Three days ago in Canada a man cut a girl's hijab in a vicious Islamophobic attack. Today the police confirmed the attack was a lie. Drama abounds in OGFT and /r/Canada.

280  2018-01-15 by BIknkbtKitNwniS

The initial thread about the attack 3 days ago by /u/A6er

The first skeptic appears because of timeline issues. Instantly downvoted to 0.

/u/A6er makes a post on OGFT calling out that poster as a 'conspiratard'

This is why r/canada gets it's rep. I was looking at the rules on the side and this is an example of a low content post. I have this thing against conspiracy theories, like, it really bugs me, but people are out and out lying, like the OP is like, well, a press conference was minutes after, and he's flat out lying

Today, the police their investigation and conclude the girl was lying.

Does OGFT use this moment for sober self reflection? Nope.

There are also many hoax crimes that some white people have claimed with a non-white perpetrator, but these guys never pay attention or give as much scrutiny as the vice-versa situation.

I am only upvoting this for your headline. Otherwise, I'm just sad, for her and for the tidal wave of bullshit about this from idiots.

Can't we just turn their same theories around though? Just because the police and media say it didn't happen, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Do we have video that this didn't happen? Then there's no real proof that it didn't happen. Seriously though, the unfortunate thing is that shitty people are still out there doing shitty things. And this just helps them push their narrative along that anytime someone gets attacked it's going to be a false flag.

are you looking forward to pretending racism isn't a problem – and any evidence to the contrary are all false flags now?

/u/A6er of course doubles down.

Oh no, my reputation among bigots is ruined, what will I do?

Here's the /r/canada thread about it, sorted by controversial.


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. /u/A6er -,*,*

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  6. r/canada -,*,*

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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Good bot.

Lol it turns out OnGuardForThee were the conspiratards all along.

MetaCanada was good when it was just a regular conservative alternative to r/Canada’s absolute shiftiness. Unfortunately since the absolute tards took over an OnGuardForThes became the left wing equivalent both subs have been on a neverending downward trip.

MetaCanada was good when it was just a regular conservative alternative to r/Canada

No it wasnt lmfao. It was still basically daddy defense force for Canadian Bush.

MetaCanada was like Drama to the obnoxiousness that is /r/canada. Now it is a daddy wanna be.

Implying booth subreddits had an up to go down from

Compared to canada or canadapolitics, yes, they were up. Metacanada was more based, ogft was more honest.

Don't expect them to ever look within themselves and admit their hypocrisy. They are already pulling up old news to justify themselves for jumping on this with "see! see! see!"

OGFT: "That doesn't matter because look at all the other times it's happened!"

OGFT: [posts list of attacks that turned out to hate crime hoaxes]

This is why I never take hate crime accusations seriously until an investigation is done.

They are faked often. Anyone remember that retard that was "stabbed in the leg by antifa for a buzzcut" and the police had him on video buying the knife and stabbing himself?

That was months ago, there's been dozens and dozens of fake hate crimes since then

Literally every hijab pulling "hate crime attack" has turned out to be a hoax.

That's right faggot. Let's flip the script to show how "both sides" are responsible. Wasn't there another giant retard that got shit on for "muh both sides"? πŸ€”

What? Right-wing crazies fake hate crimes pretty often.





You are fake news.

I wait until these things have been investigated.

Smart observation. You could have ended it there and not sounded retarded for once.

I understand altrightards can be insufferable. But your supposedly the ranting wizard of empirical evidence.

There's a million fucking examples of this shit coming from the left. The fake jewish center bomb threats, the fake "tip" to the black waitress, the fake attack on the subway. Has the right done this? Sure, but just like Trump's Charlottesville's gaffe, you're trying too hard to make this about both sides. This is primarily something that comes from identity politics obsessed liberals.

People on this sub seem to have a very hard time comprehending the difference between "things I do not like" and "things that are not true."

Yes. You do indeed post on /r/drama

but what if I only dislike untrue things? i mean, that either means i'm intensely autistic or some sort of fucking oracle right? both?

LOL can't tell if retarded or u/pizzashill



As we can clearly see from this thread, the people getting shit on end up being right

The best is Morton Downey Jr who claimed to have been attacked by neo-Nazis who drew as swastika on his face, only problem, it was backwards.

