SRD thread about feminism. Terrible stuff.

25  2017-12-30 by Standard12


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anyway, thanks OP. You've reminded me to make an effort post on r/drama on Iran.

Did you make your effort post?

feminism does help men though

helping men castrate themselves for example

Yeah, it helps us with sneaking up on potential victims

Lol yes we help men. Believing all Feminism is from Tumblr is like beleiving Conservative Right Belief the same as POL. Ran Paul doesn't want to gas the jews.

Are you a man?


Then stop mansplaining

Nope :p

Are you an expert on Men's issues?

I don't pretend I am. But I agree with men that the gender biases and roles ascribe to both of us hurt us more than help us. How can you be yourself if society is pushing you to a certain direction you don't want to go. Eliminate all toxic masculinity and femininity thats forces us to be characters of our own genders and not ourselves. Men should be allowed to cry and show more emotion. No wonder they kill themselves more often.

Feminists seem pretty intent on having gender specific roles for people though.


I wouldnt want to mansplaining to a feminists.

lol nice cop out

Feminism being detrimental to men is fine with me, feminists claiming it's not detrimental isn't though.

I hate it too when a person refuses to play as generic villain in my political LARP

In what ways are you fighting gender roles?

Advocate for Male Maternity Leave. Putting women into more Male dominated fields, putting Men in Women Dominated fields. Advocate for fathers to spend more time with their kids.

So does advocating just mean commenting on Reddit? And lol what female dominated fields do you want ment in? And in what ways are any of those ideas besides except advocating for women in male dominated fields feminists in nature?

So does advocating just mean commenting on Reddit?

I also vote. Some low level political activism. I have a busy life.

Waitress, Teachers, Nurses.

I mean the goal is to smash gender roles because they were mostly unfair to women, but also unfair to men. I think is all feminist.


Lol, how are you gonna get men to become waitresses? Snip, snip?

If society's extremely unfair to women start there, and stop saying you give a fuck about anyone else.

Muhahahaha yes we are all evil and going to make society like the Wicker Man and you are all our Nicolas Cages >:3

I don't believe feminists are evil, I just believe by definition they at best would have no negative effects on the well being of men as a class.

Feminists have done absolutely nothing (that I am aware of) to help men get into teaching; actually they have a history of opposing male-specific educational grants etc.

As far as men in nursing goes, check this feminist piece:

I'm a man. Explain it to me.

to a feminist

Men can be feminists.

I wouldnt want to mansplaining to a feminists.

I won't accuse you of that. Now for the love of God, explain me why you think feminists seem pretty intent on having gender specific roles for people.

** Feminist, **Mansplaining,these seem to me defined by defining people by there gender and trying to enforce certain roles due to them.

Feminist, Mansplaining,these seem to me defined by defining people by there gender and trying to enforce certain roles due to them.

Men should be allowed to cry and show more emotion.

When you say this, it's with full understanding that anger is an emotion, right?

Lol yes we help men.

how? apart from telling men how terrible they are...

Have feminists protested selective service/the draft?
Have they advocated for more equal paternity laws?
Have they advocated for male shelters?
Have they protested against the fact that males are around 99% of workplace deaths?


then what else have they done?

  1. This one is split, most Feminists want to abolish the draft all together. Some including me want both genders into the draft. Few want all of the military gone. Tumblr is Tumblr

  2. Equal Paternity leave is agreed to be one of the best ways to shrink the Gender Pay Gap. As for court cases, this is the product of Patriarchal society. Majority of cases are setteled out of court and go to the mother. But the cases that does go to court and to a final judge decisions goes to the Father more often even though that makes a vast minority of cases. Also important to note mothers tend to spend 2 times of time with the children then fathers.

  3. I personally support it. Majority feel like thats something men should handle. Sizeable minority are militantly against it for some odd reason.

  4. Its 93%. This is due to Patriarchy, you assumed that Patriarchy automatically means it benefit men? For a while alot of these dangerous jobs banned women all together. Effort posts are gay so read this one

Uhh we made rape a frontline issue, which benefit male victims as well. I find the lack of focus on Male Rape victims by MRAs who more focus on false confessions really sad. :<

Also Effort posts are gay but its okay because im bi

That only makes it half okay. So you should half neck yourself. Like not enough to keep yourself safe but enough to make you a paraplegic or something

This is why Political Lesbianism exists/s

This is due to Patriarchy, you assumed that Patriarchy automatically means it benefit men?

Calling it "patriarchy" is a deliberate choice with the explicit purpose of creating that connotation. Feminists claiming that it's not what they mean is disingenuous, because it's their own coinage which they refuse to revise - while simultaneously going off about the supposedly sexist connotations of so many other words (even in cases that are completely coincidental to the etymology, e.g. "history").

