Historically oppressed culture creates something loved all over. American white kids can't help but ask: "but where are all the black people?"

107  2018-01-01 by Leakylocks


Happy new year humans! :)


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Do you want the show to get cancelled in the middle of the first season? Although I do not know the specifics of The Witcher lore or story, I am sure there are things the books have or does that will not translate good to tv.

/u/Paxxlee it worked perfectly fine for the Lord of the Rings, and they didn't have any shoehorned diversity either (Besides the Uruk-Hai, but they were cool and non-CGI.). Those films were immensely successful and seen as some of the best fantasy adaptations of all time.

TV writers are notoriously fucking retarded and the shit they change is never an improvement on the base material.

First 6 episodes of The Walking Dead - amazing, followed the source material

Every other episode - complete shit, written by TV writers

Its a classic fable at this point.

True, and i don't think changing stuff for the sake of diversity has ever improved any movie or tv series.

When you start asking questions like 'how does making this character gay and black improve the story' you get some real interesting panicked answers.

no they'll just go with the easy out "it's not about improving the story it's about representaaaaation"

I remember a TV-movie fairlytale adaptation with 'color-blind casting' back in the 90's or early 2000's that was pretty significant because of the color-blind casting. I can't for the life of me figure out what it was, though. It's like it never existed. But yeah, imposing burger standards on a narrative written and set in a place full of people who have historically been oppressed (and whose diaspora is still discriminated against in a lot of Western countries today) is a dumb idea.


Captain Planet

They didn't follow the source material, they deviated the most from it. Shane survived, thru went to the CDC, etc. It's sucked a lot more lately bc the current approach is the midseason finale and season finale follow the writers' braindead interpretation of the comics and everyone just sleeps for the other episodes. When they didn't follow the comics, like Terminus, it was good

Do you have brain damage?

I said everything after episode 6 was shit.

In episode 6 they went to the CDC, for that whole season which was 6 episodes they didn't follow the comics at all

Oh i see, i misremembered season 1 for episode 1, the only decent episode. Ive updated my post, thank you for the enlightenment on sitcom drama tv.

Fun fact: your opinion is not objective




Kirkmen loves the TV show and prefers it when it drifts away from the source material and do different things

I don't give a shit what kirkman likes or says, his story is the superior one.

Lol you're quite the sperg




Being able to type more than one sentence in a post doesn't make someone a sperg. God damn you are the dumb.

No but saying shit like:

I don't give a shit what kirkman likes or says, his story is the superior one.

Kinda does

That's just stating a fact. Like the sky is blue or /u/MG87 has the mental capacity of an unborn fetus. Lending credence to the idea that life starts before birth, a sad pathetic life.

Well I am mostly living in your head rent free

Should I bother with the rest at all? I enjoyed the first season too, but stopped in the second one and from what it sounds like, the show has gotten really bad recently




Correct, don't bother. Just watch kitchen nightmares as it has better actors, writing, and plot.

Absolute garbage show

u/Paxxlee I agree, I'm looking forward to the remake of roots where they replace koonta kinta with kennith

And why aren't there whiteys or arabs in the Black Panther?

there are

Oh, the monsters are, so that makes it ok?



oh boy what a classic knee slapper that never gets old. Bots were a mistake













I mean, I’m pretty sure Brittlesnatch Cucumber’s sidekick is in it.

I wish the remake of roots keeps one thing : OJ Simpson.

Historically oppressed culture

Is this really what we're calling Polacks now?

This is called using language to appeal to your audience.

Unfortunately polacks are still white and SJWs wont be looking past that

Unfortunately polacks are still white


Jews are also white.

(((We're))) shapeshifters. Get it right.


polacks are still white


nie płacz, tylko polej -_-

Nic innego nam nie pozostało. Majo-zagłada nadchodzi!



(x . x )


That sounds weird in Polish IMO and the spelling looks like an awkward hybrid that's neither fully Polish nor fully Latin.

Unfortunately polacks are still white




Oh the keks

No the witchers


Lol 400 comments about Geraldinho The Grey.

Ok, so let's talk about the conspiracy by (((The Polish))) to not include PoC's in their game or upcoming tv series.....

