OP's girlfriend believes that aliens are beaming ad jingles into her brain. The wise commenters of /r/relationships reassure OP that it's totally normal to be that retarded.

112  2018-01-07 by RetardDick



So that title really says it all but just in case here's some more background:

I've been dating Riley for about a year. She's a very accomplished artist for her age in a variety of fields (music composing, drawing and painting). She's definitely "out there" but in a way that makes her fun, spontaneous and light hearted. She's very cute and although quite introverted she's actually very good and relatable with most people. I'm definitely in love with her.

So the bad thing is she will dissapear for an hour every day ro meditate. This in itself isn't a bad thing at all and I has no issues with it, save that her meditation time always comes at 10pm so it makes going out to bars and clubs difficult, but whatever I can deal. It's that she says she "communes with universal beings" that has me freaked out. She claims to "know" different entities from all over the universe and they give her artistic ideas (by far her best paid composition was a jingle used by a local ad agency she claims was given to her by a classic "grey alien") to lessons on the environment, politics, economics, history, etc... From looking and talking with her after these experiences, she is 100% convinced they are happening. She doesn't volunteer these experiences, but if people were to ask her I think she'd openly admit to them...she's that convinced they are real. I mean I'm an engineer by trade with a big science background and know what she's describing is impossible but no amount of logic will convince her that she's imagining the entire thing, so I've essentially given up trying to discuss this logically with her.

So my question is this: is this just her being a "kooky," free spirited individual who sees things in a very different way than I do? Or is this a sign of severe mental illness and that I need to protect myself from?

tl;dr: GF of one year claims to commune with "universal beings" during deep meditation.

On one hand, she could be crazy. On the other, there's a one in a trillion chance aliens are truly conversing with her and will make her their envoy on Earth once they establish contact.

I'd take those chances TBH.

Wow so your manic pixie dream girl turned out to be just that, manic. What a surprise.

I don't understand. He has a steady girlfriend, and he wants to take her out to bars and clubs? I wonder which of these people is the more mentally ill one.

She claims to "know" different entities from all over the universe and they give her artistic ideas (by far her best paid composition was a jingle used by a local ad agency she claims was given to her by a classic "grey alien")

Here on Earth we call that "plagarism", and we don't take very kindly to it.

It's always fun going to relationships and reading the replies first, building up a picture of the OP, then reading what the actual OP is.

"Oh, sounds like she meditates a lot and then has a bit of a hippy-dippy take on it." Nope, full-blown retardation.

/u/Gygt100 run you fool

Well now I know how "Daddy" got elected...there are so many schizoids in that thread.

schizoid is actually something completely different from schizophrenia. Schizoids only have the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and generally don't suffer from delusions.

So like schizophrenia but boring?



What do negative symptoms have to do with the thread? Are you thinking of a schizotypal personality?

Schizotypal PD is yet another syndrom which has symptoms somewhat similar to schizophrenia. Schizoid/schizotypal/schizophrenic aren't terms which sound similar on accident. It took psychiatry a while to differentiate those disorders.

I'm aware of the distinctions, I'm questioning the relevance of a schizoid personality here

Yeah, me too. I think this person is probably just high on the trait openness to new experience and the experiences she has are a result of her personal "spriritual" believes and dissociative immersion.

Also, Schizotypal PD would probably still fit better than Schizoid imo. But Schizotypal folks usually have a miserably low functioning level and a very hard time building relationships to anyone, so I'll revert to paragraph #1.

Yes, most likely a cultural spiritual experience, worth considering baseline personality traits or experience with substances contributing.

But the original fella was talking about the commenters

Yo I mediate and am into astral projection and all that kind of stuff... I’ve totally met beings and seen things during certain states that are somewhere between real and a dream... it’s like I have my consciousness about me but I’m in a dream cuz like I’ll be in an under water city talking to an alien at a picnic table or talking to my “real” family who lives through a portal in a doorway in another wavelength concurrently. Hard to explain in just a few words. I have chronic migraines too which cause a trippy state sometimes and I’ve seen god as a giant mother alien multiple times when I’ve been hospitalized for treatment. For reference I’m 28F and I’m not a creative type really, I’m in law school. I have “regular” depression and anxiety and no history of psychosis. I’m not socially weird. I think she’s just fine. In fact I’d love to be her best friend haha. She sounds like she’d be so much fun to talk to and I’d love to hear about her travels and share my stories with her. I love meeting other people who can/have had these kinds of experiences.

