High School Counselor Trying To Cope With Surge Of Right-Wing Boys, Says ''This Is Getting Out Of Hand"

204  2017-12-18 by BigLordShiggot




yo can we get botchlings back, this new guy is tryhard


The new generation of Mayo-ISIS being radicalized by the internet is amazing. At some point one of them is going to commit a massive terror attack and we're going to end up bombing the shit out of Pigfuckersville, Alabama.



Yeah, we. Pretty straight forward, shit for brains.

How do I talk to these kids who literally come to me and rant about affirmative action?

Are we not allowed to disagree with affirmative action now?

The real question is why high school kids bitching about affirmative action when they dont even have to deal with it?

They're the ones applying to colleges...

White people benefit the most from affirmative action lmao. Without it it'd be nothing but fuckin' asian exchange students. Trust me whitey, Affirmative Action isn't what kept you from getting into your local 4 year.

*white women

And I don't care, affirmative action literally punishes success, it's got to go.

Implying non Asian minorities wouldn't be the ones pushed out.

When does white trash ever apply for college?

idk when did you send your last application?

Lol. Technically speaking my first degree was given to me by the University I was teaching at. Then when I came back to Canada, my band already had me enrolled in my local university. I never applied for shit.



white trash

shhh lets see if he figures out I'm brown.



You're an Uncle Tom, you race traitor.

ok at first i didn't give a shit about your humblebrag but

Then when I came back to Canada, my band already had me enrolled in my local university. I never applied for shit.


your band enrolled you? I live in canada also and I'm pretty sure nowhere in the country can you just roll up to uni and be like "eh so my bud here wants to enroll too, he's not here tho so here's his info and some cash. don't worry he'll come"

Native band retard.

i feel like you intentionally say it like that just to trip people up. because no regular person uses "band" with no context to mean native band, you actual mongoloid. and that still doesn't make sense, how are they just allowed to enroll you in shit

A Canadian with average intelligence should have been able to figure out I was talking about a native band from that context. What natives don't refer to their band as "band" when talking about it? Do you think we actually say the full band name when we are talking about them.

well I live in BC and theres lots of first nations people here. every one i've met says "native band" or "first nation band" because despite the rampant alcoholism they're smart enough to know the word is more commonly used to mean musical band.

They said it that way because that's the way they're used to saying it. I don't know what it was either.

Brown people are dumb so they need a band to apply to college for them or something

Why didn't you prairie niggers do anything with all that land? It took Europeans showing up to straighten you less evolved savages out and show you what civilization is.

Glad you enjoyed the alcohol.

We did. Toronto used to be corn fields used to feed the large population in the area. But we had Trump care for medical back then and a sickness hit and alot of us died. Once we were able start to bring back the population back the white and Spanish came and we know how that turned out.Also don't forget that our political system was way ahead of the whites. "Prairie nigger" what are you, bad at being racist. The go to term is chug. How much of a fuck up do you have to be to get that wrong.

stfu prairie nigger, unless your ancestors lived in an igloo in which case I apologize, ice nigger.

Why didn't you prairie niggers

Don't steal /u/feeepo's schtick you unoriginal unfunny mong.

In the world of the blind, the man with one eye is king.


The term white trash implies whites are, in general, not trashy. I love when morons use this term. I love using it too, it shows the attitude of normal whites towards underachieving. #KeepSnitching

Not all white people are white trash but I do think all white men are a waste of space and white women are only good for making mixed race babies. #mayocidewhen

It's so sad. You want our women, but we don't want yours.

your women don't want you though

White women have the lowest rate of interracial relationships in the world. You are a lying retard. I get it, lying to yourself keeps you from ending it all. Must be a miserable existence.

No, you don't get it. White women don't want you specifically. Nobody does.

Lol you're a fucking idiot I'm handsome af. It would probably make you depressed if you saw who was making you look retarded on the internet

Well yeah, you only date Native women if your fetish is getting the shit kicked out of you

How does it make you feel that I'm attractive, in shape, have a girlfriend, and would beat the shit out of you?

I don't understand why they don't just claim on the application to be disabled trans poc women. What's a college going to do, contradict you?

You get extra points on your college admissions if you check a minority box of some type. So, I'd say that they probably are the ones most affected by this out of everyone as it can make the difference between getting into a good school or not.

Extra points taken off if you check the "Asian" minority box.

Where I live they have these special high schools that you need to take a test to get into. People being who they are, of course an industry arose from this of cram schools where you can study just for that exam. Asian parents being who they are, of course sent their kids to these cram schools to learn the test material.

The net result is that most of these schools are, and no hyperbole here, 95% Chinese.

Of course, now people are complaining because somehow this isn't fair, because you know, people who work hard should be shit on.

A lot of what HS counselors deal with is helping kids prepare/apply for college.

Helping 11th graders get their college applications ready is the biggest part of a guidance counselor's job.

I think that is a more subtle way of saying

"they come into my office talking about "the blacks" stealing their girlfriends and about something called "pickle rick"

Why not just say "these kids shout the n-word repeatedly when they come into my office" that would get the point across better.

Kids knows not the say "racist words" but will still beat up Mexicans

Look around reddit, you will find very few people who would openly call someone a slur but will talk about how blacks are genetically and culturally inferior or about trying to create a white homeland

Its like how someone one will being talking about new tax laws and then start recommending a violent revolution, you don't see it coming

how blacks are genetically and culturally inferior

This is literally true though.


You're speaking to the person featured here, by the way.

linking to /r/Drama

Seriously, no one should promote that den of crypto-hate.

Everywhere they live in the world?


That doesn't say black people are more violent. It says people with a specific allele are more violent, including black people that happen to have that allele.

Can you read?