There is none, it's a game made by polish develpers, based on a book written by a polish author which was not even that popular or translated outside eastern and central europe, before the 2nd game hit the market. Now I'm not from Poland ( I'm from another part of Mordor). But I'm gonna make a bold statement that when a game developer ( or any other creator) from Central/Eastern Europe/ Balkans etc. creater their product they don't start automatically thinking on how said product would reflect the race relations or political situation in USA.

which was not even that popular or translated outside eastern and central europe

It's not particularly popular or well know in Poland either. After the games came out, Sapkowski became our Coelho. An author widely know internationally, but not highly rated nationally.

I tried to read the first one when it came out im my country, again I believe after the second game ( same with Metro series)....and I found it boring. But hey, I also disliked GoT so I must be an idiot.

Let this be a lesson to everyone in an artistic field

Never succeed

People will want take your work and turning into something far bigger and uncontrollable and will try to shape it to relate to them

god help you if try to make sequel that is not more or less just a "lore book" that exists just give people more settings to RP in

I’ve thought of that too, like how many minority filmmakers or actors are pressured to feel the burden of being some kind of representative for their group instead of just, you know, wanting to make movies like everyone else




One of the developers of Mankind Divided was black and got so PISSED when people claimed his game was "problematic" and "soft" to that he went to fucking KIA to yell at people


Lmao those bitches called the game "problematic"?

It could have been a still screen reading "RACISM IS BAD MMMKAY?" and that would have been more subtle.

I hope you didn’t write this yourself and this is a copypasta or something

c) give more roles to the women compared to what they had in the games ( have only played the first one, so I don't know about their role in the sequels)

In books the main casts often visits brothels, so I can't imagine how butthurt SJWs would be.

As you can in Witcher 3. In fact several brothels.

If there's anything the Witcher saga isn't lacking, it's female characters. Geralt spends like half those books being led around by more powerful, domineering woman. A little girl supplants him as the main character for all intents and purposes after the short story collections. It's like Sapkowski has a femdom fetish or something.

I like the "WHERE DOES TEH AUTHOR SAY THEY WEREN'T BLACK" line of argument. Writers need to start describing every aspect of every character to stop this from happen

"The men entered the room. The first was white, the second was an off shade of white but still white enough to get a cab at night. The third man was black but more of a chocolate. The last man was Asian but was more of south pacific complexion but was a bit light for that area."

Flashback to when JK Rowling said that about Hermione and someone tweeted a quote of 'Hermiones white face' or something of the sort that JK Rowling herself had wrote.

I don't even have a problem changing the race of character for an adaption show, it really freshen the character up and can often become the definitive version

Making Nick Fury black in the Ultimate universe made him different and, in many people's eyes, better and let old white Nick Fury go into a different direction allowing us to have both badass Sam Jackson Fury and beaten down old Cold War Fury

Its this stupid ass "IT WAS LORE ALONG" retcons that are annoying

Hermione is white in the books but black in the stage adaptation, both of those are more than fine

My point was more the 'le author never said they weren't X race!' That people say when they've never even read the source material. An author claimed their own character that they wrote as white was never said to be white, and it's just so obvious everyone saying this is looking to score diversity points.

I honestly won't care if they make Geralt black, but the reality is that the games, which clearly depict him as white and about the same looking throughout them, are far more popular than the books at this point. Even if it's not done for diversity points, the fans will think it is and nobody will watch it. That's the unfortunate truth.

if they make Geralt black,

As long as it's Idris Elba


Meh, Nick Fury will always be a white haired grizzled looking pipe smoking badass for me. The black Nick Fury only "worked" because Samuel Jackson has been cultivating his personal image as a "bad ass mother fucker" for ages. He basically played as himself.

Nick Fury's archetype as a sort of Snake Pliskin lookin dude is more definitive.

The black Fury predates the movies, though tbf it was designed to look like (and be played by) Jackson anyway.

Sam Jackson worked fine playing himself if he is well-cast. And he was well-cast as Nick Fury.

What bothers me is that people are whining about white-washing while simultaneously justifying shoving diversity hires in everything for no reason whatsoever. Be consistent for God's sake.

They're consistent but the consistency is just "being anti-white". Whatever seems inconsistent on face value when they do it, just ask yourself, "how can this be taken as anti-white", and it suddenly would make a lot more sense.

