/r/TrollX steals an /r/Trashy post because it would "fit better here" but drama starts when using debate how loud one should shout they're having an abortion

59  2017-12-27 by IAintThatGuy


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See people, this is why we don't need to shame the looks of trollxers, it's their opinions that are trashy, hypocritical and pathetic.

Where's you intersectionality now, eh?....mindless sheep, slacktivists and Nice guys - that's trollx in 2017

ALSO I will repost this again

"In the year 2014, when twox became a default sub, a unit of dense, judgeMENTAL and oblivious upper-middle class white women ( and their male feminist alt accounts) were sent the hell off said subreddit by sensible human beings and a couple MRA's, because of the idiocy they commited"

"These women promptly escaped from a default sub to the reddit underground and took over what used to be a funny gif sub for laid back women of 18-24 age group."

"Today they are still commiting the acts of slacktivism , continue to smear the ideas of feminism and survive as soldiers of REEEING"

" If you to are an oblivious white, american woman, if no real feminist group takes your bullshit seriously or you want to tell fake stories about "evil men" for karma boost, and if you can find them....maybe you can subscribe to the Jezebel of reddit...I mean - The Trollx Team."

" cue The A-Team theme"


ALSO I will repost this again

"In the year 2014, when twox became a default sub, a unit of dense, judgeMENTAL and oblivious upper-middle class white women ( and their male feminist alt accounts) were sent the hell off said subreddit by sensible human beings and a couple MRA's, because of the idiocy they commited"

"These women promptly escaped from a default sub to the reddit underground and took over what used to be a funny gif sub for laid back women of 18-24 age group."

"Today they are still commiting the acts of slacktivism , continue to smear the ideas of feminism and survive as soldiers of REEEING"

" If you to are an oblivious white, american woman, if no real feminist group takes your bullshit seriously or you want to tell fake stories about "evil men" for karma boost, and if you can find them....maybe you can subscribe to the Jezebel of reddit...I mean - The Trollx Team."

" cue The A-Team theme"


Can't we do both??

Well you can, if you want..I have higher moral standarts though.


I love her dark humour about her situation.

Maybe you should check out /r/imgoingtohellforthis


They're just mad that they're too fat for Plan B lole

I'm the one who posted that and I'm 102 pounds but keep going with the fat jokes. It looks super edgy on you.

Post bussy

sorry for these rash and uncouth curs, m'lady

you deserve a true gentleman

I hope she gets a million STDs for being a pregnant whore, same by that I mean I hope you two have a lovely evening.

please learn to respect women

/u/ohmsbeliever deserves better.

Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country? I'll answer that for you: fuck no, because they don't let this degeneracy slide, like fucking liberal CUCKS in the USA. There's only one solution, and that is for everyone to convert to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn't tolerate degeneracy like promiscuity or gender bending—nay! He mandated the ostracization and execution of adulterers, and made sure they would not become commonplace or accepted by the rest of the community. He made sure to establish clear gender roles and didn't tolerate this "casual sex" trash.

In the meantime, you have Western society accepting gays, slut pride, gender-mixing, topfreedom, prostitution, new genders, no genders, LGBT, and who knows what else?! Western society is truly degenerating without guidance, and I fear that as time passes, these degenerate groups only gain more and more power.

Muslims and conservatives might think they're enemies, but in reality, they're closer to each other than they think! An alliance would prove very fruitful for both sides.

Just repeat the declaration of faith after me:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

and you'll be right on your way to becoming a great Muslim!

Or at the very least one of those massaging wands people say are for their backs.

they don't market them like that anymore, i don't think

i think originally they did, with the hitachi ones, but the best available on the market are pretty clearly marketed for the cooter.

they've made a lot of improvements too. ours has a nice curve to it that's way more accommodating than the original stick design. plus lots of preset vibration patterns and what not. great buy, would recommend

I'm the one who posted that and I'm 102 pounds overweight



Roast me neckbeards

lol ur a woman

we can never be too sure of that these days.

Put a picture of yourself you cow not your second-degree cousin.

Nooooo. What is wrong with you?

Well for starters I'm about to leave for a long car ride so I'll be pretty bored. This should provide sufficient entertainment

Well you were warned. Enjoy your ride.

