"My girlfriend has a bigger penis size than me." - welcome to [CURRENT YEAR + 3]

219  2018-01-08 by IAintThatGuy


Cool story, bro


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There are two bros in that story.

When not busy fretting over his girlfriend's penis size, this submitter helps moderate /r/ politics.

At this point is it really surprising

Yeah. You think he'd always have a cock in his hands and unable to use a keyboard

That's why anal exists. It's a little bumpy but it works with enough determination. SOMEONE"S GOTTA WRITE THIS SONIC FAN FICTIONS!

Wtf bumpy? Who you fuckin

Retarded minds think alike.


*frotting tbqh


*thotting tbqh

If someone 10 years ago said "hey want to learn more about the Nazi party?" I'd have laughed at them.

Current year +3? "Tell me more..."

Nazis like feminine penis almost as much as they like interracial cuckold porn though. /pol/ is full of trapfags.

/pol/ is performance art.

/pol/ pretends to be performance art so they don't blow their brains out.

Pretending to be performance art is performance art.

Pretending to be retarded is retarded.

Glad we got that settled.

Yeah, that's what he said.

I guess. The word 'art' makes it seem some how more thought out and meaningful.

'performance tard' is better.

Yeah and Shiah Lebouf isn't out of his mind, neither is Alex Jones. It's all performance art.

Those are lumpenproles

🚩☭🚩 N A Z B O L G A N G 🚩☭🚩


When rimper isn't shitposting on /r/drama, he's busy smearing the shit on himself in /r/the_donald

Please remember to take a shower before you come here

Speaking of "smearing shit", tell your mom I'll visit the facility soon.

Be careful, if you stay there any longer they might keep you there, and I wouldn't blame them

True. They tell me the only times they can get her to put her teeth in and eat, are the days when she knows I'm visiting.

The thing is, my mother isn't there. You spend hours in the bathroom trying to get people to come into the stall with you until security kicks you out. Please get better. We're all worried about you.

She's there. It's just that in her few cogent moments, she directs the staff to tell you she's dead.

I know how hard it is for you to remember... But please, for the sake of the family, wake up, she's been dead for years, you can't keep on like this!

Speaking of family, she tells me on visiting days that you look just like me.

You really are far gone.

Not really, it's only about an hour drive. I slip the staff person on duty a twenty, and they look the other way while she gives me glorious toothless fellatio.

Would you two mongs just fuck and get it over with already

Keep your degenerate fantasies to yourself.

Hey there fellas what's the haps?

Mental illness

"Your mom"

Truly the peak of (((conservative))) arguing.

She's more of an independent, actually.

u/4embarrasingQs I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you're dating a dude.

Hey asshole, I wasn’t “desperate”, I just did as all guys do and built up courage to say hi to a girl.

Really? When are you going to date her? After the guy in drag dumps you?

Oh a guy in drag sounds hot; can I bring my transwife?

With the aim of a gay dude orgy?

Take your faggotry elsewhere

What a garbage sub

It's more of a meme statement than a actual endorsement of that sub tbh

You're a meme statement

More like dream matement

Yeah but it's not even a post-op tranny. You're literally banging a dude.

It's called gick, you idiot.

Good taste tbh

As compared to a badly mutilated dude.

Tbh, it doesn't look too bad after a while.

I sure do love 100% natural vagina.

Trap>Pre-op tranny>>>>>>gussy>>>>>>>>post op tranny

Lrn ur hierarchy fegit

Feminine penis is far superior to whatever medical gash is the result of post-OP.

You said hi to a dude.

Male on male socialisation is from here on banned upon the threat of spontaneous gay sex.

Thank god we are all faggots in here

It's for the best. Inshallah.

This but unironically

But what about bussy? Is regular gay sex still okay, as long as it isn't spontaneous?

And the drama truly begins

You said hi to a girl and then went off to fuck sum fenis



No you said hi to a dude that wears a wig.

TIL males are biologically incapable to growing their own hair. Instead they choose to forage things they found in an attempt to avoid the scary void of being bold.