That's it. Actually made me sad to see. I have no problem with black Hermione, but that's a picture of an author lying about their own works just to appease a certain group of fans. Why not just say 'Well that was the books, stage adaption is different'.

honestly I'd even buy the interpretation that it's metaphorically white, like "white with fear". in the same way that "a face dark with anger" wouldn't necessarily mean the character was black

Do darker skinned people get white with fear? I don't think I do.

it's just a metaphor that means the blood rushes out of your face. white people don't turn black in the dark with rage example either. in context the character is scared so the "white" description makes more sense as a reference to that than a literal thing to me

is that a yes or is that a no

They do blush, it's just harder to tell. They get blush camo.

nope, doesn't fly. White people go "white" with fear because blood drains out of their face, and with white skin (normally slightly pinkish) this is a noticeable change). You can drain blood out of a black person's face and they won't look white, because... well, you do the math.

like, I never pictured Hermione as anything but white and I guarantee Rowling didn't either, but if I had been reading her as not white and I can't across that sentence I don't think I would read it as meaning anything other than "scared"

That's because black people are machines only capable of anger. Or was that bats?

The character was also described as resembling "half a panda" after getting a black eye. Doesn't sound like a metaphor to me, although I'm not a book critic.

Pushes up glasses

Well akcutally the panda example would be a Simile, Metaphor states something is something else ( Hermione is a Panda) a Simile states that something looks like something else ( Hermione looked like a Panda)

To play devil's advocate, you could argue that it was meant to mean scared. Like, the blood has vacated my face because I might be about to get in trouble and I"m Hermione so this is worse than death.

The proper interpretation is that Hermione was briefly cursed with magical whiteness, as only mayos are cowardly enough to feel fear in such a mundane situation.


that's a picture of an author lying about their own works just to appease a certain group of fans.

Yup, exactly like Rowling's belated grab for the pink pound. Seven books weren't enough to give a credible hint that Dumbledore was gay, she had to resort to Word of God. Hack.


Yeah she obviously meant it like “white as a sheet” which is an expression I’ve heard some people use, but that mostly only applies to pale skinned people anyway so I guess the point stands.




always with the hard hitting commentary zozbot

And he also made false teeth

That boy needs therapy

"If you do not explicitly call out every single feature of the characters in your slavic country that means that all of them can be black" It's so fucking stupid. Do these people want to read 200 pages on shades of complexion?

tbh, I need to know what race you are before I decide whether to upvote this comment or not.

still white enough to get a cab at night


After all this, I hope Sapkowski gets convention-level drunk and opens his mouth about the subject of people telling him how to write his fiction. If his track record is any indication, the resulting couchfainting by these fucks would be glorious.

I hope Sapkowski gets convention-level drunk and opens his mouth about the subject of people telling him how to write his fiction.

"It's a fantasy setting. That's why shit that doesn't exist here exists there and shit that exists here, doesn't exist there. You might as well complain that orcs are underrepresented in this book. It's a fictional world where those things just happen to not exist there."

Translation: His ideal fantasy world is populated only by proto-mayos.

Oh trust me, the content wouldn't be the issue, just the notion of some rando Seppo cunt presuming to retcon a world he spent half his literary career writing. The man has a... forceful personality. Nuff said that every con team in the country eventually learned to keep him away from the drink for the duration of his visit.

He fucking hates it when "OFFICIAL PRODUCTS HE APPROVED" retcon or expand on his shit

I can't imagine what would happen if he came across fan-fiction

He fucking hates it when "OFFICIAL PRODUCTS HE APPROVED" retcon or expand on his shit

And are far more successful than the books they're based on.

From what I've read, he probably wouldn't give a fuck as long as he was well paid. And happy it wasn't another video game.

the circlebroke crowd sure as fuck isn't financing his drinking habit, so that answers that

It's Poland. Dude could be drunk all year on the change in my couch cushions.

It really is the land of endless liver failure. A friend was doing grocery shopping one day and saw an old guy with the biggest ginblossom come into the shop, ask for "two blueberries", and leave with two big bottles of violet metho.

then again, I'm biased. I'm from Łódź, which is a former textile industry center that fell on hard times after the wall came down. So there's more than the usual amount of misery and unemployment. On the plus side, it's picking itself up slowly but surely (at least i like to think so)




Shit-talking aside, I actually had a great time in Kraków. Pierogi has to be the best street food that's not burritos. Glad to hear Łódź is growing back up.

