/r/PoliticalHumor mods nuke post that trolled entire subreddit into Making America Great Again

290  2017-12-23 by eva_unit_hung


user reports:
1: Why is a t_D brigade drama. Are they allowed to brigade here too

Where else would they be? At their jobs? Lol.

I mean yeah, someone has to support programs that require tax money. Left certainly won't, honorary Buzzfeed guest writer and barista don't exactly cut it.

Oh come now. We both know the Alt-Right does not work.

We support equal opportunity brigades

I asked the mods very politely why it was removed as I was genuinely curious and I was instantly muted by /u/merari01 Not a very welcoming mod team it appears. Anyway, evidently it was “trolling” which is against Rediquette even though it doesn’t match the very definition of trolling which is linked in the Rediquette guide. Eh well, idc, it’s their sub to censor.

What do you expect? u/merari01 is a mod for Hentai sub, but yet he claims the high ground if you post on T_D Lol

people who are that obsessed with hentai always end up being pedos, too

/u/merari01 are you legally required to not live within a certain distance of a preschool?

You aren't entirely wrong, with porn once you get used to something you move onto more fucked up shit and Hentai is already pretty dam far so it wouldn't surprise me if most the people on that sub have watched child porn.

when I was 14 and liked hentai it was all about milfs and onee-sans

i mean... I'm gay. look at my flair!


Don't you put that evil on Kurt Eichenwald

Posts to atheism, March and runs a hentai sub? Jesus Christ please hurry up and come back.

So u/merari01 is a pedo?

We have no evidence, but we do have suspicions.

Wtf I hate accusations without evidence now

Modding a hentai sub is plenty evidence.

Is he wrong?

You see people crying for r/the_donald to bannrd but most political subs are just as bad.

T_D is one of the only large right wing subs compared to the countless huge left wing subs

There's a Conservativism Constant. Every time you let people split, you find that the progressive faction(s) have a bunch of mid-sized teams and the conservatives usually rally around a single banner. See: European Parliaments, US Media Outlets, etc.

The real irony is that the conservative factions tend to have more diverse/flexible beliefs because it's a bunch of people who need to tolerate each other to some degree. The progressive factions are much more internally consistent but still manage to bicker with the other progressives over things; it's just that they target those outside their own group.

And we see it happening here. There's dozens of subreddits populated by active anti-Trump posters. A lot of them will have overlap with posters. Meanwhile, The_Donald posters will mostly keep their politics there; perhaps they'll post to one or two other subreddits with a conservative bias to them, but they aren't just constantly crossposting the same junk. They're more likely to divide the usage of subreddits into specific purposes.

Exactly mate reddit is more obsessed with Trump than The_Donald is

idk i dont think conservatives on reddit rally around t_d, they mostly post about off topic shit on mainline subs and occasionally get triple digit downvotes in their political threads or stick to small subs.

I don't agree with a lot of that subreddit. I'm conservative. I saw a joke yesterday that said "it's harder to come out as conservative that it is to come out as gay." Makes you think.

I think that statement is mostly retarded, but I know at least a few of my friends would unfriend me or put me on the backburner if I told them about voting for Trump. I can't think of a single friend of mine that would do the same if I were openly gay.

I’m not really a conservative but I lean conservative. Before the election started getting closer, The_Donald was a fun place. It was full of memes and people who didn’t take themselves too seriously.

I stopped looking at it once the legit fascists and racists came along.

legit fascists and racists

Yeah you can’t just make an accusation like that without any proof

user reports:
1: So this thread is getting brigaded by T_D right? There's way too much 'tism otherwise.

/u/pathological_liar__, where the fuck do you think you are?

? I’m confused, I didn’t report anything

Someone reported your comment for outright stupidity.

Yeah you can’t just make an accusation like that without any proof

Where do you think you are?

Not sure how my comment was stupid but ok

Seriousposting in /r/drama is a bannable offence, you fucking mong.

Doesn’t read username

Nice meme. I’ve never seen it before is it new?

Why not?

They ban anyone who goes against (((the narrative))). I got suspended for a few days when I defended what Trump said about dreamers on twitter. Because the subreddit hates the dreamers, even though Trump was supporting them, it was still a bannable offense to step out of line.

I’m not one to just call every conservative a Nazi but there’s too much censorship over there. Another red pill about that subreddit was the thread about McCain’s cancer. There was so much hatred towards this guy that it reminded me of some of those left wing subreddits celebrating the death of Scalia years ago.

I don’t know man, I used to like the place but now it’s full of retards.

Fuck the REEEEEEmers and fuck McCain

Roman fascism built Western Civilization. The genocidal socialism Hitler was into is just leftism with slightly different targets.

Oh no it's retarded

I’m not saying everyone there is a racist but the mods have been extremely authoritarian lately. Maybe not fascist but definitely anti-free speech. I’ve been suspended from there for agreeing with something Trump said lol.

/r/the_donald is a 24/7 pep rally. If you want free speech, you should try reddit's forum for open, uncensored political discussion /r/politics

They have nothing but the most calm and educated political discussions in Politics.

Implying /r/politics isn’t even worse

that's the joke

It's also harder to come out as a nazi.

Depends on how you define "conservatives". That might be true for, say, Libertarians, if you consider them "conservative". And it's certainly true that Neoconservatives are on the backpedal and have lost the keys to the Republican Party. But reddit users don't usually trend that old. That leaves younger "conservatives" who primarily are Trump/Alt-Right supporters of some description, and are even younger than Hillary's middle-aged hipster base.

