Redpiller is mad about people not worshiping America

52  2018-01-10 by ineedmorealts


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Dont lie /u/BluepillProfessor, your inbred little mongoloid of a son had to Google that math. White trash can't do math. Little retard has to wear a helmet outside I'm assuming?

I doubt /u/BluepillProfessor even has a son, he's a redpiller so you know he's an incel virgin.

IDK trailer trash does like to breed.

On the other hand no way his kid would be going to (((public school))) so it's probably a ruse.

His wife is a lawyer and he is a stay at home dad; his wife literally helped write his book as well. /u/BluepillProfessor is about non-alpha as you get.

Did the user name give it away?

That your wife wrote your book, supports you, takes care of your kids, and basically spoon feeds a man-child who is more like a fuckin' epsilon from Brave New World than an alpha? Yeah, the stupid fucking name gave that away.

Maybe if you were a really good boy, or were better looking, or had a larger instrument, or at least knew how to use it then you could find a woman to support you while you wrote papers and books, and traveled around the world. I can see how that might make you angry trudging home from your $15.00 an hour job.

I'm retired sparky, retired at 30 on my own, nice try though.

I bet youre so beta your wife fucks you with a dildo. After fucking some BBC.

The mayo mind is capable of some pretty impressive feats when high on oxy.


My 10 y/o son told me in a serious voice: "You know, Columbus killed over 200,000 Native Americans."

I lost my shit, completely.

Why? What kind of retard are you that your mad about you son saying a man known for committing genocide committed genocide?

THIS is what our children are taught to believe. America wasn't founded in a vast, mostly empty wilderness!!! NO! We STOLE the land from the Indians.

Lol you realize both can be true right? America was a vast and mostly empty wilderness (At least after disease killed a few million American Indians) but that vast and mostly empty wilderness belonged to a bunch of different tribes. Did you just not learn about shit like the trail of tears?

--650,000 died freeing the slaves.

Or trying to keep them enslaved, depending on your view.

--400,000 died freeing Europe from Nazism.

And nearly a million have died in the middle east because America wanted to play in the sand

--100,000 died in futile Asian wars to defeat Communism.

And millions more died after America "won" similar wars in Latin America and installed pro-America dictators who committed countless crimes against humanity.

You're country is responsible for a insane amount of death and human suffering

Here are 3 tips to avoid being "killed" by America.

Lol this is gonna be good.

Don't send suicide bombers to murder our citizens;

Name one country the US has invaded that did this.

don't blow up disco techs and kill our soldiers;

I don;t even know what this is referencing but I bet those soldiers were invading the bombers country and the bombers took issue with it

Don't build weapons of mass destruction and threaten international stability.

Oh my god hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahhahahahahahah

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Iraq didn't have WMDs. The Syrian government had chemical weapons which it destroyed because America threatened to support various Syrian rebels. America then supported those rebels anyway. And as the icing on the shit cake, many of those rebel groups went on to form ISIS

If you avoid attacking America directly we rarely get involved

You are retarded if you believe this

troll account, youre retarded

He's not a troll, he's been posting retarded shit for 3 years. He's just retarded.

So, you think it's impossible for people to troll for 3 years?

Why are you here? You get what this sub (usually, not for the last few weeks, but usually) is? Not an anti-Trump circlejerk or a new edition of SRD (alright, maybe lately). It's a place where trolls troll each other, and everyone else.

You're both retarded.




its not for gamegate faggots either, end yourself

He is not a troll, he is serious. He also wrote a book

So, you think it's impossible for people to troll for their entire life?

Why are you here? You get what this world (usually, not for the last few weeks, but usually) is? Not an anti-Trump circlejerk or a new edition of the USSR (alright, maybe lately). It's a place where trolls troll each other, and everyone else.

You're both retarded.

This is /r/drama m8, all I do is make unfunny comments and shag yer nan.

/u/BluepillProfessor is the real deal, he even wrote a book -- no fucking joke. The guy is some stay at home father who's wife takes care of him.

he even wrote a book













Living the NEET dream.

What fag thinks rebutting a retarded person should be something they should waste time on?

It's a gamble. If the retard replies with an equally long "counterargument" it pays off tenfold, but unfortunately it's most likely to be ignored and wasted effort

I'm imagining this sperg getting more and more excited for each rebuttal he makes , thinking about all the upvotes his fellow le redditors will be giving him must've made his dick hard

This one!

