Sidebar Photo kkkontest!

32  2018-01-04 by Joan_Wayne_Gacy

Oh em gee my bitches. We've had such a fun time with our current sidebar photos. Every time I look at them I get this sinking feeling of loneliness and depravity that I just can't get anywhere else!

With that said, it's pretty obvious that some of them are a bit out of date. We all know BooC has committed suicide by now and making fun of SRD is like making fun of Forrest when he finally ran for the first time.

SO. With almost 50k pieces of dead-inside-garbage shitting up this dumpster fire we assume that at least two of you maybe perhaps can muster up some good ideas for some new sidebar photos.

The Rules

  • 300x300px

thats it

Submit your d'art here and we will judge you harshly and probably make fun of you if it's not good.

Thanks for spending whats left of your youth laboring for our benefit!



this so you can remove the (((islamophobic))) sidebar photo you have now, so you'll please your sjw friends. Fuck off mods, and all of the photos in this thread suck.

We're only ditching a few of them. That one is staying.

Do you take bitmojis?

That's really up to you, isn't it?

That hurts

With every post I hate you more!

We'll take this into consideration.

what the hell are these and why do they suck dick so much?

It's a bitmoji! It's the hottest new trend in 2013!

People were ironically posting terrible bitmojis to ridicule them back in 2013.

What's your excuse in tyool 2018?

I’m vintage

Imo, any meme stops being funny/relevant around the half-decade mark, but godspeed my dude.

I secretly do it because it makes people hilariously angry over it.

I got irrationally angry 5 years ago.... And also right now.

So is smallpox.

We'll take this into consideration

Please don't.

They're probably just adding it to the bibliography of their suicide note.

If this gets on the sidebar I’m shooting up a barn full of puppies

gay af

swallow bullet pls

Amazing that they've updated bitmoji with this season's soyboy open-mouthed look

Y'all folks are hella gross.

why are you like this

I didn't make state finals for my drama scene back in high school

These are bizarre and I don't understand them.


The 'Fuck ISIS' thing is a little uncouth if you ask me.


This is one flag I can always fly proudly and never worry that my nation will be dishonored.

We should just steal the top posts of r/WackyTicTacs

I have a hemmoroid this size of a baby fist right now would that work? I feel it captures the essence of the place.

Take a picture of it and we'll make a little smiley face on the bulbous part and put it in our sidebar!



Where did you get this pic of my bussy!? I thought I only sent that pic to /u/spez

Is that Varg?


Sometimes deadnaming people is the right thing to do.

please no varg, his face is triggering

oh wow its been for freaking ever sense we did this.

More pepes.

Pepe sucking Daddy/Putin’s dick or we’ll be mistaken for unironically angry teens and manchildren

Not really a good fit for the sidebar, but here you go

What kind of losers browse reddit with the css on? What kind of losers browse reddit with the sidebar NOT hidden with a script?

putting any effort into curating your experience

choose two.

Yeah, going between sci-hub and r/drama is a recipe for disaster.

tua mae fresco

or spend a couple of minutes on that shitty image macro place

It's all that you deserve.


I guess I made this one too.

We have a winner




Yeah :(

You have my vote

a picture of /u/wil 's whiny bitch lego toy

me on the right

i found these on my hard drive




pls add bepis ty for loking :)))))

haha bepis nice meem

yes is very good :)

I can downscale it to 300x300 but for now (duh!) (eh)

r/therewasanattempt ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

That last one Jesus Christ.

the second one except 300x300onically

brb adding sexually activated savage to my CV

third one is a winner

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


I think we can all sum /r/drama up with this:


someone make one with trump kissing giulliani

I always liked the photo of Hunter S. Thompson throwing a blow-up sex doll out of a moving car. It really epitomizes what /r/drama is like on a good day.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis