Having fun is for fascists or something like that, according to profilic twitter communist

71  2017-12-18 by CondeTrocola


oh daddy dear you know you're still number one, but fash just wanna have fun.

Fascists and communists both seem to hate Star Wars, Harry Potter, mainstream culture and porn

It's almost like both groups are today mostly comprised of teenage rejects who were bullied in high school and found solace not in emo cliques as their older brothers and sisters, but online radical forums, where they became easy pickings for opportunistic e-celebs and more educated radicals looking for dedicated recruits who wouldn't bother to ask hard questions and instead dove headfirst into the ideology , mislead by promises of a grand violent uprising where they would be able to get back at their tormentors. 🤔

I don't get it, why didn't they just start up a shitty metal band and become the rebellious outcasts? That worked for generations and was an easy way to get laid. No one in highschool or college ever looked at the super political activists and said man, they're hot because they care so much. We all just rolled our eyes and told them to go get laid and lighten up.

Now they have hundreds of different echo chambers online, when they can call everyone brainwashed bootlickers/fascists/bugmen/marxists because they aren't properly woke to their pet cause.

The internet was a mistake. Ajit Pai has the right idea, let's just kill it all.

it’s legitimately a social media thing. this shit is poison

Big if true.

Ron Howard voice: it was big.

I always think 🤔 is a guy smoking a pipe for a second whenever I see it.

Somebody's not been getting enough attention at home, eh?

Consent is a social construct

Were you a member of the sub where that maxim was part of one the stickied posts?

I wish

Oh look, Florida hates freedom of speech, what a surprise.

Fucking antifa commie libcucks.

Boom. Roasted.

fascist ruling class they live under, & the ruling class is well aware of this situation

A mastermind


Simpsons? Glorification of Amerika

So easy to spot retards nowadays

but it does bring around the best clapback

Calling things fascist is fascist. Checkmate tankies.

"But i like Star Wars and i'm a progressive??" -- Said the yankee teenager as he gorged on his milkshake thickened with the bones of African farmers.

One of us?

That's pretty metal.

He talks like he's against it, but honestly how do I get a thick milkshake without the bones of Africans?

If everything fun is fascist, then what's wrong with fascism?


But then again, the fascists say that everything fun is degenerate and for soyboys/bugmen, sooo...


There's more to fun than drugs and bussy.

Yeah, I bet that for some people being angry all the time is pretty fun, but that's not most people.

I'm pretty sure the sjw crowd has that covered.

So do the teenage fascists.

Parents are actually a form of authority, so in an anarchist society, they should be abolished.

this is actually wrong

Clean living and gussy is where its at.

What's Spanish for no? Still no right?

this is the gayest fucking post ive ever read, and not in a good way

Go do poppers and spread your pozhole.

Not like we need any encouragement

This but ironically.


Basically amounts to "corporate sheeple". Trust me, you don't need to know anything more than that.

I can't find it right now but I think its from one of those dystopian books where the protagonist describes the type of people that are able to survive and thrive in oppressive regimes as "bugmen".

This guys head is so far up his ass that it's come out of his mouth and looped back around into his ass 3 times

why did you link is masterlulz twitter account ?

living is fascist, voluntary human extinction yesterday

I'm trying to think of something I could mention that couldn't be twisted into being fascist by this goy.

Anarcho-communism isn't fascist?


This guy is talking out of his arse and is way too smug about it. He needs a swift uppercut.

I think he is a troll

No, he's a legit crazy tankie.

If I pushed him out of a helicopter, I would just be doing it ironically. If he can’t see the humor in dying like that...

wtf I love fascism now

(this is a joke, I always did)

TFW you go too full retard for CTH.

I'd like to see anyone not be tempted to become a commie after reading that thread.

Wasn't the point of Star Wars that the space Nazis lost?


how do people see tweets like this and not get burned out after the first sentence

What a fucking twat waffle. I don't know what's more concerning: The possibility that he actually believes what he's saying or the fact that there are people that follow this guy and take him seriously.