Do you want some big manly muthles? Wanna keep your focuth strong all day? Mike Thernovich has releathed his new daily thupplement, Gorilla Mind, and the ad is, well...

44  2018-01-03 by Oh_hamburgers_


This, but unironically.


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Wait why did we not ping Mikey during hith AMA? He ith pretty autithtic.

There's big money in scamazing dumb ass alt-right redpill tards.

Alex Jones has made a fortune from "super male vitality" and other trash.


If a guy like me wanted to get into the conspiratard marker, how do I start?

It's not easy to pull that off on the left.

Right-wingers are indoctrinated to distrust any and all "media" that's official, left-wingers aren't.

That's why it's always easier to do this on the right.

Come on now, both sides have a plethora of retards. The left is full of new-age retardation mixed with holistic medicine and quasi-eastern religious nonsense.

This guy comes to mind, as well as many others that swoop in and promise a different path from the western lifestyle

It doesn't matter if the left is riddled with that, they're fairly small markets and it's harder for an independent conspiratard to break into it.

Especially with hardcore conspiracies because again, conservatives are naturally conditioned to reject anything they consider mainstream, so it's easier for someone to just make a youtube channel and pump misinformation.

Another reason why quackery is easier to sell on the right is because mainstream right-wing politicians often endorse it.

Trump, for example, has gone on infowars and pushes the "deep state conspiracies."

Many other republicans do the same thing.

Like yeah, you can pander to Stein tards on the left, but there aren't that many. The right-wing market is just much much larger and easier to jump into.

What does that have to do with selling idiots pills or books with the promise of some life changing results? Liberals were the exact same way during the Bush years, and the market for leftist dribble about how these secret ancient techniques from the far East that will cure you is massive.

Daddy went on infowars? I missed this. Link me!

Now that is fantastic.

Pizza, did you really say you'd be hard pressed to find leftists who fall for conspiracy theories or crazy ideas? Come on man, partisanship is fine on issues but ridiculous when trying to claim your whole side isn't susceptible to basic human behavior. You must have been asleep the past 12 months.

Can you point me to which democratic governor deployed the national guard to stop the federal government from invading their state?

So that is the only metric of being crazy now?

I added more to the comment.

You're all over the place bruv. First it's about how right wingers fall for scams more often when it's clear both sides fall for them all the time, then it's about legislative action, then back to liberals are less susceptible to scams, all while just writing off the millions of liberals who were all over Sanders and Stein and the millions who continue the crazy conspiracy theme about Trump. Both sides are equally susceptible to bullshit.

People in general are susceptible to it, but there is nothing on the left comparable to the conspiracy industry that exists on the right.

Serious question, why do you think the most popular talk radio hosts in the country are right-wing conspiracy mongers?

You're missing the point. This isn't even controversial dude, you literally just watched one side elect someone that has gone on infowars, claimed Obama was a Muslim born in Kenya, and accused Ted cruzs father of being involved in the JFK assassination.

Only one side has embraced conspiracism to such an extent.

Alright pizza, let's just forget about the decade of "Bush did 9/11!" from the left, we can pretend that never happened if you want. We can ignore the HAARP wackos and the anti-vax left too, why not. While we're at it let's just strike the vast right-wing conspiracy from the record too.

Vast right-wing conspiracy

"Vast right-wing conspiracy" is a conspiracy theory first described in a 1995 memo by political opposition researcher Chris Lehane and then referenced in 1998 by the then First Lady of the United States Hillary Clinton, in defense of her husband, President Bill Clinton, characterizing the continued allegations of scandal against her and her husband, including the Lewinsky scandal, as part of a long campaign by Clinton's political enemies. The term has been used since, including in a question posed to Bill Clinton in 2009 to describe verbal attacks on Barack Obama during his early presidency. Hillary Clinton mentioned it again during her 2016 presidential campaign.

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Alright pizza, let's just forget about the decade of "Bush did 9/11!" from the left

9/11 was actually a pretty middle of the pack conspiracy shared by right and left.

We can ignore the HAARP wackos and the anti-vax left too

Which party elected an anti-vaxxer?

While we're at it let's just strike the vast right-wing conspiracy from the record too.

Are you saying the political right didn't throw conspiracies at the Clinton's for years, some really absurd ones? My personal favorite:

Maddow took her viewers on a tour down memory lane, specifically to 1997, when House Reform and Oversight Committee Chairman Dan Burton made it his raison d’être to unseat then-President Bill Clinton, a quest that involved accusing Clinton of everything from doctoring fundraiser tapes to selling burial plots in Arlington National Cemetery. Burton also once shot a watermelon in his backyard as part of a recreation of the alleged murder of Vince Foster.

