yet more JonTron drama from r/gamingcirclejerk

29  2017-12-24 by AchtungMaybe


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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That guy looks fat.

for you

Yes, for me.

You could even say that he's a big guy

He's actually lost a lot of weight over the past two years.

They're gamers, they're all fat

/u/anteater42 lol pussy you were so offended by something someone said that they're no longer funny? I don't give a fuck if he wears an SS uniform while he jerks it, I'd still watch him because he's hilarious.

ayy lmao

derailing by bringing up his history

fuck outa here with that circlebroke tier shit

You literally just pinged me from a 4 day old thread ya dingus

I commented on it too, now what

You wanna get drinks?

My handler won't let me go outside

Understandable, have a nice day!

Why do you hate drama?

I don't feel the need to start drama



What did you expect him to do?


Damn, i would pay to have that women even spit on me. Can you imagine being the lucky fucker that gets to have sex with her.

I'll spit on you for less.

  1. I didn't yet name a price

  2. Are you an attractive korean women with big ol titties?

  1. Price match plus discount
  2. I'm whatever you want me to be baby 😉

I didn't say the first one was ugly, she's pretty hot. I said she's not petite.

The second one I didn't technically call ugly but I do think she's ugly.

I like to start drama in general. It just happens that people who comment in porn subs are far easier to upset.

Hes not THAT funny.

why are you so worked up? Are you a pussy or something?

Jon is the bar for hilarious now?

Hehe, a circlejerk sub full of snowflakes.

That could be describing r/drama tbh


Look up "JonTron Destiny stream." He said a lot of bad things, but a few of the big ones were: comparing whites becoming a minority in the US to the Native American genocide, saying European colonialism was "good" for the places being colonized, and saying we shouldn't accept too many refugees because of "race mixing", which is especially rich because he's half white half Iranian.

I don't see anything wrong here.

Ps Iranians can be pretty white

The rave mixing thing is pretty dumb

take a look at Brazil if you want to see the end result of race mixing on a large scale

You mean a stronger economy than every other nation on its continent?

their economy is so strong they could barely keep the muggers and poor away from the stadiums long enough to hold the Olympics, and now those same Stadiums are in ruin because they didn't have the funds for upkeep.

The average IQ in Zimbabwe is 65 so maybe thats the reason their country is fucked. IQ of 65 is considered retarded in the west and you think race mixing with them would be good? shit i believe you can marry and have kids with whoever you want but if you look at it logically race mixing is not good news for the more intelligent ethnicities

Persians and whites have the same average IQ

maybe Iranians and whites share genetics because white people literally originated in Iran

Look at you finally not being retarded. So you accept race mixing with Persian migrants is fine?

tbqh I've met homeless meth addicts more intelligent than you.

White people and Iranians already share genetics. You can't fucking race mix if they've already been mixed.

And did you just watch 300 or something? why the fuck do you keep calling them Persians you ignorant slut? Persia hasn't existed for like 200 years

Persian is an ethnicity (and ancestry). We're talking about genetics. My god at least google something before you're so confidently wrong.

For someone so infatuated with IQ you sure don't seem have much to work with.

i just googled it, and apparently the average IQ of the country Iran is 84

so i imagine the average IQ of iranians (the race) probably isnt too far off from that

The IQ of poorer countries is generally depressed. You need to be comparing Persians living in first world nations to whites living in first world nations.

does that first world persian have a higher IQ because he's in the first world, or is he in the first world because he had a higher IQ to begin with?

who knows, but at the end of the day persians have an average IQ thats a damn sight lower than your average white man

So, you think it's just the smart ones immigrating... and you don't want them?

id ship all the micks and krauts the fuck back to europe, what makes you think i want shitskinned muslims?

Oh no baby what is you doin

1488 brother

That was a long time ago.

That's just because you're not very smart.

What prompts you to make a joke like that? I mean, seriously, what has to be wrong with you that you think calling someone else stupid is a joke? What went wrong in your past that leaves you so messed up that you think that such a joke is acceptable? You are truly the worst of the worst. It is people like you that prevent society from moving forward and putting these prejudices to death once and for all. You're not funny, you're not edgy, you're just a sad, pathetic, little man who thinks that making jokes about the less intelligent is funny. Now go back under the bridge from where you came.

Unfortunately it's not a joke. Please consider doing some research next time before speaking your mind.

Your advice has been noted, now move along, wretch.

tbqh I've met homeless meth addicts more intelligent than you.

I really cannot think of anything more pointless than arguing over the political opinions of a gaming YouTuber

Jon is my hero.

Destiny is a fucking retard, I don't understand why he let himself get baited by such human garbage.

Destiny is a fucking retard, .~I don't understand why he let himself get baited by such human garbage.~

Yeah if you're listening to the guy who went 1 base investor every zvz you've made a terrible mistake

because he is fucking stupid, which is why he has the opinions he has in the first place? i hope you werent genuinely asking lmao