Every biology class i took claimed that the penis is the male reproductive organ.

So if you weren't desperate then obviously you're unless you are so gaslit as to think you're dating a girl. Liberalism truly is a mental illness.

Why would he have to be desperate to be attracted to a transwoman!

You saying dick is ugly or some sexist shit like that? Move along penis-hater!!

So are you pretending to be a woman as well, are you dating the dude in the op

I'm AFAB and questioning transitioning into man.

What's afab

Assigned Female At Birth aka born with a cunt, or one of my more preferred terms, a vulva bearer.

More like born a cunt.

Show me on the doll where the bad woman touched you.

(Or didn't)

Sets doll on fire. Everywhere.

Then what's your complaint?

I had a complaint?!

Got the jist you didn't like women?


Means she's a girl.

Well stop acting like a bitch then.


All Females Are Bad

Join the winning team tbh.

Can't be sexist against males

Liberalism truly is a mental illness.

Says the guy with the Nazi Swastika flair, lol. Your fascism is also a mental illness alongside liberalism.

Both of your groups need to be put in an area, Battle Royale style. I would pay money to see that, lol.

I don't think this sub is right for you

Oh but I think it is, pleb.

Did you call me a pleb....hilarious. Dude you comment in porn subs

So hot. Would love to jack my dick to that phat bussy aw yeah.

Dude you comment in porn subs

At least I'm honest with myself.

What gets you off?

It's American to like porn.

Yeah because we all know no republicans have ever rode on the cock train

Liberalism truly is a mental illness.

Says the guy with the Nazi Swastika flair, lol. Fascism is also a mental illness alongside liberalism.

Both groups need to be put in an area, Battle Royale style. I would pay money to see that.

Says the guy with the Nazi Swastika flair, lol.

You must be new here.

I use it for aesthetic purposes tbh

Flairs aren't exactly an accurate indicator of political ideology. Especially here.

That's right!

What is right?

That is right!

I was fairly sure you were autistic...

I know it's hard to tell these days, but autism isn't a political ideology.

Well, I shouldn't have voted [insert your political party] during the last election then.

Can this be an auto mod quote?

Sure, ask the mods.

How do you know that they're serious? Especially after quoting On The Moon/Insanity Prawn Boy.

Ususally just wait. We make fun of alt-right a lot, so people that are serious leave once they realise that they are out of their safe space. While people that just like to shitpost stay.

I'm not saying that this person isn't a nazi, I'm saying that a flair isn't how you should identify one.

It usually doesn't matter if they are serious or not, as engaging in a serious conversation on /r/drama is a mistake in a first place.


A "girl"

Everyone is making fun of you for dating a trans and I say don't listen to them, as long as it makes you happy than you do you man. Who gives a shit what some bitter fucks on the internet think. On that note I would like to take to take the opportunity to make fun of your baby dick. Perhaps it would be easier if you played the lady and your girlfriend played the man. You could just pretend you have a slightly larger than usual clit. You could call it roleplaying or something. Seriously though, as long as you like your partner than it is all good, dick size isn't that important and we all make it out to be much more important than it is. Which is lucky for you microdick.

Tbf it is kind of funny no one really tore into him for this here, those hormones do a number on your junk and imagine being even smaller than that.

as long as it makes you happy

...or in this case, even longer

That "it" you said hi to is a dude.

Don’t listen to these guys, it’s $CURRENT_YEAR now. Liking girls with vaginas is objectively gay.

Because straight and gay are the only options?

You mean besides incel and zoophile?




As in tradition


Hmm, like bisexual. Or even heaven forbide pansexual.

I guess we better not even go into the asexual territory.


I already said incel

Asexual is no desire for sex. Incel is desire for sex, but unwilling not getting any. Celibacy is desire for sex, but willing not getting any.

Asexuality is the only one that is a sexuality. Other are just sex life descriptors.

It's pretty much binary to me : normal, and degenerate.

