guy doesn't want to date girl who is promiscuous: I start drama by posting in r/subredditdrama

47  2018-01-07 by taxitaxixo


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Well, yeah. That's what /u/Emptythebin was saying.

Next week on r/futurism: "Google is currently in talks with Reddit to buy the source code of "snapshillbot" the first artificial intelligence to pass the turing test."

a) I know you want karma, so you will get it.

b) more than 30 "partners in sex" before your 21 birthday? WEW LAD

c) TIL - not wanting sex with a woman = misoginy and sexism. Witch also means that gay men are the ultimate sexists.

d) Nyet means no.

b) more than 30 "partners in sex" before your 21 st birthday? WEW LAD

Eh. That shit wouldn't bother me one bit, personally. One of my better relationships involved a relatively high number girl (20-something partners at 19), and I'm happy I never let that irrelevant fact bother me.

In my experience sanity and principles have nothing whatsoever to do with someone's count - things have worked out every which way for me in the past. At least when someone has been around the block they have seen what's out there. That tends to work in my favor.

And anyway, not like I'm a stranger to casual sex between bouts of monogamy. That shit is good for the soul.

depends on what you want from the relationship. for something fun and casual, a high-count girl is fine. if youre looking at settling down, you have a much higher chance of being divorced in <10 years if shes got a high count

It's actually fairly non-linear. And weirdly enough, a recent trend.

Aside from the fact that it's hard to look at this stuff in a meaningful sense while isolating all the cultural cultural shit, our lives are not ruled by statistics in a direct fashion. We're all individuals.

Besides, I've seen plenty of low/single-partner marriages get fucked to know that it's not any sort of panacea. Shit, sometimes the lack of experience is literally the cause.

Your best bet is to find a good woman of sound moral character who gets you and loves you, makes your dick hard, and who you want to spend your life around. Everything else is just a detail, and a few years together will settle most questions as a matter of course.

t's actually fairly non-linear. And weirdly enough, a recent trend.


our lives are not ruled by statistics in a direct fashion. We're all individuals.

you can try to fight the odds, but if youre trying to turn a ho into a housewife, theyre overwhelmingly against you. but who knows? maybe your relationship is super special and will break the mold?

Why aren't you citing Teachman himself rather than some weird projection of his research mapped onto a completely different data set?

Look, if you're shooting for a virgin bride in 2018, go for it. That's is its own brand of hell, and you're welcome to it. It's true, you're much less likely to get divorced - but you're far more likely to be a couple of crazed weirdos trapped in a private hell of religious insanity.

I personally, am not afraid of divorce - that just means things aren't working out.

Ironically... I appear to be in the process of settling down with someone who has an extremely low partner count. And in my view, that is a weakness, not a strength. From my own "we lost our virginity to each other" experience, I've seen what that looks like after seven years from the inside. Shit is poisonous.

But like I said, the numbers are the least important aspect of all of this, so I'm bucking up.

I appear to be in the process of settling down with someone who has an extremely low partner count. And in my view, that is a weakness, not a strength.

you could always go for a life of cuckoldry

At that point might as well embrace the bussy.

wonder why there are noticeable dropoffs after 4 and 15

Unless you go for people with 1 or less pre marital partners the chances are mostly flat. And even then I would question if number of partners is a good heuristic to judge that rather than other variables (people that suck at compromise may have more partners but people with more partners may not suck at compromise).

Either way, an incel won't ever betray you, he/she is 100% virgin.

Unless you go for people with 1 or less pre marital partners the chances are mostly flat.


Well, that's a new graph, I just was familiar with this one.

Still, the rest of the comment applies. I'd rather judge by other variables.