It's the way of this sub lately. Too many lefties, so every time one of them starts long, ranting serious-posts, they get too many upvotes.

Forreal when did this place become so left leaning ?

Since everyone saw how much it makes you cry.

i thought that would help though :(

It did. Can't you read, or are the tears blurring your vision?

I cant read anyway :(

Is that why you're crying then?

it's more r/circlebroke than cb2 tbh

The disco tech thing is momar qaddafi I believe. Home skillet was old school terrorist before that was even a thing

9-11 didn't happen


don't blow up disco techs and kill our soldiers;

I don;t even know what this is referencing but I bet those soldiers were invading the bombers country and the bombers took issue with it

Those soldiers were in Germany in the 1980s. So I guess if you're as edgy as all those kids saying the Korean War was an American invasion, then defending Germany against the Soviets would be an invasion too.

The Syrian government had chemical weapons which it destroyed because America threatened to support various Syrian rebels. America then supported those rebels anyway. And as the icing on the shit cake, many of those rebel groups went on to form ISIS

That's a pretty bizarre take on events that happened only a few years ago, but I suppose if you're only 15 now, you wouldn't have been paying much attention back then.

Did you see that guy's post and decide that you'd try to outdo him because retardation is a competitive sport?

9-11 didn't happen

Never said that.

That's a pretty bizarre take on events that happened only a few years ago

Tbh I pay pretty minimum attention to the actions of the American armed forces, because I can always just say they're fucking about in the middle east and be right

Tbh I'm not surprised. People from your country tend to be unable to find the Middle East on a map.

People from your country tend to be unable to find the Middle East on a map.

No, that's the Americans. Pretty surprising really, considering they love fucking about in it so much

That's a whole lot of serious posting.

U mad, bro?

U mad, bro?

not just mad, buttmad

Neither my argument, nor my IQ are affected by your ad-hominems. If you think that argument is low IQ fuck try to wrap your head around the fact that the Republican Party was created to oppose slavery while the Democrat party leaders, as late as the 1960's PUBLICLY bragged they would have "these niggars voting democrat for the next 100 years" once they passed the welfare plan and deliberately destroyed the black family.

They did it purely for their geopolitical interest.

Republicans on the other hand shed blood to free the slaves and it certainly was not in their geopolitical interest to do so.

This is some great pasta.

Did a child write this?

Read up on the Southern Strategy you retarded white trash.

Right! I will celebrate my heritage and in the same way other racial groups handle their past, I choose to omit or at least limit the atrocities of my ancestors.

I don't hear Hispanics talk about the absolute merciless murder of Apaches who migrated to the U.S. for protection from genocide and which was far, far, far worse than anything the U.S. did.

I don't hear Blacks talk about the African warlords and slave master selling their own people into bondage.

I don't hear Arabs talk about the enslavement of a MILLION white women over 600 years before the First Crusade.

My point is ALL races have committed atrocities. Some of you think that makes me "deranged" which shows how terribly skewed the conversation has become.

Saying Whites are no worse than other groups is "deranged." Got it!

I am done playing the "Me Too" game and prefer to talk about the CONTRIBUTIONS to civilization, technology, health, and social well being by racial group instead of by atrocity. Perhaps some Egyptian mummies may shed some light on some of the relative contribution claims?

Oooo pasta

hes literally quoting the OP linked thread.

learn to read nerd

Nigga I ain't got time to read I have to call people white trash.

Calling people white trash regardless of whether or not they are merely pretending is exactly the kind of attitude we need here.

Neither my argument, nor my IQ are affected by your ad-hominems. If you think that argument is low IQ fuck try to wrap your head around the fact that the Republican Party was created to oppose slavery while the Democrat party leaders, as late as the 1960's PUBLICLY bragged they would have "these niggars voting democrat for the next 100 years" once they passed the welfare plan and deliberately destroyed the black family.

They did it purely for their geopolitical interest.

Republicans on the other hand shed blood to free the slaves and it certainly was not in their geopolitical interest to do so.

Fuck off you stupid fuck, you can't meme yourself out of that kind of fail

Baleet your account.