Fact is, go to any intentionally-political subreddit and outside of The_Donald you have mostly pro-Hillary subreddits and a handful of pro-Bernie or other alternative subreddits. Go to subreddits that carry a bias but aren't intended to be political (worldnews, uncensorednews) and you'll see that they've achieved a consensus on who it's okay to support and who it's not. People are voluntarily putting themselves in bubbles where people will agree with them, and downvoting people they disagree with is only causing more polarization.

There is no significantly-large subreddit for conservatives outside of The_Donald, even if their form of it is not the sole form of it. But it's the most popular form of it for the reddit-aged demographics.

Two, three, ten, thirty, or even fifty downvoted comments in comment threads with hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of heavily upvoted comments doesn't a brigade make.

Progressives want to change things, but they don't know how (unless there's an obviously good way to change things, which is fairly rare). So progressives always bicker of how things should change.

Conservatives just don't like progressives.

There's also libertarians, but they don't fit very well into the conventional progressive / conservative divide (for reasons which would probably offend libertarians).

but they don't know how

We don't like this but we don't have a workable solution, the progressive way.


There's also libertarians, but they don't fit very well into the conventional progressive / conservative divide (for reasons which would probably offend libertarians).

The core problem is basically this:

Libertarians don't mind progressive policies on the whole, unless those policies entail forcing them on everyone. Anything opt-in or that only affects your private life will get a pass.
* *
BUT** Libertarians want the implementation of these policies to have the government either do nothing or pass laws stating that the government has no say.
* Progressives like laws that explicitly detail what is allowed and what isn't, and they want their things to be allowed. They don't feel comfortable doing things unless given permission.
* Libertarians also want radically different approaches towards current government policies, including massive reforms to simplify the system and reduce the size of government.
* Progressives usually view the government as trustworthy and would like them to have more functionality. They don't view this as stepping on anyone's rights just to offer something.

I'd consider myself Classically Liberal (which aligns well with a lot of Libertarian policies) and the biggest divide I've seen is mostly misunderstandings or people categorizing Libertarians as Conservative and subsequently Progressives saying "all Conservatives are regressive and evil!", which does them no favors.

I think the problem could be solved by recognizing that they have a lot of common ground, there just needs to be acknowledgement that a blacklist and a whitelist can accomplish the same thing, but a blacklist requires action before something is banned, which makes it better from a civil rights perspective. Lbertarian reforms done properly could actually enable the government to shrink in terms of overhead but grow to encompass a larger variety of services for people interested in them. Hilariously, the Progressive + Libertarian groups could be big enough and powerful enough to make headway if they could agree to collaborate, but there's a lot of bad blood between them now.

It's like when people claimed Stormfront was manipulating Reddit. They have like a couple thousand registered accounts on their forum. Meanwhile /r/politics has like 10 million.

This liberal persecution complex on Reddit where they think everything is a brigade against them, everyone is conspiring against them, and every opinion they read that doesn't agree with them is some sort of shill is some serious fucking Ingsoc shit.

The current mods of politics et al don't even know what brigading means.

It's very reminiscent of the red scare, right down to the country people are accused of working for.

I think banning any subreddit is dumb but if they're going to ban The_Donald then every equally retarded political subreddit should go with it.

If they just made "no politics" an outright rule, I'd be fine with that, too.

If people couldn't argue about politics on reddit this place would be abandoned. US politics pays the admin's rent.

Remember when /r/worldnews was strictly no politics, no US news?

Donald Trump was the thunder that altered the bedrock rules of Reddit. Lol.

I mean, T_D is pretty bad.

I would honestly put it on the same level of LCS and PoliticalHumor. It's just an echo chamber of mostly unironic memes.

I'd prefer they stay up so subscribers don't spill to more sane subreddits.

I would honestly put it on the same level of LCS and PoliticalHumor. It's just an echo chamber of mostly unironic memes.

Its literally the only place to get any news thats not "drumph is stupid" on reddit, and its often the only place to get news when there is a terrorist attack that hasn't been [removed].

Yep. The absolute only place I could get news about the Bowling Green massacre.

You don’t get it, LSC and PoliticaHumor are the good guys and The_Donald is full of evil people. It’s okay for LSC to bully people because it’s for the cause.

That's generally college kids mentality. It's not okay for you to do it, but we do it for the cause. They are very disconnected from reality. You can see it with celebreties. I think there was a celeb literary saying she wants to bribe two politicians. This won't stop until they face some kind consequences.

That was fat Rosie O'Donnell a couple of days ago.

Yeah I don't really keep up with american celebs. There is a big reason why. I will watch out for that name now though.

I'd prefer they stay up so subscribers don't spill to more sane subreddits.

I don't think the general Reddit populace has discovered the value of containment subs. They just like to pretend that somehow if they crusade enough for a banning that the people they don't like will just quit Reddit all together.

Remember when r/incel got banned? And that wasn't even really that bad.

They just moved to r/braincels

Containment chambers don't work unless you actually contain the garbage. Or else it functions as a breeding ground for groups like tankies or MAGAtards.

I haven't seen an unironic "build the wall" or "BASED _______" post since i filtered td.

Build The Wall!


Kill all fat people.

