Man calls out porn actress he slept with for being nuts, SRD sees through this and knows he is to blame.

70  2018-01-15 by Standard12


Porn actresses have the emotional stability of Zen masters.

-/r/srd also if you've ever dated crazy people who emotionally abused you, you deserved it

But only if you're a man.

Unless you're a woman you poor innocent flower

Stable geniuses.


I like how none of those people know what they're talking about.

They're so sure of themselves talking shit about people with crazy exes as if they're not losers who never had girlfriends in their lives.

There are two lessons here boys and girls:

a) don't date a pornstar


I met my fiance in a roommate situation. I was an olive garden hostess and he was a truck loader for a moving company. We were struggling, hours had been cut and our other roommates were ridiculously spiteful So... he asks me about porn

That night we decided to do it together We got online and I put my resume out 5 major agencies were begging for me to apply My favorite was hussie models. They go through 50 girls a day and somehow I was perfect. Riley set me up and I haven't looked back I knew about camming before yes, and yes dude you drove me to bust my ass even harder But no, you did not start it. I did Lots of love to ya: xoxo -Athena Rayne

She didn't need no man to go from Olive Garden hostess to doing porn, she had grit and determination.

One of my old high school friends started dating a girl who did a few pornos. I never found out until his younger sister twittered about it.

Anyways I never talked to him or her but you could tell from her Instagram she was fucking crazy. Every time they had a fight she would post screencaps of their convos. She would then post a semi nude pic with a "single" caption.

Miraculously these would all get deleted after a couple of hours and this would happen week after week.

He was a marine and while he was overseas she cheated on him. Came back and left her. She was so crazy he got a restraining order.

She recently dated another guy, pulled the same shit. I guess it ended recently cause she posted a pic of another restraining order with the caption "I hate men".

Morale of the story? SRD is full of disgusting whites.

He was a marine and while he was overseas she cheated on him. Came back and left her. She was so crazy he got a restraining order.

Story checks out.

What's her porn name?

She's got a big face.

Nice body tho.

You don't have her porn or instagram name?

Porn name same as real name

Very not smart lady.

Well, it's not doxxing if she's a public figure. Post that shit.

She's left the porn game. I see her mom post on instagram nicely asking to take semi nude pics down. I feel bad for mommy :(

Now what am I supposed to masturbate to?

The dead corpse in your basement?

She has a new boyfriend.

Chads. Always. Win.

The Toronto obituaries.

Why Toronto?

It was purely random.

You see, if a man calls all women crazy it's because he himself is a pig. but if a woman calls all men pigs its because all men are, in fact, crazy.

The pornstar and guy weren't even dramatic at all and oddly amicable about it.

I was an olive garden hostess

Case closed.


a long time ago i read somewhere that you should never get with someone who calls all their exes physically abusive or rapists and everything ive seen since then has only solidified how fantastic that advice was

It's the same basic principle you apply when you see a personal ad that says, "Sick of all the drama". You can count on the person saying that being the source of the drama.

I just flipped the top comment there.

I found the thread hilarious because they would never tell a woman who was attacked or raped to not talk about what happened to get butt they ended up nagging a guy who was abused into silence in that very thread.

The comments in that thread were pretty ridiculous, and almost comically the exact opposite of what they'd say to a woman.

At the same time, it's a pretty good general rule to avoid people with long histories of dating crazy people. Or abusive people. Or people who attract drama. I guess what I'm saying is: volcel is an option.

Lol I just wanted to shit on people that would totally be going and offering sympathy to a woman that was abused in a split second meanwhile they tell a guy that he deserved it and probably want the cause or a liar.

Toxic masculinity smh

i mean, he IS to blame.

he intentionally slept with a pornstar, she just fucked a normal dude

no life skills

mentally unstable

porn actress

Seems about right