Glad to hear it! If you ever visit again, check out the salt mine museum in Wieliczka if you haven't already. Amazing place, and quite close to Krakow.

Is that where this is? https://i.imgur.com/CLxgKWq.gif

lol, I don't know if it's actually operational to any extent.

Here's some shots if you're interested though:



It's a diffirent place, Wieliczka has actual salt walls (just don't lick them, as they were licked by thousands of people before you).

(just don't lick them, as they were licked by thousands of people before you).

No kinkshaming plz






Sapkowski - "I sold the rights to my series to CD Projekt Red for a base sum, because I thought games are stupid and amount to nothing, but now that it's one of the most successful games in history I'm salty that I didn't ask for royalties instead."

Dmitry Glukhovsky: "Dumbass."

Yeah, he's a bit of a twat. But I like to think he learned from the experience.

But I like to think he learned from the experience.

The only way we'll know is if he ever writes something else worth reading or turning into a show.

So we'll never know.

After the Witcher books, he did a historical fiction series based on the Hussite rebellion, which was awesome (Narrenturm, Warriors of God, Lux Perpetua if you're interested) but it hasn't been translated to English yet.

I don't think it ever will be, TBH, even though I'd like if it were. Too nichey.

You read instead of playing the game? Fucking nerd.

Guilty as charged, yer honor

That was dumb given CDPR fucking runs the RPG world now.

Yeah but if you saw the Witcher 1 you'd be hard pressed to think that they'd be the kings of that market not ten years later.

EE was good tho 😡 😡

I was at a con where they gave him free beer

It was the single best con going experience of my life

When he sits down and starts talking about random stuff, it's the best. The man has a brilliant patter and he's incredibly erudite. I'm a bit jealous, actually, I've only heard this second hand.

I was starstruck the whole night, but he was a blast. Brilliant sense of humor, plus it was before Witcher 3 so he hadn't soured on the games yet and he said a lot of good things about them.

Sapkowski is an old miser who hates games, but he’s not a conservative. He dislikes communism but most of the books lean liberal politically, arguably they are even feminist in terms of what they have to say about women. And obviously they’re pretty strongly anti-racist. I doubt he’s going to go on a rant if they add some non white characters into the show.

"old miser" lol, that's putting it mildly.

You're not wrong about him probably not objecting to PoC representation, but I don't think he'd appreciate someone pushing on him this socrealistic "art should serve the interests of the cause" crap that some Western progressives have seemingly adopted hook, line and sinker.








I'm not trying to argue or call you racist or anything

I agree, /u/Antisera, you aren't trying, you are.

There ARE no shows about african tribal folk-lore.

/u/ThingkingWithPortals American Gods literally has the Ghanaian trickster god Anansi. There's even a show in the works for Anansi Boys.

You're confusing you're ignorance for fact because you think if you haven't seen or heard of it, it must not exist.

Also, Black Panther.

Look guys; I didn't start this argument, I'm trying to show these people who got ridiculously angry about something that they completely made up that there are other ways to look at it. And you can't honestly think that those three examples and whatever other examples we can go try and dig out will begin to balance it out.

Your thinking that "balance" is a virtue in and of itself is the root of the problem here. It's not.




Kiss my ass you highfalutin tin can

ok how fucking dare u


Make your own shit, there's so many fucking black directors ask yourself why they haven't made any good movies or t.v. shows about it. It's up to no one but the people who want it to make a movie about the African pantheon

Black directors who could make these films or shows but simply choose not to:

  • Spike Lee

  • Tyler Perry

  • Denzel Washington

  • The Wayans Brothers

  • Don Cheadle

  • Morgan Freeman

  • John Singleton

  • Charles Burnett

  • Robert Townsend

  • Forest Whitaker

  • Ice Cube

  • Bill Duke

  • Vondie Curtis-Hall

But I guess you could claim Black Americans aren't Black Africans and it makes more sense for an African to write about African lore (because Thor was directed by a Norse Viking, The Mummy was directed by an Egyptian, Hercules was directed by a Roman, oh wait...)

