Looks like there's more James Franco news for us to look forward to. :)

63  2018-01-16 by snallygaster


moar and more

I have a pal who went to Columbia while he was there, and the consensus among the girls at the school was to stay the fuck away because he acted like a massive creeper. Hoping he'll get his ass kicked out of the limelight tbqhwy

i have a """""""pal"""" who went to Columbia

you rimmed james franco don't lie :^')


Snally you minx.

Is it illegal to be creepy now?

Being creepy is like 100x worse than violent rape

This, but ironically

Wasn't aware that it's okay to exploit people who are under your power if it's legal.


What does that even have to do with capitalism? I'll bet you're none too happy about women who abuse the legal system to get full custody of their kids, or women who verbally and emotionally abuse their partners within the bounds of the law, or women who commit paternity fraud and get a partner on the hook for taking care of a kid that isn't there's completely within the law...most laws have nothing to do with capitalism.

Lol imagine being this retarded


women who verbally and emotionally abuse their partners within the bounds of the law

I sit okay to publicly shame them on social media for this?

if they're a public figure and/or you know them then of course. or if it's one of those situations where a video of them being abusive goes viral or something.

if it's one of those situations where a video of them being abusive goes viral or something.

I dont get what would make this ok though.

I dont see how this trend of social punishment through the internet is a good idea and it surprises me that you do. It has a lot of potential for abuse.

I mean social punishment is punishment no? and it should only be applied with the same care the legal system does. Is clear this isnt going to happen and people dont give a shit about the possibility of someone else being innocent, or someone being guilty but not deserving too much punishment, and so on.

I remenber when in brazil some women was caught beating her dog until he died. At the time I was so mad at this psycho that I didnt really cafe about the abuse she got on the internet, but the were thousands of " kill yourself ".

The judge let her go because he considered she was already being punished. The women coudnt walk anywhere without being told to kill herself and being threatened

Maybe is because I lean towards rehabilitative justice but I camt imagine this whole thing to be good for us, or to be right either.

Won't someone think of the poor dog killers?

I mean, yeah, duh

most laws have nothing to do with capitalism

And that's why the legal system sucks. Communism ruins everything



do u have HQ quiz app yet?

not yet, my mom's been pressuring me to get one tho


Wasn't aware that it's okay to exploit people who are under your power if it's legal.

Emphasis mine

it's okay to exploit people who are under your power if it's legal.

t. /u/snallygaster

nobodies arresting him goober. just calling him a creep

There are written and unwritten laws and both have their own courts. The unwritten laws are tried in the court of public opinion and the sentences are being ostracized, ridiculed, and not passing your genes on to the next generation. All of this is natural, moral, and effective.

There is one movie discussed where it sounds as if Franco just wanted to have sex with a bunch of women and have them naked while they worshiped him

I've seen everything.

It makes sense if you think about it. All these people in power could have sex with essentially anyone they could ever want just by being in the same general proximity as them. The ones doing all this sick and twisted stuff are probably desensitized to regular sex and get off on absolute power or other things that extend from that.

It's a shame he couldn't just enjoy wolf sex RPing or something like that

Imagine if every Hollywood sex pest just poured their energy into wolf roleplays. The world would be a better place~*~

A knottier place tho

Thing is, is that really true?

I mean, we all think "oh,rich good looking actor of course he gets laid a ton". But what are the actual mechanics to make that happen? Arent yhey mostly this same shit. Giving people roles if they fuck you. Being their "in" into the biz. Preying on fans and students,etc.

Without the power that comes from his status, he's just a moderately good looking dude. And plenty of those don't get laid

The only students in his acting classes who ever got considered for roles were women. No guys

This is honestly the most surprising part of all of this.

He paid them off to accuse him, so he won't have to come out as gay.

Might as well call it reverse Kevin Spacey.

Basically, Franco promised them roles in his movies if they agreed to get naked or have sex with him. If they refused, then they would get no roles.

That's pretty cut and dried. Quid pro quo is open and shut.

I'll admit Springbreakers was probably a fun movie to do then with all that trim.

Even if they did get a role, it was more often than not for hooker or stripper or some other throwaway character.

LOL. Maybe they should have run this arrangement past their pimp manager.