Were they ever not conspiratards?

theyre seriously more concerned with how they appear to people they hate than the fact they were manipulated into emotional reactions

This is the first time I hear about that sub. I was wondering where all the retards from /r/Canada disappeared to, now I finally know!

Firebomb canada pls

You can firebomb the east but for the love of god leave us westerners alone.

Just Toronto is enough.

And Vancouver.

And every University.

Don’t you insult Vancouver.

Why not, what's China going to do?

The gwailou know, shut it down.

Goddamnit you made me look up an Oriental word


Come on, give me your best apology

I’m so very sorry.

damn, ok that was pretty good.

Vancouver mayos destroy their "world class city" over lost hockey games lol what's NOT to insult? gotta love the rest of the province though, i will admit.

Hey man, Queens U is pretty cool

Leave whistler though, I wanna ride it some day.

Firebombing is so impersonal. First nation and best nation together will rake the leaves, on the day of the rake.

Might as well chime in here since I'm the star of your post. (3 tags? Really?)

I admit that "conspiratard" was a poor choice of words, but my issues with that /r/canada thread still remain. There were no problems with the timeline, no evidence that the police hid away, no conspiracy with CBC's reporting, etc. - just a little girl who lied to everybody.

/u/A6er of course doubles down.

Oh no, my reputation among bigots is ruined, what will I do?

FYI since you left out the context, that was in response to someone saying to me "u would have saved more face if u had just ignored me".

Maybe if you weren't so smug, no one would make fun of you. For instance, you mocked the following line:

Probably because its not actually happening, out of the 10 or so reports we've heard reported over the years they almost all end up being hoaxes.

Make that 11 hoaxes then. Just eat your crow and be done with it.

Maybe if you weren't so smug, no one would make fun of you.

Maybe, but what do I care? Make fun all you want I can handle it.

Yet you are here trying to defend yourself.


I'm sure you'll follow that mantra next time there is a report of someone getting her hijab removed.


/u/A6er like all posters on /r/onguardforthee are right even when they are wrong

Post bussy

3 tags? Really?

We'd tag more, but unfortunately reddit doesn't allow it. Also you're pretty much the embodiment of the liberal who is despised over at /r/exmuslim.

It's okay dude, because you're actually right.

I cut that girl's hijab off and then I spat in her stupid mohammed-loving face.

I don't know how the cops missed that and are clearing me, maybe it's because they're islamaphobes too.

looks like Canada isn't a safe place for mudslimes anymore. Guess they should leave before they face more oppression.

It's okay dude, because you're actually right.

I cut that girl's hijab off and then I spat in her stupid mohammed-loving face.

I don't know how the cops missed that and are clearing me, maybe it's because they're islamaphobes too.

looks like Canada isn't a safe place for mudslimes anymore. Guess they should leave before they face more oppression.

What's the Canadian equivalent of the FBI, and do they have a tip website

They're in on it too fam



2 days ago /r/metacanada could have linked to the original CBC article with the title "Guess what we're never going to hear the end of" and /r/onguardforthee would be tripping all over themselves getting /r/metacanada labeled as a hatesub

I guess the ends of the bell curve are not that far apart after all


Put it down, it's not an anal masturbation toy.

Not with that attitude it's not.


Oi! No kink shaming, mayo scum!

Do we have video that this didn't happen?

How would that work exactly?

He's hoping that there is 24-hour surveillance video of an 11 year old girl he can use for ... research.

Proving negatives is apparently a thing now.

Prove God doesn't exist? And they wonder why people call SJWism a religion.

Prove God doesn't exist!


If the LORD was truly intelligent, then why would he let me exist? Checkmate Christians!

this gave me a depersonalization attack

How do you do that so that everyone sees themselves?


I know you are but what am I?


Prove God doesn't exist! And they wonder why people call SJWism a religion.

Prove Damn Daniel doesn't exist! And they wonder why real niπŸ…±οΈπŸ…±οΈas call Harambe a Dank Meme.

You don't make your kids wear bodycams 24-7? Wtf is wrong with you?

I gave the police tons of pictures of me not smoking meth and beating up a ladyboy hooker but it didn't make one bit of difference.

There was a black mirror episode about this

rural canada

He ain't done too much book learnin'

A video of the girl cutting her own rag, or whoever did it I'm not reading all that.

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. Therefore I can say there was no woman to exist in the first place and the alt-right made up the whole thing to further their cause.