Oh, but your name says you aren't that guy :(

Crying yourself to sleep while placing a block of ice over your privates doesn't mean you have 'no desire for sex', sorry.

Oh, and 'pansexual' is just bisexual for hipsters.

Ice is not good for a burn bud. Running water than toughen up a bear the pain!!

I have a desire, I just don't want to rub my burn on the bedsheet. And I have no other masturbation techniques.

Hipsters with new definitions!

Asexuals are just "people" who can't get laid so they pretend its their choice

One study found the majority of asexuals (3/4 for men) both had sexual fantasies and masturbated

There’s no such thing as pansexual.

And upon your declaration I cease to exist! Farewell cruel world!

dont kill yourself - you will just prove him right.

Too late, my existence has already been terminated. I am now a shell operating per the laws of physics.

let me just add you to my "stereotype" statistics sheet. There. You can be in peace now.

May I see you data? I love numbers and spreadsheets make my clit hard!

make my clit hard!

Given that you're a pansexual, it seems like everything does that

Don't go conflating sexuality and libido.

But yeah, fuck I'm horny. If I didn't burn my hand cooking dinner this evening I'd be ferociously masturbating.

You only have one hand?

spreadsheets make my clit hard

Now I'm no anatomist but I don't think it's supposed to do that

Don't they?

Hmm what if I took T.

Is it a masculine clit?

Physics is a spectrum tho you are being quite bigoted

Bifaggot here, what’s actually the difference between bisexual and pansexual? As far as I can see it’s another word for the same thing.

For the record the “bi” in bisexual, meaning “two”, refers to “both homo and hetero” not “both men and women”. “Homo” means “same”, and “hetero” means “different”. The fact that there’s only two genders makes these definitions functionally the same thing, but if there were more, bisexual would still encompass everything.

Pansexual is bisexual but with no standards.

Sexuality has nothing to do with “gender”. It’s about biological sex. There are only two of those. There will only ever be two of those. You either like penis, vagina, both, or neither. Congratulations, you’re straight, gay, bi or an incel.

Pansexual is just literally not having standards.

I'll give everything a taste.

I have some things under the sink I'd like you to start with.

Sure, but I charge extra for kinks.

You remind me of that Bill Nye show. Your jokes are trying to hard and they're not funny.

Well it is 3am, and this is the most socialising I've done in my entire life. Maybe time to throw in the towel and sleep?

This is unsurprising. Definitely go to sleep. Keep yourself safe 😊😊

How much to down a gallon of bleach?

Is it flavoured?

If not $5000 per mL

There is straight and the rest are mental illnesses.

Ah I'd say it make sense, but my mental illness prevents me from comprehending.

Sorry to hear that. Blame your parents.

Nah it's not their fault they worked me like a slave, physically abused me and molested me. It's like their culture man.

I am responsible for my own flaws.

I blame them for not aborting, personally.

Oh, he's gay for traps.


Hes mac for traps

virtue signaling on drama


Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country? I'll answer that for you: fuck no, because they don't let this degeneracy slide, like fucking liberal CUCKS in the USA. There's only one solution, and that is for everyone to convert to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn't tolerate degeneracy like gay marriage or gender bending—nay! He mandated the ostracization and execution of gays, and made sure they would not become commonplace or accepted by the rest of the community. He made sure to establish clear gender roles and didn't tolerate this "gender identity" trash.

In the meantime, you have Western society accepting gays, slut pride, gender-mixing, new genders, no genders, LGBT, and who knows what else?! Western society is truly degenerating without guidance, and I fear that as time passes, these degenerate groups only gain more and more power.

Muslims and conservatives might think they're enemies, but in reality, they're closer to each other than they think! An alliance would prove very fruitful for both sides.

Just repeat the declaration of faith after me:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

and you'll be right on your way to becoming a great Muslim!

Pretty sure Iran would rather you transition than be gay so uh

average muslim country


Shia aren't even Muslim, they're deviants.


Says the filthy Wahhabi. The Shiites are much better people than you blasphemous Arab imperialists will ever be.