Actually you're wrong and a study was done that proved exactly that. Ban Subs and a majority of people will just leave. You can Google the studies that were done when Reddit banned jailbait and fat people hate

fat people hate

You mean, this sub right - r/holdmyfries

Like the study says that you didn't read, some users go elsewhere but many do not return to the site at all

Most studies about reddit are fucking retarded because they don't take ALT accounts into account in their studies. A lot of people have a lot of alts, especially those who post on controversial subs.

The study address this. Reading is hard, right?

I dont believe u

I bet u have baloney tits.

There was a time when that sub wasn't just fph but more like hold my beer and it was great but hateful people always ruin things

Sure, maybe.

The point is that sweet summer child /u/sheepcat87 is claiming that if you just banninate people you don't like, they all slink away never to be seen again. I'm instead providing evidence that this clearly isn't always the case, because even if r/holdmyfries started off as something other than a r/fatpeoplehate clone, it quickly arrived at that destination before anyone could blink.

You're a moron.

Here's the actual study link

Sorry you can't stand being wrong but dont dig in and make yourself look bad.

Here's a lighter reading link if you can't be arsed to read the study

No one is saying EVERY USER leaves, but it does work.

Banning toxic subs works better than leaving them as "container subs". Period. Have a great day :)

Lol, you think Reddit has political talk contained?

Not entirely, but a lot of the redditors with more extreme or stupid views tend to mainly comment in these subreddits.

Lol, fuck no. They use them as a base to brigade into the bigger places. Just mention communism in a big sub and watch the cockroaches appear. I won't even bother talking about how Trump is talked about almost everywhere and new subs keep popping up for the express purpose of gaming Popular.

And yet the easiest way to avoid T_D is don't click this ----> /r/The_Donald

No, it is good.

This but unironically

Oh yea no doubt

People just really don't like being held accountable for being gullible idiots.

I just asked if the reason for removing it was that they were so offended their hypocrisy got shoved in their face. This was the response from one of the biggest cucks on reddit:

from awkwardtheturtle [M] via /r/PoliticalHumor sent an hour ago Covfefe is for people who don't take orders nor follow the rules, instead, covfefe is for those who make the rules and give the orders. Covfefe isn't for people that shackle themselves to a conventional lexicon, covfefe is for people that aren't afraid to say words like katoggle, or flankbumble in a serious conversation. Covfefe is for those that are brave enough to be seen out on the basketball court, in the rain, dribbling a frisbee. https://jimdroberts.wordpress.com/2017/06/01/the-president-and-the-covfefe-conspiracy/?iframe=true&theme_preview=true



I didn't see much in the way of trolling. There were too many people who can't see that a) people making $200k and up are getting the bigliest breaks b) corporations aren't going to spread the love with those tax breaks.


“Fifth Third Bancorp will pay more than 13,500 employees a bonus and raise the minimum wage of its workforce to $15 an hour after the passage of the Republican tax plan that will cut the bank's corporate tax rate.”

“AT&T said earlier Wednesday that it would pay more than 200,000 U.S. employees $1,000 each and increase its capital spending budget by $1 billion.”

“Wells Fargo, meanwhile, also said it would be boosting its minimum wage for employees to $15 an hour, which was prompted by the tax plan. The San Francisco-based bank also said it would target $400 million in donations to community and nonprofit organizations next year.”

“Cincinnati-based Fifth Third, the fifteenth largest U.S. bank by asset size, said the tax cut allowed it to re-evaluate its employee pay and pass along some of the windfall. Nearly 3,000 workers will see hourly wages rise to $15. The $1,000 one-time bonus is expected to be paid by the end of this year... Senior managers and top executives are excluded from the special payments. "It is good for our communities, employees and Fifth Third Bank," said CEO Greg Carmichael in a statement.”

How to reconcile that with the statements made by these businesses and CNBC’s report?

Carrier said they were going to keep jobs in the U.S. (which Trump heralded as a great victory) and those jobs are going to Mexico.

My point is that I've spent enough time in corporate America to know that what they give, they can take away. Bonuses are nice, because who doesn't love free money. But that $15 could go away at the stroke of a CEOs pen. Not to mention other things like freezes on promotions and pay raises down the line.

My real complaint isn't corporate tax breaks, anyway. My specific grip is that people in the less than $200k income brackets should be getting the bigger share of tax breaks.

Didnt At&t just fire a ton of ppl? How does that fit your narrative?

How is quoting a CNBC article a narrative?maybe we should ask CNBC what their narrative is.

Regarding the layoffs we should determine whether layoffs like this are unique. Unfortunately looking across the industry and over the past few years, they really aren’t. Companies have constantly been hiring and letting go people from different aspects of their businesses. Likewise, none of these companies have come out and said they are laying people off because of tax reform. So it’s not unique and nobody had attributed the layoffs to tax reform so why should we jump to that conclusion?

Everyone has a narrative. I was genuinely curious, and thats a good answer.

Hi member of said mod team here. Apologies for the terse handling you received. The thread was nuked as part of an effort to slow down a t_d brigade. Our bad for not meeting your enquiry with the same level headedness as it was presented.

Reported for brigading.

I'm surprised you aren't blaming Russia.

Where's u/thereasontrumpwon when you need him?? 🤣🤣😂🔥💦🖒

keep scrolling lol

Piss off and stop brigading our subreddits, you admitted pedophile

LMAO he banned me from his subreddit!

Understandable. Wouldn't want people interested in politics or humor to accidentally participate in a place called politicalhumor.