In which case,

Black Africans directors who could make these films or shows but simply choose not to:

  • Haile Gerima

  • Med Hondo

  • Gaston Kaboré

  • Mahamat-Saleh Haroun

  • Abderrahmane Sissako

/u/ThingkingWithPortals , Cleverman is literally a show that exists, focusing on the lore of Indigenous Australians and directed by two Aboriginals. So the only reason to get pissy about the lack of visual media involving African folklore is because the Africans and Black Americans are too lazy to make it. Crying about there being too many white people in a show about Slavic folklore is retarded.

Next you'll complain that there's too many Asians and not enough blacks being represented in Drunken Master and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

But I guess you could claim Black Americans aren't Black Africans and it makes more sense for an African to write about African lore (because Thor was directed by a Norse Viking, The Mummy was directed by an Egyptian, Hercules was directed by a Roman, oh wait...)

The first part is true. Black Americans aren't Africans. That's like saying Americans with German roots are Germans. It's bullshit.

That's like saying Americans with German roots are Germans. It's bullshit.

You can take the Aryan out of Germany...

Tell that to actual germans.

Or try telling Irishmen that Irish Americans are real Americans.

Or try telling Italians that Italian American food is Italian food.

Good luck.

You do realize that producers don't just conjure up media from thin air right? They need a company and funds. Danny Glover has been trying to make a movie about the Haitian Revolution for years and no one will take it because they demand he have a major white character. In a movie about the most successful black slave revolt in the history of the Americas, Hollywood demands a white protag

Haitian Revolution

Are you saying Haitians are an African myth?

Ah yes the classic "they're too lazy it's so easy for them to do" argument. A winner!

Wow you guys, you did it. With some shrewd google searches you convinced me -a white man on the internet- that racism has been cured in the entertainment industry. We can all go back to whatever we were doing before now and feel happy that there is no problem.

Ah yes the classic "they're too lazy it's so easy for them to do" argument.

When literally every other culture has done it...? Yeah.

  • The Middle East has Sinbad, Aladdin, 1001 Arabian Nights...

  • Norway has Troll Hunter

  • Haiti has I Walked With A Zombie

  • Germany has Die Nibelungen

  • Japan has Ghibli Studios

  • Don't even get me started on India

Welcome to the Woke World, bro.

I'm going to crack up in 15 years or so when Nollywood is sufficiently developed for Nigerian films to catch on with the western media market and all the salt that will come out of activists like this when it's actual Africans who manage to make good movies exploring their mythology.

Spike Lee's tears alone will make it worthwhile.

It balances out better than your assertion that there are NO shows about African tribal folklore.

You set the goalposts, you don't get to move them the moment the ball I kicked hits the net.

balance it out

Balance WHAT out? What is it with you people and these nonsensical obsessions with a false 'balance'? Black people make up only 13% of America's population, yet everything has to be 50/50 white/black? Not how that works, mate.

When has Hollywood ever been even close to 50/50? Literally any movie or show with more than 5 black characters immediately becomes a "black" movie.

Pardon, are you actually trying to start a conversation after you've made it abundantly clear that you'll run off to SLS the second you feel triggered?

Fuck off, loser.

There really should be more media based on African folklore, though. It can get really interesting based on which ethnic group you're looking at.

Problem is no one wants to touch it. It would be s fucking nuclear bomb that will only end in boycotting and letter bombs, extreme lefties would just be frothing at the first whiff of an error.

extreme lefties would just be frothing at the first whiff of an error.

Unless their heroes Niel Gaiman or Chuck Palahniuk are involved. Beacuse

  1. Call a gay man racist is homophobic

  2. Amanda Palmer would never marry a racist righty

What? There's like a bajillion takes dedicated to calling out gay men as uniquely racist.

And they're all homophobic.

White gays are frequently racist. Disagreeing with this is frowned upon on the left, not the other way around. Your strawmans are hilariously bad

You think there's a limit to whom they'll throw under the bus?

Also I thought they hated Fight Club, due to it being about men and their problems.

Also I thought they hated Fight Club, due to it being about men and their problems.

The main character has a gay crush on Tyler in the book, so it's empowering and Hollywood straightwashed it.

Really? Is that the problem? That people don't want to touch it because of muh Es Jay Dubs?

Danny Glover has been trying to make a movie about the Haitian Revolution for years and no one will take it because they demand he have a major white character. In a movie about the most successful black slave revolt in the history of the Americas, Hollywood demands a white protag

And that isn't even mythology, it's straight up history. So stop scapegoating SJWs.