You're all massive faggots tbh

who isn't, it's the current year after all

The Shia is le progressive meme needs to die tbh.

Progressives chop the dicks off of gay guys and slap a burqa over them so no one sees if they are passing. It is the wave of the future.


what does that one line say, I can't read cursive

According to Google Translate it means:

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone and no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger

Which is a weird statement, as the actual declaration of faith is "lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh", which means:

There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.

That is just llāhk your opinion, man.

'Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn!'

as the actual declaration of faith is "lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh"

The extended version of the shahadah that I posted is mentioned in a hadith, and it's quite common to hear, so I'm not sure why you think of it as "weird". This only affirms by belief that you are, in fact, a kafir.

عَنْ سَعْدِ بْنِ أَبِي وَقَّاصٍ، عَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ: مَنْ قَالَ حِينَ يَسْمَعُ الْمُؤَذِّنَ وَأَنَا أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ رَضِيتُ بِاللَّهِ رَبًّا وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ رَسُولاً وَبِالإِسْلاَمِ دِينًا غُفِرَ لَهُ ‏

Also, I find it interesting that you previously said this:

Says the filthy Wahhabi. The Shiites are much better people than you blasphemous Arab imperialists will ever be.

because it seems like either you haven't heard how the Shia take the shahadah, or you are pushing your agenda of kufr upon the /r/drama caliphate.

because it seems like either you haven't heard how the Shia take the shahadah, or you are pushing your agenda of kufr upon the /r/drama caliphate

Arguments like these are why I stay subbed to this madhouse.

He mandated the ostracization and execution of gays

There is literally 0 historical evidence that Muhammed ever punished someone for homosexuality.

Also, notice how the Koran says "Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women." The with desire part makes it clear it is talking about hooking up, not romance/sex in general, and the instead of women part implies that the men in question were married and/or attracted to women.

The Koran says that it is haram for married men to get some meaningless bussy on the side, but it doesn't actually say anything about homosexuality in general. And even if it did, the Koran states no juridical punishment, meaning that punishing people for homosexuality is to assume the role of Allah and therefore shirk (literally the gravest sin in Islam).

You should also remember that marriage isn't the same thing as a nikah, so the same rules don't apply.

Verse 47:2 clearly states that whoever believes in Allah and does what they can to be a good person will enter Jannah:

And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer - those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, [even as much as] the speck on a date seed.

May Allah have mercy on your misled soul.

There is literally 0 historical evidence that Muhammed ever punished someone for homosexuality.

mandated the ostracization and execution

ever punished

I didn't say he executed them, I just said he said they should be executed (according to Sunni texts, and probably Shia too).

Also, notice how the Koran says "Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women." The with desire part makes it clear it is talking about hooking up, not romance/sex in general, and the instead of women part implies that the men in question were married and/or attracted to women.

Maybe it makes it clear to you, but 99.9% (if not 100%) of Sunni scholars disagree with you. Most Muslims disagree with you too, if you go to /r/islam and say that, I'm sure they'll rip you a new one (if they don't just delete your post).

Also, that's quite a stretch for anyone reading it. How does the "with desire" part make it about "hooking up" instead of sex? Since you say the sin is in "approaching men for casual sex", that would imply that if they approached women for casual sex, then it'd be fine, when adultery is clearly forbidden.

The Koran says that it is haram for married men to get some meaningless bussy on the side, but it doesn't actually say anything about homosexuality in general. And even if it did, the Koran states no juridical punishment, meaning that punishing people for homosexuality is to assume the role of Allah and therefore shirk (literally the gravest sin in Islam).

You're right about the Qur'an not prescribing a judicial punishment for homosexual intercourse, but it's mentioned in the hadiths. The Qur'an says to obey Allah and the Prophet, and the way you obey the Prophet is by following what he commanded (in the hadiths). If you are a Qur'anist (rejector of hadiths), then over 80% of Muslims consider you a deviant, if not a kafir.

You should also remember that marriage isn't the same thing as a nikah, so the same rules don't apply.