No its you that i dont want to participate. Tbqh.

How impotent does it make you feel that I will always start shit in your sub and there's nothing you can do about it?

Uhh not at all? There will always be someone starting shit. Precisely who doesnt matter - mean troll accts are all the same to me tbh.

Then why care who participates?

I dont? I literally just clear the mod queue. If anything i would prefer it if there were equally funny conservative cartoons because they shine a light on the weaknesses of my own beliefs. Like the comment that spawned this shit storm. Legitmately great satire. Too bad it went this way.


So if you like the comment why did you remove it?

It was seen as a way to stem the tide brigaders coming from a stickied post in t_d. Seemingly had the opposite effect but thats just me speculating. I trust the judgement of my team in this instance and future instances. It will likely be reinstated.

You're pathetic. No one is buying this "brigading" excuse, but we are seeing through your weak attempts at damage control. You got humiliated so badly that you're trying to do everything you can to hide what happened, but you end up making yourselves look like even bigger losers in the process. You should just do the honorable thing and admit that you lost this time. By throwing a tantrum like this and trying to cover everything up, you're only helping /r/The_Donald and showing that what they think about leftists is correct.

The thread was nuked as part of an effort to slow down a t_d brigade

Laugh, thats what you lock threads for. In this case, it was because it made the morons in your sub look like the morons they are.

Hey at least we're morons together. 💘

Hey if you're so against brigading, turn on public viewing of your up/down voted threads

Oh wait, I know you wont because you're a massive faggot

Well I'd rather be a massive faggot than a tiny little person who needs to talk shit to feel big like you.

The internet hall monitor is trying to insult someone by saying theyre "a tiny person who needs to feel big"


We find most offensive in others that which we are most uncomfortable with and unable to see in ourselves. I can admit to feeling insignificant at times. Who doesnt? Whats wrong with wanting to do something that feels important?

when you try to be poetic but you're illiterate

Why wont the definition of internet tough guy show that they never brigade threads?

Yeah im on mobile. Edited for syntax.

Its okay buddy, most liberals are blind with rage anyway to bother

Lumping people into groups is a great way to never interact with a person ever. If all you see is the categories someone might fall into "feminist" "truck-nut nazi" "libtard" "trumpette" you're pretty much doomed to get the worst in them every time.

Should tell that to the identity politics of the left

I do. And i am telling it to you now.

I mean, you also mod for a subreddit where making fun of liberals is seen as "bannable" sooooo

And i also mod src a sub where the only thing we ban for is death threats and going repeatedly off topic.

In a similar vain i would suggest you encourage any user banned from PH for making fun of liberals to report their experience to SRC. Assuming that is In fact what happened i will take note and happily reverse any such ban. That's not how subs should work.

Its alright, you can keep your subreddit as is. Its pretty good for a laugh at the expense of delusional kids

Thanks for the reply and sorry for some of these other commenters here, clearly no manners. Anyway, it seems I’ve been banned now and I’m hesitant to contact the mod team. Was it because I posted my experience here or maybe some other reason?

Because they literally ban for conservative having opinions.


Lol, your sub upvoted the Trump tax plan.

I don't believe you but I'm impressed you had the guts to admit you at least did it and take the fall for it.

Yeah saying anything on the internet takes mad guts.

For most people it apparently does. Even your mod friends cowardly only express their views with a subreddit that blindly agrees with them completely and then take it a step further by blocking/silencing anyone who just slightly challenges them.

HAHAHAHA u ppl r so sad. This is why Trump won. The left is full of losers




aww cry baby dint get his way, baby wanna 😢😢😢😢

Are you ok?

Nah my pet rabbit died last night. Still mourning.

Join him in valhalla, kys

Woahhhhhhhh u need to add a winky face to that kys or else the admins r gonna ban us.

Kill yourself 😜


You know what, fuck it. If true then best wishes to you bro. I enjoy the drama like the best of us but enjoy the holidays. Only thing i can maybe grant ya is a holidays gift. Happy Kwanzaa :]

Why would you waste money on reddit gold you cunt

because it's my money to spend ya dummy

Are you 12?

LOL UR A WOMEN. According to Islamic teachings you have the brain of a squirrel.

Muhammad (pbuh) said it himself

Piss be upon him.

Piss be upon him.


We have the most autistic gilds, don't we, folks?

a t_d brigade

Oh nos, you got pwned by MAGAtards. Shut it down!

How dare Trump supporters post in a place involving politics.

You people are the actual worst.

"You people?" How dare you insult my Australian larrikin culture you racist swine!


Larrikin is an Australian English term meaning "a mischievous young person, an uncultivated, rowdy but good hearted person", or "a person who acts with apparent disregard for social or political conventions".

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the term generally meant "a lout, a hoodlum" or "a young urban rough, a hooligan", meanings which became obsolescent.

[ PM | Exclude me | Exclude from subreddit | FAQ / Information | Source | Donate ] Downvote to remove | v0.28

What an incredible word. Thanks for sharing!



downvoting lolcows

Keep yourselves safe.

My internet score may never recover from this incident tbh rip inbox

You're getting a lot of mileage out of this account.