There really should be more media based on African folklore

There's already plenty of that shit.

Why can't blacks make their own shit?

Olfir has the Witcher's versions of Arabics (in terms of physical traits). The Witcher games add a ton of lore that isn't present in the books. I really doubt anyone would complain much if mayo Geralt went to another far away land, either new or old, where the people weren't white.

I'd like to see a single person who genuinely believes there wouldn't be outrage if a character who has been traditionally black was replaced with a mayo. SRDines would implode.

The Vizimans are also supposed to be the “Spanish” of the world so they’re naturally a bit more tanned than the other Northerners.




It would be awesome if Geralt went to Zerrikania imo. Just don't shoehorn coloured people into the Northern Kingdoms to reflect American racial sensibilities.

Anyone who votes for Trump because of this bullshit culture war stuff is an idiot.

Trump can't actually stop any of this from happening. He can't make people say Merry Christmas, he can't stop people from writing racist editorials about how every show needs non-whites in it or whatever.

Yeah but he can tweet retardedly about it, which is funny.

He could do that even if he wasn’t president

It wouldn't be as funny though.

Yeah but he can tweet retardedly about it, which is funny.

What he can do is not be these people, which is something that his opponents are frequently incapable of

When did Bernie or Hillary ever act like those people?

You’re kidding me right? Bernie and Hillary are like the platonic ideal of these people

I don’t remember them ever mentioning white privilege or talking about diversity or cultural appropriation ever.

"White people will never know what it's like to be poor" -Bernie Sanders

Hilary had the whole war on Pepe

This is basically the same as "no she needs to be naked she breaths through her skin"

Posted by debate every Nazi 🤔🤔🤔

They simply cannot understand that not every single piece of fiction with white people in it has to reflect the problems in their shitty fucking society. If the Witcher was based on Japan or something like that you would hear none of this noise.

Well, being weeb shit didn’t help Death Note at all.

It's white peoples' fault for liking Death Note to warrant a western adaptation.







implying Japan isn't deeply racist

Nice historical revisionism, nerd

I still don't get why a Polish product should cater to American racial issues.

By their logic, manga and anime should be racially diverse too, because millions of weebs exist and buy lots of Asian shit.

isn't this the exact opposite of the shitstorm surrounding Scarlett Johansson in ghost in the shell? a character's race is changed to appeal to American audiences?

Yeah, they are being hypocritical. It's just about making that fantasy world less white. The rationalizations seem internally contradictory. They wouldn't do this to a story that is majority POC to begin with. They are not complaining that the upcoming Black Panther movie is too homogeneous.




The funny thing with GiTs and the major is her racial appearance is literally irrelevant, she's a full body cyborg. I'm not sure why almost no one complained batou was white at the same time lmao. There's also no complaints about one of the japanese guys being black lol

The Gus's creator said exactly that.

The real problem with the live-action GiTS is that it was shit

Actually they shit on the One Piece Manga and Anime due to "Lack of PoCs"

Yeah, but they were asking for a greater variety of POC races, not for the inclusion of white people, right? My point is that their idea of diversity isn't truly diverse because it doesn't include white people. They would want a homogeneously white world to include POC, but never seem to ask for more white representation in homogeneously POC fictional worlds.

I just thought it was funny that a fiction set in an Asian world with Asian characters needs more muslims, blacks and hispanics. I saw a couple of pieces of "fan art" called "PoC Piece" where they pretty much got rid of everyone who could have been asian or white.

I don't watch or read it. I just saw people bitching about it online saying there wasn't enough PoCs and that the main cast should be mostly PoCs and since it's manga I assumed the main cast was based on Japanese people so I thought it was funny.

Well my comment was just a joke. I do read it and the cast really isnt Japanese or even Asian looking. Granted thats due to the cartoony art style. I do find it odd that these retards want more races in One Piece when that world actually has different races, animal people, mermaids, fairies and dwarves

It's virtue signaling at its finest. They find something they enjoy. A movie, book, TV series, comic/manga, etc and then have to bemoan to their SWJ friends how much better the entertainment would be if there were more PoC, LGBT, Disabled and religious minorities.

The main cast is actually almost entirely cartoons.

Yeah, people shit on it because it sucks.

For all the weeb shit I enjoy I really don't have a dog in the fight. I just enjoy watching American SJWs telling a 99% Japanese ethnostate that they don't have enough brown, muslim, gay and trans in their entertainment,

They sure have pretty weird priorities. Given Japan's ethnicity makeup, I think Japan is doing pretty well.

Mostly Japanese, with some sprinkles of Chinese, Korean, Okinawan, and Ainu in the mix. That is what I usually see in their entertainment media when the stage is set in Japan.

Isn’t it the Americans making the show?

Yeah, but it's a saga which gets a lot from Slavic and European fantasy (which is usually based on mithology). Nobody denies that Europe had people of colour, be slaves, merchants, etc.

Personally I think it's their representation, not America's. Poland is a country where people of colour are rare. It's obvious that their representation of those people would be tangential. There's no problem adding people of colour. But they would be secondary or extra characters. Making one main would be, imho, shoehorning. It makes sense to an SRDine, not to a Polish Sapkowski fan from the countryside.

This overrepresentation (representation is needed, but not everywhere and everytime) fad is pretty American centric. Not all Western media is intended to represent you or your people. That doesn't make it intrinsically racist, it makes them varied, and more interesting. Nobody bats an eye at Korean, Japanese or Chinese movies with no white people. Well, they have their immigrant populations too.

tbh I'd like to see a Geralt de Rivia thingy with minorities but actually drawing from African tribes or Haitian with voodoo and all that shit. Kinda like Black Panther.




Real talk,

I'm really fucking tired of the forced diversity shit. I'm Asian and I give zero fucks if a movie/show had all white people, in fact my favourite movies are the Godfather and Star Wars sequels and almost everyone is white in those. My most loved game is also GTA San Andreas, which stars a black man.

I mean if people on Reddit want to complain about a lack of diversity because they want to see more people of other race, that's fine. But if they are complaining because they feel that there is an injustice that they must correct, then please kindly fuck off because I never asked for you to stand up for me. I can do it myself if I want to.

The other point is just because there weren't many "people of colour" doesn't mean there were no "minorities" or ethnic conflict in medieval Poland. Just because by modern American racial standards the people would all (for the most part) be considered white doesn't mean that the various ethnicities of the PLC viewed themselves as all the same.

American liberals act like they're so worldly but really they're just as clueless as any other burger.

That's just it. The Witcher series has a lot of ethnic conflict, but it's mostly between groups with pale-skins, so ethnocentric Americans think of them as indistinguishable.

but if the world isn't like America I don't understand :cry:

It's not like the genre has been famous for using fantasy races like elves as a proxy for real-world racial issues ever since Tolkein or anything. If it's not literally an oppressed group of brown people being lorded over by haughty whites then it's too subtle for their minds to grasp.

Fucking slacktivists not knowing basic aspects of the hobby they're trying to colonize smdh.

Poland is a country where people of colour are rare.

Not true, I see one at least once per month or two.

As opposed to other European countries? Yes.




literally invents race

"Racism is an American issue"


Having a reading comprehension of a child


Pls no ruin Witcher, Netflix.

If Witcher fans can't ruin it no one can.




ids fantuzy id duznt need 2 b internuhlly conziztent

Honestly the most retarded fucking opinion on the planet.

in fact I hope Geralt is played by a trans black woman just to trigger the shit out of you

Or at the very least in The Witcher 4: Awwww Heeeeeeeeeeeeelll Naw




Good bot

WE wuz FOLK LORE N shiEeetTT

I really wish people would stop falling into the SJW trap and engaging with them on subjects like this.

Hint: they don't believe a single fucking thing they say. The entire point of modern SJWism is to signal how good you are to other SJWs.


Herein lies the folly of oversimplified identity politics: while identity concerns obviously warrant analysis, focusing on them too exclusively draws our attention so far inward that none of our analyses can lead to action. Rebecca Reilly Cooper, a political philosopher at the University of Warwick, worries about the effectiveness of a politics in which "particular experiences can never legitimately speak for any one other than ourselves, and personal narrative and testimony are elevated to such a degree that there can be no objective standpoint from which to examine their veracity." Personal experience and feelings aren't just a salient touchstone of contemporary identity politics; they are the entirety of these politics. In such an environment, it's no wonder that students are so prone to elevate minor slights to protestable offenses.