I looked up rulings by scholars and they didn't differentiate, but I'm not sure how this is relevant anyway.

Verse 47:2 clearly states that whoever believes in Allah and does what they can to be a good person will enter Jannah:

And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer - those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, [even as much as] the speck on a date seed.

May Allah have mercy on your misled soul.

I never said that homosexual intercourse makes you a kafir, so yes, they could technically still go to Jannah. However, believing that homosexual intercourse is allowed is definitely kufr, so it looks like you're doomed, lol. Sorry.

Muslims can still go to Hell, by the way, it's just the ones that do will eventually enter Jannah after their punishment in Hell is over.

Look, the truth is, I don't really care what True Islam™ says, if the hadiths are fabricated, or if Qur'anism is the true path. The truth is, the vast majority of Muslims disagree with your views on Islam, and the majority view is what matters to me, because these beliefs have repercussions in the real world. Qur'anists, making up less than 1% of Muslims (since you consider yourself a Muslim), don't play as big of a role as Sunni Muslims and Shia.

I do wish that more Muslims followed your version of Islam instead of Sunni or Shi'i kufr, because it's a much more tolerant version of Islam. It's hard to convince people though, so I hope that Muslims chilling out just happens over time.

Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country?

Muslim countries are the ones who watch the most gay porn. If they wouldn't be thrown off roofs I'm sure they would all be gay. Then again, they have a serious problem with incest so that might explain it.

Muslim countries are the ones who watch the most gay porn

The way "studies" calculate this is by doing stuff like the search volume for "gay porn", which is retarded. If you're going to watch gay porn, you wouldn't just Google "gay porn", you would go to the gay section of your favorite porn website and scroll through the thumbnails, or look up videos by your favorite actor or something.

On top of this methodology being retarded, the results are also skewed by looking for queries made in English, in non-English speaking countries.

Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country?

Yes, because there arent enough women so the boys get angry and weird.

'Islam' might as well translate to 'Prison Gay'.

What's this copy pasta from?

copy pasta

This is the word of the Shura Council of /r/drama.

Jesus imagine being so desperate you date a dude who plays dress up.

This is literally it

/u/4embarrasingQs you know some of us would pay good money for a futa

Nah a futa is with both parts, and w/out balls. Purely fantasy.

Also you're fuckin gay


2015 - The year God went to buy a pack of cigarettes.

2015? What the hell do you think happened on December 21 2012?

I won like, a shitload of bets.

Aw, he is beutiful

this, but unironically

Am I the only one who went from Hitchens-style antitheism to quietly lamenting the decline of Christianity, all in about a 24 month span?

i don't know the old religion wasn't that much less tupid than the new religion at the end of the day. it just seems all the more painful currently because we have to brands of stupid at the same time now. once christanity properly dies it'll balance out untill the next dumb religion comes along.

The New Atheists were always sociologically naive in the sense that they believed that the space created by a declining Christianity would be filled by things they found desirable( philosophy and literature in Hitchen's case). Instead that space is being filled by pop culture.

Dennett has been saying this for a long time. Of course he could not stem the tide.

Yeah, that's a good point. The determinist/compatabilist debate has in many ways been a microcosm of the issues surrounding old ideas being questioned by science and the continued social utility of those ideas/instability that may be brought about from moving away form those ideas.

People are shit. If they weren't christianity wouldn't be the nightmare it is. Also, if people weren't such huge pieces of shit, libertarianism and communism would be viable government options.

No, you are not the only one.


Imagine being this retarded.

Imagine having a smaller penis than your girlfriend.

Imagine having a smaller penis than your girlfriend.

You're the expert on that, so you tell me.

Imagine being this bad the bantz.

Imagine being this bad the bantz.

We know you are.



Imagine having a smaller penis than your girlfriend.


the decline of Christianity


holy war NOW!

I'd take a trans girlfriend dick measuring contest any day of the week over another second of Sunday school.

I did a little cyber stalking and found this picture of /u/4embarrasingQs' gf.

I reported you.