Sounds like she'll meet plenty of people with similar experiences in the oncology ward when they diagnose that brain tumor.

This kind of shit seems common with avg people who can't stand not being the main character in life

This is one of the things I've noticed. People with completely average lives will almost always invent some sort of speciality about themselves. "Oh I dabble in astral projection" makes you sound way cooler than "before I fall asleep, the retarded jumble in my brain has cosmic meaning". I know a girl who claims that plants talk to her. The "right" sage will call out to her so she can pick it.

One of the weirdest ones I keep seeing is (usually) fat middle-aged women that claim to have a sixth sense when predicting the sex of a pregnant woman's child. How fucking pathetic of a superpower is that?

Dude go over to r/occult. I think its a form of mental illness to "not believe in coincidences" and "able to summon demons" etc. they are fucking off their rockers with that shit.

I do vipassana and I also heard voices or hallucinated my thoughts when in a deep state. I actually got to talk with "myself" on a high dose of LSD in a dark room. She's probably a meditating beast cause if she's hearing them at 1hr damn good for her I need 6-7 hours for that point. Some people may say it's a connection to God, a collective consciousness calling out, or a sign of moksha/satori attainment. I personally see it as your normal mental thought pipeline (the voice in your head) losing attachment to your ego and thus the voice of "you" appears to be different than you. People who do psychedelics also know that feeling of "someone else is there too" or a second voice in my head but meditation can cause this if done properly. Just contributing a viewpoint where it's not necessary mental illness or spiritual woowoo

Obviously she just used the wrong type of mushrooms in her stir fry.

You make fun but you'd be surprised if you actually did some research into this stuff

Yeah, doing a shit ton of LSD will connect you with the universe. You're definitely connecting to another plane of consciousness instead of just fucking with your brain.

One of my last LSD trips after I saw Jurassic World, I kept on seeing velociraptor heads pop up over the top of trees and plants. I call that objectively spiritual connection "paleolithic projection."

I wish I still knew someone with lsd

Go to festivals.

One of my last LSD trips after I saw Jurassic World, I kept on seeing velociraptor heads pop up over the top of trees and plants.

is that what they were going for with this scene?

I have previously done that research, and I learned that:

  1. HUD housing and the tunnels under major cities are full of people who took psychedelics and, while under the influence, had an epiphany that the way normal people live is wrong and that the correct way of living life is to take more psychedelics.

  2. If psychedelics genuinely resulted in contact with machine elves or reptiloids from another dimension, this would be one of the most significant discoveries of all time, and any sane person with first-hand knowledge of this would dedicate significant resources towards the study of physics and neuroscience, and perform legitimate work towards making this truth known to people who aren't homeless drug addicts.

  3. There is no plausible mechanism whatsoever by which the effect that these drugs have on the human brain is anything other than hallucinogenic, with visions occurring completely as a result of internal factors in the brain with no external infuence.

I've meditated before. No voices :(.

stop downvoting this guy!!

Sorry, but I have an astral connection to Eurajia, the Cosmic Allmother of Infinite Compassion, and She told me to "downvote that shitbird."

Yeah why can't they talk to God like a normal person. Fucking heathens.

Literally almost every comment is shitting on OP because he's worried about her health, why do people even still make threads there? It's universally known as a shithole with bad advice all round.

The sub is practically built for trolling. Throwaways are expected, people blow up over the smallest most predictable things, there's a dedicated group of regulars that post there like it's a full time job, there's a huge audience that wants to believe, and the best part is the mods will delete any comments that try to call you out for trolling.

It's a pretty good time if you like drama. Pour a drink and spend 10 minutes writing some inane bullshit and watch people fight over it for hours and hours. It's like having the Maury Povich playset we all wanted growing up.

I don't think people actually post there for advice, that would just be retarded.

I wonder, could you get unbiased advice there if you kept your story the same, but changed it so that you were in a homosexual relationship? That way nobody gets the immediate benefit of the doubt. 🤔 🤔 🤔

Or just reverse the genders?

That wouldn't work. If you're a guy and gender-swap you'll still get biased advice, it'll just be in your favor. Which is fine if you just want everyone to agree with you and take your side, but it's not any better if you're actually looking for helpful advice.