"Analyses revealed that African-American males who carry the 2-repeat allele are significantly more likely than all other genotypes to engage in shooting and stabbing behaviors and to report having multiple shooting and stabbing victims"


That is, in fact, what it says. African-American males who carry the 2-repeat allele, not all African-American males.

No shit.

So you linked something that doesn't support your claim

"significantly more likely"

But statistics already show that and anyone with a brain already knows that.


who carry the 2-repeat allele

"...than all other genotypes"

Yeah, according to that study the referenced 2-repeat allele increases violent tendencies more than other genotypes. You can't read.

In blacks more than all other genotypes, dipshit.

holy shit you don't know what a genotype is lmao

"Analyses revealed that African-American males who carry the 2-repeat allele are significantly more likely than all other genotypes to engage in shooting and stabbing behaviors and to report having multiple shooting and stabbing victims."

Try reading it again you fucking retard.

Analyses revealed that African-American males who carry the 2-repeat allele

who carry the 2-repeat allele

Don't drag cats into this :(


Reddit's word of the year

Because it's not true?

Are we not allowed to disagree with affirmative action now?

The Mayos are going to call for affirmative action back when Pajeet and Ching Chong have taken all their college places.

The mayos created the most dominant civilization in the history of mankind but are going to ask for AA to come back


Pajeet and Ching Chong have taken all their college places

Where have you been? Already happened.

Pretty sure being Pajeet made it harder for me to get into college if anything

It did, but colleges are still of pajeets regardless.

affirm generally discriminates against asians

Imagine being so retarded you literally don't realize that happened in 1995

AA actually works AGAINST Asians. AA only really benefits Hispanics, Blacks, and Native Americans. Curious enough though, Jews have no limits on their admissions.

Well, since Asian-Americans are generally overrepresented in universities, especially the more elite ones, this makes sense.

Fuck that. Either do it right or don't do it at all.

Jews have no limits on their admissions

Really makes you think 🤔

Neither do whites


Perhaps because it's a religion while every other one is a race.

because ranting is obviously the best way to deal with it.

especialy at you counselor who'll fix the problem if you rant enough.

and when you're done there you can go on to get your complimentary "can i speak to your manager haircut"

Liberals, particularly liberals involved in education, don't believe that you're allowed to disagree with anything progressive. It's like they think that if they 'win' a political argument, it immediately becomes a settled truth of society. But if the other side wins a political argument, they feel justified in relitigating it forever.

In my experience, liberals want to win without having to fight for it. And since liberals mostly interact with fellow liberals (just like the righties), they mistakenly believe that their worldview is the consensus. Right-wing discourse is obsessed with left-liberal ideology, while left-liberal ideology prefers to imagine that serious disagreement doesn't exist (or that the only people who would disagree are subhuman "deplorables"). This has predictable electoral consequences.

What you think happened:

Q: Okay class, what does everybody think of affirmative action?
A: I am against it and here's why.

What the OP is describing:

Counselor: Okay so I see you're having trouble in math class.
Right-wing boy: Yeah what's the point of math I'm never gonna get into college since I'm a fucking white-male and colleges only want femoids and blacks

He can't express frustration if he feels like he's being discriminated against?

The young generation is pretty anti-Marxist. You'd be surprised

Must be why they loved Bernie so much

Losers in their mid to late 20's did, not young people.

You're old el_throwaway_returns

But that is young people!

Mid to late 20s is still the young vote

But not the youth.

For real i feel old as fuck

lmao what are you 15?

losers in their mid to late 20s

then what are 14 year olds? especially the enlightened branch of kekistan?

If that looks old to you, you may be an ephebophile.

Haha, what the fuck do you think young is?

Bullshit there's commies hiding under the floorboards, McCarthy Did Nothing Wrong.

Hoover and his bussy would most definitely be drama posters.

I'm pretty sure no one of them can define marxism. They are stupid.

Pretty sure no one that has a strong opinion on marxism (either positive or negative) is able to define it, tho.

Lol jesus christ guy

The 'young generation' doesn't know the first thing about marxism

How am I supposed to honestly give council to a kid with a pepe shirt on You don't

Hillary Clinton was right, let the deplorable rot.

let the vegetables rot

pretty simple tbh, dunno where the confusion is

You try if it's your job.

You can start by learning how to spell "counsel," you lousy biddy.

Eh, they'll grow up.

And establish the 4th reich 🏁😂

We can only hope

We need a new generation of shitposters.

Yea, because people tend to shift left as they age...

Oh wait, the opposite is true.

Nah, kids are dumb as fuck. They'll go to college, turn far-left, then drift to the right as they get older and start to rant about alien-human relationships.

It's not some sort of universal law that people become more conservative as they get older. It's just a general trend that has been observed in a very specific location at a very specific time in history.

What is a universal law is that 14 year old anime nazis will turn 16, begin to have troll's remorse, and become ultra zealous male feminists who post on SRD and menslib. Then they well be accused of rape, causing them to withdraw from social media and the echo chambers which reinforced their political opinions, thus becoming normal, everyday people.

It's not some sort of universal law that people become more conservative as they get older. It's just a general trend that has been observed in a very specific location at a very specific time in history.

Also I would point out that If you are a alt righter at 14 becoming more conservative might be a moderating force rather then a force making you more extreeme.

thus becoming normal, everyday people.

I have my doubts that this is the usual endpoint for those with a personal history like you describe.

Yeah, I mean, probably they will have developed some weird fetish where they want an overweight, middle-aged black woman to step on their balls for $200 /hour, but I mean politically they will likely become more moderate.

Dementia's one hell of a drug.

People get more right wing as they get older. Experience does that.

I've never seen any polling statistics that actually back this claim up

First Google hit.

...you didn't post a link

Cause you can Google you lazy fuck.