“For years, Dan Burton’s whole reason for being was to try to find a way to take down the presidency of Bill Clinton using the powers of his own office in the House,” Maddow said.

The most absurd of the faux-scandals involved a Christmas card the Clintons sent out in 1997. It wasn’t the card that caught Burton’s eye so much as the database of contact information the Clintons used to send it, which included the names and addresses of 350,000 of people they had met since moving into the White House.

“Congressional Republicans knew it was a scandal!” Maddow said, in a mock Columbo voice. “They suspected something nefarious. They thought the Christmas card list was somehow corrupt, criminal, an abuse of power. So Republicans held hearings. Republicans called up thirty-four witnesses to give depositions about the Christmas card list. They demanded more than 40,000 documents about the Christmas card list. They held days of hearings on the Christmas card list. And they accuse liberals of waging war on Christmas?”

“Despite all the hearings and the depositions and all the rest of it,” Maddow continued, “the Republican investigations into the Christmas card list turned up nothing. Sometimes a Christmas card is just a Christmas card.”

No shithead I'm saying both sides do it, which is what I've been saying from my first comment. You're the one pretending leftists don't do this shit.

Yeah, no. This is just more "both siderism" to downplay the fact one side is significantly worse than the other.

Only one side put an Alex Jones conspiratard in the white house.

Only one side embraced rabid conspiracism.

I can see why people call you an idiot now. So blindly sworn to follow the left you'll deny basic reality.

Invest in soy


Exhibit A: Marin County, one of the most educated counties in CA and wealthiest, has the lowest vaccination rate in the state. Liberals bought wholesale into the vaccines -> abortions.

Exhibit B: the absolute morons who will believe anything CNN says, as long as it goes, “Republicans bad.” For instance how people bought into the Pissgate Dossier because they just needed something, anything, to point to as Trump being a bad guy. Or for that matter how every news article mentions an anonymous source and everyone, right or left, believes it.

Exhibit C: the lovely folks who believe homeopathic medicine works, tend to be...liberal. Prayer power for righties. Sugar pills for lefties.

Exhibit D: the mongs who unironically talk about transsexuals having feminine penises and argue for infinite genders.

Exhibit E: the much debated stats on campus sexual assaults. Surveys of ten to twenty people are treated like the gospel.

You just have to be creative but fear sells. Just think of what outlandish thing the GOP could do to you or your community, spin it up with some kinda sorta articles, pictures, or videos that help your narrative, and voila. Money.

Come on pizza we know you have it in you. Become AJ’s opposite number. Embrace your destiny. Become...TruthWars. Or something.

Exhibit A: Marin County, one of the most educated counties in CA and wealthiest, has the lowest vaccination rate in the state. Liberals bought wholesale into the vaccines -> autism.

Which party elected an anti-vaxxer as president?

Exhibit B: the absolute morons who will believe anything CNN says, as long as it goes, “Republicans bad.” For instance how people bought into the Pissgate Dossier because they just needed something, anything, to point to as Trump being a bad guy. Or for that matter how every news article mentions an anonymous source and everyone, right or left, believes it.

Wait, wait, are you talking about the pissgate dossier that has had multiple elements confirmed in recent months? That dossier, is that the one you're claiming is fake?

Exhibit C: the lovely folks who believe homeopathic medicine works, tend to be...liberal. Prayer power for righties. Sugar pills for lefties.

Sure, I guess this type of medicine might be on "the left" but it isn't as one sided as you believe.

Exhibit D: the mongs who unironically talk about transsexuals having feminine penises and argue for infinite genders.

That's not a conspiracy.

Exhibit E: the much debated stats on campus sexual assaults. Surveys of ten to twenty people are treated like the gospel.

Not a conspiracy.

Come on pizza we know you have it in you. Become AJ’s opposite number. Embrace your destiny. Become...TruthWars. Or something.

Look, all I'm saying is there's a reason nearly every "conspiracy website" that sells this shit is right-wing. That's not a coincidence.

You could probably pander to SJWs and make a fortune with trans stuff, but it's a lot harder to break into those markets and they aren't as mainstream as conspiracism on the right.

Take, for example, the fact 50% of republicans believed pizzagate:

First a survey of 1300 people is not a high enough sample to get anything from.

Second, you did note that 25% of Democrats in that survey think it’s true or probably true?

Specifically, 9 percent of registered Republicans who responded to the question said the allegations were “definitely true,” coupled with 40 percent of Republicans casting the claim as “probably true.”