It would be interesting to see though.

Didn't someone do that and get condescended to when he revealed the hypocrisy?

I don't doubt it for a second tbh

Here's the /r/drama thread about it.

This is what the ask gay Bros subs are about. and thankfully there are no hysterical women to deal with.

/u/Gygt100 is that "meditation hour" your girlfriend take strongly correlated with a strong smell in your house (like crack rocks for instance)?

Hmmmm burning Legos....?

This is a prelude to a story with the news headline: “Girlfriend cuts off boyfriend’s testicles on his sleep”

It was just a prank bro.

She got the idea from one of those gray aliens.

Holy fuck, who let the lunatics lose in the comments there.

/u/Gygt100 Your girlfriend is insane, as is /r/relationships.

I don't think he needs to worry until she grabs a steak knife and gouges her own eyes out so that she can see the demons.

You know usually in /r/relationships drama posted here, most of the comments are pretty rational and weird stuff is buried at the bottom.

How the hell does NOBODY question this?

r/relationships is literally always like this all the time. It’s a shithole for crazy single women

She may not be crazy but I'm 100% certain she's an attention whore at the very least.

How the fuck are people in r/relationships actually comparing this shit to religion. I have never heard of or met anyone who claimed to talk to god or have spiritual enlightenment that people didn't think was crazy. Only in the most cult like churches is this at all common. It's still probably only like 1/100 crazy people at really devout churches that believe this kind of nonsense.

Idk how these millennials who openly disdain religion and consider themselves rational people can just adopt retarded shit like mediation even though it's the same shit under a different label.

There are people who talk in tongues every sunday or go to faith healing gatherers. There is literally a mainstream religion that believes they are turning bread and wine into the flesh and blood from the son of God. Why the hell can't you compare the two? Because you normalized the one?

Cmon, if you put a gun to the head of most Christfags they'll say the bread and wine thing is a symbolic gesture. The talking in tongues, faith healings, and snake handling is objectively insane and should be treated as such by rational people tho.

Kinda does mean that. If we let one type of nonsense fly, we should let the other too. As long as they are not hurting themselves or others they can believe whatever the fuck they believe. Honestly believe that someone talking to astral projections for an hour a day is far less of a danger to society than young earth creationists.

As long as they are not hurting themselves or others they can believe whatever the fuck they believe.

Absolutely. But there's degrees to this nonsense. Believing the Earth is a few millennia old is ignorant as a fuck, but having constant conversations with imagined beings is a personal problem. Insane people do this all the time where they say God/Jesus/spirits/aliens told them to do something batshit bonkers.

I guess as long as the conversations are benign it shouldn't be a serious issue, but the guy should still be wary.

People have conversations with God every day. Why is that okay but astral projections aren't?

For me it comes down to the behaviors. As long as the "aliens" keep to their ad jingles and artistic assistance it's fine. If the behaviors get more erratic and begin to interfere with daily life constantly then it becomes something that has to be dealt with. Still, it's very weird. At least with God you can say people have been conditioned from a very young age to believe all the strange stuff. In OPs gf's case the fantasy seems to be her own creation.

Oh yeah, I agree. It is weird. But at the end of the day it is just people trying to give meaning to existence. And when it comes to that who gives a shit what anyone else believes. As long as it's harmless. Who know, it can even be beneficial in a placebo kind of way.

There are people who talk in tongues every sunday or go to faith healing gatherings

These are an extreme minority.

There is literally a mainstream religion that believes they are turning bread and wine into the flesh and blood from the son of God.

This isn't at all true. If you quit being euphoric for a second and read up you'd realize that it's a symbolic gesture and is understood to be spiritual. Nobody, or almost nobody believes this.

The reason you can't compare the two is that what you are comparing is religion as an entity, on the basis of an extreme minority, with general craziness. If they were saying that medition in general is good or whatever, and that some people who practiced it were just whacko's and then comparing to religion, that'd be one thing. They're literally endorsing the crazies though. The comparison is not at all valid.

Catholic doctrine, since i assume that's what you were alluding to, states that it is a spiritual act not a literal one. Since Catholicism is a religion with a head, we can safely say that that is the official meaning.