If you pay attention they are not as incompatible as it seems, as chances beyond 2 partners are not that different

2 partners is 44%, 5 partners is 30%, 21+ partners is 20%

theres definitely a linear trend beyond two partners. you can certainly choose to fight those odds if you wish, banking on your girl being the magical unicorn to whom they dont apply, the divorce industry depends on people like that to put bread on their tables

theres definitely a linear trend beyond two partners. you can certainly choose to fight those odds if you wish, banking on your girl being the magical unicorn to whom they dont apply

That's hardly a linear pattern. Roughly 1/5 for the worst scenario is not an unicorn at all, and I'd advise you to judge people by character rather than being one dimensional (it's likely you'll end with people with few partners either way, it's more just though). If you care more about the number of partners than the quality of them you are very likely to fail either way.

Also, a society that cares more about numbers of partners than anything else will end with liars, not happy people.

That's hardly a linear pattern.

imagine being so committed to seeing sluts married off that you lie and call an obviously linear trend 'hardly a linear pattern'

judge people by character rather than being one dimensional

imagine being so committed to seeing sluts married off that you tell people to ignore one of the most crucial variables in their marriage success

Also, a society that cares more about numbers of partners than anything else will end with liars

imagine being so committed to seeing sluts married off that you tell people to not worry about the truth, the truth is knowable, people will just lie, etc

why are you so committed to seeing sluts married off, contra all evidence?

imagine being so committed to seeing sluts married off that you lie and call an obviously linear trend 'hardly a linear pattern'

I would have agreed with you if you said something about decreasing expected returns or something, but you said linear, so you are wrong on this one.

imagine being so committed to seeing sluts married off that you tell people to ignore one of the most crucial variables in their marriage success

I think it's one of those cases of "correlation doesn't imply causation", that's the reason I said it's better to look at other factors before passing judgement. It's less likely, but it's not really that impossible. A bad partner may not stick with people, but that doesn't necessarily mean that someone that didn't stick with people would be a bad partner.

Also, try to define crucial. There are way more important things explaining marriage failure, most research out there care about personal compability (education, income difference, beliefs and so on) this days.

imagine being so committed to seeing sluts married off that you tell people to not worry about the truth, the truth is knowable, people will just lie, etc

That's you just being a moron. It's not hard to tell that if your first variable of choice is that, people will try to game it, it's not like you have a way to know for sure (there are ways, but those were inaccurate and often intrusive). Historically that's what was done, people just lied often about their past and intentions.

why are you so committed to seeing sluts married off, contra all evidence?

It seems it triggers people like you a lot, so it's fun. I don't really care that much.

thats a whole lotta typing to just say "im a worthless slut desperate for a man". or, more likely the case "my girls a slut and im trying to ignore all the data that says this was a bad idea"

either way,

I don't really care that much

lol i bet

lol i bet

Less than you for sure.


I don't understand the pointers in the 0 category:

1 partner, virgin bride

1 partner, non-virgin bride

They count the husband as one partner? What the hell is their definition of virgin?

Are you retarded, i think yes.

Its if you had sex before marriage.

Then why is it in the 0 column?

0 other partners.

Sex with your marriage partner before marriage.

Ah, it turns out I am retarded.

No worries, it wasn't very clear.

I have zero doubt this is true but is there actual data that supports this?

What was your number at the time?

I think it's a compatibility issue. If you're a pig who'll fuck anything with a hole, you'll get along much better with Sticky Vicky than a virgin will.

It's a lifestyle thing. The number by itself doesn't actually matter, but if you take two people with entirely different backgrounds it's gonna take something really special to make that work.

I really have a hard time believing that 2 people could have a similar lifestyle and by age 20 one of them has fucked 0-1 people and the other has fucked over 30.

Ofc, not disagreeing there. Plus if they're around that age anything serious is probably going to explode anyway. This incompatibility is just extra dynamite.

Higher than hers in absolute terms - but then again I was quite a bit older, and not a fucking NEET. We had a lovely few years before splitting up on good terms after some real life shit happened that made us start moving in different directions. No infidelity or intimacy problems, etc.