Imagine using np in $CURRENT_YEAR.

/u/IAintThatGuy GTFO of our sub, normie 😡😠😡😠😡

"You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny."

REEEEEEEEE stfu bot, I bet ur mum likes men 👿👿👿

being a heterosexual degenerate. This better not be true, /u/umadbrobot

Wait why is np against the rules? I thought you were supposed to use np to try to prevent brigading? pls don't hurt me I only lurk

Its not against the rules, its not worth the effort. People on here have been around long enough. If they want to vote brigade NP link wont stop them.

Unironically relationship goals tbhq

Right? I can beat my wife and score some sweet bussy in the same night? This truly is the future we're living in.


The Messenger of Allah said: "There are three at whom Allah will not look on the Day of Resurrection: The one who disobeys his parents, the woman who imitates men in her outward appearance, and the cuckold.

nothing about mtf tho


high fives

The Prophet probably enjoyed under-the-table bussy, tbh.

look up bacha bazi. sand-americans have been partaking in that fine art or millenia.

Bacha bazi is pretty much endemic to Afghanistan though. On top of that, Islam strictly forbids homosexual fun.

When the Taliban was in power, they outlawed it and punished people who engaged in it:

A growing number of Afghan children are being coerced into a life of sexual abuse. The practice of wealthy or prominent Afghans exploiting underage boys as sexual partners who are often dressed up as women to dance at gatherings is on the rise in post-Taliban Afghanistan, according to Afghan human rights researchers, Western officials and men who participate in the abuse.

“Like it or not, there was better rule of law under the Taliban,” said Dee Brillenburg Wurth, a child-protection expert at the U.N. mission in Afghanistan, who has sought to persuade the government to address the problem. “They saw it as a sin, and they stopped a lot of it.”

In Kandahar during the mid-1990s, the Taliban was born in part out of public anger that local commanders had married bachas and were engaging in other morally licentious behavior.

During the Taliban era, men suspected of having sex with men or boys were executed. In the late 1990s, amid the group’s repressive reign, the practice of bacha bazi went underground. The fall of the Taliban government in late 2001 and the flood of donor money that poured into Afghanistan revived the phenomenon.

When your misogyny level gets so high that even your girlfriend is male.

When your misogyny levels get so high that you need to invalidate women.


I'm just staring at this hoping I've spelt the word women right. Who can tell anymore.

Otherwise I got no clue what your point is.


Yes, women are sexy. If only I had a way to observe these beautiful creatures.

His point is clearly that they are not real women. Not saying I agree with this but you're either severely retarded or purposely being obtuse, neither of which serve you in internet arguments.

What is a non-real human! Do they come from another verison of reality so difficult to grasp we have no other words other than to describe it as the antithesis of our own reality.

If so, I'm jealous, they sound mystical.

Alright I can play stupid too. Stop denying men exist shitlord. It's possible to not be a woman and still be a human your misandry is appalling omg.

They're called transmen right?

This sub is only transwomen and gays and I never venture outside of it so I can't speak to the veracity of the existence of trans men.

Also imagine virtue signaling in drama of all places. Won't even get you bussy.

Well I wouldn't say I identify as a transmen (it's a scary thing to come to terms with). But I think drama is about all I can get away with penetating.

(Due to my lack of a home-grown penis)

Identifying as any sort of plural sounds pretty terrifying tbqh

It's a little terrifying but disassociation does mean you're never alone.

Urban dictionaries soyboy. Brb

You can get a pat on the back for becoming a tit bearing eunuch if that helps

Thank you so much. Ant contribution help, large or small. Please give these holidays.

Holidays are over and I can't grant miracles of working genetalia to the trans masses regardless

What about just lopping off my tits? Hate walking around with these floaties.

You could do that yourself don't like enabling the mentally Ill

Awh did you chop yours in half? No one wants a qt trap gf with a shit-smelling gash.

You should have stuck with the fem-penis and bussy like the rest of you nerds.



This is the best use of Jewish parentheses I’ve ever seen.