How bout you bing tbat shit hommie?

This is why millenials fail.


I know you arent throwing that slur at me, RIGHT?

Also poor reading compensation apparently is part of it.

WTF did you say to me?

Did I stutter?

I feel like this is escalating

Only for porn, otherwise GTFO

pretending there's any other reason for search in 2017.

The quote on that is "A young man who isn't a socialist hasn't got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn't got a head"

David Lloyd George said that. He was the British prime minister who broke up Ireland and entered his party (the Liberals) into a coalition with the Tories causing him to be ruthlessly fucked over when half his party followed Winston Churchill into the Tory party making Lloyd George the last ever British Liberal PM. TL:DR... he was a cuck, be careful of taking him too seriously.

He was also a total Chad who ruined his good looks with an awful mustache.

Real grown-ups have a plethora of genders.

Cohort that voted in Obama when that was the presented as the way to be anti-establishment and shake things up.

Ages some years.

Surprised that man of the new youths are anti-establishment and want to shake things up.

The 25-35 crowd are all retarded because they genuinely seemed to believe they were inventing rebellion while copying the aesthetic of counterculture and supporting mainstream institutions that marketed themselves as edgy. Now they're mad because they were a hiccup; the people who came before them were lazy and rebelled by doing nothing. The generation before rebelled by actually making a stink and then selling out when it became easier to do that. And now the generation after them is out to make a stink again and rattle some chains.

When your idea of rebellion is dying your hair, talking about gay marriage, and voting for Obama, you've got a severely out-of-tune self-awareness meter. At least the next generation understands that graffiti of Pepe actually makes adults rage.

But gay marriage did make adults rage or used to at least.

There was also that bungled OWS. The adults raged... then they snickered.

OWS, what a waste of potential for real change. What a fucking shitshow.

Quite literally on FOX.

You had guys in full Maoist uniforms next to RonPaulbots trying to come up with a list of "Demands"

When a famous civil rights leader walked off their stage because they didn't let him speak after their stupid handwave shouting human megaphone "democracy" made basic communication an exercise in patience, i knew their retardation was too much and i knew they were a lost cause.

What happened with that?

Could have had real policy and regulations, instead we got...... Drum circles and progressive stacks.

Tucker Carlson couldn't stop grinning for weeks after he invented the progressive stack.


Tucker Carlson invented the progressive stack and the achievement made him very happy for an unusually long time.

If you honestly believe Tucker Carlson invented the progressive stack then I demand to see proof.

Here's a quick rundown on Tucker Carlson:

  • Tucker Carlson invented punk rock, roomba, and the Andy Dick show.
  • An entire town once reported to the FBI that Tucker Carlson stole their souls. When the FBI contacted Carlson he admitted that he did, but stealing souls is not a crime, so the FBI let him go.
  • Tucker Carlson is capable of giving live birth to children but chooses not to.
  • you probably have tuckbots inside you right now

fuckin BASED! xD

He invented it in 2003 or so, but it's not like he could have publicly broadcast it on CrossFire and gotten the right people to pick it up. They'd have rejected it out of hand if they'd known it came from him. So, in early 2005 he spent a few months "implanting" his ideas into west-coast college students with activist leanings. After several years of incubation, it was ready...

Whatever elite controller made the move to send in the progressives to take over the movement was a genius. Once you add the progressive stack to the movement the valid bite it had collapsed in a sea of retardation.

I talked to stone of the local people and I told them I would draw up some flyers for them, they said they could only use the official OWS website templates. When they showed me them I said that they all looked like soviet propaganda posters which I am assuming was the point. I never went back and the police tossed them out after a couple of weeks.

Nah they are still raging. Very few people who were opposed to gay marriage are cool with it now.

IDK man hair dye seems to piss a lot of people off maybe they're onto something.

I'm not sure about piss off, but I was always kind of grateful for women with blue and green and freakshow red hair for letting me know in a very clear and unambiguous way to avoid them at all costs and spare myself some time and a headache. These days it's the half bald women who broadcast the same message.


Aposematism (from Greek ἀπό apo away, σῆμα sema sign) was a new term coined by Edward Bagnall Poulton for Alfred Russel Wallace's concept of warning coloration. It describes a family of antipredator adaptations in which a warning signal is associated with the unprofitability of a prey item to potential predators. Aposematism always involves an advertising signal which may take the form of conspicuous animal coloration, sounds, odours or other perceivable characteristics. Aposematic signals are beneficial for both the predator and prey, since both avoid potential harm.

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MFW I realize that I'm attracted to women I'm likely to disagree with

The good news is do are they. Now get yo hate fucking in.

but it's pretty, and likely has good tensile strength

So does farting in an elevator.

The best thing about Obama was that he was a normal president while his super supporters got upset.

I remember watching on TV in bed as people partied in Grant Park on his election night, laughing with my now-wife. "lmao yeah, I voted for him but these people are fucking retarded"

they genuinely seemed to believe they were inventing rebellion while copying the aesthetic of counterculture and supporting mainstream institutions that marketed themselves as edgy

And then the same thing happens with the next wave of kids and the Republican party. The cycle continues.

The 25 to 35 generation is retarded but the next one is shore to be embarrassing as well

The glorious 24 to 22 year south park neutral gap generation will save the world.

At least the next generation understands that graffiti of Pepe actually makes adults rage.


How dumb do you have to be to see the conservative party as anti establishment? Especially considering they control all 3 branches right now

Go watch media.

Isn't Fox News the most popular media outlet?

Isn't it also the only major conservative media outlet?

Not surprising when the 'other side' is shared between like three big outlets.

CNN isn't really liberal. There have been times historically when they've leaned more to the right than Fox.

They're the mainstream network, and at the moment, most people don't like daddy, so that's what they're shitting on.

