
80  2017-12-31 by MasterLawlz


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Snapshillbot, you always know the perfect thing to say.


Laura, a customer service adviser, currently splits her attention among her husband, boyfriend and girlfriend. Mike is not currently dating anyone else.

every fucking time

Right? I was like "oh good for him he's out there crushing-

Mike is not currently dating anyone else.

oh nevermind".

Since getting married in 2015, the Leonards have practiced polyamory, or having multiple romantic partners. Both have slept with more than 10 other people outside of their relationship.

Gud reeding comprehenshun.

Fake news

It still seems like he’s getting the short end of the stick here lol. Like maybe he got a little bit of action right now but it seems like his current state is taking care of his kid while his wife is maintaining relationships with two other people and can barely find any time for him.

Mike is not currently dating anyone else.

Currently being the operative word. I have even bolded and italicised it for you.

How do you find time to date when you have a kid and your whole wife’s schedule is being filled by other people (get it)

You have a conversation with your wife about time management like a functional adult.

“Honey, can you watch the kid on Thursday?”

“Sorry, no, I’m meeting with Todd then. That reminds me, I’ll need your car too”

“Oh okay have fun dear”

like a functional adult.

I realise this phrase is incomprehensible to you.

Fam did you even read the article? He literally says he gets jealous of all the people she dates and barely finds time for him

Lmao. You are more upset about the guy being cucked than he is.

Well yeah, that’s probably how he gets off

And yet it is still more sex than you are getting. AYYYY.

I think I’m okay with that, this isn’t exactly a situation I want to be in at 28

And yet.. still the best you can hope for.

i feel like being a hermit is better than being a literal cuck. you do you though todd.

Wait a minute... Agent you supposed to be hot

Correct. Slightly irrelevant though

Is that every really irrelevant?

It helps when I pick up women IRL.

I mean... That's sweet but we all know better


mod of /r/Drama


Considering /r/Drama mods are attractive or millionaires or /u/MasterLawlz, yup.

You're so very


Ok but seriously

If being a functional adult means working out a schedule for when some other guy fucks my wife, then I'm just gonna stay with Peter Pan and never grow up.


Like marriage was ever on the cards for you 😂 😂 😂

Lol dude what is your deal in this thread?

I am bored and felt like picking fights with people retarded enough to care about someone else's marriage.


alright todd we get it

Hey, fuck you buddy. It's entirely possible that I'll be able to afford a mail-order bride someday.

Nah, Mueller is going to ruin the Russian economy, and the US apparently has a yuuuuuuuge deficit to China. You are screwed.

No, no it's not. But, aspirations and all...

My therapist tells me it will be easier to get through each day if I don't give up on my dreams.

I hate to be the one to tell you this but your therapist hates you, and your suffering only energizes them.

Imagine thinking cucks are functioning adults.

He's married, which makes him far more successful with women than the average fucktard who rants about "cucks" on the internet.

You can't be cucked if you're single


What if your neighbourhood hobo starts railing your mother and suddenly your supply of tendies dries up? 🤔 🤔 🤔

Neighbourhood hobo

Not a thing here, stop projecting

They're technically not hobos if they're in your mother's bed, true.

I said stop projecting

I think you and /u/Cirquedufuder are tied for angriest drama user.

His anger is more dramatic when it happens, while you seem to be in a state of perpetual seething.

Comedic is great. I don't know if my endorsement helps or hurts though.

you are both notorious agenda posters, ill say that much.

Bruh, you’re a drama mod and you seem surprised by this.


Let's have an honest conversation outside from there things

'Schedule' - I've never heard it called that before. So post-ironic, I like it.

You're getting awfully worked up about this. Why are you so touchy right now? Are you pacing back and forth waiting for your girl to get back from the bull?

Maybe someone with terminal autism shouldn't try to diagnose emotions 🤔 🤔 🤔

Isn't all autism terminal?

Not swiftly enough tbh.

Everything is terminal if you wait long enough

Are you Mike?

"His" kid.

His wife's son.

That's cumulative between the both of them. He's fucked his wife once or twice, she's been licking every set of genitals that walks through the front door.

You have to be spectacularly autistic to think that is what is meant.

I think your autocorrect changed "realistic" to "autistic."

Both have slept with more than 10 other people outside of their relationship.

I am pretty sure the split on those 10 people are 100% Laura and 0% Mike.

They have individually each slept with more than 10 other people outside of their relationship

Okay, Mike. We believe you.

Ya ugly ginger twat

Lol ur a cuck


Both have slept with more than 10 other people outside of their relationship.

I am betting all 10 were on Laura's part.


Laura: 9

Mike: 1

The one being Laura herself and the only reason it counts is because they were on a temporary break from marriage so it technically still classifies as "outside of their relationship."

In most contexts, both would mean each partner has slept with more than 10 people outside of their relationship.

Let us have fun with our cuck fantasies

I think it is more like she fucked more then 10 guy's and he got to sleep in the same bed with them.

She made him sleep in the bed after they were done without washing the sheets.

