Famous actress reveals age at which all men turn into rapists

18  2017-12-24 by llama-glamaticus


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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TLDR: It's 31. (Her sons excepted, no doubt.)

I am also jealous I never got to use my free pass.


You could have just said #yesallmen and moved on, lady

And every woman over 30 looks like a partly melted wax figure compared to their youthful, attractive self. It's almost like shrill, haggard roasties are desperate for attention or something...

Where's a pinball machine when you need one?


oh shit fam I'm in the clear

Every post-pubescent male is a rapist.

Nobody's gonna be shooting presidents for Jodie any time soon.