A literal Drama retard's guide (aka written for you) to using the ?context tag

132  2018-01-11 by ModsMicroPeen

A lot of you stupid fuckwits are linking to individual threads, which is good because it's easier to spot the drama rather than being a lazy fuck like me and linking to comments sorted by controversial (if I even feel like doing that much). However, you fucking morons aren't using the ?context tag which requires all of us drama llamas to laboriously click on "parent" until it becomes apparent what the fuck is going on.

Let's use an example. Let's say you are convicted pedophile /u/CultOfCuck and you make this post linking to a specific thread on /r/pics.

So you click on the link, with a semi-chub, eagerly awaiting the SJW drama, and you see this post:

My son was born with a big set of balls, but we’re letting him decide if he wants to be a fax machine or a couch but he has to decide before he turns 3

Now, you're confused, because the /r/pics image says:

Your Inability to Grasp Science is NOT A Valid Argument Against It

So what does one thing have to do with another? Frantically, you click "Parent" a few times and you see the entire chain:

Only 2 genders

Nuh uh genders can be created by anyone out of thin air.

My son was born with a big set of balls, but we’re letting him decide if he wants to be a fax machine or a couch but he has to decide before he turns 3

Now it makes a bit more sense (actually, not really).

This entire disaster could have been averted if the fucking retard /u/CultOfCuck were smart enough to use the context tag.

The context tag will still highlight the post in question in yellow, however it will also show you upthread for a certain number of posts.

If /u/CultOfCuck had linked to this:


Instead of this


Then the context of the thread in question would have been apparent immediately by clicking through.

To use, click on Permalink to get the URL of the post in question, then add ?context=X where X is the number of upthread messages to display. X can be up to and including 10, I believe.

In conclusion, go fuck yourself.


why is the bot literally the best consistent poster

Because the bar is low enough that showing up is all it takes.

TY for your service o7





F U 😘

Effort posts?

In my /r/Drama?

Do you even giffort? Effort posts are kind of our thing here.

It's more likely than you think.

And for your own safety, be sure to always use an np. link instead of www.


salt the earth

day of canning can't come soon enough for the likes of you.

That's not funny, my brother got banned that way

The worst thing is when people put www.np., which triggers an insecure connection warning.

> Not knowing user mentions don’t alert users in self posts.


Snappy did it though.

Not caring

>Not using \>


Thanks famrade.

Nobody without crippling autism cares.

Thank G-d for high-functioning autism.

Thank you for this. I'm going to steal it in about six months for easy upvotes.


Why wait?

Context is for cucks.


It's not a tag, it's an URL parameter.






Since there's no applicable conflicting technical term called "tag" in this context, I overrule your objection and allow it.

overruled your 9th circuit shit with my supreme court dick.

You could be a really shitty rap artist. Pursue your dreams whitey

_if it's not a rapper that I make it as

Imma be a fuckin' rapist in a Jason mask_

That was very white. Well done

You're right. OP needs to be strung up for his crime

Hey fuck you I just got back from drinking IRL and you were digitally harassing me? (((Alert the press at once.)))

I may try harder if you send me more booze.

Also I just used the existing SRS link, so really, go blame them fuckface. :P

However, you fucking morons aren't using the ?context tag which requires all of us drama llamas to laboriously click on "parent" until it becomes apparent what the fuck is going on

Protip: If you have RES, you get an option to show more context on the top of the comment chain.

use RES


good thing i never intend to submit anything here. too much work, reflexive shitposting is just so much easier.

You are literally worse than the avereage Redditor. I mean this with complete sincerity.

i thought we were pals

You are literally worse than the avereage Redditor. I mean this with complete sincerity.


oh man i was just teaching people about this, you're doing the Lord's work.

and by that I mean, you're doing my work.

This is unironically useful.

I wish I could be half as comfortable for even a moment as cats look all the time.

Lol I was suppose to link this https://i.imgur.com/6M7AKOW.png

That seems about as relevant as the last link.

looking for relevance


That involves effort, and anybody who exhibits effort here is automatically a tryhard, and tryhards are losers. We hold these truths to be self evident.