Someone in /r/StarWars gets mad over a female character wearing tight clothing.

88  2018-01-09 by SpacePanther17


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Well put niggerpenis

Good point JasonJewnova


Kagura is a dog whistle for bussy

Litter box is a known shill for ((pizza))

a) Skin-tight suits? REEEEEEEE

b) Sexy women ? REEEEEEE

c) male artist ? REEEEEE

3 NoFappers got triggered...😒 someone show them porn parody of star wars, they might go insane.

And slightly aroused.

Tfw no twi'lek gf


Honestly, almost anyone is better than Donald.

Btw, do you think that this fan art is sexist?

Sexist is an invention of liberalism meant to depose men as the rightful rulers of this society. Does that answer your question?

Not really, could you give a serious answer? Plz😉

I don't know how an outfit could be sexist tbh

Well people in that thread seem to.

Ok, maybe I try to formulate better questions?

Do you think that the artist of this fanart showed his sexist tendencies by giving a robe to the dude and a skin-tight outfit to her? Should they both been in skimpy suits or both in robes? Does this matter?

I don't even understand why you're asking me these questions. This kind of discussion is autism-level peering into fecal matter. The answer is that it doesn't matter. I'd rather kill myself than think about whether Star Wars fan art is sexist. No offense though, just not my cup of tea.

I just want an opinion of a centrist dramanaut, is that too much to ask😭 Plus as you know there are subs full of lonely neckbeards, which would give a shit about this, they are on different sides though, retarded sides......😈

Most of the canonical women in Star Wars have worn form-fitting clothing, so I don't see what's "sexist" about portraying that in art.

Padme wore a suit kinda like that in Episode II, IIRC.

Thanks for your opinion, but you know, some people will say " muh male gaze"; " muh men portrayed these characters in this way"; " now we have a woman at the helm so no more tits 4 you.....cry white maaaaaaales, cry".

As yo see in linked thread.

Well, they're all dum-dum poopy pants idiots. So there.

"the rightful rulers of society"....good luck ever having a job where you have to work with women...though i'm guessing you're like 18 years old based on your level of idiot



Don't tell him, shithead!



Rock 2020

Gas all nerds.

This, but unironically.

/u/Shakespearean_Rumba, like WH40K and grand strategy games, the EU was marketed to and paid for by virgin neckbeards like yourself. If anyone owns the characters from Star Wars Legends (barf) it’s the male nerds. Kindly kill yourself decide to fade away into a pile of clothes so future movies can better sell toys to young girls.

so future movies can better sell toys to young girls.

lmao short hasbro stocks



/u/Shakespearean_Rumba is a future rapist.

This is well in keeping with the theme of this subreddit, I suppose.

“Women should only wear baggy robes and muumuus because anything showing off their body is sexist and makes my peepee feel funny.”

-Future rapist and nu-puritan /u/Shakesspearean_Rumba

Autism? Yeah.

Wait, why does he get a robe and she has to wear that skintight thing?

I just want to be clear here, but you know that she's a fictional character right?

/u/Shakespearean_Rumba made both of these comments with apparently no self-awareness whatsoever.

This needs to be top post of this thread. Do you think that you will get an answer?

u/Zongified44 thank you for being the voice of reason in that thread. I salute you


Defending with Sabre on her right, while force pushing or pulling to the left. So her and Jacen are covering each other using Sabres and force...We can’t see their enemies so hard to say.

Holy shit autism

that was way more boring than i thought it would be

Don't tell them about Samus.

/u/Shakespearean_Rumba sounds like they’re a male feminist, and I find myself wondering how many people they’ve raped this week.