You're just salty that nobody wants your rotten bussy.

as late as the 1960's PUBLICLY bragged they would have "these niggars voting democrat for the next 100 years"

These niggars?

I'm most offended by the misuse of geopolitical.

Is it not related to both cake and hair gel?

i think my favorite part of this line of reasoning is that it relies on a belief that republicans have never said anything racist

Which subreddit did link to this 3 month old thread?

Seems like some idiots like /u/-dsh, /u/Lilpims or /u/Turd_King got nothing more to do than to cause drama. SMH! Unbelievable.


On a scale of 1 to Betty White, how old has to be a thread before you stop commenting on them?

Ok? What exactly is your problem?

Answer the question

Definitely older than Betty White. And what exactly is the problem?

Answer the question

I did, it's your turn now

Answer the question

a real jokester

Answer the question


What are u talking about u loser

Imagine writing all that and never once thinking to yourself "Am I retarded?"

This is the fundamental problem with the retarded - the thinking.



Well theres your problem

Do you even Dunning-Kruger?

It tells a lot about this community that such a larping retard is "TRP endorsed".

Kids today have absorbed the anti-American propaganda and they seem to truly believe it. They believe that the Indians had cities, and farms, and networks of roads, and canals, and power plants and skyscrapers and tens of millions of people living safely and harmoniously at one with nature. Then the EEEEEVILLL WHITE MEN came in and stole all of that infrastructure right out from under them.


Literally nobody believes that but ok, lel

I'm sure they loved all those power plants and skyscrapers in the 1700's

Wait, is this the intro of Avatar?

The fake conversations this guy has with his fake son are hilarious. Notice how his brainwashed, yet somehow also incredibly smart kid gets the idea "immediately". So much for brainwashing.

Well that's because OP brings forth common sense. The only people who disagree with him are vulnerable children and ebil people who choose to believe lies.

/r/redpill "field reports" have got to be some of the fakest shit I've ever read on this site.

Here's one from the very subject of this post.

Goddamn. The fucking smug in this asshole.

TLDR: # ME TOO is working! # MGTOW4LIFE

How are you "MGTOW4LIFE" if you have a wife?

The Aztecs say hi

Actually they don't say anything because you whities people killed them mayocide2018

Oh yeah, I'm really going to mourn a bunch of savages who used to cut people's hearts out and worship a freaky spider-god called 'The Decapitator'.

The Aztecs were basically D&D Goblins. Good riddance.

They at least took showers you dirty mayo lol gottem #rekt

You're just jealous you don't get to worship a freaky spider-god.

Was it freaky-weird or freaky-sexy?

I'll let you decide

A civilization so brutal and violent to their neighbors that the minute Spaniards landed on the Yucutan Peninsula asking where the gold was locals eagerly pointed them in the direction of Tenochtitlan and gave them supplies to help them along.

This reminds of those German war crime denial threads on /his/.

Glad to see the genre is living on.

America is trash but Columbus is an Italian-American hero.

lmao this is next-level retarded. does he think native americans are a jewish conspiracy or something?

If you weren't a smugposter, you'd probably recognize a very obvious troll when you saw one.

Life isn't as fun if you assume every retard shitposting on the internet is a troll

cry more

White folks dindu nuffin

I assume you mean are the protesters being "Alpha" not are they "Red Pill" because no, I don't see this as "Red Pill" or blue pill. It has nothing to do with sexual strategy. However on the "alpha" question, just about anybody in the NFL is "Alpha" by definition. Most of them are beyond "Alpha" and are practically meta human super powered mutants so if they are protesting it must be "Alpha."

However, if a Green Beret or Navy Seal stands for the flag that is also "Alpha" so since we get to choose which "alpha" behaviors we wish to emulate, I choose the patriots.

Man I don't even like the internet anymore. Someone posted this and geniunely believed that it added to the discussion. I think the problem with the internet is that there are people on it. If you took away all the people and just left the sexy singles in my area, I'd prefer that.


I too like to fabricate conversations and people in order to justify making strawman arguments.

Yes, a lot of those were straw man arguments! Kudos for noticing.

lol being this brainwashed into patriotism.

Really sad for this guy, thinking a piece of cloth and a dumb game about burly dudes chasing an egg is something to be respected.

absolute 100% pity.


I'm American, this guy needs to watch Naruto. Cycle of pain and hate arnt the way to go fam