Hey at least if he tries to rape it, he'll learn what it's like to be penetrated against his will real quick

Because rape victims turn into vengeful rapists?

Dude your logic broke.

I'll tell you what: if my boyfriend evennthought about raping or pillaging my bussy, he'd be flipped over and Id be femine-balls deep faster than he could scream "just a prank sis".

Jesus christ make this a full story and post on /r/gonewildstories <3

Trannies are sexual deviants, who knows what they're capable of

I'd recommend some sort of mass genocide of trannies, a tranniecide if you will, but I don't want to run afoul of the admins

This but even more unironically

I assure you mine was posted with a full 100% irony

I assure you the term "waifu" makes you a millenial

Millenialcide is the only way, tbh

I assure you, those things are the farthest from women anything can posisbly be

men are better at everything, even being women

Easily win women of the year

Wow thanks for trying to make me a laughing stalk. Thank God this isn’t my main account either.

laughing stalk

More like a laughing bundle of sticks (or did you mean laughing stock?).


It is really funny though to be fair.

You could always stick yours down the end of hers.

Is dicks sliding into dick a thing that can happen IRL?

Uh, yeah, why not.

Hot af

WEW LAD U/ed_butteredtoast get in here and take a look at this thread

Who would downvote this??? Smh

Not without enlargement of the urethra.

Like through stretching or an operation?

Yeah. I don't think stretching would be enough though. The urethra can stretch enough to take thin rod like objects but the average penis and even micro-penises would be too thick to enter the urethra.

Thanks for the info. Dunno what I'll do with it, but I'm glad ik.

Your welcome.

It might be fake, but look up "kids in sandbox video". A woman shoves what looks like a dildo into the urethra of a penis.

Do... do you want a picture?

Yeah, it's like these assholes are living in some fantasy land where dicks can slide into other dicks, or where unicorns and leprechauns are real. Next they'll try to tell you women can have penises!

That the world for me!

one dude will stretch his foreskin and the other guy puts his knob in there

not sure of the purpose tbh that shit cant be comfortable

Are you the top or bottom?

It's pretty obvious that he pretends to be a top, but is actually a bottom.

Chin up man. What's funny about dating a girl sporting a dick bigger than yours?

Don't ever let anyone ever tell you that sucking a dick makes you gay ok.

You know there is a way to link back alt accounts to mains, right?


how tho

Why are you not riding and sucking that glorious she cock? You're missing out on all the fun!

The only laughing stalk is that inky winky between your legs gay boy.

Stalk is being kind

You should get a real girlfriend.

Nothing wrong with being a gay guy with a micropenis dating a mental illness.

I have to ask, what did you think would happen posting this online?

I’m not gay, but you idiots linked it to get laughs.

You're fucking a dude. That's pretty gay.

Excuse me, traps aren't gay.

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You literally are dating someone with a large dick. Try and convince yourself that is straight. Nothing screams heterosexual male than sucking a big dick.

Nothing screams heterosexual male than sucking a big dick

This, but unironically.

Limbering up those mental muscles I see.

You're trying pretty hard, whoever you are.

What attracted you to your girlfriend given that they are pre transition? If there's any physical attraction, if they ever gave you an erection, then you are gay.

meh. the people shitting on you for your relationship are going to be like that anyway. There's no one on drama who isn't an example of cultivated and procured shame. Just own it anyway and its not shame.

Mate, you publicly posted that you have a girlfriend that's a fucking guy

We get it, you don't want to say that you're gay, and that you have to date a dude that plays dressup.

Wow thanks for trying to make me a laughing stalk.

In the first place, it's "laughing stock," not "laughing stalk." A laughing stalk is what unsuccessful assassins who can't contain their giggling do. Secondly, no one here is trying to make you a laughing stock because everyone here is well aware that you beat them to the punch. You're fucking a dude and pretending he's a chick. Stop lying to yourself by saying he's really a woman and it's not gay, and worse expecting the rest of us to enable your delusions. It's Current Year +3, and we've pretty much accepted that dudes fuck other dudes sometimes. Just own it. You'll be happier with yourself.