There are just so many variables to this shit, and literally every other one is more important. But a lot of dudes have crippling insecurity about measuring up to the past, and tend to hyperfocus on the numbers.

post bussy

That's not bussy ☹ It's never just bussy😭

Anything is bussy if you thrust hard enough.

Wtf happened to that thread?

SRD Nazi Mods nuked it shortly after it got linked here. Get r/conspiracy on the case.

Oh fuck no, I'm not posting in that hellhole of trumptards.

I'm not posting in that hellhole of trumptards.


Pick one

I found out that this sub mostly makes fun of Le Donaldo.

From a foreigners point of view - he's probably one of the shitiest presidents you had in a long time, but good for drama....sorry 'bout your damn luck though, baby Jesus weeps for America.

I found out that this sub mostly makes fun of Le Donaldo.

Insert "Let me tell you this..." copypasta

This sub is for just shitting on everyone and everything, it's kind of fun in an edgy 14 year old kinda way, which I can appreciate from time to time, but don't get too sucked in. It will destroy your bussy.

But I like to shit on Americans from both sides😭 also SRD became too tankie-lite in this past weeks.

There are definitely tankies in SRD, but they're usually downvoted from what I've seen. You talking about that CTH post with the AskReddit dude who killed a kid during his "service"? That was a pretty blatant troll, but I guess good enough to fool two subreddits lol.

Yes..and there was two others...but seriously the podcast is meh...the sub on the other hand - is shit

It took me 2 minutes to find this..." We don't support tankies" my ass.

Oh yeah, the CTH sub seems to be shit, and I'm not likely to ever listen to the Podcast partly because of that, but every time it gets linked to SRD, it and its followers usually get dunked on pretty hard. Though those threads are pretty boring because the arguments are always the same, I subscribe to SRD for the food drama mostly. Some of the T_D/conspiracy drama is good, but only in smaller doses.

wow. it had 52 comments. i dont' get it. why did i get banned. they said i was a troll, but i think they are just too sensitive.

They were jealous that you decided to show your bussy here.

You got banned??? I can see the post getting deleted for surplus or (questionably) biased title, but that's a dumb ban unless you've had history with the mods.

lol it was a 19 year old boy who didnt' want to sleep witha promiscuous girl. i was stating the facts

anyways, so how does this subreddit work?

r/drama? It doesn't really work, but everyone gets their willies wound up every time a linked OP responds to their u/ pinging. It's fun to watch most of the time

r/SubredditDrama has stricter rules about posting and leans pretty leftward in the userbase (myself included).

Basically anything goes, really nobody gets banned here. Biggest rule is just don't be boring.

Biggest rule is just don't be boring.

Don’t lie to the poor boy

I’ve been banned from here like 4 times cause mods r faggots

Try to be alcoholic or at least fake it and you'll be fine.

Post bussy for full membership

Really, this is all you need to follow:

Have fun!

They have been really ban happy. They are working really hard to keep it the most boring meta sub.

See OP, the mods nuked your thread because SRD hates fun. You should stay here.

whoa, all i did was post that. and i debated without being rude wiht a particular user. now i am banned from there. has this happened before?

Yea. They try to ban anyone who comments or posts here.

im so confused. why would i get banned on here?

You wouldn't get banned on here. We only ban those who break Reddit rules... mostly.

oh i see. they ban people who post on here. why the fuck do they hate you guys so much?

Hodor is taking the piss, sardines are shit and all - but you don't get banned for being a bussy afficionado.

The hate us cuz they ain't us. r/drama is what SRD would be if they broke free from their cocoons and let their wings flap in the breeze.

Das pretty good. You should submit that to the kkkontest.

Get that weeb degeneracy off this beautiful board.

*fap in the breeze

SRD became pretty leftist in the past, the can't tolerate /r/drama because it's inclusive to many ideologies.