She kissed him and shoved her semen soaked tongue down his throat, then looked him in the eye smiled maliciously and said "This is the way it's going to be so get used to it."

keep going

Then tyrone got hard again pulled laura by the hair, forcefully, She instinctively spread her legs oozing with his sperm as he suddenly inserted his erect penis into her sore vagina. Mike looked on, not sure how to feel. THe mother of his children, his high school sweetheart, his one and only. On the one hand he was proud to give the black men a reward, a form of reparations if you will. On the other hand since he had a black man's sperm in his mouth, and had swallowed there was an 80% he had the aids. Elated at this sense of brotherhood and impending mayocide. Mike popped his feet up grined with sperm dripping out of his mouth and on to his lacoste cardigan and watched as laura rode that big black beast.

Wtf hot

I know rite. No wonder white women are on a sexual pedestool.

He got to sleep in the wet spot


One's near-ginger and the other's borderline Danger Hair.



This “lifestyle” is the dream of fuggly TrollXers everywhere, but EVERY guy I’ve heard drops out as soon as he realizes that most women (and 100% of attractive women) want nothing to do with a man in an open relationship. He should just cheat on his wife like god intended.

Well, there is one category of dudes for whome "open relationships" works.

But then you have to start a cult and move to a ranch, and that's just a bunch if hassle.

But does have a Wii u?

Someone fucking answer this question!

Trick question; nobody bought a Wii U.

I think there is no dignity in being a cuck.

Low T Beta Males. Every time.


You know, i have no problem with polyamorous relationships.

Housing is expensive as fuck in Cali, so getting someone to share bills isn't a bad idea.

Marrying your FWB though? That's just stupid.

Can someone explain what he’s getting out of this? Like it would be one thing if he was totally chill with it but he even admits he’s jealous of the other people boning his wife

I'm guessing what he gets is that she doesn't just divorce him and take half his shit, plus the house and the kid.

At a certain point, letting other people fuck your wife is better than homelessness and bankruptcy.

Sloppy seconds sucks, but it's better than never getting laid at all.

I don’t think that’s true. Some guys with low/no self esteem might put up with this for a while, but I know many (most?) men, including myself, would rather go without than put up with this indignity.

Actually, sloppy seconds is extra lubricated.

Maybe he legitimately likes her?

He could get off to the jealousy even though he doesn't want to admit it.

If your wife asks for an open marriage dump her ass, get fit, become a Chad and then when she comes crawling back lock her in a chastity cage and then crush roastie pussy.

Literally the only thing you can do other then fold and prep the bull.

Before you become serious with your gf, ask her if she'd ever consider an open relationship. If she says yes, leave her.

Punch her in the jaw for even asking such a stupid question. Then knock her up.

I wish that was me, what a cool wife.

I bet she's a fat slut with bl- she's a fat slut with blue hair

multi coloured hair. As return of kings rule #425 Never hook up with a girl with more then two colours in her hair, definite pas if it's unnatural.

RoK is Cosmo for dudes. Please upgrade.

So basically for fags.

That would imply depth of character.

I never noticed the lack of it until now. Thank you.

No problem. It takes a village to raise a child.

Nanni!?! How obese is that damn child?!?

The chick's looks say "I am mentally unstable. Please leave me alone as I become an STD magnet".

Even the men that are so into poly that they're willing to do an interview in a national publication about the subject say that they are jealous of other dudes spit roasting their wives. 100% chance this decision was hers the entire time and he stands by pretending to support it.

Any guy that is willing to sit by and raise his child partially alone while his wife is out knowingly not just fucking but having relationships with other people is a sad and pathetic human. This is one step away from one of them family murder/suicide episodes on all these true crime TV networks.

What’s with crazy chicks and dyed hair? It seems like so many of these sjw types love to dye their hair. Do they think this looks good? I think i’ve seen like one person who looked good with these shitty colors that sjws choose. I legitimatly don’t understand how people decide on fucking puke green as their preferred hair color.



a.k.a attack hair.

Meth Damon's a cuck?

/u/Ultrashitpost, when do we cleanse the world of these filthy kuffir?

Not soon enough tbh. Also weird to see a Masterlawlz sticky that's not complete shit.

Also weird to see a Masterlawlz sticky that's not complete shit.


Also weird to see a Masterlawlz sticky that's not complete shit.

You know how if monkeys hit a keyboard at random for an infinite amount of time, they'll eventually write up Shakespearean works?

It's like that with /u/MasterLawlz and his autistic stickies.

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.

I resent that

My posts are significantly better than Hamlet

Isn't this swinging? Says that both of them have had more than 10 partners.

This is why we need Islam.

Laura, a customer service adviser, currently splits her attention among her husband, boyfriend and girlfriend. Mike is not currently dating anyone else.


Mike is currently not dating anyone

You don’t say

three years of marriage


Polyamory isn’t for everyone, but I think if most people were themselves, they’d realize that one single person cannot possibly give them everything they need.

Why do degenerates always assume everyone is just like them but hides it?

Like Donald Trump and Marla Maples, or Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump. Or Donald Trump and Melania Trump