Can't you read a book or do something productive instead? Women ...

Makes me carsick :/


I prefer music! Really excited to listen to some Strokes today. Y'all should check out Games, great song really

Sorry, I don't listen to contemporary music except if a cute Japanese girl is the singer

the strokes fucking suck, you have shit taste in music.

you may look acceptable but you post on /r/trollxchromosomes so your soul is tainted :/

Don't worry, I'll pray for your soul

post that trap dick

You one of those white girls with everything on a silver platter and still feels the need to complain in the internet. I bet you feel slighted when becky's salad has a cruton more than yours.

Hahahahahaha best one yet

Mine's better

I couldn't quite put my finger on the disjointed, immature, pretty much batshit insane commentary I had read that you have been typing....it reminded me of something. But then again, I read so much batshit insane stuff online from people who think they are really serious that it's tough to keep track of the trolling, stupidity and straight up mental illness that seems so prevalent here.

This picture really tied the metaphorical room together.

You look too much like Shanley. Crazy eyes, crazy "ideas" and all.

LMAO, do you know where you are? This is a bussy-board, post bussy or gtfo.

we don't take kindly to gussy around here skank.

You unironically comment on /r/relationships.

A 19 year old with zero life experience other than killing a baby, giving advice to social autists who can't communicate with anyone in real life.

I've said for years, r/relationships along with most supposedly "advice" subreddits today, are the epitome of the old phrase "the blind leading the blind".

Where is your hijab?

hahaha no joke you look like one of those emotionless plastic sex dolls. Or more specifically in your case, the training manikin that gynecologists use to perform mock abortions, but covered in cheap makeup for some reason.

You hide your face under so much makeup it should be considered fraud.

I'm surprised you can even get your period. Get help for your anorexia.

bitter looks bad on you. keep your space helmet on you estronaught

I'm sure you look strapping. For an American.

there's a weight restriction for Plan B?

It's taken orally and isn't dosed over the counter, if you weight twice what is normal then they cant possibly have it predosed right.

Maybe you should divorce your asshole husband you keep complaining about and drop your resentment towards abortion and the women who get them carefree. I'm glad I didn't have to be sad, just because YOU are doesn't make it right to wish the same for others. Be glad women can make this decision and feel good about it.

That thread is a goldmine. u/ohmsbeliever, the OP, is an "adult" teenager who thinks her own abortion was funny but wants to see a family break apart because the husband pressured the wife about getting one. Even though in OP's mind there's absolutely nothing wrong with abortions, talking about them openly should be encouraged, they're tantamount to dental procedures or something, and laughing about them is ok too.

There's a reason why they're on TrollX.

I'm 19, so yes. An "adult teenager". Did I think my abortion was funny? No. It hurt like hell and wasn't fun at all. Am I glad to see women taking abortion a bit more lightly? Yes. Am I glad to see women unashamed of their procedure? Yes. Why? Because its a normal part of life and not every woman should be made to feel terrible about it.

I'm 19, so yes. An "adult teenager". Did I think my abortion was funny? No. It hurt like hell and wasn't fun at all. Am I glad to see women taking abortion a bit more lightly? Yes. Am I glad to see women unashamed of their procedure? Yes. Why? Because its a normal part of life and not every woman should be made to feel terrible about it. Also, that woman's husband tried to force her into two abortions and then later when it came to light that her pregnancies were life threatening he tried to force her into a pregnancy. Soooo yeah, definitely divorce worthy.

Ahem.... 52 minutes ago:


Welcome to r/Drama!!

Yes, the post itself was a funny joke. I laughed when I read it, as did many other people. Does that mean that I laughed my way through my whole abortion experience? Man, I wish!!

Not believing you. And from above I can't find a single example of the lady (who you want to see break apart her family) suggesting hubby went from wanting an abortion to changing his mind after it looked more dangerous so I'm sure you're making that up too. It seems you said that simply because he wanted her to get an abortion and that's a mortal sin to you.

i would say you killed a future president or something but we both know that shit ain't true.

