Isn’t the American dream just the possibility of not being broke? It doesn’t mean you’ll be a millionaire
That doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy. The thing people don’t mention though is that you have to actually make good decisions and have a plan. If you bury yourself in $100k of debt because you decided to go to a major university and get a philosophy degree since you figured that was easier than telling your parents you don’t want to go to college then it’s more your fault if you can’t get a good job. But if you go to a community or online college like a logical person (since employers really don’t give a shit where you got your degree from) and get a degree in business (or computer science, etc.) then you’re a lot more likely to move up in life.
I think the educational system is a huge cause for a lot of people’s problems. Everyone in America is told that if you don’t go to college then you’ll work at McDonald’s and this makes a bunch of kids get into horrible debt. People acted like I was insane for exploring trade programs and looking at unconventional opportunities.
I realize that some people are in very bad situations that are hard to get out of and that things aren’t this simple but I think if more people took time to explore more career and education paths instead of jumping into things then a lot of people wouldn’t be in such horrible situations.
The American dream is real but if you want to achieve it then ironically you have to ignore a lot of what the American government and educational system tells you
Lol, the trade programs in my area are so fucking good. Guaranteed hire (99+%) within your first (of two) year in the program, because they need people so badly. The demand is high enough that you're looking at $60k per year mininun starting salary for a program that is like $3k per year. If you go into the higher demand areas you're looking at even more money. I knew two machinists that were hired straight out of the program, and made more starting than a friend who had a STEM bachelor's. STEM friend makes more now, but the other two are higher in terms of returns when compared to "degree" cost to job salary.
Another great anecdote was a guy I took a class with. Two year technical degree and works for an engineering firm, they hired him and offered higher salary if he got more education. He attended a community college and got an associates, which they paid for (90% of it depending on GPA, admittedly), and then they did the same so that he could become an engineer. So he worked full time and had money, got someone else to pay for his degree, and has a comfy, well-paying job, all because he started in a technical school.
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-01-01
why do socialists think that that the so called american dream requires that everyone be of equal wealth?
1 MasterLawlz 2018-01-01
Isn’t the American dream just the possibility of not being broke? It doesn’t mean you’ll be a millionaire
That doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy. The thing people don’t mention though is that you have to actually make good decisions and have a plan. If you bury yourself in $100k of debt because you decided to go to a major university and get a philosophy degree since you figured that was easier than telling your parents you don’t want to go to college then it’s more your fault if you can’t get a good job. But if you go to a community or online college like a logical person (since employers really don’t give a shit where you got your degree from) and get a degree in business (or computer science, etc.) then you’re a lot more likely to move up in life.
I think the educational system is a huge cause for a lot of people’s problems. Everyone in America is told that if you don’t go to college then you’ll work at McDonald’s and this makes a bunch of kids get into horrible debt. People acted like I was insane for exploring trade programs and looking at unconventional opportunities.
I realize that some people are in very bad situations that are hard to get out of and that things aren’t this simple but I think if more people took time to explore more career and education paths instead of jumping into things then a lot of people wouldn’t be in such horrible situations.
The American dream is real but if you want to achieve it then ironically you have to ignore a lot of what the American government and educational system tells you
1 TheRootinTootinPutin 2018-01-01
Lol, the trade programs in my area are so fucking good. Guaranteed hire (99+%) within your first (of two) year in the program, because they need people so badly. The demand is high enough that you're looking at $60k per year mininun starting salary for a program that is like $3k per year. If you go into the higher demand areas you're looking at even more money. I knew two machinists that were hired straight out of the program, and made more starting than a friend who had a STEM bachelor's. STEM friend makes more now, but the other two are higher in terms of returns when compared to "degree" cost to job salary.
Another great anecdote was a guy I took a class with. Two year technical degree and works for an engineering firm, they hired him and offered higher salary if he got more education. He attended a community college and got an associates, which they paid for (90% of it depending on GPA, admittedly), and then they did the same so that he could become an engineer. So he worked full time and had money, got someone else to pay for his degree, and has a comfy, well-paying job, all because he started in a technical school.
1 Rith2 2018-01-01
I’ll pull a pizzashill and say that Bernie might’ve said that cuz at the time socialism down there was t so bad
1 pizzashill 2018-01-01
No, thinks never change and the world is black and white.
1 D4ddyDr4m4 2018-01-01
You poors need to go fuck yourselves tbh
1 Jac983 2018-01-01
its great because bernie sanders supporters wouldnt last a day in a real communist country
they'd be pissing there pants and crying to there mommys while they sit in a line for bread
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-01-01
1 snappleteadrink 2018-01-01
It's a good question
1 IAintThatGuy 2018-01-01
Bernie is pro bread lines