James O'Keef could do it in a afternoon with two actors.

This is obviously a very complicated story with more than one side. Nonetheless it started an Important Conversation about Islamophobia and the toxicity of western mayo males, and for that we can thank this woman.

> woman
> 11 years old
> Islamic

Checks out πŸ‘

She's 11 and unmarried? Well no wonder she's getting attacked, what a slut

I bet she wasn't being escorted by a male family member at all times.

Even though the offender was "asian" (which in Toronto can mean fucking anything), it's absolutely the fault of wypipo.

I blame the Canadian aboriginals, they let wypipo onto their lands, they're the real villains here

do canadians use "asian" the same way english cops do

No, Toronto is just stupid.

Your name made me double-take.

No, only Bongistanis do that. Here they're all either called Indian (no matter what country) or South Asian

Russians are the true Asians.

Day of the Rake cannot come soon enough


Make it before the day of the Sandwich so I can enjoy it.

Hey /u/A6er do you go to the store for your crow pie or do you have to go through some special Crow Pie TM vendor service that brings it in bulk? Lol You dumb mongo.

Lol that user deleted his comments in SRD where they self righteously made fun of people asking for proof or saying it was a false flag.

/u/OrdinaryCanadian why are you so committed to defending Muslims, when they see you as nothing more than a dirty kaffir?

Back when i was a Muslim, we usually laughed at your type.

hes not defending them for their sake, hes doing it so he looks good to other hipsters

hes far away enough from any real muslims that hes not affected regardless of what happens

USP, how did you make the transition from being just another lowly brown mudslime into becoming /r/drama's premier white skinhead nazi? Was it a full turnaround, or are those things just not all that dissimilar?

Uhhh, Islamofascism is definitely a thing. Also hating Jews is popular on both sides.

It's just a fad.

Hating Jews or Islamfascism?

Don't make me work to find the comedy in this, you insipid pustule.

But you should be able to find comedy in anything, my friend!

I actually don't hate jews all that much. I just have baseline anti-semitism.

A healthy amount, if you will

So like "hate the sin, not the sinner?"


lol theyre angry that it didnt actually happen and that a muslim wasnt assaulted because it means those alt right guys were right

goddamnit why cant muslims ever be assaulted when we claim they have been!

lol guaranteed most of that is made up or embellished upon

cant have facts getting in the way of you pushing the narrative huh

What is the venn diagram of gay rapist and trump supporter in your mind

Trump supporter goes to Hillary Clinton rally to disrupt the event, ends up punching someone when asked to leave.

Oh so now you are against punching racists

If your wall of facts take up 3 entire phone screens then your facts are wrong and you should remove them.

I'm about 95% sure that the Ilma Gore (small penis Trump painting lesbian) one was never proven to be a Trump supporter and may have even been completely made up

Lol most of those are faaaaaake.

american media is propaganda and most of the stories about omg evil trump supporters are flat out lies

this was pretty well established in the lead up to the election, the media is utterly desperate to fuck trump over no matter what

tbh we just don't know the exact motives of all these incidents. maybe they were good boys

Arf arf


I only read agenda posts that conform to my political view thanks

Edit: holy shit looking through your comment history shows me that you're spamming this fucking everywhere. You're not one of us you agenda-posting freak, you're just a try hard loser who jerks off to their own political opinion. I bet you get so hard posting this list around like it's the apex of your life, as if you were made and bred for this very moment, for this very purpose.

You know maybe if you had posted this once as a simple jab at OP it would be fine. But clearly you feel very strongly about your political views, and that shit doesn't fly here punk. Convert to Radical Centrism immediately or I will get /u/Ed_ButteredToast to ban you.


This guy's like the SRD version of /u/pizzashill but somehow even more retarded.

SRD version

more retarded

you dont say

That's possible? Jfc, can the SRDine before it multiplies

To be fair if I wasted that much time saving links I'd post them about the place. Luckily I'm not quite that retarded

Yes you are.

wow, so mean off you. these boys were getting an education, they didn't do nothing

Can you please organize this by subject matter?

Only right wingers commit violence? Damn i guess the IRA and other "freedom fighters" did nothing wrong.

Do those even come close to 3000 deaths? No? Weird.

Okay hold on, let's find a neo-nazi to post all the terrorist attacks on non-muslims this year and you two can hopefully eliminate your genes from the gene pool.

