Which users have left this sub but need to come back

26  2018-01-05 by ChipChippersonAMA

I vote prince


How about the opposite, u/pizzashill needs to maintain his safety

Okay, pizzashill and everyone who has ever made a meta-post about him have to suicide pact. Neutrality.

Pizza shills can't melt steel memes, citizen.

as long as you go along with it in the most beautiful ceremony

People crying about /u/pizzashill need to maintain their safety first. Probably got butt blasted by him hence the salt.

Do lolcows count? If so /u/mcdewjank pls come home we miss you


Props on still maintaining this novelty account. Others would have abandoned it long ago.


We keep u/sheepdank on a short leash



Rumors of her death from boards far afield of this one

Did she unironically keep herself safe? I haven't heard this

It was either on lolcow or kiwi I saw someone claim she OD'ed on fentanyl laced coke. They knew her real name but take it with a grain of salt


I just searched. There's nothing new on Kiwi and I can't find a Lolcow page.

Is this comment for the benefit of the detectives assigned to her case? Give it up we know you killed her you can't help yourself smh

I don't even live in Ohio or wherever the fuck she's from.

Nice alibi but where were you on the 25th of December?

At home. Everything was closed.

Thats sad.

Not really. I went out the night before and sang some carols so I got my fill.

I hope that's not true :(

Also the reason I originally made a drama account was because of that girl that wanted to fuck her dad, had an obsession with the Hamilton musical for some reason and was unironically into magic. I'm still subbed to her subreddit but she hasn't done or said anything weird or incestuous in a while but I visit her profile on occasion on the off chance that she loses her mind again.

what a fucking apropos moniker, my good intertube fellow

I need a link to that train wreck, fam.

I would link you to it but I'm pretty sure the girl is actually retarded and managed to dox herself like half a dozen times. If you care enough you could probably find it in my history or something


LOL He was physically removed, no?


Oh yeah, what was the sperg that got arrested who posted here?

He'll be back. I know it in my heart.

Gregory and family. I need an update on firetruck. Though I have a feeling ed might have some info on that.🤔

I have suspected Ed is part of the Chants family as well.

I'm 96% sure that Ed is the same person who had the Chants account. Their schticks are too similar.

Gregory Chants was singlehandedly the best poster in the history of this sub.

Ed Buttertoast's alts. Just kidding, they're still here.

Sometimes your alts have to spend time on their alts.

/u/ZeitgeistNow look! Another fellow tinfoil hat! Now you two cozy up all nice and warm mmmkay

didn't you get suspended for doing that tho?

That was /u/nunast. I'm sure you know him quite well don't you? Hahahahaha

did you just actually type out "Hahahahaha" on your computer while not laughing in real life?

for what purpose ed?


I laugh at silly things even.

u/shark_life dude just disappeared.

I can't be the only one who thought this dude was super annoying? All he did was spam links about asian people and go PAJEET PAJEET PAJEET

He dug. he dug up drama from the far corners of reddit.

Pretty sure that r/bakchodi just chased him off this sub.

The Vinyl guy and his lovely wife.


NONE! Fuck drama powerusers, and attention whores.

How sad, someone needs a hug. Your mother gives amazing hugs.

Naw, he's right.

waaaah go go ga gaaaa

It's okay hush now.

/u/AnnoysTheGoys it means you need to go pal! RIP. Also r/nunast_irl lmao

gg soyboy, im gonna log and archive you in my weird catalog subreddit!


SirGallantLionheart and that DornishRedViper. I liked them. 🙁

Velvet_llama too

So many "good" darma posters lost. Thank God we still have /u/snallygaster.

He's my vote

Isn't /u/PizzaShill his alt?

Somebody posts a picture of Dornish and she chickens out and deletes everything.

I thought noodles or Kala tried to dox her or something.


Lionheart came back for a little while under a different account, idk if he's still here though

Dornish was modding this sub recently. Looks like she has been taken off the mod list



Pol can come back too


As much as I hated him, he had his moments and they were glorious. But TBF all the drama when he got shoah'ed by the admins was delicious.

Wait wut ? That dude got banned?

Yup. IIRC, AHS even threw a hissy fit about it.

you aren't really a true drama user until you have a run-in with the admins and they ban one, or possibly all of your accounts

IIRC there was a (fake) doxx about The_Donald mods that was circulated through PMs or mod mail. Most people with IQs above room temperature told the people offering the doxx to fuck off. Apparently Tokkul started a discussion with those people, and it was enough for the admins to ban his account.

Of course there was a huge spergout all over AHS, SRS, Arnarkiddies...

And Tokkul created alts the same day, with almost the same name, to try and explain why it was all unfair, and those got removed too.

It was a huge thread on /r/Drama



oh yeah i remember this now

i found the thread and have some comments in it lol

We should make drama recaps. "This year in drama history".

^ /u/snallygaster

you should totally do this

I think we should start cataloging dramatic happenings and shit in the wiki, for the next generation of south park neutral losers to enjoy.

It is written that one day Botchlings will make his grand return

Last I heard he got redeployed to Kuwait, so it could be a while.

Have we finally found the real reason for even US military failure in recent years?

He's probably in the navy. They had like 3 monumentally embarrassing fuckups in 2017 alone


He's taking a class this semester that has shattered his worldview, he'll be back as "JohnGaltForever" after school gets out in the spring. Right now he's busy replacing his wardrobe with L.L. Bean and Brooks Brothers.

I actually got a decent ll bean flanel jacket at the thrift store for 3 bucks

That's a score. Their casual outerwear is really nice stuff.

Their snowboots really are superior.

I prefer Sorels for actual snow work, but their duck boots are perfect for where I live.


Why do you hate Prince so much you'd want him to reenter this shithole?

I miss chanax.

Whatever happened to PIMM and that dog-fucker lady?

I miss the consistancy of botchlings