All the cunt has to do is comment nothing whenever he feels like it.

hey /u/awkwardtheturtle

you're a fuckin' bitch insta-muting me because you can't handle everybody knowing what a bunch of spergboy losers your sub contains

and i do mean contains, because it stops them from going out and male feministing some poor woman by seizing her means of reproduction

Btfo /r/ph

/u/yostephen is a puss too, he just deleted all the threads made there that called it out

click on his profile to see all of them and the excuses he made on them

Also could you make some posts in src? Im trying to drive traffic there.

i actually did already lol

do you mod that one to do damage control over how bad the other ones are run?

Lol look at trending. The post and ensuing shit storm is literally quantifiable. Internet you craaaaazy!

And dont worry i wont delete anything in src. Im not actually bad i swear.

at the very least, take solace in not being SRD

That is a very, incredibly low bar. And i would like to thanm the academy, my parents and my god for helping me clear it. This is all your faults. Not mine. Im a victim.

here is my masterpiece from the thread I posted there, this got me perma-banned and the post was hidden.

some fuckin' revisionist history right here lol

everybody knows Sweden's rape and muslim firebombings are out of control for a supposed first world country

so, you and they can pretend to be as superior as you want, that country is going to hell fast, and the only thing that will save it is the growing popularity of it's right-wing parties.

go ahead, get remindmebot set to call me out on this later if you're at all confident I'm wrong.


It doesn't show up in new here even when logged in haha










and 8 other faggots (one or more of these are /r/drama mods too right? oh well)











edit 2: oh no, i'm banned from this wonderful subreddit what will i ever do hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Youll always have src there for u as long as you dont say youre gonna kill someone or make a bunch of wacky ad hominems.

that's nice, but give me the dirt on who removed the original /r/PoliticalHumor post or you're the prime suspect, mr janitor

Honestly the mod log is so long from the shit storm this thing has kicked up it would be more work to find out and convince you it wasnt me that it would be to have you think it was. I can tell you who's excited to reinstate it though. This guy here.

forgive me for being skeptical...

This guy here.

is this ,like, would you be pointing at yourself right now?

Yes? I mean ultimately what does it really matter if it was me or reburn or susan or gallowboob or awkward. We act as a team. We all stand by it.

We all stand by it.

yeah that's the problem lol

It's their turn

Ok 😊

I know arent i just an insufferable cuck? Im such an ass for not condoning a t_d brigade.

Don't get all worked up bro. Pour yourself another soy latte or something.

I drink black coffee like a regular person tyvm and it is night so maybe in the morning. Caffiene is the last thing i need. If anything it would work me up more. Duuuuhh

nothing to say about https://i.redd.it/b9vukaw45j501.jpg ?

or deleting it?

edit: to be fair, I don't think that was you... but maybe

Your own subscribers upvoted the original comment, which in itself was hardly anything worthy of mass deletion (other than shock horror, not being hysterically critical of Trump in the fashion the sub obviously demands). I don't know about a cuck, but you are an insufferable little bitch.

Like fuck its friday night. Why not spend that time doing something that brings you joy?

Upsetting you is a joyous experience.

Man ooooh man

I'll have you know I'm a feminist and that sort of gendered language is offensive. Delete your comment.

I’m too autistic to have a sense of humor

I was triggered by these deceitful blumpftards too my dude

Man... I am on such even keel rn. So far from being triggered. Im working on having thicker skin and keeping perspective tbh.

Then why the fuck are you modding politicalhumour?


So far from being triggered

Delete something. Yourself, for instance.

the_donald cross posted into your circlejerk?


Brigaders are despicable

Despicable is to powerful and great of a word. I would say theyre suuuuuper lame or petty. Like fuck its friday night. Why not spend that time doing something that brings you joy?

What if downvoting every single comment on a CB2 post brings you great joy?

We both are hitting "enter" on r/drama comments right now

Brigaders are despicable, but not as bad as drama posters



Yes. You are.

Xir's a /r/TwoXChromosomes mod... what do you expect?

He mods fucking everything.

It's a power game for it. He is probably a very small guy irl and over compensates here.

Also a mod of r/dickgirls ... hmm...

I think he's just a retard

You shut your whore mouth and don't you ever talk shit about my waifu!! Fuck you cunt!!

/u/awkwardtheturtle forgive us ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

I fuckin love you ed. Let me insert my cloaca into you so we can have turtle-toast hybrid babies.


insert my cloaca into you

Mmmm now that's the kind of dirty talk I've been wanting to hear! 😉

turtle-toast hybrid babies

omggg yes!! 🐢🍞💞


This is why we need mayocide

Shut the fuck up

That place is an insult to humor

it's like a liberal /r/forwardsfromgrandma except everyone there thinks the jokes are funny

There's nothing more cringe than "both siderism" now days. Especially after someone with a literal learning disability was just elected by one of those sides.

Doesn't change the strawman + zero humor factor.

Sure, but that sub is nothing like forwards from grandma. Making jokes about Trump is not the same thing as:


Or stupid shit like this:


There's a difference between bad jokes about Trump and rampant mental illness.

Is Trump Derangement Syndrome a serious mental illness?

Because you have it bad, my dude.

I'm honestly shocked that you aren't an avid poster there.

He said he would stop posting here, we mourned the loss, then he came back on the day of the pedo election and subsequently every few days for agenda posts.

opinions I don’t like are because mental illness

If I say 2+2=4 and a republican say "no, it's actually 5" is that still just an opinion?

Stoo pretending this is a simple disagreement. You don't get to say absurdly false, provably bullshit things and then fall back on the "THIS IS JUST A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION" meme when confronted.