You're right. It's not true- I killed a 6 week zygote that can't see, hear, or smell. Not a person, definitely not a president.

whatever you gotta say to justify your murder

Yup, a cold blooded killer who puts beetles outside instead of killing them. God, am I the epitome of evil- catch me laughing my way down to hell!

women are both unfunny and cruel.

Horribly boring, terribly prudish, incredibly heartless.. women, that god-awful singular entity. Don't forget! We're out to get you- better watch yourself.

Horribly boring


women are both unfunny and cruel.

>too much of a pussy to kill a bug

>uncaringly murders her unborn child

LMAO, the absolute state of the modern liberal retard

wont kill bugs kills human beings instead

Hmm, really makes me think...











It's pretty fun offending all the people here who would take any given chance to call me a snowflake so I think I'll stay with all my evil abortions and sex-having

do you even know where you are? rofl

In my bathroom, watching myself laugh at all the abortions in the mirror.

Don't make the lolcows self aware.

so I think I'll stay with all my evil abortions and sex-having

Curious what you would tell a man who does not want to be a father but whose pregnant girlfriend is intent on keeping the child.

I would say that I wish the law granted you more rights. You can't force her to have an abortion but you certainly should be able to opt out of any support.

I was hoping for a more dramatic answer. Lets try again.

You can't force her to have an abortion

I can slip an abortifacient into her froot loops, and would only be killing a zygote, thus committing no moral wrong!

Surprise surprise, lots of women have abortions and doing so doesn't make them evil or stupid! Seems to be coming as a shock to a lot of people here.

It makes them kind of stupid though, right? It's really easy to not get pregnant.

you certainly should be able to opt out of any support.

wtf I love you now!

Haha only person on this thread it seems.

Your only problem is that you keep calling /r/Drama a MRA sub. No one bullied /r/incels more the we did. Even when there whole sub brigaded /r/drama at once the regulars never stooped called them no like NEETs and telling them to mind there personal safety.

i would say you killed a future president or something

The bar isn't that high right now for that job. In 34 years (IIRC you need to be 35 to run for POTUS) imagine how low it'll be.

or something

The child would definitely have been a thing.

not a smart thing, or a likeable thing or an attractive thing considering the THING that was incubating it, but yeah you got me there.

Yeah probably a Thing with a capital letter. I'm thinking Sloth from the Goonies but raised to be a male feminist.

>abortion is a normal part of life

Hahaha holy fuck, take a long look at what is wrong with you and your life

Well I live a pretty normal life. Student with a part time job, a steady boyfriend, and an apartment. Somewhere in the middle of that I had an abortion and my life is still pretty normal so I would say my conclusion is solid.

Too bad you and your "steady boyfriend" are both too retarded to own and operate a condom and/or birth control pills, lol

Condom broke, now I'm on a 5 year birth control. Thanks for the attempted smear campaign tho :)

Condom broke

Too retarded to own and operate a condom

Not seeing where anything I said was wrong, lol

try fucking a guy who isn't a moron

As if any guy who isn't a moron would sleep with that hag.

The guy I'm dating is a moron because some latex on his dick snapped? I'd like to see the type of thing that makes you a moron then.


Here's a hint: everyone knows the "condom broke"/"birth control failed" is the oldest trick in the book.

No one believes it.

Maybe next time, try fucking a guy

stop encouraging hetero relations

You couldn't get a morning after pill?

You're a dumbass, condoms break and birth control fails. Regardless, your romanticizing a clump of dividing cells is your own personal ideology and doesn't belong pushed into others.

I'm with you if that clump of dividing cells is eventually going to divide into a white male. But what about when those cells are going to divide into strong black womyn, or even trans? Isn't a bit sexist to abort womyn without their explicit consent?

That is such an overused trope.

So you believe the gays should be allowed to have abortions? Go back to /r/The_Donald with your libertarian nonsense.

All of my wats.

This sub is going full alt-right. If a MtF transgender WOMYN, (stop misgendering pl0x) decides SHE wants to abort, then the government has a solemn duty to step in. Especially if the baby has the potential to identify as a womyn of color. No one here is buying into your neo-libertarian propaganda.

Try harder and lurk more.

5 bucks says you post in r/childfree.

5 bucks says you post to cringeanarchy.

This is what happens when lowly nurses get on the internet.

