For once I support the opinion of /r/blackladies : here's why we need mayocide NOW

88  2018-01-12 by IAintThatGuy


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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White women

(((White))) """women"""

The correct term is "mayo-american women"

Or acceptable form is "subhuman"

Literally a synonym of "mayo" and "white"


Rhythmically challenged femoid

Deaf roastie

Surely you mean female milkskin?

Or maw for short


was that one MGTOW post actually true? The eternal womyn responsible for destroying the west.

Where dey at?

I have a major thing for both white and asian women. Whats my prognosis?

This is my kink.

When the people who invented and perfected twerking think your dancing is too ridiculous, you've gotta stop and listen.

WTF twerking is awesome.

They agree. For them every danse is a different variation of twerking.

If only.

If you're telling me that women bending over and shaking their ass and calling it a "dance" is a bad thing then I'll happily enjoy my bad thing.

Did you look at those women?

I hate this meme, but I think it's time you converted to Bussy.

Wow, how many levels of European is this?

You mean as a measure of inbreeding?

This is like UK pakis breed with Hapsburgers.

That would be outbreeding tho

its kind of beautiful

At least they're not hambeasts (usually it's fatties that gravitate, pun intended, towards anything low effort they can call "dancing" to justify binging on fast food before, during and after).

All Eurofags support cultural enrichment, not likely

We still have our share of inbreds (if only the remains of nobility).

gas the royals tbh

Literal welfare Queen.

This but unironically.

Morons who don't realize inbreeding is far more common in nignog areas. Smh

Sorry white people also culturally appropriated inbreeding.

Dude, have you ever seen Brooklyn? The odds are much higher of this being from Williamsburg or Portland or something. Besides, they would all be smoking cigarettes if this was European

drug-addled california hippies have been doing shit like this since the 60s

theres probably someone dancing like this in san francisco as you read these words

Kent State was entirely justified.

Nixon didn't go far enough!

Level: fucking terrifying. Contemplating mayociding myself tonight (though mostly to get brain away from remembering video of ugly body movements).

Man modern lamaze class is weird as fuck

/u/CicelyTyson Please chill with your bigotry. White women have it extremely hard in the modern world. Have you even bothered to read lena dunham's book? Check your privilege please, Odell Beckham wouldn't even look at her!

Appropriation from ancient tribal dances (because they are NOT the first to do interpretive/storytelling dance)?

/u/the_superfantastic are you fucking serious


/u/the_superfantastic obviously interpretive dance started in Africa since that's where we all originated from and ritual movement has been around forever. Were they supposed to stop doing it after they migrated to new places so as not to appropriate the culture of their anscestors?

Eating food originated in Africa.

If you're not from Africa and you eat food, you're appropriating African culture.


But isn't starving even more African?

...I agree that it is white nonsense? I don't know what they were doing.

I suggested they were appropriating interpretive dance from African/ancient tribal cultures - because they're definitely not the first to do interpretive dance, which is what the NYT Post seemed to imply.

...what's the issue again?

I think it has to do with your inane over-use of the term "appropriation". For the record, when you constantly use these terms without any regard than it results in everyone just rolling their eyes. Also, you do realize white people had ancient tribal cultures right? They danced around fires and did dumb shit like everyone else.

Overuse? Literally only used "appropriation" once. In the appropriate context, not carelessly.

Sure, of course white people had ancient tribal cultures. Should have said "African" or "black", but - seriously? That's the issue?

I agree that it's white nonsense. Writing didn't translate, but shrug. Not pressed about it. Have a good weekend.

I think you need to have a good hard look at yourself this weekend for trying to invalidate the rich cultural history of paleolithic European vacuum dance.

I'm this close to using the fed up Viola Davis gif on you.

Also, you do realize white people had ancient tribal cultures right? They danced around fires and did dumb shit like everyone else.

White people are descended from black people.

It stands to reason that the forensic evidence of superiority would first manifest in cellular DNA, which is the BLUEPRINT of every life form. THOUGHTS initiate at the cellular level. Therefore, it is in the Cellular DNA we look for the SOURCE of a problem or solution.

Given that Black women (XX) are the first conscious life forms to appear on this CARBON planet that travels in 3rd orbit of a BLACK SUN...many, MANY ages ago, how are you able to intellectualize the superiority of white women over Black women? If you're so OBSERVANT, please identify any facts in eternal nature that validates the superiority of white women over Black women.

