Autist attacks Nazi dog trainers

28  2018-01-05 by OfficialHentaiRater


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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My dog knows how to sieg heil

Subreddits where the stylesheet removes upvote and downvote buttons should be banned.

It's always a great reminder that it is a "special place".

Maybe we could make ours larger for peeps who aren't subscribed?

Our upvote/downvote buttons are bigger than theirs, and ours actually work!

Also, it's retarded and easy to bypass

/u/MarkSays perhaps you should write an angry letter to Mel Brooks 😈

/u/Marksays the issue isn't whether the video is offensive or not. It clearly is, the whole point is that he is teaching the pug to do something offensive. At issue is whether the video

would be likely to cause a reasonable person to suffer fear or alarm

The "pc culture gone mad" part is that no reasonable person could conclude that the pug vid is alarming.

says you - a pug dressed with a tiny SS cap once time busted into my room and yipped at me to get on the floor after using a tiny adorable machine gun to smash up all my pots of Babkas.

Was messed up man and I'll never sleep again.

You could post a vid of a pug vivisecting a teenage boy Jeffrey Dahmer style to r/aww and it would get 25k upvotes. Everything pugs do is cute, no reasonable person could conclude otherwise.

Imagine being so angry about life about being a micro-dicked loser like /u/MarkSays that a pug doing a dumb trick could cause someone to you to get outraged and scream about a injustice, lol.

If only we could get a tiny pug to smoke a tiny cigar and drive a tiny car...

With a bowler hat!

/u/Zachums, get going on proving this.

I've done everything I can to suppress his natural instincts to kill, I feel like allowing this would undo all of his training.

As his master, forgive him.

Let him go all out, just this once.

Its a fking dog, were talking as if he developed anti semitic ideologies from being thaught to put his paw in the air. For fucks sake, its retarded this trial is going on for 2 years when it should not have happened either way.

its retarded this trial is going on for 2 years when it should not have happened either way.

True. They should've executed this guy and his nazi dog on the spot, and saved the taxpayer a bunch of money.

I don't get how brits could possibly judge what a reasonable person would feel

u/Marksays The day people are scared when an animal you could punt with no real effort and has no understanding of evil ideologies makes us cower in fear is the day we all deserve to off ourselves for the betterment of the planet.

The "pc culture gone mad" part is that no reasonable person could conclude that the pug vid is frightening.

Nah, dude. It's a slippery slope. You start off with a pug doing the 'seig heil', then you get a border collie that can bark "ras da rews", then you end up with rottweiler planning the invasion of Poland and rounding up gays and gypsys into boxcars.

We have to nip this thing in the bud.

Think about this, taxpayers are flipping the bill on trying to prosecute a guy for teaching his dog a trick

I'm assuming thats how you view this bizarre little section of the internet?

No I'm serious, i think it's pretty clear you're a very flawed human being whose motivation is to try and feel better. As you just showed, you think this actually affects people when in reality im just posting to a stranger on a screen who I could not care less what they think of me.

But like with most of your stuff, what you don't mean to say shows up the real you...

I have been getting rage from the identity fools in here from day one, I despise them, their rage is a sign I'm doing the right thing.

But seriously, get offline, get help. From the heart, you're driven by weakness and insecurity and while this online personality is well honed for you, it's screeching broken.

You lot made him purge his comments you rotten bastards.

/u/Marksays regularly purges his drivel by the looks of it. Kinda like how I flush the toilet after taking a massive shit.

They've really gone fucking nuts over on Airstrip One.

You know how some people like to keep little pigs as pets? You need a Pig Licence, and if you want to take the pig for a walk, you need a Pig Walking Licence for each route.

Illegal to sell a butter knife to a person under 18.

Bobbies on Twitter threatening people with hate crimes prosecution for being slightly mean.

Need a TV Licence to own a TV, if you don't own a TV the TV Bobbies might come round to make sure of that.

They're working on a Laser Pointer Licence if you would like to own one of those.

Like, I've wanted to visit the UK but I don't think I have enough Licences.

seems like a joke someones tried to keep going way too long tbh, as if theyre still wasting money on it