There have been times historically when they've leaned more to the right than Fox.

so? "Thing wasn't X in the past, so it's not X now!"

They're the mainstream network, and at the moment, most people don't like daddy, so that's what they're shitting on.

So you're admitting they do lean liberal in their reporting, you're just saying it doesn't count because they're doing it for the wrong reasons.

CNN isn't really liberal.

Imagine being this retarded. The network that literally attacked Trump because he ate chicken with a knife and fork.

a traditional liberal bias

And the KKK is a powerful Democratic institution, right?

I love how you think anything remotely to the left of Fox News is left-wing.

Never heard of Centre politics ? That's where CNN, ABC, PBS etc all live.

Pbs isn't center lmao

TFW the Free Market of Ideas has spoken and there is only one source for right-wing bullshit on TV

FOX is conservative

MSNBC is liberal

CNN is just full of shitheads, who are mostly liberal because they're in media

who am I missing? Sinclair's bretty barn conservatibe?

Only because it is unique and stands out from the rest that oppose it.

Now go casually watch "apolical" morning talk shows like the View or grab a magazine to deal with fashion like GQ. Go read a major newspaper like New York Times. Watch what opinions get labeled literal hate speech on places like Facebook and Twitter and YouTube because of mass report trolling.

Fox News has serious issues and is full of garbage but it gets away with it because it is conservative and there is nowhere else to go that won't openly hate you.

If you're a teen edgelord, being openly hated by the mainstream is basically your goal.

Circo is a balding old man tyvm. His arguments are ironclad.

Pretending that the right gets persecuted on YouTube is absolutely bonkers. I demand that you remove it from your comment.

YouTube is a good example of what u/CirqueDuFuder is talking about, because other than general content standards, there's no editorial oversight over what you can post, and what you can talk about. So naturally, right-wing discourse will get a foothold there more easily than in other top-down media.

I've been expecting mainstream liberal discourse to start calling for formal restrictions on acceptable content in creator-controlled media like Youtube (and perhaps Reddit?) for a while now, and I think that the controversies that Youtube has ginned up over the last year might be the tipping point. Back during the aughts, it was the left that was bullish about the future of the internet as a medium for grassroots action and speech because the mainstream media was seen as being way too cosy with the Bush II administration. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and so the relative freedom of the web is being seen with suspicion. This attitude hasn't made it's way into Dem party policy yet, but I'd expect it to show up there soon.

I imagine places like YouTube having big republican channels is more along the lines that young republicans are stupid and the only people willing to make content for them are other stupid, unemployable people.

Spend 5 seconds on /r/politics and you will see that conservatives do not have a monopoly on retardation.

It is far better than Facebook and Twitter but they still will randomly take your money away with demonetization if you offend the right people.

Now go casually watch "apolical" morning talk shows like the View

lol why would I do that

or grab a magazine to deal with fashion like GQ

again, why would anyone do that? is that the 90s?

Go read a major newspaper like New York Times.

Do I look like some fancy pants New Yorker to you?

Watch what opinions get labeled literal hate speech on places like Facebook and Twitter and YouTube because of mass report trolling.

Just when I think you can't possibly make a more boring suggestion, you keep topping yourself. How do you do it?

there is nowhere else to go that won't openly hate you.

what about the Washington Post, Times or Examiner

You shouldn't have to resort to Russian propaganda to read coverage that is conservative.

why would you want your actual news coverage to have political leanings? that's not how that's supposed to work

at least when you resort to propaganda sources, you know what the bias is.

Are you under the impression that almost all media isn't laden with bias?

yeah it's all laden with bias, so either go to the less biased sources (news services, primaries, regular outlets that people don't complain about as much) or go all in and just check the ones with mandated biases

Conservative: Fox News

Liberal: Everyone else

See the disparity?

Not the party, Trump. Of course, he is almost completely ineffective and impotent, only capable of reality TV showmanship and some trivial proclamations, so the old school Republicans, who hate Trump, are kinda trying to just do their thing anyway. Of course they are only slightly less ineffective than Trump.

Trump literally ran on it, so yeah, it's pretty anti establishment

Teens that go around talking about affirmative action while wearing pepe shirts generally aren't neo-cons. Aside from a few issues their beliefs barely overlap with the establishment right. In fact most right wing teenagers I've talked to have social beliefs that line up more with surface level left wing political beliefs then right. For example, weed, gay marriage, abortion, tax rates(50/50 on this one), net neutrality and involvement in the middle east. It's just that they really disagree with the left on other issues like affirmative action, white privilege, refugees, etc.

Nu-right, tbh

Voting cattle.

Jesus, the red hats make sense now. Goddamn you Fred Durst!!!

Probably exclude abortion as well. The pro-life movement is growing.

Neo-Cons are Dems now. Hillary's foreign policy was explicitly neo-conservative.

Kids don't give a fuck about that shit. If it pisses people off (which in your case it does) then kids will keep on doing it. You know what their favorite insult is? Cuck.

The new tax bill is practically custom-made to hurt academics (eliminates grad student exemption) and Hollywood (since it targets people with very high take-home pay, but not capital gains). That's as anti-establishment as you can possibly get.

pepelords aren't really traditionally conservative, they're just anti-liberal/anti-social

I mean, they genuinely are the anti-establishment. Even pre-Trump their platform has been "reeeeee tear everything down burn it so no one can tell me what to do!!!" since the Tea Party.

i really dont think most high schoolers have any sort of actual political identity, they just like the memes

I see more and more that do. I mean, back in the early-mid 2000s, the only way a high schooler gets exposed to political news is by being a weirdo and actually spending effort to find it (be it on the web, or tv, paper etc). With social media and ubiquitous smart phones, laptops, and high speed internet, they're more or less constantly exposed to politics. I don't think many actually do research and purposefully form a political identity, but form one (sometimes incoherently) out of a reaction to what they're exposed to.

one of the foremost effects of social media IS politicizing people. that's like a universal effect actually

Back in my high school you’d Unironically get bullied if you were liberal it was kind of funny at the time because I was an edgy “hurrr politics are gay” kid. Looking back tho wtf

ObamaTM was (is) more than a man, he's a brand, like Pepsi or Honda. A statement about your lifestyle and a fashion accessory. "Obama: Choice of a New Generation".

p much

it's not so much the youths as it is the nerds. the normal kids are still pretty liberal, but the new generation of /b/tards is much louder than the old one

Not really. You probably live under a rock but chan culture is mainstream now. Ironic and unironic right-wingery is on the rise right now with younger guys.

not so much among American highschoolers. It's mainstream in the sense that the doughboys no longer feel ashamed of their shitposting, but normies are, as ever, normal

Hm, okay. I can only judge with absolute authority on chan culture being mainstream with regards to my country. My Internet buddies and friends are either normal, centrist or (two brothers from California) are fucking white identarian.

I'm sure the internet friends you made are a perfectly normal cross section of America's youth, you absolute weirdo.

IDK where you live but it seems to me that the base of the alt-right is been disproportionately European, even though they're considered to be an American phenomenon.

Are you still a kid? Because the way my brother tells it, living in a deep blue area, the sports kids like Trump (except some of the black ones, who also don't like any of the stuff generally associated with the left) and the active left wing politics are mostly reserved for the kind of girls who like fantasy and their in-the-closet companions.

I have trouble believing it myself, but the little fuck is a pure upstanding little Chad. I can't see him making it up.

Now I can say from experience this is absolutely not the case with the 22 and up age group, amongst whom the election was basically 9/11, but I'm pretty sure the kids are a bunch of little Republicans.

nu/pol/ isn't and will never be part of true imageboard culture

Fair enough.

imageboard culture

true imageboard culture

>M E M E A R R O W S

Back in 2011, when /pol/ was just made, i was one of the people who went there from 4chon's /new/ to proselytize far right ideas. To this day i consider myself responsible for creating that monster, and it keeps me up at night.

Look what you've done. This is all your fault.

Father, forgive him, for he didn't know what he did.

I wis there too. Fun times. Consider the alternative if there were no alt right and it was just boring /leftypol/ IRL


it keeps me up at night.

masturbating, right?


/pol/ is the new /b/


/bant/ is the new /b/, except somehow even more retarded.

wait what the fuck

there can't seriously be a board called /bant/, or I'll have to never use that abbreviation again

It is a new board, only been around since June, but full of dank memes.

but look, isn't that why we made Shrekchan

Trump won young whites and young males. Plus this seems to be becoming the norm with jocks just as much as nerds. My brother's football team loves the dumb fuck, and you see all those stories about teams chanting Trump and that being a hatecrime or whatever.

That said, the nerds were the real game changer. The army of angry autists Trump attracted gave the GOP a real foothold on the internet, which I never would have thought possible. The next generation is going to be the most Republican group of kids in decades. If he actually manages to get rid of the dreamers and the demographic shift they represent, America is going to take a really unexpected turn.

It's different when we do it!

Surprised that many of the new youths are anti-establishment and want to shake things up.

There's anti-establishment, and then there's just autistic, if you're unable to talk about math without spergling out.

This gives me hope for the future.

I woke up in a cold sweat last night, afraid intersectionalism was going to kill memes forever, but this gives me hope for the future.


Do you feel in charge?

I love Generation Zyklon.

imagine being a high school counselor lol

Imagine being a high school anything lol

being a high school shooter isn't so bad

like can u imagine, can u imagine just walking up to chad's lunchtable and then stacy gives you that fucking bitchy fluoride stare and he laughs with his gay ass pearly white teeth and tells you to go watch star wars

think he'd still be laughing when you pull out your dad's .44 and pop pop bang bazoop him right in the middle of his chad feast? :)

To be fair, you'd have to be very smart to understand how to hair trigger a

Can this count as kink shaming?

pop pop bang bazoop

Ya see

imagine being a high school graduate lol

Imagine Marilyn Manson smiling and laughing when someone asks if u are dating or just friends ❤️


Imagine being highschool bussy.

I'm credentialed to do that job if I wanted to. I actually think it's about as good a spot to be as any if you want to make an impact on others, particularly those who might show benefit from the work. The linked guy is clearly garbage at it though tbf

Unironically, you're a nicer person than me.

Low bar

Out of curiosity, and since you seem to have some familiarity with the subject, what would your advice be for the person who posted this on Facebook? How should they proceed in their work with these kids that they obviously disagree with in terms of worldview?

You don’t need to be a psychoanalyst to understand that this retard doesn’t need to worry about students political affiliations unless they’re constantly being racist or are afraid of the Jews or some ridiculous manifestation of conservative A N G S T

I take it it is a matter of angst tho. Any kid who adopts an extreme political position and can't help but to rant about politics even when it is clearly inappropriate to do so is obviously suffering from something. Maybe they were molested by their uncle, and they've projected their anger from that incident onto the Jews because their uncle just so happened to have a large schnoz. And they're secretly afraid that this makes them gay, so they've constructed a whole conspiracy theory about the Jews promoting homosexuality in the West in order to destroy the nuclear family.

Although of course the solution there would be pretty simple, and you could just give them lithium or whatever until they stop caring about things. Really it's not of any consequence that the kid embraces this nutty political stance rather than any other one. But I could see how it could be a problem.

The first thing is to put your own values aside as much as possible. Kids will absolutely know you're proselytizing to them, they're very familiar with others trying to change their views or otherwise manipulate them. Throwing that off is a very common part of aging.

