Retard posts political violence from 1936 to r/UnitedKingdom without any relevance because you've always got to BASH DA FASH, gets called out by mod and proceeds to REEEE about a far right conspiracy against anti fascist users on the sub

97  2018-01-01 by Wild_Hunt


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Fun fact /u/ExtracurricularSpork. The Cable Street violence actually gave Mosley a significant popularity boost in the eyes of the British public.

any source on that

reee paywalled!

Thanks, very interesting. It also mirrors what happened in Germany pretty much, except Hitler was farming oppression points from brawling with communists rather than jews and was much better at it.

Hey, that fact wasn't fun! It wasn't fun at all.

/u/devavrata17 Hi, this month in r/Drama it is autism awareness month. Would you be willing to tell us what it's like living with autism?

As an American, is there a videogame or YouTube video that explains the context of this?

Battle of Cable Street

The Battle of Cable Street was a riot that took place on Sunday 4 October 1936 in Cable Street in the East End of London. It was a clash between the Metropolitan Police, sent to protect a march by members of the British Union of Fascists, led by Oswald Mosley, and various anti-fascist demonstrators, including local anarchist, communist, Irish, Jewish and socialist groups. The majority of both marchers and counter-protesters travelled into the area for this purpose.

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Oh, I read about this in a Ken Follett book.

What kind of fucking american are you that you read a book?

Much like Stephen King, Ken Follett doesn't count.

He's not an auteur like Tom Clancy

Or a Dionysian Dickens-successor like Tom Wolfe.

> Savouring the art of Tom Clancy in any media other than electronic games

It's 2018.

All of Ken Follett's romantic scenes read like an incel writing about sex. It's the same as Stephen King when writing anything related to the military.

Stephen King writes about three military?

Some of his characters have military backgrounds.

Honestly don't read his stuff in ages so not something I pick up on and remember.

Honestly don't read

now here's a trueblooded yank.

"If you don't learn to read you'll end up in the Army"

-Stephen King

If you don't learn how to be a functional adult you will end up an alcoholic as well.

wtf cirque


Lol, I just wanted to bash a smug addict like King.

Yay, Pillars of the Earth was my shit in middle school. It took me too much fucking time to realize that Kingsbridge wasn't a real place.

I love that videogame.

> video game

/u/ExtracurriciularSpork it's pretty disingenuous to refer to the Blackshirts as Nazis tbh fam, British Fascism as an ideology is very different to GERMan national socialism.

It wouldn't be like antifa to thoughtlessly throw words around to the point where they lose all meaning though would it

u/ExtracurricularSpork I think you should be more worried about mud people raping women while the police and govt officials ignore it while at the same time cracking down on people writing mean things on the internet.

Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country? I'll answer that for you: fuck no, because they don't let this degeneracy slide, like fucking liberal CUCKS in the USA. There's only one solution, and that is for everyone to convert to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn't tolerate degeneracy like promiscuity or gender bending—nay! He mandated the ostracization and execution of adulterers, and made sure they would not become commonplace or accepted by the rest of the community. He made sure to establish clear gender roles and didn't tolerate this "casual sex" trash.

In the meantime, you have Western society accepting whores, gays, slut pride, gender-mixing, topfreedom, prostitution, new genders, no genders, LGBT, and who knows what else?! Western society is truly degenerating without guidance, and I fear that as time passes, these degenerate groups only gain more and more power.

Muslims and conservatives might think they're enemies, but in reality, they're closer to each other than they think! An alliance would prove very fruitful for both sides.

Just repeat the declaration of faith after me:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

and you'll be right on your way to becoming a great Muslim!


Is that copy pasta? Or are you blowing up on your own?

Imagine being /u/ExtracurricularSpork and complaining about free speech when they remove your post recommending physically assaulting people you disagree with.

"This post shows how Fascism was a failure in Britain even at its absolute peak of influence, but it's also a totally-not-exaggerated and ever present threat to our society today"

Exaggerated? Sure, but it's a larger threat currently than it's been in a very long time.

All of the elements are there up to and including conservatives trying to co-opt proto-fascist movements.

The fact that Le Penis even got in 100% of your asshole should be a wake up call to the /r/drama mods.

Let Pen getting as much votes as she did is just proof that leftist governments need to pull their heads out of their ass and stop being so naive and ideological. Although naive is probably being kind with the spin they actively pull on the public.

Yes, it's the moderates that are to blame, not the people voting for a literal fascist because they're uneducated and misinformed.

When parties continually ignore issues, you have people go to anywhere else. I would not call the positions of many European governments as forthright or moderate when it comes to immigration for instance. They are clearly lying to their citizens and the media helps by taking a role in it since their politics align. The media has long abandoned any pretense of being reporters versus advancing propaganda.

You realize like 99% of the propaganda in relation to immigration comes directly from the political right, correct?

Why do you think fake-news is such a large problem for conservatives?

Only because the left pretends there are no problems.

There are no immigration problems in the united states.

It is a fabricated issue the political right screeches about as a dog-whistle to their angry, uneducated base that's desperate for a scapegoat, someone or something to blame for the fact they're failures.

Mark Zuckerberg totally needs to bring in hundreds of thousands of Indians to work for him. It's not because he wants to drive down salaries and have a workforce that he can have deported on a whim. It's just that Americans won't do dangerous, unpleasant jobs like writing software. And you know you can trust him because he's not just some corporate suit. He wears a hoodie so he's gotta be one of us.

Immigrants are a net gain to the US economy. I'm not interested in sand-bagging the US economy to protect a few morons.

wtf i love free market capitalism now

It's only a larger threat because of left wing ding bat's making it seem the logical alternative.

John McCain was a fascist. Mitt Romney was a fascist. Scott walker Marco Rubio and ted Cruz were all fascists. Trump is a fascist.

When everyone is a fascist, nobody is a fascist.

I don't think any of those people were fascists.

Ted Cruz is walking the line, he's pretty bat-shit crazy and extreme, he's just flying under the radar because of Trump.

The fact Le Pen even got over 30% of the vote should be a wake up call to the western world.

Ok, so when people you don't like get too many votes that's a "wake up call", but when your buddies win the elections that's "a victory for democracy".

Le Pen was a literal fascist that was at the head of a party formed by Vichy France Nazi collaborators.

And literal communists get to run too, that's democracy baby.
They even were part of governments a few times, can you imagine that?
People disagreeing with me being elected?

The fact you think a fascist should ever, at any point be tolerated in a democracy is hilarious.

Do you literally just not know what fascism is?

Sure, let's ban fascists from running, and communists too since they want to overthrow democracy too.

Why do you think literal communists should be tolerated?

/u/ExtracurricularSpork how does it feel to disprove your own point?

He didn't even spell paedophile correctly.

Pfffft. Uncivilized brits.

The way you deal with this sort of shit is as was done in Geneva in 1932: Put the military between the two factions of retards and if they throw rocks, you shoot them. Reduces the number of retards in a sustainable fashion and the remaining ones will be more civil.

November 1932 infolge von Zusammenstössen zwischen Rechts- und Linksextremen, als Rekruten der Schweizer Armee dreizehn Demonstranten bei einer Kundgebung in Genf erschossen und sechzig schwer verletzten.

Really makes you think

Battle of Cable Street

Look these people are forgetting about the REAL fash bashing that occured in less than a decade later, the Great RAF Cookoff

Okay, then people under the same flag should not be held accountable for the atrocities committed in the name of said flag a few decades before.

So why ban modern fascists, especially if they reject Hitler and Mussolini?