Lmao, nice try but 10 years of medical school is not a nurse.

Even so, a nurse would be much more qualified to speak on this than some angry, egdy, cheeto-grub.

Found the angry nurse. I believe there's some dirty bedpans that could use a scrubbin'.

10 years of medical school

Oh no...were you really that bad??

Oh yeah, I was just the worse. One time I accidentally attached the rectal sphincter to some poor guy's head during my internship. I think his name was /u/CurvyAnna. Not sure what ever happened to that dumbass anyways.

I hope he got better 😳

serious posting in muh r/drama
telling others to 'lurk more'


Nah, actually not murdering innocent babies for personal convenience is a pretty universal standard of morality, you just disagree because you're scum.

It's not a baby, is literally only a clump of cells and nothing more.

False dichotomy, I am also cognitive, fully developed and do not require the nutrition and body of another human. It's a potential human, sure, but at three time if abortion it's around the same as removing a tumor.

The rights of the living outweigh that of clump of cells. The woman is already a full person and has body autonomy, the fetus does not as it requires a body as a 'host' per se.

>calls it a "false dichotomy" to compare unborn child with a grown person

>freely compares unborn child to a tumor

Holy shit, what's it like being a sociopath?

I've been in the medical field for 10 years and this is how we view it. So sure, we're all sociopaths.

Not the arm chair warrior attempting to justify forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies and going through a potentially fatal child birth that will most likely have life-altering implications.

Your personal ideology is literally just that, yours. Stop romanticizing a clump of dividing cells.

this is how we view it.

And 100 years ago scientists all around the world agreed that the negro was inferior and should be subject to sterilization procedures immediately.

That involved actual live people. Plus this isn't an ethical debate, the only arguments I've ever heard antichoice was religious or based on someone's mumbo-jumbo personal beliefs.

Your welcome to make a better argument but those are not comparable.

That involved actual live people.

No no, you see, they were negros. Not people. More like a clump of dividing cells.

Well, if that's how you feel about them. Yeesh, might be a little racist there.

(Again) No no, I was giving the scientist's perspective there.

It was tongue and cheek, and if you were using a scientist's approach you would have an actual retort and not just appeal to emotion.

not just appeal to emotion.

It's called an analogy, you numb-skull. By analogy, I've compared the way your medical community views abortion to the ways other professional bodies have held wrong and inhumane views.

Jesus Christ, who am I dealing with here?

Oh sorry, that was just an incredibly stilts analogy so I couldn't tell.

As for who you're dealing with? Someone who knows a lot more about this subject than you.

So do you have any real retorts or just continue on with your ad hominem? Do you need a hug?

Someone who knows a lot more about this subject than you.

hahahahahha are you compensating for something?

Are you able to make a retort to the argument?

Yes. Your argument was "scientists say X". I pointed out that scientists can be wrong sometimes.

Mmhmm. So no, you can't. Alright then. Your argument consisted of a badly made analogy and insults. Are you a fan of Trump by any chance?

Plus this isn't an ethical debate

lol fucking ABORTION isn't an ethical debate...

I've been in the medical field for 10 years and this is how we view it. So sure, we're all sociopaths.

Sorry your profession has collectively decided to take a sociopathic view of human life, maybe one day you'll collectively rediscover morality :(

Haha, okay Ace. You'd have a leg to stand on if you weren't trying to force women to give birth because you want to give a clump of cells more rights than a living breathing woman.

We use fact-base evidence here. We don't use appeal to emotion and religion to dictate the medical field. Maybe you should try taking a biology 101 first and come back to this discussion.

We don't use appeal to emotion

Of course you don't use appeals to emotion, because you don't have any emotions, because you're a soulless fucking sociopath, lmfao.

Sorry you were born without the human parts that make human beings human.

I'm not sorry about it. With out it we wouldn't have people willing to do actual medicine, we would all bow down to whatever made our feelings upset like you fellows.

Yeah, if we all bowed down to our feelings, we might get baited into wasting our time arguing with trolls and then concocting a narrative that they're MRA's in our heads for no good reason.

I've been in the medical field for 10 years and this is how we view it. So sure, we're all sociopaths.

