The entire thing. Targeted harassment? Check. Racism and Misogyny? Check. Whining about nu-males, soyboys, and rainbow-haired SJWs? You bet! And the best part? It's all cool with the moderators. Someone triggered /u/LGBTreecko

90  2018-01-04 by tcfb


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

😍 we’ve been noticed!


Tell us how you really feel soyboy. But first post bussy. And then stick around and feed the fish.

/u/LGBTreecko has so much hate in his heart. $50 he's a tankie.

Lol no fuck tankies. They're like incels, but with communism instead of sex.

So you're just a regular, run-of-the-mill, incel tranny communist?

incel tranny communist?

But I repeat myself.


bussy of the year

Hey mods, is it cool if I call /u/LGBTreecko a fag?

Telling the truth is always cool homie

It is customary to offer the tribe a peace offering of bussy before you partake in our traditions.

Fucking lol

Bussy of peace, which is shared between the elders and guests

Seeing as he is OP, yeah.

/u/LGBTreecko Deleted your post and comment. Check. Literally shaking. Check

What did I delete?

I edited the comment. Dunno what happened to the post.

I assume even the AHS mods are not blind to what glaring valueless garbage it is.

I would fuck a gay Treecko tbh

Green bussy > reg. bussy

By SJW rules I cannot be racist since I am a minority, nor can I be homophobic since that is in my culture.

Reported /u/LGBTreecko for harassing a minority.

But I'm also a minority, so it's not harassment. Checkmate atheists.

Reported for threats of rape.

Minorities can't rape, haven't you heard? Now we have to go into the 5th dimension to see who is psychically oppressing whom.

Well ethnic rights supercede sexual minority rights, so I win.

Suck on this cis diccc...

Wait no, you might turn me gay.

On this side of daddy's wall girls can have dicks. It's current year esse

It's ok, some latinas come with mustaches. A penis isn't a long way off..

Well ethnic rights supercede sexual minority rights, so I win.

Lol bullshit. There's more non-white people in the USA than there are gay people. Also, I'm a religious minority, so I win.

Are gay Muslims required to throw themselves off of a roof, or just ask other Muslims to throw them?

I imagine it being like Seppuku. The wise old gay would lean forward and then his young, fresh associate would throw him over.

The wise old gay would lean forward

You have my attention

and then his young, fresh associate would throw him over.


I didn't mention which appendage he'd throw him over with.

Yea so am I, and I’m more of a minority than you, and in more ways than you

if you go by total world population, white people are a minority too, so yada yada yada let's buttrape /u/lgbtreecko

Oh shit, /u/tcfb 8 the b8.

We have more than one minority here? Who woulda thought

Just wait for the r/drama memoir of people who technically weren't white. Bro-tip

I mean, I'm sure we have just about every flavor of mental illness, if those count


/u/LGBTreecko is more fun than you, we're keeping them.



this but kys

/u/LGBTreecko, let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most benevolent, kind, and warmhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of reserving judgment of others it delights me that Reddit would allow such an upstanding hub of anti-bullying and acceptance to exist. You think /r/ToastMe is a positive place? That subreddit, if you pick up on the unspoken and underplayed emotionally supportive vibes (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about /r/JellybeanToes, at least they draw the line at openly gushing at completely loveable kittens rather than blighted souls that require serious working of the empathy muscles), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most selfless Saints, Good Samaritans, altruistic nurturers, and the over all salt of the earth.

You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as generous as possible. That's intentional. They encourage friendliness in the comments section. You know the saying "Pay it Forward?" (it's from this underrated book Chicken Soup for the Soul, give it a read, it's wonderful how more and more it parallels our society.) /r/Drama is like that, they want to spread the cool waters of compassion to quell reactionary rage. So they continue to dogpile every bully and unkind act with firm but loving, gentle rebukes, stopping the normalizing those evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire network of Secret Santas spanning hundreds of communities, improving lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown Warm Fuzzies Task Force. They've taken on kink-shamers, freeing hundreds of people from embarrassment by showing support and not judging, some even... to death (from joy!)

I am proud that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of loving healers and ambassadors of goodwill, and I highly suggest that everyone visit this lovely subreddit, lest they potentially fall victim to the comparatively cruel and callous outside world.

Is this like a shitty knockoff of the other copypasta?

I don't know what you're talking about friend, I wrote this myself just for you!

Nothing shitty about it, mon ami.

/u/LGBTreecko show us on the doll where normal people refuse to touch you.

Is everywhere a place?



/u/LGBTreecko congratulations on being so retarded you post a link to the whole sub. And being too retarded for /r/againsthatesubreddits to the point where they delete your post.