By comparison, 5 percent and 19 percent of Democrats surveyed said the claims were definitely true or probably true

Finally this is the best part of the left and goes to my above point. Lefties will believe any “study” that sides with them. That survey is fundamentally flawed on sample size alone and yet you linked it like the gospel. And then conveniently ignored 25% of liberals also think the conspiracy is true. You could literally do fake surveys all day, hold them up as fact, and plow forward with the sales of “Pizza-min: the pills to a new you.”

Moving on from that: you don’t always need a conspiracy you don’t. Mikey just rants about whatever. Hence the trans and sexual assault crap. Just rant.

Trump stated he opposed combined vaccinations and thought they should be spaced out. A stance Ben Carson took, who actually may know something about children and vaccines know a doctor who was in pediatrics. So as much as I love a good trump bash, he’s not a lefty anti-vaxxer, more of a slow it down on the vaxxing.

Pissgate dossier was 35 pages, published by Buzzfeed, and so far I’ve seen nothing “true” of it. IIRC the NYT retracted their story on it when they realized they had jumped the gun. Feel free to tell me which elements are true.

Holy shit.

First a survey of 1300 people is not a high enough sample to get anything from.

That's exactly the sample size you would need to get "something."

The reason is fairly simple. There are about 200 million adult or voting age Americans. But the average poll has a sample size of 1,000 adults. This means that only one person in 200,000 will be included in any one national or state poll. To put it another way, it would take 200,000 polls with samples of 1,000 for pollsters to get around to all Americans - and this assumes no one is called twice.


Finally this is the best part of the left and goes to my above point. Lefties will believe any “study” that sides with them. That survey is fundamentally flawed on sample size alone and yet you linked it like the gospel. And then conveniently ignored 25% of liberals also think the conspiracy is true. You could literally do fake surveys all day, hold them up as fact, and plow forward with the sales of “Pizza-min: the pills to a new you.”

See above.

Trump stated he opposed combined vaccinations and thought they should be spaced out. A stance Ben Carson took, who actually may know something about children and vaccines know a doctor who was in pediatrics. So as much as I love a good trump bash, he’s not a lefty anti-vaxxer, more of a slow it down on the vaxxing.

Absolutely fucking not, full stop.


A) claimed vaccines cause autism.

B) pushed the "too many too soon" gambit, this is a common tactic of the anti-vaccine movement, it's what they all shifted to years ago. The goal is the same as the "let's label GMOs" gambit.

The intent is as follows: "vaccines are safe, but let's slow them down." We slow vacicnes down, and the anti-vaxxers come out of the woods and start saying "if there's nothing wrong with vaccines, why slow them down."

Shifting the hypotheses and the villain, from MMR, to thimerosal, to other “toxins”, and more recently, “too many, too soon”.

Pissgate dossier was 35 pages, published by Buzzfeed, and so far I’ve seen nothing “true” of it. IIRC the NYT retracted their story on it when they realized they had jumped the gun. Feel free to tell me which elements are true.

Ket "meetings" were confirmed.

There is so much wrong I don’t know where to begin.

Take a political stats course, stop being a gullible idiot, and keep yourself safe.

There is so much wrong I don’t know where to begin.

No, there's not, which is why you failed to respond to any of it.

Take a political stats course, stop being a gullible idiot, and keep yourself safe.

Do you just have no idea how polling works?

Should pew take a political stats course as well?

The margin of error for a sample is dependent on four main factors: the size of the sample; the variability of the item being measured; the effect of weighting and the sample design (captured by the design effect); and the proportion of the total population being sampled. Of these, the size of the sample is by far the most important. The margin of error declines as the size of the sample gets larger, but the relationship is not linear. Because of how the margin of sampling error is calculated, decreases in the margin of error get smaller as the sample grows. This is why so many polls have samples of around 1,000 or so. Adding another 1,000 interviews for a total of 2,000 reduces the margin of error by only about 1 percentage point.

Yo pizza, this is unrelated but how can you be such an outspoken anti-feminist and still vote for Hillary and support the man-hating left? I mean Hillary literally promised to make prison sentencing even more favorable to women on her campaign site. Is it a lesser of two evils thing?

Also, what's your opinion on Betsy DeVos rolling back Obama's Dear Colleague feminist bullshit?

Yo pizza, this is unrelated but how can you be such an outspoken anti-feminist and still vote for Hillary and support the man-hating left? I mean Hillary literally promised to make prison sentencing even more favorable to women on her campaign site. Is it a lesser of two evils thing?

The left doesn't hate men and it's not like the right is any better in this area. When has the GOP ever discussed prison reform on any level?

I'll take my chances with Hillary, even if it's aimed at women, the positive effects of reform will likely help men too.