I’m in the medical field and this could not be more false.

cognitive, fully developed


I'm not sure if that's a knock at me, you, or both of us.

cognitive, fully developed

Yes, I read your previous message.

This crazy bitch thinks that women should be "carefree" about having them, and women should go around have parties for all the abortions they have.

Words right from my mouth. Abortion parties everyone!!!! You got me, that's exactly what I want.

You did specifically use the phrase "being carefree about it" and you are defending/celebrating some dumbass celebrating over social media about it.

You really are fucked up.

Your problem is your on the defensive and you need to go on the offensive. Call one of them a neet incel loser and tell them to keep themselves safe

sounds pretty reasonable tbh, better than starting some trashy hoe family

Why not have an abortion shower to celebrate the fact that you’re not getting fat and can go drinking again? People bring dresses and wine and celebrate women’s liberation.

I didn't see where they said that but you're on to something! Abortion parties sounds fantastic.

Pin the suction hose on the fetus, some live music, balloons, this sounds amazing.

user reports:
1: degeneracy


I don't think these people get what the term 'normal' means.

It's like how they think Abortion is some natural, god-given right, instead of a procedure only made available because of medical science.


Normal part of life

Okay when you're unable to have kids in the future because you're a fucking moron who thinks abortion is a contraceptive and not a last resort procedure, let me know how that's a normal part of life too.

Well I'm on a 5 year birth control so there's that method too but whatever fits your narrative

Sounds like it worked real well.

More trashy than having a kid you can't afford at 19? Sound logic.

Don't listen to them. You did the right thing. They're taking what you originally said and blow it out of proportion.

Make everything as dramatic as possible fam

Nice shaming of young mothers there. Oversharing is trashy.

Yeahh, maybe in the fucking '30s. Today's "abortions" are no different than getting your period. You take a pill that makes your shed your uterine lining. Same thing my body does every month. Do a little research before shaming someone.

That's a plan B you fucking retard.

First and foremost, I do NOT venture into that sub. Second of all, plan B works by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary, YOU FUCKING RETARD. Unless there are serious medical related reasons, no woman is getting a half formed fetus ripped out of them. 100% of those babies are wanted. I'll say it again, do some fucking research.

I guess the source I provided above that details the abortion procedure at six weeks knows less than a TrollX ogre.

I can't wait till your mayo trash ass gets pregnant and walks into a clinic.



Because its a normal part of life

LMAO. Tweeting about your upcoming abortion is definitely trashy.

not every woman should be made to feel terrible about it.

I too think women should not be made to feel terrible when they choose to murder a human rather than accept the consequences for their actions.

19 year old women were a mistake.

blah blah blah women are amazing and strong thanks for telling us

/u/NotKatebush imagine being such an inhuman monster you treat killing unborn babies the same way as you would getting your throat swabbed

This but unironically.

Even if you support abortion rights (I do), you should see the action with gravity. You’re killing something. That should not be taken lightly.

But conservatives love killing things, such as fury animals and muslims, so shouldn't they be the least averse to abortion?

self-destructing desert rapists


unborn babies who will be grow up to be human beings

🎶one of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong🎶

Sorry I’m not more like your white trash mom who was too stupid to abort you when she was clearly was in no position to raise a child. Look how sad and fucked up you turned out.


Read that comment out loud and reflect about it.

Sorry if I’m not PC enough for the edgelord crowd, but those are my genuine beliefs. The world would be better off without them, and their dumbshit parents brought the burden of their being onto the rest of us.

The irony is totally lost upon you

I'm sorry, but your attempt to hurt me, as someone has clearly done to you, has fallen incredibly flat. You don't know a thing about me, and even if you look through my entire comment history, there is nothing you could use to shame me.

You on the other hand, believe abortion is alright for the same reason the Nazis enacted the Holocaust: "It's not a human life, so it's alright."

Go ahead and live with that.

Pretty sure you're the one you wish was aborted.

I have a pretty happy life and a new baby I can properly care for now. You have so little in your life that you spend your free time doing this. I’d pity you if you weren’t so hateful.


does your baby know you equate killing it with getting a root canal?

My baby is still learning, mama, dada, and bye bye, so he’s not quite there yet. This child that I’m raising has nothing to do with the clump of tissue and blood clots I passed ten years ago anyway.

yeah, I'm sure you got to it that soon.