Republicans can never be objectively correct

I mean, they can be, but there's nothing Donald Trump ran on that is even close to correct.

I can't even think of anything on the current Republican platform that's "correct."

While it's nothing like the second one, (which is simply a statement), It's definitely like the first one. The "memes" that have more common with propaganda then anything else are extremely prevanent on both subs. Of course, one is more right than the other, but both are incredibly cancerous and difficuilt to look at.

Those were kinda funny

You're right. /r/forwardsfromgrandma isn't a propaganda sub, but /r/politicalhumor on the other hand...

There's nothing more cringe than "both siderism" now days.

I agree one side is winning the other is being whiny lying bitches.

Which one is actually winning?

The side that beats up trash cans and wants to remove Thomas the Train Engine for spreading fascism to toddlers obviously.

CNN is getting rich on easily outraged people, so yes, they are winning.

Lol, imagine bragging about CNN being a tabloid.

I'm just being factual, even if it triggers you.

Why would CNN being awful upset me?

Ask yourself that, I'm not the one that thought I was bragging.

Claiming a news organization is winning by being pure shit sure seems like a statement that implies that is a good thing. Winning isn't negative.

That's grasping at straws. Winning can be good or bad (see Trump).

Are you sure it isn't the side that smashes coffee machines and gets triggered by hearing happy holidays?

The alt-right has nothing to do with that shit.

If you need to ask, you are on the losing side.

It doesn't work like that.

Thats loser talk.


The Zionists

GOOD take


It doesn't seem like it. It's more like everyone is losing except /r/drama.


Do you want him to stop seriousposting here? :(

There's nothing more cringe than "both siderism"

Don't worry, only globalists and Democrats hate America. The other side owns.

I can't tell if you're actually retarded or it's all just an ironic game you play.

It's a bit weird to me how you guys elected a globalist that's a proven con artist, yet you still feel the need to screech about "the globalists."

You realize Trump was calling for open borders as recently as 2013, right? The guy is a blatant con artist, how are you dumb enough to fall for it?

I don't think Republicans hate America, they're just stupid people and easily manipulated by buffoons.

Pizzashill you absolute retard, never change. Even when you finish high school, get your first job, and maybe eventually move out on your own - strive to be just as retarded as you are today.

You realize Trump was calling for open borders as recently as 2013, right?

So was I. We all voted for Obama and gay marriage and all that nice stuff. Until we realized what a disaster it all was.

The traitors are the people still pushing globalism now that everyone knows it is treason.

Why was gay marriage a disaster, again?

Slate and the lib media is now normalizing pedos as just misunderstood.

Slippery slope people were 💯 right

Wtf are you talking about

10/10 bait


Alright, with this comment you've outed yourself. You aren't very good at this, you're a bad actor.

Don't quit your day job over at burger king.

Really stupid people, like yourself, don't know how to discriminate between good and bad, so they hate everything. They don't know how to tell wisdom from bullshit, so they don't trust anything.

That's you. A dumb bitch who bitches incessantly.

You have tumblr level self-awareness.

Devastating brain-thoughts from literally the dumbest poster in a forum for autists.

Again, tumblr level awareness.

Men in glass houses should not throw stones.

Yeah, you guys have tried this before, yet when confronted and asked for some comment I've made that displays some type of lack of self-awareness you have nothing.

The sad reality is the average intelligence level on this sub is just very, very low.

Good night, you broke-brain retard.



Just like a dirty liberal, shaming the working class.

I don't mock your shitty day job, when I started working in biglaw at 25 making 165k/year.

/u/paulcosca your virtue signalling faggot mod team couldn't deal with getting called out apparently

You typed my name, but I have no idea what you are talking about.

proven con artist

Any link to said proof?

Trump is the opposite of a globalist and that's a bad thing. Banning entire countries from immigrating to the U.S., the whole thing with Mexico, and pulling out of the TPP which was a terrible decision on his part seeing how much he talks about beating China.

Trump IS a globalist, he's just scamming the billy bobs in middle America.

holy shit my thread brought /u/pizzashill back for an epic spergdown, awesome

Pizzashill... Fuck off

Merry Christmas

Shut the fuck up lmao.

No way, pizzashill defending /r/politicalhumor

I thought you were dead

he "left," but then he realized his agendaposts weren't being read. so he came back.

Aw he's trying

So no Christmas bonus at the RV park reception office this year? Sorry famalam, I'll get you a gift card.

Is this a joke? Partisanship doesn't become acceptable just because you REALLY HATE the other side.

Imagine a party being so fucking trash that they couldn't even get a politician good enough to campaign and win against a professional wrestler.

Imagine thinking rural America isn't so bat-shit retarded that Trump wasn't advantaged.

Because Hillary Clinton was totally seeking out votes from people she called pieces of shit during the campaign. Her problem was no one wanted to show up to vote for her where it mattered. No one gives a fuck about stacking the vote in Cali and NYC.

She didn't call the people she was seeking votes from "pieces of shit" you made that up.

She also pandered to rural America, the problem is rural America cares more about the "browns" than they do reality.

Nah dude I totally get warm and fuzzy inside when someone says I am fucking deplorable and beyond saving. And this is who wants to be my leader. Between that and saying you are a traitor to your gender if you don't vote for me as a woman and I have no clue why people might have an issue with her.

You know she said about 50% of his supporters are deplorable, not 100%, right?

Why did you automatically assume you're in the deplorable half?

Better yet, why is it ok Trump attacks a majority of America, while using racist dog-whistles, but Clinton saying half of Trump's supporters are deplorable is too far? A number, by the way, that is supported by empirical data.

Also, can you copy paste where Clinton called anyone a "gender traitor."


She stood next to Madeleine Albright and had her stump for her calling women who won't vote for her instead of people like Bernie Sanders women who will have a special place in hell. She totally supported it. She never denounced it. It was done in front of her face by someone she brought with her to win votes.

Also lol at you saying there is empirical evidence for 25% of voters in the USA being fucking scum.

Also I was specifically mentioning my natural reaction to someone calling me deplorable beyond saving. I never said Hillary Clinton personally called me one. I also commented on women being insulted but I don't claim she meant me there either.

So to be clear, Hillary Clinton never said anyone was a gender traitor, someone on a stage next to her did?

Also lol at you saying there is empirical evidence for 25% of voters in the USA being fucking scum.

I mean, white evangelicals believe white Christians are oppressed and vote at every chance they get to strip civil rights away from other people, they also nearly elected a literal pedo.

Is that not scum?

Should we go into the fact 50% of republicans believed john podesta was running a pedo ring out of the basement of a pizza place?

Also I was specifically mentioning my natural reaction to someone calling me deplorable beyond saving. I never said Hillary Clinton personally called me one. I also commented on women being insulted but I don't claim she meant me there either.

You very clearly tried to imply CLINTON said it, likely because you never read what she actually said. The entire context was "Clinton" not some random person.

Some random person? She was a fellow female Secretary of State and was an invited speaker that was stumping for Clinton side by side with her. Anything Albright said was endorsed by Clinton. You think she has nothing to do with the people she campaigns with literally while they are with her?

So one more time, Clinton never said it?

Get some help one day.

I think you should probably get some help. First Hillary called you a gender traitor, then it was someone else.

First Hillary called you deplorable, and then that became some random person did.

Why did you try to lie about this shit as if I wouldn't call you on it?

Actually, Hillary did call people deplorable. Hillary Clinton's campaign also 100% percent was behind calling women gender traitors. What happened to responsibility for leaders? I never said Trump was without faults. I am just telling you what Clinton is fucking awful. Clinton was possibly the worst nominee that ran in my lifetime. Atrocious campaign all around by her. It was almost completely centered on her saying she isn't Trump, she has a vagina, and that Trump is a piece of shit.

Actually, Hillary did call people deplorable

She called 50% of Trump supporters deplorable, and given the polls, that's pretty accurate.

Hillary Clinton's campaign also 100% percent was behind calling women gender traitors.

Ok, can you provide some citation showing this?

What happened to responsibility for leaders? I never said Trump was without faults. I am just telling you what Clinton is fucking awful.

There is no way to ever, no matter what, think Clinton is even in the same solar system of bad that Donald Trump is. It is literally not possible using anything that even looks like sanity.

Atrocious campaign all around by her. It was almost completely centered on her saying she isn't Trump, she has a vagina, and that Trump is a piece of shit.

She put out a ton of policy, people being too stupid to read it is the problem. Her main flaw is the fact she doesn't understand buzzwords and making wild and absurd promises wins elections, not sound policy.

STFU, Pizza. I gave you the proof and now you are pouting about it because you have a Trump obsession. You really need to get a grip. Hillary was shit and that is why Trump is POTUS right now. The Democrats voluntarily gave it away to Trump by bowing to the Clinton machine and It is Her Turn bullshit.

Also, fuck off man, even hardcore liberals thought she was shit. Michael Moore explained perfectly well reasons on why she lost and it didn't center on America being filled with evil people. Vox also explained in detail with a study that was done that Hillary ran an objectively bad campaign.


STFU, Pizza. I gave you the proof and now you are pouting about it because you have a Trump obsession.

What proof did you give, and for what?

You really need to get a grip. Hillary was shit and that is why Trump is POTUS right now. The Democrats voluntarily gave it away to Trump by bowing to the Clinton machine and It is Her Turn bullshit.

You seem to be misunderstanding me. This meme where American voters pretend nothing is their fault is getting really fucking old. Even if Hillary Clinton said literally NOTHING she was still the clear choice here, because there is no rational, sane, or logical way to ever, under any circumstances think that Donald Trump belongs in the white house, period.

This is why your argument is stupid. Did Clinton maybe run a poor campaign? Sure, did Trump run a campaign that was even more inept and poor? Absolutely he fucking did.

So I'll blame the American voter. The profoundly ignorant American voter for Donald Trump, nobody else. The same voters that gave us Bush, the same voters that handed the house to some of the most bat-shit crazy politicians to ever exist in this country.

The American voter is to blame for Donald Trump, you, yourself, are to blame for Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton. And the second the media and society in general stops trying to absolve dumb ass rural hick fucking inbred retards of their poor choices this country can move forward.

Also, fuck off man, even hardcore liberals thought she was shit.

I don't even like Hillary Clinton. This doesn't change the fact that literally nothing she did makes Trump a valid choice, nothing she did makes her anywhere near as bad as Donald Trump, period, no matter what.

why she lost and it didn't center on America being filled with evil people.

Not evil, stupid.

Vox also explained in detail with a study that was done that Hillary ran an objectively bad campaign.

And Trump ran an even worse campaign, objectively. He had no idea what he was doing, he literally walked around the rust belt saying "trust me, I'll fix it, I'm the best, bigly" and the fucking mongos ate it up.