Also, what's your opinion on Betsy DeVos rolling back Obama's Dear Colleague feminist bullshit?

Hate DeVos, horrible person, unqualified, but I support her choice here. It was the correct thing to do.

How will increasing the gender sentencing gap (already 6x the racial sentencing gap) 'help men?'

Where exactly did you get anything she said was going to increase the sentencing gap? She fired at the justice system as a whole.

Here's what Clinton said:

We can't go on like this. It is time we reform our broken criminal justice system. First, we need to reform policing practices, end racial profiling, and eradicate racial disparities in sentencing. Second, we need to promote alternatives to incarceration, particularly for nonviolent and first-time offenders, so families aren't broken up. We need to improve access to high-quality treatment for substance abuse, inside and outside the prison system, because drug and alcohol addiction is a disease, not a crime — and we need to treat it as such.

There's nothing gender-specific about this, even though she framed it in that context.

Have leftists talk about things like dead Ukrainians and get back to me about them not being susceptible to bad info.

It's not easy to pull that off on the left.

You clearly have never been to a health food store, sir. All those isles of pills, almost none of that shit works.

Hmm yes the people that get all their news from Facebook are definitely stupid, unlike us superior people who get all their news from Twitter

Serious question, why do you think the majority, and by majority I mean vast, of fake news was aimed at Republicans in 2016?

You say that but there's still a bunch of technicolor haired "victims" getting patreon bucks for existing.

You think those pussy hats just appear?

Lefties go for hippie nonsense like the $120 Goop mood stickers or healing crystals, not supplements. You gotta give em stuff to balance their chakras or whatever.

Just set up a pretty, modern-looking website, get some idiot 'woke' celebrity behind it, and charge the most ridiculous prices possible.

No fucking overlap there. Anyone who wants to balance their chakras is also unaware of who Trump is.

Not related to this thread but grats on you being a scumbag. Did you do well?

He's literally an insane person whose hatred of women is only exceeded by his hatred of Trump.

I don't have a problem with Pizza. I just think he gets ranty sometimes but so what.

He makes pages and pages of these shitty seriousposts about why he hates women/Trump. I suspect sorcery because no human could possibly generate the energy to make as many walls of texts as he does.

I don't deny that he does, but his effort doesn't take up my effort. Lots of times he acts fine and other times he goes off deep end.

Don't forget about Sam Hyde shilling abacus pills which are made by soylent.

How did you only scam Brazilians?

I had an entire system worked out and I played on a BR server.

I'd play a bunch of arena teams up to 2400 or so during the week.

I'd spam the trade channel "WTS ARENA POINTS 2400 3S" and invite 3 BRs.

The BRs didn't know they needed at least 30% of the games played to actually get points.

So I'd send the BRs off, have them do 10 3v3 games on my many teams, take the money, log off and then log on the next day to tons of mail from them screeching.

Was hilarious.

It's really admirable how proud you are of scamming people, especially the young and the foreign.

hopefully now he can afford a speech pathologist

His speech is a side effect of living the gorilla mindset and ingesting the gorilla mind

Remember when it came out that Alex Jones supplements actually had dangerous amounts of lead in them?

It's a pretty good business strategy. Sell retard pills to republicans to make them even more brain damaged, and they'll want to buy your pills even more. I bet Mike's doing the same thing.

Brb gonna mix sugar and lead. Then sell in SF as #Resistance pills.

How many pills does he have to take to break out of his parents basement?

/u/gorillamindset how many pills do you have to take to break out of your parent's basement?

That’s his trick.

Don’t need pills to break out.

If they kick you out.

Parents, take gorilla mindset and kick them further.

/u/gorillamindset how many pills do you have to take to keep yourself safe?

Whenever Thernovich says "Gorilla Mindset" he pictures himself being painfully slammed by a huge black cock. Getting other people to say gorilla mindset is his fetish.

From the website:

Prescription smart drugs like Adderall, Ritalin and Dexedrine are drugs that are typically prescribed exclusively for those diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD), but their recreational use as a study and productivity aid has been snowballing in recent years.

They're not "smart drugs," they're amphetamines.

Of course the entire ingredients list is hidden behind a proprietary blend. Basically they are caffeine pills that refuse to tell you how much caffeine is in them.

6.99 for 150 and they're happy to tell you how much caffeine is in each pill.

ow my ears

/u/gorillamindset if I take these will I, too, melt down like a little bitch on public radio?

Mike "Ape Attitude" Thernovith Mike "Bonobo Behavior" Thernovith Mike "Capuchin Character" Thernovith Mike "Drill Demeanour" Thernovith

are gorillas renowned for their minds

Did a child edit thith?