I love this argument, because it falls apart midway through the second trimester.

So once that life inside you becomes more than a clump of cells, then what?

The most premature baby to survive was born at 21 weeks, 4 days. That's about 4 months and 3 weeks.

Once a baby reaches this point, does a woman's right to choose still exist?

There are even cases of failed abortions turning into births.

At what point does it become infanticide?

This is all rhetorical, of course, because I know you don't care. All you care about is the fact that you didn't want to raise it, so you decided killing it was better.

So you're saying it's okay to kill kids who aren't properly cared for?

I’m not talking about killing kids, I’m talkimg about aborting a clump of cells. You know, that thing that happens all the time in nature?

A first trimester fetus has moral value because whether you consider it a potential human life or a full-on human life, it has more value than just a cluster of cells. If left to its natural processes, it will grow into a baby. So the real question is where are you gonna draw the line? Are you gonna draw the line at the heartbeat? Because it’s very hard to draw the line at the heartbeat. There are people who are adults who are alive because of a pacemaker and they need some sort of outside force generating their heartbeat. Are you going to do it based on brain function? OK, well what about people who are in a coma? Should we just kill them? The problem is that whenever you draw any line other than the inception of the child, you end up drawing a false line that can be applied to people who are adults. So either human life has intrinsic value or it doesn’t.

Why not draw the line earlier? That load you shot earlier likely would’ve grown into a baby if you’d only squirted it into a fertile womb. That’s where the Bible tells you to put it, right? It’s immoral for you to spill your seed elsewhere, right? Think of how many lives you’ve snuffed out each time you’ve jizzed. All of those poor living creatures. Shame on you.

Sperm alone can't make a baby. If unfertilized cells is where you draw the line though, you're more retarded than you lead on. Not sure what the bible has to do with any of this either.

That’s where the Bible tells you to put it, right?

Chapter and verse, please? (Onan doesn't count. His sin was to try to chisel a defenceless widow out of her inheritance.)

I have a shiny new baby now and I wanted this one, I flushed the other one into a tube.

u/CheesePlease7274 how long has it been since you last shaved your legs?

I had no idea /r/drama was an MRA safe space.

Ah yes " The MRA"


a) I dislike american reddit MRA's for multiple reasons, but I also dislike people who stereotype and think that every pro male issues organization in the world must be MRA or slanders serious feminist organizations

b) trollx , in my opinion is now the Jezebel of reddit. Guess who gives fuel and relevancy to " muh MRA's, while also being the MRA equivalent for feminists. There is no room for other opinionsor discussions in trollx, the sub itself is a parody, it's a circlejerk. Btw - If a person calls himself/herself an intersectional feminist only on social media this usually means that they are lying and doing this only to grandstand.

Drama regulars take one whichever persons milks the most drama from lolcows, it's a bizzaroworld mirror to any guest that stumbles into it.

take on whichever persons milks the most drama

Which makes us straight, white, male, moderate conservatives about 90% of the time.

We are which is rebelled against.

Le 65% face

MRAs freak out really hard, so typically no, they’re more low-hanging fruit than anything

It's actually pretty balanced, each thread has its own flavor of politics and opinions. Certain people decide to partake in each one.

How so?

As long as abortions kill more future democrats then republicans, God understands.

Lol!!!!! But then who would Republicans blame for their failures?! Then they'd actually have to take responsibility for their actions.



Honestly /u/letshaveateaparty this belongs on the sub header.

Just because you're a woman doesn't mean your opinion is valid.

All humans are idiots, both genders included. Just about every comment in this thread is living proof.

Slay Kween couldn't agree more.

You're not very good at this insult thing.

It was not an insult. Why do you have to be so toxic? Happy Holidays!


Yes, tweeting about your upcoming abortion is definitely trashy.

/u/NotKateBush since you think abortion is so common, how many babies have you murdered?

I had one abortion and it was a very clear and easy decision.

Why weren’t your parents smart enough to make the same decision? They clearly didn’t want a kid seeing as they let you rot and fester away in front of a computer screen, leading to the sad mess you are today.

Come on you can do better than that.