Can you explain how the Caucasoid female, the mother of the HUMAN APES (Type A/B/AB | Type A=Chimpanzee | Type B=Gorilla) is superior when she was formed through a violent mutation of the mitochondrial DNA sourced within the BIOLOGY of the INDIGENOUS Black woman???

How is a BY-PRODUCT superior to its ORIGINAL??? Only in Caucasian logic.

If there was a catastrophe that wiped out ALL of the world's population, Black OVARY-occupants, original XX Queens of a CARBON Black Universe, would re-appear!!!

The INDIGENOUS Black woman was first to invoke CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE and demonstrate through her own biology/physiology how energy (carbon magnetic waves) forms matter (electrical particles). According to AfRAkan records, Black women were the FIRST high priestesses, physicists, astronomers, scientists, chemists, Ma'athematicians and are responsible for our culture of PURE NATURAL NUMBERS and the technologies we enjoy today!

If you are a lice-prone straight-haired mutant genetic recessive with Type A/B/AB ape-protocol blood and your ancestors were cave dwellers in Asia with alabaster skin, flat buttocks, tails and body fur, you are a SIMIAN! Your greatest grandmother was an APE!

Type A = Chimpanzee Type B = Gorilla

Cellular DNA and blood types don't lie...

As indigenous origins our genes are non-recessive, completely coded and biologically efficient, by default.

Those with permanent gene defections aka recessive DNA are not completely coded and biologically inefficient. This has been documented extensively in medical journals and science periodicals. Gene defections among the HUMANS--the APE BLOODS--is what drives research and development.

Indigenous Blacks are the predecessors of the HUMAN RACE whose members are genetically hybridized with APE PROTOCOL BLOOD CODES A/B/AB (Type A = Chimpanzee | Type B = Gorilla).

Indigenous origins are AUTOCHTHONS whose genetics are non-recessive and PRIME BASE and are the TRUE OWNERS of Type O or Zero blood.

As the genetic parent of red, brown, yellow and white peoples, autochthons are SUPPOSED to be BLACK.

We are NOT derivatives. We are PRIME BASE.

Recessive Caucasoid groups (from Asia) delude themselves by thinking they are THE prototype for conscious life forms. There is no accountability for their criminal pathology through which they espouse WHITE HEGEMONY.

It is NOT a coincident that BLACKS are nature's representatives. Nature is encoded throughout our entire physiology. If you want to know and understand how the universe functions, we possess the codes within our cells. No other race has them.

White people don't descend from Blacks, they were created by Blacks 6,600 years ago.

so, in the end...

we wuz all kings? all along?

Negative Ghost Rider.

Only the original black man wuz kangs. Whites, Reds, Yellows, and everything that isn't Midnight cannot be kangs.

how did you know i like Ghost Rider?

spy cam.

can you replace my figure?

Our relationship is like that movie "Sliver" but without the rape. I'm a traditionalist you see so I only like to watch.

which is what the NYT Post seemed to imply.

I'm sure NYT implied these people are the first to do interpretive dance.

That's definitely not from someone reading with a victim complex bias.

Riddle me this. Are dreads appropriation?

i mean white nonsesnse means creating a harmless dance. black nonsense is living in a white country and criticizing white people for their benevolence to your inferior race...




well said

Y'all seen under the skin?

That white nonsense was nonsensical

/u/maximae2 - why do you hate joy?

because /u/maximae2 thinks thiks the twerking movements that she does in front of male blacks doesn't make her look like a crazed gorrila female in front of other people

Why don't you support the milkocide, /u/leftblane?


Wtf is the milkocide?

When people say being White strips people of their humanity, this must be part of what they mean.

We agree with you, /u/Rhombus2. Being of the incorrect skin colour does, indeed, make you a subhuman.

Being of the incorrect skin colour does, indeed, make you a subhuman.

If you think I'm talking about skin color or categorizing people as "subhuman" you have no idea what I'm talking about, should probably learn how racism works, and likely need to go work out your own issues.

> being White strips people of their humanity

>>If you think I'm talking about skin color or categorizing people as "subhuman" you have no idea what I'm talking about

really activates my almonds

No no no you see white is a state of mind, not an appearance. That's why the mayocide must come from within #woke

What /u/Rhombus2 means is that she doesn't hate white people, she hates white culture.

And who doesn't

Did you see those fucking women dancers


Does /u/rhombus2 hate white culture because black men prefer cumskins over black people?

The black men are only dating white womenz to do their part in the mayocide.

What are you doing to contribute to the mayocide, /u/rhombus2?

Does /u/rhombus2 hate white culture because black men prefer cumskins over black people?

The black men are only dating white womenz to do their part in the mayocide.

What are you doing to contribute to the mayocide, /u/rhombus2?

wish u apes would burn already tbh

Wish You cumskins would fuck already.

if ur niggerspeak meant anything ur whole race would already be dead lol

I mean I don't see how being white makes one automatically some hippy dippy new age retard.

I'm white and I'll have you know I have only 2 energy crystals in my house.

I know very well about how racism works.

I agree with you that people of certain races are subhuman.

You have no idea what I'm talking about if you disagree with me.

Well, first off, I agree with you in that some races are subhuman compared to others. That's standard practcie in this subreddit. What, do you think that we're just pretending to desire the milkocide? Also, stating that people who disagree with youa re incorrect without supporting arguments is not a good idea, m8.

This incoherent ranting is not a good look for us

Please Kip Yourself to Sleep

I do not like bleachpelts of any colour and wish for them to die. Is that such a bad thing?

They are a disease upon this world, a cancer which must be excised.

I don't care if they are removed from the gene-pool of our species by the superior melanoids outbreeding them or a violent genocide.

All I desire is the end of the mutated, stunted semialbinoids which taint our species.

Good lord, you type like you are some unholy union of autism and schizophrenia

Totally appropriate here, carry on and have my upvote

Thank you, m8. The ability to type like you're giving a religious sermon is at least somewhat useful.

He's clearly a burger. We don't teach read'n and write'n no mo, only shooting and raping.

stating that people who disagree with youa re incorrect without supporting arguments is not a good idea


This is exactly the problem with you people. You go online and make edgy (albeit perfectly correct) comments about whites being subhuman, and when someone challenges you you respond with some milquetoast, equivocal bullshit like "ah but see I really just meant to make some totally banal comment about how racism functions blah blah blah having privilege means you ignore injustice against your fellow human something something and therefore whites lack humanity."

Stop LARPing you spineless twat. Be for the mayocide or be against it, but remember that collaborators, liberals, and moderates (i.e., you) get the bullet too.

Out of curiosity can I ask what percentage of your ancestors are white? Because quite honestly you never see any of this bullshit with pure blooded PoC. Ask a black man whose bloodline hasn't been corrupted what they think of whites, and they will tell you unequivocally that whites are subhuman and can't be allowed to go on existing.

So are you for or against the mayocide?

i mean I guess u wouldn't consider it racist if I say that being black strips people of their intelligence,feeling, humanity and makes them act like devolved monkeys who eat their own feces right? i mean its not according to you.

Do u no de way

Is there a single reason why whites should be allowed to exist?


sidebar, now.

Idk how to CSS lol

How can you even be a mod then?

Lol you don’t have to know how to mod to be a drama mod

Then make me mod and I'll do it.

smdh yall wypipo need to stop fam

Heads up, r/drama is lurking in here. Please report any bullshit you see.

Also don't engage with them over there.

/u/maximae2 I don't think you fully understand, we're with you on this one.

/u/maximae2 how do I support the cause of mayocide? This kind of shit needs to be stopped.

...other than suicide, of course. I'm too selfish for that.

According to trump supporters (every single one btw), you can mayocide just by dating outside of your race, no death is even needed 🤔.

Yeah but cleansing mayos is a hoot, why'd you wanna miss that?

no death is even needed

Isn't dating outside your race how you get AIDS?

I'm a trump supporter, that's a stupid statement, got any thing to back it up? I'd love to laugh at my own side.

They're keeping their lolcows locked up?



/u/maximae2 u tel dei whait devuls how's it gunna be qween

throwing a banana at /u/maximae2 has a better chane of maiing her respond to u

/u/maximae2 I don't think you fully understand, we're with you on this one.

I don't know about that. The kids in /r/blackladies like to play radical on the internet, but they'd never actually support the mayocide. Getting rid of the white bloodline means exactly that, getting rid of anyone and everyone who has even a shred of white DNA, and that includes most "black" people, at least in the American context of that word.

In fact the very existence of a place like /r/blackladies, where the vast majority of posters are not pure blooded PoC but like to go online and pretend that their souls haven't been corrupted by degenerate mayo blood, is simply a testament to why whitey cannot be allowed to exist.