Sorry for the seriouspost (pls to be downvote) but - where does 'classically liberal' fall on the axis of praxis these days? When I was just a tiddler I thought it would be on the left, but it seems that 'social justice' has bounced things around a bit. Anyway, my point is that, by being a hive of villainy, /r/drama is unironically more classically liberal than many subreddits who see their entire world through supposedly 'liberal' eyes. Thank you and sorry.

To a "progressive" you're one step away from a modern conservative.

where does 'classically liberal' fall on the axis of praxis these days?

Nazis. Or worse libertarians.

where does 'classically liberal' fall on the axis of praxis these days?

A bit to the the right from alt-right.

Also seriouspost: I always thought "classical liberalism" was basically libertarianism in a different name. That's clearly a right-wing ideology, no?

They’re not quite the same thing.

A classical liberal would say: “you have the right to do whatever you want on your property.”

A libertarian would say: “I have the right to do whatever I want on my property.” While he’s naked and on drugs with a shotgun in his front yard.

I think I get it. So what you're saying is that classical liberalism is the SRD of political ideologies, while libertarianism is the /r/drama of political ideologies. Cool.

If your intent was to write a comment that makes zero sense even to a stage 4 brain cancer patient then congrats you’ve succeeded.

Yes I think you're right. It becomes right-wing because it's bundled in with ideas of economic freedom - which generally means a small state, low tax, 'the market will fix our problems' mentality - essentially the dominant US conception of libertarianism. I was more talking about the social ideas of classic liberalism (and libertarianism) which I think are a pretty cool guy and ought to be de-coupled from the economic part so that I can be South Park Neutral at work and not end up in a special class.

We're radical centrist by nature so as close to true center(correctness) the better. I just baked up this new image to describe it as accurately as possible.

That's really helpful - thanks. If it's somehow possible to 'play' an image, I would like this to happen at my funeral.

We routinely fuck their girlfriends but don’t let them watch

Hol up. Reddit has rules?

Post personal information about yourself and a screenshot of your desktop.

I like big butts and I cannot lie..

There, posted.

Spoil star wars movies. Seriously.

Reddit Law

They're jealous of us. By posting here you're officially consorting with the enemy and must be purged.

If it makes you feel any better you can username-ping the SRD mods here to make fun of them and their physical appearance. Could've been anyone, but soyboy /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK/ is usually a safe bet.

that was him

Ha, knew it. /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK takes his moderating "job" very seriously. Also he brags about how being a reddit mod gets him laid, no joke.

oh dear sweet jesus. how much do you believe that?

and most importantly. was it consensual?

Ooh I never picked up on that. He did say it got him laid, but never explicitly said it consensual.

Male feminists.

Every. Time.

Is it true that /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK is the Harvey Weinstein of reddit?


He raped me once.

The chances that that was consensual are zero.

/u/snallygaster explain yourself!

Lmao you are hilariously terrified of stds. The 19 year old virgin will get that retarded pseudo-romantic shit fucked out of him sooner or later, but you better get that germaphobe shit under control.

no not me, the original poster of the question in r/relationships might be.

i was just saying the facts. condoms don't protect against oral sex transmission (unless you use condoms for oral), which includes syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia....

hpv is also not exactly best prevented via condom.

I'm not sure why so many people here don't know this. It's like they're virgins who never been to an std clinic

Everyone knows that shit, that's not the point. Everyone has their own risk tolerances, but at one end of the spectrum you're living in bubble of your own fears.

Toss that dental dam. Learn to ride a motorcycle. Have sex with a beautiful stranger after wrapping it up. There were like, three thousand cases of syphilis in women last year, roll the dice and trust that you're not running into one. It's a pretty good lottery.

it's just aids faggot get over it

Stop fucking bussy and stay out of Africa - problem mostly solved. And you don't get aids from being blown you fucking mong.

Stop fucking bussy

That's gonna be a no-can-do from me, champ.

Oh look: subredditdrama deletes actual drama...

Say it ain't so.

I will not go.

Bismilla no...