Im not being euphoric, you bleeding cunt. I'm just saying one is not that much different than the other. People talk to God every day and expect Him to influence their lives = okay but people talking to astral projection = delusional. You really don't see the disconnect? Or are the people who pray for God to influence their lives a minority too?

In any case, back in the day of my communion the priest said transubstantiation would change the bread and wine in reality. Something that is supported by canon.


During this council, the teaching on transubstantiation— a Church doctrine which describes the method by which the bread and wine offered in the sacrament of the Eucharist becomes the actual blood and body of Christ— was infallibly defined.



Instead, the decree states that Christ is "really, truly, substantially present" in the consecrated forms

Fourth Council of the Lateran

The Fourth Council of the Lateran was convoked by Pope Innocent III with the papal bull Vineam domini Sabaoth of 19 April 1213, and the Council gathered at Rome's Lateran Palace beginning 11 November 1215. Due to the great length of time between the Council's convocation and meeting, many bishops had the opportunity to attend. It is considered by the Catholic Church to have been the twelfth ecumenical council and is sometimes called the "Great Council" or "General Council of Lateran" due to the presence of seventy-one patriarchs and metropolitan bishops, four hundred and twelve bishops, and nine hundred abbots and priors together with representatives of several monarchs.

During this council, the teaching on transubstantiation— a Church doctrine which describes the method by which the bread and wine offered in the sacrament of the Eucharist becomes the actual blood and body of Christ— was infallibly defined.

Council of Trent

The Council of Trent (Latin: Concilium Tridentinum), held between 1545 and 1563 in Trent, or Trento, in northern Italy. It was an ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. Prompted by the Protestant Reformation, it has been described as the embodiment of the Counter-Reformation.

The Council issued condemnations of what it defined to be heresies committed by Protestantism and key statements and clarifications of the Church's doctrine and teachings, including scripture, the Biblical canon, sacred tradition, original sin, justification, salvation, the sacraments, the Mass and the veneration of saints.

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So you're trying to say "substantially present" is the same as being physically transformed to literal flesh and blood?

Look I can tell you have some serious mommy and daddy issues, but comparing religion as a whole to the wholesale belief in having alien pen pals you talk to with your mind is so blatantly ridiculous that it really can't get more obvious.

I'm not religious, but I can see some differences in degree of crazy. You're trying way to hard with the whataboutism to make these things seem equivalent, when they are obviously not.

So you're trying to say "substantially present" is the same as being physically transformed to literal flesh and blood?

At least crack open a dictionary before you say stuff like this.

of a corporeal or material nature; tangible; real.


relating to the substance, matter, or material of a thing

It is embarassing that you keep holding on to your misunderstanding.

but comparing religion as a whole to the wholesale belief in having alien pen pals you talk to with your mind is so blatantly ridiculous

And the only reason why you say this is because more people believe the former. How is it a whataboutism, though? Are you just throwing fallacies around hoping it will stick? This relates directly to the original comment. If you have no better argument than "it's obvious", it is best to just tap out instead of digging deeper.

You can tell someones really really asshurt when they retreat to semantics and calling fallacy. Peak neckbeard at it's finest.

I was calling you out on saying "whataboutism!", numbnuts. But yeah, I agree obviously. Good on being self-aware, I guess.

And it's not arguing semantics when you are ignoring the meaning of a word entirely.

no u

got 'm

Catholic doctrine, since i assume that's what you were alluding to, states that it is a spiritual act not a literal one.

lol i dunno where you got the idea theres some sort of meaningful distinction between "spiritual" and "literal" in catholic doctrine, but there isnt

"Bread thou art, and bread thou shalt remain; wine thou art, and wine thou shalt remain."

Thank God /r/relationships has such a deep reserve of mental health professionals in the comments

At least they're experienced in the subject.

Going by how those commenters are sucking her dick for hearing voices through meditation I'd say she's probably making it up. Maybe not even consciously making it up. Like trying to fool herself she's hearing the universe when in reality she's just got a song stuck in her head while trying to meditate. Deep down she knows it's not aliens.

Holy shit everyone there really is a retard.

/r/relationship posters strike me as the type to take astrology seriously so this isn't surprising.

This. This is how tax burdens are created

lol tbh that shit reminds me Avatar The Last Airbender, she went to the spirit world and communicated with pandas kek