Amy Schumer is funny, get over it you misogynist

15  2018-01-07 by YOU_NOW_HAVE_AIDS


Maybe it's just me but it really feels like Schumer's star is fading. She was talked about alot from 2013-2016 but for some reason it's like she's "out" right now.

Meanwhile as an Abbi and Ilana fan...

It's almost as if comedy has a very fickle paying audience and comics can't really find a balance between "getting booked for the best shows" and "selling out" because the latter dilutes the brand. Schumer is Dane Cook, we're all just over it now.

yeah I’m pretty sure she’s done

Her career peaked by making one rom-com that nobody even talks about

Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman, Maria Bamford, Kristin Wiig, Mindy Kaling, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler

I feel like walking through 1986 Chernobyl.

Maria Bamford is damn funny. I'll hwhite knight the hell out of you if you disagree.

Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are funny too, at least in TV and movies. I'm still just not crazy about any of their standup. idk, maybe the hollywood people just don't look for stage presence or whatever in female comics.

Yeah, this is something about Tina Fey I don't really understand. She's a fantastic comedy writer and a decent actress, but her stand-up comedy routines are just... okay.

I'm guessing because she's better at writing and acting? 🔬

You didn't even highlight the worst ones on that god awful list. Rhea Butcher and Cameron Esposito are the least funny comedians possibly on the planet. Natasha Leggero is one note and insanely hack. Some of the people on that list that do seem to be funny aren't even really comedians, they're comedy writers.

still funnier than r/politicalhumor tbqh


Amy Schumer is demonstrably unfunny and a joke thief.

Prove me wrong or I'll punch myself in the head IRL.

It’s fine if you don’t think she is funny. I don’t find her funny either. But if she is selling out massive venues because other people find her funny, can you really argue that she is objectively unfunny? As for the joke stealing I agree with you.

can you really argue that she is objectively unfunny?

Yes. Stupid people exist in large numbers. They buy her tickets because they're stupid and stupid people laugh at unfunny comedians.

Seems like you have it all figured out

thanks you too

I think "12 angry men inside of Amy Schumer" was hilarious (but her acting role in it was minimal)

That whole season was great.

I was more referring to all the racist garbage in your post history when I asked you that.

I see, so you're a bigot then

That whole season was great.

Mindy Kaling is not funny, Ali Wong and Matia Bamford are. Shit Natashia Leggero is hilarious too.

Shit Natashia Leggero is hilarious too.

Jesus christ no she's not

I seen her live at the Comedy store in 2011, she was really funny. Doing specials know means you have to produce content so much. Shes a funny broad trust me.

Check it out my vagina smells like an old bag of carrots, arent I hilarious?

Does anybody else get that weird taste in your mouth when you eat bloody tampons amirite

Regular reminder that Amy Schumer pulled a Brock Turner.