this isn't drama

31  2018-01-14 by lincoln1222


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Everyone tag yourself

I'm the editor of the Daily Opiate

I have a non white imaginary friend who agree with me, fam.

As a black man asking me to tag myself is horribly racist

Letting white people into North America was my peoples biggest mistake.

If only r/drama had existed back then to warn them.

"Letting" lol

Spaniards are like 2/5th white tho

Mayan blood whitened the Spaniard stock


Not sure they left you a choice though.

I can't tell if you're posting this because you agree with it, or if you're posting it because you don't. But either way, just know that you're completely retarded.


Are you not familiar with the pro-mayocide stance of this sub?

My support of the mayocide has never faltered, and I'll irl fight anyone who says different. But agendaposting weird, smug, pouty comics is a whole other thing.

There needs to be a smugpoutycomicide.

I just fucking hate niggers, crackers, spiccs, wops, kikes and chinks. where does that put me?


You're right. I must Keep myself safe and embrace my role as an hero!

Everybody hates muslims so it's not really racist

You left out garden variety honkeys, so I guess that makes you a hypocrite?

Crackers are honkeys

I missed that. My bad. If I was going to be pedantic I would argue that crackers are a specific type of honkey from the south, but that would be splitting hairs.

If I were

In touch with your heritage and hate.

trying too hard

Eric Clapton?

an unfunny troll?

Go back to the future, goobacks.

patreon leech cartoonist thinks they can get paid by being blatantly racist


gas all cartoonists

Let's be real, this cartoonist was white. But yes they'll be a good candidate for mayocide.

Charlie hebo when?

He looks like he let's people go across bridges if they answer his riddles

Gotta pay the troll toll

He has the "here's where my chin would be" beard.

How much you wanna bet this was written by a white person?

Panel 3 is in fact a self-portrait.


Oh that guy, haha I remember him

The bottom bit shows that the writer understand that they are doing. But has chosen to ignore it