I find the lack of focus on Male Rape victims by MRAs who more focus on false confessions really sad.

MRAs focus on male rape victims all the time. The standard responses from feminists range from "lol don't be silly men can't be raped" to "lol stop pretending you actually care about rape".

The focus on false accusations (I assume that's what you meant) is a result of statistical trends. That said, the issue there is about far more than criminal prosecution - it's about the social stigma surrounding accusation, and especially about the shoddy statistics work touted by feminists in this arena.

There is also no contradiction or hypocrisy here - thinking that men get vilified by inaccurate stereotypes about rape is not in any way diminishing the crime of rape. Exactly the opposite, in fact - to see those stereotypes as doing harm, necessarily requires accepting the premise that rape is a serious crime. The typical MRA view is that fewer things should be seen as "rape" in general because a broad definition necessarily weakens the claim to seriousness.

Grr, I stetched the definition of Effort posts last time so I wont do it again but this issue is the most wrong.

The typical MRA view is that fewer things should be seen as "rape" in general because a broad definition necessarily weakens the claim to seriousness.

Rape is when you are forced into sex. Thats the definition. It doesn't matter if you were coerced, beaten, drugged its still a violation of people body rights. In the 90s you could legally raped your wife in the US, culturally we have large segments of population who trivilize rape by making exclusions, like "it has to be violent", "the victim orgasmed so he/she must have liked it" or "You didn't fight back so it must have been consensual". All of these are tramatic, limiting the definition of rape beyond forced into unwanted sex is trivialization.

Rape is when you are forced into sex. Thats the definition.

Many things are called rape by feminists that did not involve being forced into sex.

It doesn't matter if you were coerced, beaten, drugged its still a violation of people body rights.

Go to the MR sub and see if you can find a single regular poster who thinks any of those things excuse rape or make it not rape. You will fail.

culturally we have large segments of population who trivilize rape by making exclusions, like "it has to be violent", "the victim orgasmed so he/she must have liked it" or "You didn't fight back so it must have been consensual"

This is greatly exaggerated, and almost always a strawman when applied to individuals in argument.

All of these are tramatic, limiting the definition of rape beyond forced into unwanted sex is trivialization.

"Limiting... beyond" makes no sense. Feminists are the ones trivializing the concept by making it include other situations that don't fit, then expecting the narrow legal understanding to apply broadly.

I dint understand "the patriarchy". A lot of decisions our leaders make do not come from a gendered place. Power and money are goals that don't care about gender. Women in those places of power perform roughly equivalentlly 'evil'. Why not just rail against misuse of power, not a gendered term? You would gain more credibility that way.

I'm not saying all feminists are stupid, there are exceptions, but you believe in the gender pay gap.

lol using /r/MenRights as a source.

The source is of secondary importance to whether the claims made in the link are true/accurate/correct. So maybe you should read it and judge it on its own merits, instead of immediately dismissing the post because of the source.

Its the same subreddit who made an effort post saying CIA created Gender Studies and sticky it ><

Again, what subreddit the post I linked came from is secondary to whether its contents are accurate.

You guys always act like the radicals are a minority but a lot of the most common talking points that are horribly misguided and misinformed are widely accepted doctrine

Ran Paul doesn't want to gas the jews.


Really? Tell me one thing they have done to help men.

Feminists regularly speak out against toxic masculinity.


do you actually believe in toxic masculinity? Holy shit what do you do for work

Yes and I'm a male escort whom your mother patronizes.

That's crazy dumb. What happened to you to make you take buzzfeed seriously

I don't read BuzzFeed though I hear if you avoid their editorials and listicles etc their news reporting and investigative pieces are pretty good. I stick with NPR though.

NPR doesn't go on about toxic masculinity, it's not an undergrad sociology student.

I positive I've heard pieces about feminism and toxic masculinity at least once when listening to NPR. Regardless I never implied it did. I was just responding to your comment about reading BuzzFeed.

No, you've never heard about toxic masculinity on legitimate news service other than to say "hmm, here's a human interest story, look at what these people believe."

I mean yeah, NPR usually tries to be unbiased in their reporting. Im just saying they've definitely done pieces on the subject.

If promoting the validity of toxic masculinity is considered biased, that might tell you something.

Holy shit, /u/elsiedeez, this one is an idiot and they still hit you with the sick burn. How does it feel being verbally rekt by a delusional tard?

Did you think I fucked your mom was a sick burn? Is this Def Comedy Jam?

May Allah break your rat spine.