America was a mistake

big if true.

Am I the only one curious to know how "passable" this trap is?


There's no such thing as a passable trap. We don't have the technology yet.

Are you saying that Maury Povich was a big fat phoney?

Don't get the reference sorry. Isn't Maury Povich some talk show host dude?

Yes. He would occasionally do a show they called "Man or Woman". Here's a clip that isn't too bad a quality.

Ah right. I get you now. That's pretty funny. Some of those are very... passable.

I'll try anything once.

Only once? Judging by your user name, I'd guess you go back for seconds quite often.

Well, xe's got a huge donger, so I'm guessing "not very".

I mean..... If we're not looking at the woman non womans dick I wonder how much of a woman this non woman woman looks.

Why is this in r/drama? The only drama is people here jumping on the dude and his gf.

Dude and his boyfriend. Ftfy

Seriously. The guy posted in a support subreddit for people who date trans about an insecurity from dating a trans. The only drama is from this subreddit going "hue hue hue hue! You're dating someone with a penis!" like it's fucking 1950 and baby Jesus cries when penises touch.

Cry more

Cry more

happy cake day faggot

Actually, it is [current year]+3

men in drag and women who secretly have a penis have been comedy staples for decades

keep yourself safe friend

I think the drama is that someone is calling a something with a dick female. Don't get your feelings hurt friend.

[Agenda post]

So much for the tolerant center

Tolerate doesn't mean you can't find them ridiculous too and make fun them. That is a true Southpark neutral.

If you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.

Sometimes we are the drama

I think the discussion here is actually more interesting than the discussion there over there. Sure there's the usual bussy jokes and 'traps are gay', but the real drama is watching dinosaurs struggle with questions that they never would have been able to dream of.

It's beautiful and awful.

The drama happens now. When the post is at +80, people are having fun, and people like you show up because no fun allowed.

One time i was bangin this dude from behind and i went for the classic reach around and he had a boner and im like ew gross what are you a fag??


Where’s the drama

Manufactured by OP.

OP here, not OP of original thread

I plead guilty.

I guess it starts now, when people like you start asking that question but the post is already at +80.

ISIS is right

Islam is basically prison gay, but ISIS was solving that problem by capturing lots of women to rape.


Transphobia sure is fun.

Are you shaming people with phobia? That's ableist af tbh bbq

Drama is lgbtq friendly btw. Bussy btw hahaha we are so inclusive. "Mayocide" but "its ok to be white" is totally a serious concern. Fuck off


u/DeadLittleSister GN poly w/ MTF Wife + GF Mate[M] M H [score hidden] 44 minutes ago stickied comment

Hey guys. I'm going to lock this thread just because it's been linked to other places and some trolls/homophobes may keep filtering in to drop their nonsense. I'd suggest starting a new thread or going to pm if ya'll want to continue.

Imagine being this retarded cucked cucktarded.

u/DeadLittleSister my dude. Just because you snipped your dick doesn't make you not a dude. Hombre


I don't think you have to imagine.

This, but unironically.

fucking a trap is one thing, but fucking a trap with a bigger dick is just sad

if you're gonna go, go big, yeah?

*Being fucked by

Use it or lose it

I'm going to lock this thread just because it's been linked to other places and some trolls/homophobes may keep filtering in to drop their nonsense.

wait.. but I thought that.. uh... wait.. uh?

Straight males somehow manage to be more obsessed about penis sizes than gay men

Most of the time I manage not to be, but if it turned out that the girl I was dating had a bigger penis than mine - or even a slightly smaller one - I expect it would become a pressing concern quite quickly, yes.

Isn't size queen original gay slang?

cultural appropriation of gay culture is nothing new smfh

Too bad the hets couldn't appropriate AIDS as well amirite?

I think the blacks try

I met this lady in Hollywood. She had green hair, but damn she looked good. I took her to my house, cause she was fine, But she whipped out a dick that was bigger than mine.

woman do not have penises ever