Thats not a good campaign, it's crude, unedcuated and absurd populism aimed at the worst people in the entire country.

The better campaign won. That study flat out showed that Trump ran a more traditional issues based campaign than Clinton did in comparison. If you think Clinton just had to show up and everyone owes her votes than you have as much hubris and contempt for Americans as she does except she gets to be rich and powerful while you just get to be angry on Drama.

The better campaign won. That study flat out showed that Trump ran a more traditional issues based campaign than Clinton did in comparison.

No he didn't, he literally screeched about trade and immigration. That's not an "issues based campaign" it's a racist and uneducated campaign targeting dumb people.

At no point did he even put out policy.

If you think Clinton just had to show up and everyone owes her votes than you have as much hubris and contempt for Americans as she does except she gets to be rich and powerful while you just get to be angry on Drama.

Trump alone was enough of an argument to vote for Clinton.

That is how absurdly stupid Donald Trump is. If Hillary Clinton spent the entire campaign sitting on a beach in Florida she'd still be the only rational choice.

Rural Americans being dumb people is not the fault of Hillary Clinton and it never will be. You being a dumb person is not the fault of Hillary Clinton and it never will be.

I am done giving you sources because you are in denial. You fucking pretend I never gave it to you and continue to lie and deny so I am not going to keep up putting in work for your insane bad faith ranting.

I don't care if you're done. You're an uneducated and delusional fucking moron that can't comprehend exactly how incompetent and stupid Trump is.

It's absurd, you're just a Trumptard in denial trying so very desperately to justify the choices you made.

There is no way to justify it, period, and there never will be. No matter how hard you try to pretend Clinton was somehow as bad or worse than Trump, nobody with an IQ over 75 is going to buy it and the history books sure as hell won't look back kindly on the people that elected the tangerine moron.

A Trumptard that didn't vote for him? Jesus fuck get psychiatric help. You are unhinged just from Trump's very existence.

You're either a Trumptard or you're a fucking Berntard that didn't vote or decided to write in "Bernie" or something like that.

There's a reason you're so desperately trying to justify Trump and it's hilariously obvious.

One more time: Clinton could have spent the entire campaign sitting on a fucking beach in Florida and she would have still been the only valid choice.

I get that you are affectionatly refered to as the sub's retard, but you are pushing into vegetable territory here. Do you akshally believe your own poblematic propaganda?

What propaganda?

In what fucking universe is Donald Trump not a profoundly ignorant moron?

In what universe does he belong in the white house?

Don't downvote endangered species 😠 😠 😠

Stop downvoting the lolcows! Don't stomp on the pizza.

That place is an insult to tumor bro

Or the very idea of having sensical political views.

It's the Ben Garrison of the left.

Oh god XD

That's great


PH is just one reddit manifestation of the librul breakdown and pants-shitting that trumps election caused. shit like this continues to prove that. i love it

Can't have something actually somewhat funny in /r/shittyblumpfmemes.

I'm shocked.


Pwn3d u/awkwardtheturtle

The most shocking thing about this is that this was actually a cartoon and not a screen grab of some random persons Twitter going "LOL TRUMP IS RETARDED".

I mean, yes, he is, but that in and of itself isn't actually funny. The sub was never really that good, but after the last election it's become literal cancer.

/r/Political Left Humor


>/r/Political Left Humor



glad that there was a text that said "NUKE," otherwise I wouldn't have known what the gif was showing

/u/merari01 is a pedophile.

/u/merari01 child rapists like you should be castrated.

/u/merari01 degenerates like you belong on a cross.

No Ceasar is a kiddie diddler too. It's why I installed a mod that let's you crucify him. I wanted to kill him another 50 ways.

Watch what you say, man.

I got my account suspended for my above comment.

lol they seriously deleted all the comments.

/u/AvadaKedavra03 /u/mmm_toasty /u/micento

This is an impressive depth of faggotry, even for your soyboy squad.

Time to make r/TruePoliticalHumor

lol liberals BTFO! MAGA centipedes xD!!



Do you work for comcast?

Weird. No i don't

You really should

Because of my demonstrated passion for data system management?

"The only things that will be removed – other than anything breaking the sitewide rules of reddit – are spam and obvious non-humor or non-political humor, like direct links to news articles"

The mods can't even follow their own rules. They just have to delete the first funny thing to appear in that subreddit since it was created.

wheres snapchill bot when you need him/her/fem/xem


Just another day of muh shilling and propaganda.

Send bobs n lasagna

Wow that looks delicious!

I'm confused. How did it trick everyone?

The post was one being critical of Trump's new tax bill, and the comment was just a suggestion for Trump's tax bill, but they replaced Trump with Bernie and it got thousands of upvotes and a gilding before they realized what happened.

Thanks mate.

Confirmed: Liberals are retarded

Mommy defense force /u/Ed_ButteredToast /u/AnnoysTheGoys you had ONE thing to do!

liberals are retarded



Confirmed: dumbshits who hang out on reddit don't bother checking facts

Meanwhile, like 40% of Americans support the Affordable Care Act but not Obamacare

Czechmate athiests

I mean it was blatantly brigaded. You don't usually see pro Trump posts at +300 there.

But it was disguised as being pro bernie that's why

Russian pissing video taping alt righter trumpster brigade eh?

We got owned, better delete it like the fags we are.