If it were me in his spot I'd be trying to get the kid to explore his views, and trust me enough to be able to take a good look at himself in my company, and bump it up against the person he wants to be (or find out who that person is). All I'd be doing is trying to build trust, and then maybe open some doors on his terms. For like 95% of the people I work with, we're able to find something about the person that is good and/or aspires to goodness, and that becomes a natural and useful contrast to destructive behavior.

That all said there are many good approaches here. "I can't even" isn't one of them. How many other people "can't even" with that kid? And what does that communicate to him? Dude needs to get over himself.

My old HS counselor made over $100K a year, it was disclosed in the local government's website.

A new crop of future school shooters

Well, if the guidance counselors are communist enemies, someone will have to.

Makes sense as my political leanings as when i was at high-school could be summed up as "literally retarded"


It's not retarded if it's exactly as undeveloped as is expected at that age, tbh.

It's not retarded if it's exactly as undeveloped as is expected at that age, tbh.

Being this retarded. Are you in high-school?

Are you bad at reading, friend? Why are you saying that?

I'm horrible at reading bruh. It is the call out culture in /r/drama that made me call strangers for retards.

There ought to be a requirement that before you become a teacher or school administrator, you accept that not every teenage autist will know exactly the right noises to make politically.

My GP was a teacher, said that they should be forced to work nonteacher jobs until they are 30 as training.


And while we're at it, priests should have to be at least 65 and universally widowers who have raised their children to successful adulthood.

This should be something that everyone does, everything should be taken with a grain of salt.

Please, I'd be shocked if more than 3% of America's guidance councillors had any business discussing politics. Or anything really.

I seriously hope that this is real, just because it serves them right for churning out so many kids with the same verbal diarrhea concerning left wing nonsense.

Let them deal with right wing shitspewing for a generation or two.

WTF, I love gen z now.

Gen Z is not that right-wing. I suspect it's just a minority of loud, probably white guys that are desperately looking for a movement that will let them feel like they're oppressed.

Most of them will die out/change within the next 5 years.

I've seen all of this, every single one of them cherry picked the things that seemed "conservative" and ignored all of the SJW shit.


Gen Z is more diverse than any generation. Frank N. Magid estimates that Gen Z is 55% Caucasian, 24% Hispanic, 14% African American, 4% Asian and 4% mixed race or other. He also states that Gen Z exhibits positive feelingsabout ethnic diversity in the U.S. and is more likely than older generations to have social circles that include different ethnic groups, races, and religions. This makes them more sympathetic to movements regarding racism, such as Black Lives Matter, and less tolerant for institutionalized discrimination against different religions, ethnic groups or immigrants.


Generation Z is more liberal in areas like marijuana legalization, and transgenderissues, according to a study done by The Gild. 56% of 13-to-20-year-olds said that they knew someone who went by gender neutral pronouns such as “they,” “them,” or “ze,” compared to 43% of people aged 28 to 34 years old, according to the results of the Innovation Group’s major new study. Over a third of Gen Z respondents also strongly agreed that gender did not define a person as much as it used to. This figure dropped to 23% among Millennials who were 28 and up.


75% of Gen Z support same sex marriage. They’re more likely to have grown up around same sex parents, and therefor don’t see this as unusual—or illegal.


76% are concerned about global warming. This makes sense considering the amount of environmental disasters they’ve witnessed so far, including the 2013 Colorado forest fires (most destructive wildfire in history,) tornado in Joplin, Missouri in 2011 (single deadliest tornado in US history since advent of modern weather forecasting,) the flooding devastating Mississippi river valley (one of largest and most damaging floods recorded in past century,) and much more.


It has been reported that Generation Z are, “the least likely to believe that there is such a thing as the American Dream.”


Having grown up bombarded by mass shootings in their own country, and terrorist attacks overseas, this generation more likely supports gun control.

We'll see as time goes on. Socially liberal, fiscally conservative, libertarian party will see a boom

Most people, including almost all democrats, are "fiscally conservative."

A political ideology which supports giant government systems distributing health care, a living wage, and other shit is not a "fiscally conservative" ideology. Come on now.

I'd argue supporting single payer healthcare is fiscally conservative, seeing how it saves money and is cheaper.

I said also they're MORE fiscally conservative, the GOP is constantly trying to spike the deficit and pass tax cuts we can't possibly fund.

I said also they're MORE fiscally conservative, the GOP is constantly trying to spike the deficit and pass tax cuts we can't possibly fund.

No, you didn't. But ok.

Libertarians are too extreme. An actual center right party would be more reasonable.

Frank N. Magid

Totes a real name...

I think they're overestimating the White percentage and underestimating the Asian percentage - it's probably heading towards 10% by now.

In the past it was always the stuffy conservative types that would get on teenagers nerves, always telling them to pull up their pants and complaining about the music and shit. It's natural to want to rebel against the people that judge you and want you to conform to their narrow view of the world.

Except now you have an even more insidious, oppressive (from a teenage perspective) group on the left that are not just giving them shit for their lifestyle choices, but even for their skin colour. Pushback is inevitable, and it's one of the reasons that the authoritarian left is so stupid, this is entirely their fault.

Then again, this is everyone's fault for being so stupid that they feel they have to conform to a left-right dichotomy instead of just chilling the fuck out and letting people live how they want, so fuck everyone.

Pretty much this.

My general sense (from having once been one) is that most teenagers are going to tend to be more sympathetic to the side that (a) appears to possess a sense of humor, and (b) isn't running around talking about how much they want the government to regulate everyone's private sex lives.

And at this particular moment -- god help us -- that side is the GOP.

Goddamn that's depressing

What you’re forgetting tho is that 90% of Hollywood & celebrities in general are liberal. That carries a lot more weight than literally anything else.