(It's also why seemingly piddling matters of cultural consumption warrant much more emotional outrage than concerns with larger material implications. Compare the number of web articles surrounding the supposed problematic aspects of the newest Avengers movie with those complaining about, say, the piecemeal dismantling of abortion rights. The former outnumber the latter considerably, and their rhetoric is typically much more impassioned and inflated. I'd discuss this in my classes — if I weren't too scared to talk about abortion.)

The press for actionability, or even for comprehensive analyses that go beyond personal testimony, is hereby considered redundant, since all we need to do to fix the world's problems is adjust the feelings attached to them and open up the floor for various identity groups to have their say. All the old, enlightened means of discussion and analysis —from due process to scientific method — are dismissed as being blind to emotional concerns and therefore unfairly skewed toward the interest of straight white males. All that matters is that people are allowed to speak, that their narratives are accepted without question, and that the bad feelings go away.

So it's not just that students refuse to countenance uncomfortable ideas — they refuse to engage them, period. Engagement is considered unnecessary, as the immediate, emotional reactions of students contain all the analysis and judgment that sensitive issues demand. As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hampshire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.




I really wish people would stop falling into the SJW trap and engaging with them on subjects like this.

My bad. Lol

Didn't think it'd cause such a shitstorm to say Europe was more or less predominantly white in the Middle Ages.

We wuz knights n sheit

Stop engaging SJWs.

Stop pretending they're even worth talking to.

Then how would I shitpost @ u lmao XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

People of color: Hey stop murdering us


More like

People of color: Hey stop murdering us

Whites: also, it's really important that we put colored characters in vidya gaems. STOP CALLING ME VIRTUE SIGNALING YOU'RE VIRTUE SIGNALING!

This erases the presence of non white people in the gaming industry

Oh noes, not the presence of non white people in the gaming culture, it's basically the same as when the cops erased the presence of Eric Garner in the land of the living.

Look buddy, idk how you did that, but you managed to find the single worst opportunity to virtue signal about people misusing the notion of virtue signaling. Not only that shit is in fact pure virtue signaling, but also even the coloreds who are privileged enough to be concerned about that shit are therefore honorary whites and will get the bullet too.

Spierdalaj na drzewo, czerwona szmato. We've had our fill of your kind for 50 years. No more.


Why are you blackwashing the poor polish, do you not realize there history has so much strife. Smfh, you ain't woke, Becky.

Being invaded is necessary for any polish story.

DeShawn the Elf Lord gazed upon his torturer with eyes reddened by his hare for all tree-beings. "Ayo, I's gettin' tied uh all dis, you know where you at righ, nah? You in MY hood, homie."

Just then, Alejandro the Queer Wizard broke through the canopy of the forest and slammed into the ground, kneeling at the feet of the great tree being A'Zhatigein. Xe peered up at the oppressor with a grin. "Ola senior. You have foo' stam' allication?"

Nothing more pathetic than affirmative action in the arts.

lol dragins and munsters are weirder than black pee poo

fucking neck yourself

I assume the blacks are staying as far away as possible from weird cursed Poland.

Fucks sake i dont care either way it just makes no sense lorewise ITS A SWAMPLAND IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR WHERE THEY KILL PEOPLE FOR HAVING POINTY EARS the nearest source of black people canoically is a fucking area on the map marked ''here be dragons'' why the fuck would anyone from there be hanging around and not be lynched already by retarded peasants who literally burn women alive for growing herbs.

You have to love the sheer myopic audacity of saying "your game's dystopian medieval hellhole currently being invaded by fantasy Austrians isn't butchering enough brown people along with all the mayos".

All games should give you the opportunity of importing blacks via ship for money. Then diversity would finally be solved.

People of colour have gone through enough, you really want to stick them in Poland?

What's worse is that, as you can see by digging in the comments of the witcher subreddit (and not in SRD masturbating each other with upboots), the witcher universe CANONICALLY HAS brown people, who are good alchemists, have good taste in flowers, and certainly do not shit in the mud like the white nordlings do.

Indeed, there are plenty of reasonable ways you can add brown people if you want. But they'll probably just end up having Geralt played by Idris Elba instead.

Never knew Poles were considered oppressed. Can I cash in my Polish heritage for some sweet oppression points?