots, and I'm out of here

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" -


I only read the first 2 stanzas, fuck that shit hit hard

That's fucking hilarious

That's a thing you can do. Imagr was also hit with copyrighted memes that they had to take down.


The only Memes Imgur removes are Offensive ones like "The Gif" or Grandmas shitposts about Muhammad being a pedophile

Like you know you can look at

Of course I don't expect anyone who is retarded enough to post on reddit to understand Imgur, our Memes are streets ahead

I'm sure Tumblr memes are more your speed

Nope, for example you cant post the original scumbag stact because of copyright, that's one example.

holy fuck are you Beyonce's Lawyer?

Good thing we have a Free and Open Internet where you can post anything you want, thanks Obama.

Where did you learn your knowledge of DMCA, the Australian Sheepfucker barely speak english College mod?

Imagine caring about this retarded shit as much as you do.

God you're such a faggot. Everyone knows that the only reason the imgur """"""""""community""""""""" exists is because mental illness exists.


Of course I don't expect anyone who is retarded enough to post on reddit to understand Imgur, our Memes are streets ahead

what year is it

If you don't know then you're streets behind.

The only Memes Imgur removes are Offensive

Or ones that get hit with a DMCA, because part of the DMCA is instally removing the DMCA'd content.

What is the gif?

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

The dmca was a mistake

No u

Lick my tiny weiner, gayboy

youre just now figuring this out?

How else would people fuck up anyone using their content in a disparaging way? It's like the basics of copywrite law

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

The "Alt-Right"??"Racist Frog"???Way to do your research PC Gamer. Go and drink your Soy Milk.

When you look at the top upvoted comments on that article, by a wide margin your readers are telling you that labeling Pepe as "racist" is intellectually lazy and that they are growing tired of PC Gamer's hard Left turn. Yet here we are again. If you want to stop having this conversation, the onus is on you to stop instigating it.

But it's peak adult to go online and reeeeeeee for freeeeeee about a dmca takedown of a cartoon frog.

Political correctness is childish weakness for people who have a twisted worldview. Sheltered, foolish, ignorant people.

Why is PC Gamer so political lately? I don't read PC Gamer for your idiotic leftist political commentary. Just saying.

Stuff like this is when the people in the middle and those who don't get involved too much in politics go 'maybe the left are crazy'. I am sorry, by doing stuff like this, you are just giving more ammunition to the right to play with. Now i don't lean in any particular direction but banning symbols and a cartoon etc just sounds dumb from the get go.

Copyrights are farther to the left than stalins crooked penis.

Literally everyone who uses it. The context is also important. Pepe would've long been dead by now and no one would care, if his whole situation didn't become a symbol of the hatred and bigotry of left wingers.

Pepe is not a racist frog, he is a symbol of freedom and the holy figure of the people of kekistan 🐸.

Yea sorry but no.It's racist. It's a symbol of racism, ignorance, intolerance, and most importantly, contempt for mature rational people.That's the sole reason trolls exist. They have no lives, have nothing, and have to live vicariously by causing everyone else misery. So no. Pepe IS the thing it represents.

Funny, leftists don't have a problem with isis flags but have serious issues with nationalist flags. You can fly isis flag at berkeley and no one will bat an eyelash, but wear a maga hat and you deserve to be sucker punched.

Just some of the choice commentary from the top minds over in pcgamer's comment section.

how do people actually use "kekistan" unironically and not feel a deep, suicidal sense of shame

then again these people also loved ajit pai's net neutrality vid so it's entirely possible they don't feel any

actually use "kekistan" unironically

Why stick to just using it on the internet when you can use it in real life?

What is going on in our middle schools?

Really makes you think about the population of /pol/, /b/, and /r/The_Donald 🤔🤔🤔

80/20 young boys to old pedophiles.

Really explains the alt-right's fixation on Greco-Roman culture.

And Islam amirite

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

I have seen one of these in real life. Along with a guy walking around with a sign saying "CNN IS ISIS". It's kind of like going to the zoo, except if you live in the right city then the zoo comes to you.

Wait... if stalin is on the left, but his penis is crooked, wouldn't that make stalin's penis more right than the left of him? Or does that make his penis alt-left?


Im telling ya it's Easter Toad's time to shine.


It’s Easter the toad you uncultured mutt.

Matt Furie is till going. What a sad lil man.

the hell you on about hes starting drama shouldnt that be applauded?

Lol, good. Fuck that frog.

fuck you, buddy

Thank god for the DMCA

mfw my pepe one still works

feels bretty good


Does this guy ever think "maybe I should cut the ugly frog comic loose and make more content"? Or is he another indie artist coasting on one popular idea for the rest of his career.

god bless the man, legally getting a bunch of memelords ass blasted. ought to make him a mod

Creator be warned, the hacker known as 4chan is coming for you

While this is a disgusting copyright abuse, it removes one of toys of those manchildren and that's hilarious.

anyone bitching about losing their frog avatar deserves it

He could make some much money off the alt autistic right but he'd rather do this.

Do you think a bunch of autistic (and often NEET) children are going to pay to meme?

They paid for the steam avatars

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Reading those comments, is there a contingent of Trump voters who have brain damage?

Dude doesn't own green frog pictures lol. Unless someone is selling them and even then so long as they are clearly and intentionally different the dudes copyright holds literally no weight.