Generation Zyklon will save the West.

Ugh I just can’t handle 😤😤😤 these conservative values 😍😍😍😍


Kids in Iraq get radicalized by seeing their families die and their country bombed to shit. Mayo kids get radicalized by cartoon frogs on the internet.

Eh, Muslims that grow up in the west (AKA the majority of terrorists in the West) are basically radicalised the same way.

There's a difference between a terrorist group preying on mentally ill and socially isolated people by promising them money and heaven....and some middle class white kid getting radicalized because he saw Donald Trump photoshopped as a frog on the internet.

Most likely the white kids are getting radicalized because they are portrayed as evil in all media. For white boys its even worse since they are now the lowest level getting shit on by even white women.

cry more

You'll be the ones crying soon.

ooooh so scary, what are you going to do, set a church on fire? Run over a white woman then pussy out and try to pretend you didn't?

This is weird, don't be weird, weirdo.


Most likely the white kids are getting radicalized because they are portrayed as evil in all media

lol unironically get off reddit

New York times published an article saying white people are evil and not to be friends with them.

This but ironically

This but unironically

Which one are you talking about?

What kind of degenerate still reads salon?

Liberal normies.


this is why we need mayocide


(((THE JEWS!!!!)))

Don't gaslight me

Imagine unironically saying this

You should open your eyes and look around. Look at colleges like evergreen

Are they even being 'radicalised', though? Opposing affirmative action and making fun of the current state of American universities is hardly 'radical'.

Claiming "cultural marxism is wiping away white authors at college" hardly seems like a joke, rather a paranoid conspiracy theory. They're not getting radicalized by pepe memes though, just the same shit that's used elsewhere. Proponents draw them in with ideas that make them feel like they belong to some group, one that is productive and righteous, yet is under attack by "others", whether it be liberals, minorities, women, whatever.

I mean this implies all t_d and CB2 type people are radicalized. Retarded and radicalized are two different words.

So they're informed on current issues.

Claiming "cultural marxism is wiping away white authors at college" hardly seems like a joke, rather a paranoid conspiracy theory.

Yeah, maybe spend some time on college campus. This is absolutely what's happening.

The premise itself is paranoid. Just because white authors may not make up the overwhelming majority of teachings as they once does not constitute an attack on white people, nor does it mean that these authors are being wiped from history.

It's like complaining that your parents are trying to starve you when they make you take 4 slices of pizza instead of 5 when sharing with your 3 siblings.

It constitutes an attack on Western Civilization, regardless of skin color.

I'm sorry but where is the "attack" here?

Side note: I used to think you were having a laugh but man are you dedicated! I applaud you for your integrity and will engage you appropriately.

The attack is decrying the Western canon as ideologically unsound, to be replaced with Transgender Undocumented Muslim Ways of Knowing. The purpose is the weakening of republican ideals, so that the resulting degenerate soy-boys may be overwhelmed by third-word slavery. The goal is death of America and the West.

Ok maybe you are having a laugh... but even assuming all of this is true, what is the reasoning behind bringing down "America and the West"

there we go, at least there’s enough crazy there to mask the taste of stupidity

there we go, at least there’s enough crazy there to mask the taste of stupidity

this is too retarded for me to pretend it’s serious

I'm sure you've only seen your local community college for as long as it took you to flunk out and build up a resentment.

that damn Sociology 101 TA and her roller derby- that’s what’s wrong with America

do you wanna start with the part where the authorship is still majority white, or skip to the part where “cultural marxism” is a nonsense name for a conspiracy theory about a bunch of tenuously related figures and concepts?

This is what /leftypol/ actually believes.

Proponents draw them in with ideas that make them feel like they belong to some group, one that is productive and righteous, yet is under attack by "others", whether it be liberals, minorities, women, whatever.

The problem is that left-liberal discourse is handing them buckets of evidence for this, even if it's just a bunch of fringe voices (which I'm not so certain of at this point). Ragging on white men is basically how you demonstrate solidarity with liberal ideas by now, at least on social media. It's easy to dismiss that as just internet nonsense but when your average normie from the Midwest sees this shit, they take a rather dim view of it. Nobody on the left seems to have considered that if you take enough potshots at white people, sooner or later they're going to take the hint and start grouping up. And while their share of the population is dropping, they're still a large majority in the U.S.

Ragging on white men is basically how you demonstrate solidarity with liberal ideas by now

I'll give you that, I cringe when watching SNL at times because of the overt hostility that's supposedly in the name of comedy. What's unfortunate is that in the same way blacks have been constantly pounded in the media and depicted as one way or another, we might start to see the same happen to white men. After a few generations the stigmas may stick and affect how people treat them.

We're a LONG way off from that though and I doubt it will ever go that far. I mean white men still run the world at this point and a few people asking to diversify their curriculum isn't going to change that.

Nobody on the left seems to have considered that if you take enough potshots at white people, sooner or later they're going to take the hint and start grouping up.

This may only happen if there's a serious power dynamics shift, but even then it will be coupled with the dismantling of whiteness as a concept, making race less of a matter in general at least where it counts, i.e. the US. Although honestly that meme is world wide.

Claiming "cultural marxism is wiping away white authors at college" . . . seems like a . . . paranoid conspiracy theory.

Lol, what? There have been repeated movements for 30+ years to do exactly that. From "Hey, ho, Western Civ has got to go!" to the long-running nonsense at Reed College, outrage over having to read "dead white guys" is an evergreen topic at US colleges.

I have to look up that Jesse Jackson quote, but it's very weird to me that you cite a conservative book review for it.

From the article, Reed is among the most liberal schools and it looks like students are simply taking offense to some of the material and boycotting it. I'm not sure how criticising King Tut and asking for a bit of diversity in study materials constitutes an erasure of white literary history. What exactly do you think the kids in the post are referring to?