/u/tdogg8 if feminists speak out against "toxic masculinity" why have so much more feminists been accused of sexually harassing women rather than critics of feminism? Not trying to have a "gotcha" for you, I want to know what you think.

I'm think that that's an extremely questionable claim.

Feminists: Feminism is just equal rights for all genders (there are more than two apparently).

MRA: What rights do men have that women don’t?

Feminists: Shut up you manspreading virgin!

Male Feminist: You tell him sister! Fucking MRAs piss me off. Hey, why don’t you come back to my place and watch some feminist with me while I masturbate.

Yeah, but social equality! Which can apparently be obtained by being really CUNTY on the internet. That's social justice!

"You have any.....potted plants...?"

I didn't read those comments, because really, what's the point, but I did read this gloriously cuntsplainy, whiny as fuck article in the Guardian about how women are funny, get used to it.

White women are just getting angrier and angrier as more men realise the benefits of bussy.

Nice job not answering his question btw. Also Mr. SPooPy with the "le iz bait hyuck hyuck hyuck" excuse lol. SRDines really lack self awareness lol.

/u/JeffBurk /u/SpoopySkeleman /u/Pandermult

I find it funny that if collectively if men decided to take away all women's rights, there is nothing women can do. How are they equal again?

BeingofUniverseSeems you've been cucked. How does it feel, memeipede? 43 points 11 hours ago Most feminists that I know would probably point to the way female reproduction is handled.

This bitch thinks men have more reproductive rights than women do in America.


No one answered the question lmao

Day of the canning when?

Remember children sardines tase best on crackers. But don’t have too many or you’ll shit feminism for days.

What's a legal right men have but women don't in the US?

There's a lot more laws about what a woman can do with her body than there are for men.

Okay, but how does that translate into a legal right that men have and women don't?

Congrats, you see why first wave feminism ended. Too bad you missed the point of the last 50 years of feminism.

/u/semtex94, you accidentally made a cogent point. Were you born in 94?

No. And that was intentional.

P.s. do you have any rules about commenting in linked threads? Another thread got posted here and a bunch of people from here raided the thread.

We don't care as long as it stokes the flames.

No, the cogent implied point is that subsequent waves are kinda stupid.

I do not see pushing for greater equality in employment and society as well as ending the taboos that persisted after greater legal equality as "stupid".

Of course you don't. Because you're starting with that assumption. But you should probably inspect that assumption.

Very few people are against "equality". But there's a lot of disagreement about what equality is. Our definitions of equality are different, clearly. Which is okay: I call you stupid and you call me...misogynist? I dunno.

But when I call you stupid, that's it. There's nothing else to it, no one really takes it that seriously when someone calls someone else stupid. Conversely, when you imply or explicitly say that people that disagree with you are bigoted or misogynist, you're watering down the term to the point that no one takes it seriously, boy-that-cried-wolf style.

Food for thought.

After the first wave of feminism, the following was still true in society: the place for women was the home, women were okay to be discriminated against, domestic violence of both partners was considered a private issue not worth police investigation, sexual harassment was OK, men were the decision makers and women had to follow all their decisions, and so on.

This was all well documented, and contending there wasn't is historical revision on par with "slaves were happy and treated well".

Literally every single one of those is subjective except for the police investigation thing, which is flatly wrong.

Remember that your idea of equality and other people's may not be the same. If there's any wave you're in need of, it's the perspective wave. Like maybe the third one. First one comes in high school when you start to question authority in a simple way, second comes in college when you start to question in it a complex way, the third one comes after that, when you start to question the people that are questioning.

Good luck.

You can't call actual observations of mainstream views "subjective". And in response to varying views of equality, legal inequality is not the same as social inequality. That is inarguable.

actual observations of mainstream views "subjective"

lol is this satirical? Anyway, like I said, good luck. Happy new year's dude.

You must be one of those "feels over reals" "if I didn't experience it it doesnt exist" kind of people.

...uh? Observations of views are actually subjective lol. And no, I think Trump is a retard. Do you go through life thinking everyone that disagrees with you is a conservative? This is getting stranger and stranger.

"Black people were viewed as inferior during the Jim Crow era". That seem subjective to you? And I never said I think all people who don't think like I do are conservative, just that you have your head stuck in the sand because actual facts disagree with your personal experiences.

What in the world are you going on about? You're now giving examples of other things to support what you were initially saying? Why?

Secondly, even if I did have my head in the sand, what does that have to do with t_d? It's full of idiots, yes, but we have many lefty subs full of idiots, too, so what's exactly the point?

Thirdly, no, you didn't present any facts other than "observations on viewpoints". You need to get out in the world, dude, how old are you? Get to that third wave, my boy. You have the power.