Plus the blacks need the whites. Because whites have mastered the art of crafting EBT cards. If you look at Africa, the blacks there are unhappy because they don't have that skill.

u/maximae2 tell us your mayocide plans

The irony of them thinking less of of a culture because of where they're from is baffling.

r/blackladies, like r/conservative, T_D, and most of the neo-right subs has the distinct honor of banning me for making a valid point.

Fuck you u/maximae2, what are you their slave driver?

Someone really need to invent a text-to-speech that imitates a female Ugandan Knuckles, then we'l be able to enjoy browsing /r/blackladies as if we were there IRL.

these black ladies dont even kno de wey smdh


That reminded me of this thing by Yoko Ono, not directly, but very similar in spirit. Is she considered mayo? I think so, definitely.

I'm not sure the japs want her back, or acknowledge her, so mayos are stuck with her (as a punishment for those 2 atomics bombs).

It's hard to tell which is the worst crime against humanity to be fair.

That's definitely what he should have done.

This is such a stupidly funny video lol.

The white race was a mistake

Yakub fucked up

Are you implying black people are behind it? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

I wasn't even going to watch the video until I saw the comment about pokies.

How great that for once the retarded "art" stuff isn't done by fatties?

If the women in that video were black they'd probably call it "powerful" lmao

#blackgirlmagic #wewuzkangs

Appropriation from ancient tribal dances (because they are NOT the first to do interpretive/storytelling dance)?

aaannnd I'm done.

/r/blackladies posting template :

We wuz [% INSERT NOUN %]

I had no idea they’d dropped a new season of Strangers with Candy

I wish.


Thank you for noticing the only interesting part in that whole story.

They're just mad this blows the "white people can't dance" narrative out of the water.

Another sub where white liberals pretend to be black

I couldn't reply to tell them how much we agree with them :(

Is the thread locked or something?

/r/blackladies automatically bans you based on a lot of obscure criteria. I think if you use more than a certain number of different words (showing by your vocabulary you're clearly white or asian) you can't post there.

Holy shit, seriously? Well thats good to know, I've never been banned before.

I feel a little bit naughty now

You don't get a ban message, but you can't comment.

Holy shit, seriously?

No, I think /u/IAintThatGuy was just joking. The more common auto-ban method is to ban people that post in certain subreddits. Once you make a comment in a blacklisted subreddit, you get banned.

My future wife will be black I can assure you.

Makes sense. Cheaper and hardier. If you can deal with the smell, aggressivity and herpes (and/or HIV) it's a good option.

Those look like kosher mayos tbh

/u/Rhombus2 I think this is an example of Spirit Cooking

They're using their magic to make Oprah president.

/u/Hypsomnia As a duly elected representative of the Aryan Brotherhood, we agree with you that brittle, poorly-dressed, full-bush-sporting Yankee white ladies deserve the taser.

the taser

Sorry, I checked and they get the rope.

dance unites people

... of /r/blackladies and /r/drama at least.

More like hate unites us, but that's a start.

/u/maximae2, while you're here, I was wondering. I like to hear different race jokes, but there aren't enough for white people. I mean there's anti-irish and polish and german and all, but I never get to hear just straight up anti-white jokes and stereotypes. If you tell us some here, I can almost promise that you'll get upvoted.

r/drama calls for mayocide.. Repeatedly.. This happens..

Where do we go for our apology?

At least we know which mayos will go first on Day of the Rope.

[–]Rhombus2 29 points 8 hours ago* I've seen White people who dance exactly like this. I don't get what's so "new" about it.“There’s more of an interest in sensation.” In the dance, @mosnave explores minuscule movements that start from deep inside the body before moving out. They're triggered by different energetic approaches: One, for instance, taps into you've discovered the way the rest of the world's been dancing for thousands of years? It's so obnoxious that they get to frame this as something innovative. When people say being White strips people of their humanity, this must be part of what they mean.

so what are u doing in a white country /u/Rhombus2 go back to the shithole your ancestors were dragged and raped into slavery u pathetic sheboon

Is the idea to dance as non-aesthetically as possible to match their looks and personality?

I'm ok with it, for once it's not fatties doing low effort "dance".

Jesus! Someone put a bra on those fucking Jews.

Hey don't try to destroy something beautiful.

But then again black women aren't very pretty so who gives a shit.

They're just mad they can't get away with the retardedness we tolerate from pretty white women.

I find it disturbing people lurk on here just to post our shit on drama subreddits. Ain't got nothing better to do other than focus on people who aren't worried about you.

/u/KittyLotus As you finishing focusing on that small video, take a moment and google self-awareness.