Claiming "cultural marxism is wiping away white authors at college" hardly seems like a joke, rather a paranoid conspiracy theory.

There is definitely a movement at universities to have fewer white authors. Many in the movement are influenced by Marx. And they are very much on the nurture side of the nature / nurture debate, putting a lot of emphasis in the role of culture. Is it wrong to call this movement "cultural marxism"?

What's the ISIS version of pepe?


I heard mods ban ppl who post those tho

Woah. Slow your roll I identify as black below the belt

Yeah, its better than waiting until your families die and your country is turned to shit.

until your families die and your country is turned to shit.

Except you guys are going to turn your own country to shit.

You're basically the same demographic as ISIS tbh. Emotionally stunted and sexless young men who belong to a formerly dominant group (Sunnis, whites) that's being forced to accept equality and thus has a persecution complex.

It's only a matter of time until the trucks of patriotism start driving through crowds.

There is no equality in the unitied states and this current movement is far from a force to bring equality to the states.

Except you guys are going to turn your own country to shit.

We turned our country to the greatest nation in history, boomba.

BigLordFaggot please.

Since you asked nicely.

Wait, are you Black? Or is this a Steve-Martin-in-The-Jerk situation?

Fuckin' liberal sjws don't understand: the only way to defeat the radical terrorists destroying our country is to become the radical terrorists destroying our country.

Indeed. Everyone who doesn't listen to ChapoCrapHouse is a Muslim jihazi rapefugee.

Yea if they weren't getting bombed they would all be living in harmony, producing culture and peace the likes of which has never been seen.

The Muslims all lived in harmony... until the white people attacked.


Yeah guys, Muhammad only went on a conquering spree because of white people, can't you see?

Every time someone uses the word “cuck”, a flat-earther gets his rocket wings. 🚀


That kid wearing shorts in the second picture is not happy about this shenanigans...

"Fucking white people"

Dude in shorts-probably

I am litetaraly shaking rn. How dare you not provide a pasta-able version?

It's funny when the shoe is on the other foot! Isn't this next generation supposed to become one of the most conservative generations in quite a few decades?

They won't become conservative, they'll dabble with it for a few years and then realise that it's equally shit, then collapse into nihilism as it dawns on them that neither side has a plan for how to prevent massive job losses due to automation.

bbbut, UBI!!1 That will save everyone!

I mean, it's either that or half the western world will descend into an 80s dystopian nightmare. If the incels can't afford their sex robots then there's gonna be hell to pay.

The idea that we will not manufacture anything anymore, and any manual labor that is required domestically will be provided flawlessly by an army of free robots, while we laze about in contented idleness, wanting for nothing, sipping our soylent and watching robots and CG actors doing stupid things on future reality TV shows (I personally look forward to seeing all the seasons of "Ow My Balls Hurt!"), all funded by magic to be a little naive.

Why do you think manufacturing will end? That's what the robots are for.

It might take 10 years or 50 but eventually they'll be better than us at most tasks, so people are either going to starve or we're going to give them money.

I think that is slavery. When the state holds the paycheck that keeps an unskilled, useless population fed and with a roof over their heads, nothing good comes of that. No conspiracy shit and whatnot, it's just simple human nature.

What is the alternative provided automation does indeed take over?

I'm not convinced automation will take over. More things will be automated, yes, but not like is being breathlessly predicted by the various thinkpieces that get circulated on reddit every couple of days.

It's going to be a slower process than reddit thinks, but AI is coming. Google now has machine-learning software that can teach itself how to play games it's never seen before and beat the top human players.

Expensive, highly skilled specialist jobs (stock market trading, radiology) and repetitive, low-skill jobs done by many people (truck driving, burger-making) are going to be the first to go.

Varied, middle-skill jobs are going to hold out the longest.

I think in 100 years, there won't be any jobs that humans are better than machines at doing. There will still be humans doing jobs, though, because some people will prefer "human-crafted artisan" widgets, and some parts of the world will still be desperately poor and un-automated.

So people are going to starve. Got it 👍


I dunno, man. People have been going on about automation for literally centuries. I'll believe it when I see it.

>tfw job literally can not be replaced by machine until AI comes along


Can’t spell counsel.

Are we all pretending this is real?

Are we pretending high school counselors aren't mongoloids?

People tend to know how to spell what they do for a living.

Not really.

Spell "butt slut".

Tbf the type of people that become a high school counselor usually aren't too bright



How do you counsel? You attempt to understand their point of view, set your personal views aside when you're entering school or you get the fuck out of the profession. There are enough dumbasses like you in education, step up or get the fuck out.


Right-w(h)ingers are nuts too tho. I hate their misuse of the word "degeneracy" and with every specimen, it's a different definition of it. Like come on, how hard is it?

Probably the only sane and proper advice worth giving to the counselor.

Real right wing boys grow up to be coal miners.

It sound like the bizarro version of 4chan greentexts stories about future sjw dystopias.

Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein PEPE 13/77

Most males are conservative. This is nearly universally true across modern societies. Look at the political breakdown in any democracy, and you'll see the same thing.

My advice would be to start by spelling 'counsel' correctly and stop using literally in every other sentence

This girl must be under 25

Just tell them to take responsibility for their actions and attempt to succeed financially and support their great nation, then when they're working hard like retards sleep with their wives.

kid wearing pepe shirt to high school

I blame PC weaklings for being against bullying

Reap what you sow bitch

New fags memeing irl.

A kid came to me and ranted that his history classes 'blamed white people too much' for tragedies in the past

So, this kid's saying schools should focus entire on Indian, Chinese and East African history, right? Or should they just stop at 1400