1.I gave evidence of prevailing ideas on the roles if men and women, and you pushed that aside as "subjective". I'm showing you a similar example of an objective statement of a prevailing idea.

  1. I apologize for assuming you were part of that massive circlejerk. It was in your frequent list, so I assumed you were part of that "Mueller is wasting his time" madness.

  2. The point of second-wave feminism was to change the minds of society, which you said wasn't needed, so I presented widely accepted views of the time that were mostly ended by it.

P.s. the latest wave is fourth wave, moving from third wave of sexual openness and expression to the lingering acceptence of casual harassment and discrimination of entrenched institutions, like the metoo movement.

Bro, I'm talking about the wave of perspective. I appreciate you apologizing and that's big of you, but still I want you to at least consider that what you consider objective equality might not be so.

I have no idea what you mean by "wave of perspective" and all google is giving me is painting tutorials. But confining people to rigid gender roles through social and monetary pressure is not equality no matter how you look at it.

I literally posted it to you like 4 hours ago bro. It was something made up on the fly. It's still relevant to this conversation.

Age 15: Question authority on a superficial level ("fuck cops" and "fuck you dad" and all that)

Age 19: Question authority on a more in-depth level ("fuck society and the imperialistic/patriarchal system")

Age 23: Question the people questioning authority ("wait, yes fuck them, but what's the reason for them doing that beyond the basic level?")

I'm looking for you to hit that third wave. I'm 37, there's waves after, it'll blow your mind.

Not seeing how your made up theory is relevant to objective observations of mainstream values of society, and I will disregard it since you youraelf admitted to pulling it out of your ass.

objective observations of mainstream values of society

Again, holy shit.

This stuff is verifiable, well recorded, and widely available. Accept that it happened already, and come back to the real world. You're sounding like a Holocaust denier when you say not to believe anything anyone says just because.

lmao dude please tell me how old you are

I have a Master's in IR and have worked in the State Department and now you're saying I sound like a Holocaust denier because I don't think feminism is super important? Have you ever thought maybe the issue is with you?

No, you sound like a Holocaust denier because you question concrete facts just because. Right now you sound like a r/iamverysmart post.

...concrete facts. Bro.. Enjoy your New Year's. That you're refusing to tell me your age is...kinda telling.

So you're telling me that women did not experience widespread social discrimination in the period after the suffrage movement? Because that's what it sounds like. And I can legally join the military, if you're so damn obsessed over my age.

Define discrimination.

Okay seriously, how old are you, this is getting stupid.

Facing obstacles and recieving unequal judgement due to gender, race, etc when it is unrelated to whatever the context is.

And if you want to fuck me, just say so, I'm legal.


Dude, that's the entire point. Look, I give you props for being open to things but damn. It's like you can't imagine any definition for things other than what you've learned. Anyway I gotta go.

But lol tell me you're a college kid cause I'll laugh hard.

What kind of stuff are you on to make it where words aren't what they're defined as? I feel like you would lose it if I showed you a dictionary.

Is this ironic?

No, you seriously sound like a conspiracy nut that disregards everything that's ever come from an authority figure because they're an authority figure, no matter how unbiased or well proven it is.

Basicly, I'm arguing with an contrarian rather than someone with actual values.

lmao, you're arguing with an adult. That's the issue here.

An adult acknowledges facts.

lmao seriously how old are you

Why do you keep obessing over my age?

I keep asking. You keep not answering.

Because itvis irrelevant.

hahaha no, it's not. You read like a naive college kid.

And you read like a self-absorbed pseudo-intellectual that is using their assumed elder status as an excuse not to make any actual arguments.

You couldn't have proved my point any stronger, young lad

Actually, you prove MY point due to not even attempting to make a cogent point.

lmao ok

I have my own Drama thread now? Glorious.

How would one disprove the idea of toxic masculinity?

It would be disproven by nobody experiencing it.

/u/rockidol do you know how far along the earliest premature baby to survive was?

It's about 4 months and 3 weeks. Go ahead and look it up.

There are grown adults living that survived an abortion attempt.

Knowing this, at which point in a pregnancy is an abortion NOT murder?

user reports:
1: surplus autism


And the first trimester (12 weeks) is a pretty well-accepted rule of thumb.


Everywhere a woman can’t get an abortion is a place a man can’t get an abortion, either. Also reproductive rights for men end when jizz leaves the body


What's a legal right men have but women don't in the US?

There's a lot more laws about what a woman can do with her body than there are for men.

Okay, but how does that translate into a legal right that men have and women don't?

When I criticized your overly pro female ways as a sub, I didn't actually want you to make a 100+ Serious Comment post.

I mean, the drama is there in the link. But what the fuck happened here?