Oh youre one of those people who think terrorists don't have political views??

Being a bigot or whatever doesnt make you immune from participating in an election. If anything it gives you more ammo to do so.

And guess what? The reason youre posting this list is in retaliation to someone pointing out douchebaggery on your side. What does that tell you?

Maybe that a small group of people cant possibly represent a whole? If it did I would probably have out of shape masked men throwing bike locks into my window right now for being white. Or someone in a MAGA hat planting bombs on my car for having a "minority" boyfriend or whatever.

I think you'd benefit immensely from taking a huge chill pill. I already get sick of the drama queens in my real life who somehow bring politics into every thing.

I'm gonna have to call u/Ed_ButteredToast in to see if this is good pasta or not. Ed?

the best

I meant the real u/Ed_ButteredToast

That's not how pasta works. The comment has to be a wee bit absurd to say the least. This comment is way too level headed. Why would anyone even get baited by this? Other than it being out of place if used incorrectly?


I cant help it.

For having a big old boring list it’s sure short of Canadian content. Also have you considered that your list is far to short if used in a us context?

Fake news.

Lol didnt read

Oh, oh, now do one for niggers!

White ppl so powerful they can make innocent muslims fake attacks. Maybe mayos are descended from gods.

This Is Your Brain On Soy

Day of the Rake when

/u/A6er calling other people retards... how ironic

The mental gymnastics required to take the fact that a kid lied about being attacked, and somehow construe that as not her fault because β€œwe live in a time where this is believable” and β€œit emboldens racists because they didn’t believe her straight away” is fucking mind blowing. So it’s people’s fault for taking things with a grain of salt, and that makes them racists? And it’s not her fault because β€œin this day and age it’s believable that someone would do that and that’s the real problem, not this girl lying.” Woah.

It wasn't a "kid"

She was a Muslim woman

If she needs to make up attacks to cope with her anxiety about racism, we need to back her 100%

I thought the article said she was 11 years old. And I sincerely hope you're being sarcastic.

Are you implying an 11 year old is not a full woman with all her rights and duties under Shariah law?

Your heresy is not welcome here

How dare he suggest that the marriage between Mohammed and Aisha was wrong. Hell fire for him.

Well that's true. The prophet did wait until his wife was 11 to smash.

what teh fuck is on guard for thee

A line from the Canadian national anthem

People who make SRD look like right wingers.

Holy fucking fuck. . .fuckers. This was actually a huge story in Canuckistan. It went viral(the news story) on Facebook. So every mom(milf), grand mom(gmilf) and great grand mother (GGmilf) was talking about it.

Ha I knew nothing interesting ever happens here.

she is 11 ffs

Not sure how kids today are being educated. Don't they read stories on why lying could be bad anymore?

Listen and believe killed the Boy who Cried Wolf.

Why is Canada IRL your cool hot girlfriend,

when Canada online is the creepy house down the street with the retarded, obese man living in the basement with his 105 year old great grandparents?

We had great PR until mass communications allowed people to actually talk to us and realized that as a nation we're retarded

Watching OGFT go from a self righteous minority defense squad to gamergaters within a few days, I think I got whiplash.

It looks like some in that stupid subreddit accepted it more uncritically than others, but the prevailing narrative was made clear...

That's why their self reflection is worth shit, they are going to "listen and believe" the next time something like this happens and every time something like this happens. Their desire for racism, sexism and to think of minorities as victims paired with the uncontrollable urge to virtue signal is insatiable and feeds right back into their self righteous savior complex. What we are seeing here is a psychological addiction to racism (real or not), sexism (real or not) and the resulting outrage.

They are not alone, many in media (CBC in this case and the Politicians all the way up to Trudeau) are right in lockstep with them and they will double down a thousand times rather than admit "progressive" identity politics doesn't accurately represent reality.

The demand for racism outstrips the supply.

SOME PEOPLE WONDER WHY it’s hard to trust MUSLIMS and believe that they aren’t all liars..well you tree hugging morons, stories like this are exactly why NO ONE TRUSTS THEM

How does it feel to be a REEing retard?

HAHA insults how immature

Blah blah blah, it keeps the narrative, blah blah, mattress girl...blah blah aloha snack bar.

The parents are clearly abusive. They need to be investigated.

Ugh. It looks like they may have actually been correct However, the spirit in which their accusations were made are still bigoted and horrifying