Squid pro roe indeed, Mr. Powers

More like quid bro quo. ;)

I think your dog is cute.


Here's your Reddit Garlic, Ed_ButteredToast!

/u/Ed_ButteredToast has received garlic 1 time. (given by /u/Lovemesometoasts)

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"Look, just pretend to have sex with me. It will be a social experiment dude. see the cameras?"

That's pretty cut and dried. Quid pro quo is open and shut.

The examples they're using have them applying for parts that required that in the first place.

One of them signed a contract to get nude in the movie.

And then came back and did it again.

Signing a legally binding acting contract, twice, is rape now.

I completely agree that the chick that was like "Time's up Franco, you only paid me $100 for a scene, #metoo!" is a fucking idiot and deserves to be laughed at for the rest of her life. But

required that

Required what? Get naked? Okay, sure, it's a nude scene, get naked. Have sex? Yeah, no.

Anyone actually accuse him of that? “Get nude or have sex” is a big difference from “paid me to have sex”.

I'm just quoting the article.

Basically, Franco promised them roles in his movies if they agreed to get naked or have sex with him. If they refused, then they would get no roles.

Get naked or have sex with them could mean that in all instances referred to it was a nude scene. Just saying.

It could but that'd be an odd way to phrase that. I guess we'll see.

Could be odd or intentionally misleading. Or maybe he’s a creep selling roles for sex.

I heard he only hired them if they got naked, had sex, or killed a homeless person

See this guy gets it.

Who tf is calling it rape though?

Oh noes, he asked adult human femoids to get naked, he's basically a rapist

Imagine if the only way to get the job you wanted was to deescalate your employer's situation.

The job requirement is be attractive and naked. Not qualified for that? No job. Boo hoo.

You don't need a hands on verification for that.

You don't know me

He was using his power in order to convince women to bang him for bit parts that they may not even get. That's pretty shitty.

Basically, Franco promised them roles in his movies if they agreed to get naked or have sex with him. If they refused, then they would get no roles. Even if they did get a role, it was more often than not for hooker or stripper or some other throwaway character

He promised them the role. If he took it back after the agreement, then yeah he'd be a shitbag. But he made the offer up front. It was quid pro quo. Clear as day. Nothing shady about it.

What are your thoughts on Weinstein then?

Weinstein's different because he's an old man (ew!) and doesn't make epic meme films xDD

Just wait til he replaces Franco in The Disaster Artist 2.

A lot of difference between quid pro quo and what Weinstein did. An entire world of difference

Considering he actually raped women, which is totally different than asking someone to get naked you retarded fucking faggot.

Thank you for the civil and insightful response, Mr. -----!

The year is 2018, my rape alarm went off at rape o'clock. I grabbed rapefast on the way out of my rapehouse, after taking a nice hot shower to wash off the rape from last night. Went to work at the rape factory where we rape and get raped all day long. My boss said I was late, so he really raped me good. I took that raping with a smile though! When the rape day was done, I was ready to go home and get raped. My dog was happy to rape me. I brushed my rape teeth with my rape brush before raping off to rape land.

Needs more rape

Why don't I just go off to Rape Land, where rapes grow on rapies!

Bring me back some lingonberry jam while you're there


You sound kinda rapey tbh

You got me there fam, you just had to bring up my rapiness vibe, the thing I'm most sensitive about.

It sounds like what Franco did was shitty and exploitative but Weinstein is a straight up serial rapist and the two shouldn't be lumped together

Oh I know. I was just asking him what did he think about it.

You sound like somebody who's creepy but doesn't understand why they come off as such. If a bunch of teen girls are freaked out by one of the world's most desirable movie stars, there's something seriously wrong.

I have a situation for you to deescalate

Nobody's gonna deescalate your virginity

You sound like somebody who's creepy but doesn't understand why they come off as such.

I mean, you must know who that is, no?


How is this any different than hiring a prostitute?

Like, it's one thing if you already have an employee and then you try to make their employment contigent on having sex with you. That's basically blackmail and absolutely harassment.

But saying, "Hey gurl if you back dat ass up I'll give you a movie role" is just bribery. People do this every day. They buy gifts. They take people out to expensive restaurants. Sometimes they just flat out offer money.

I mean, if anything, these women if they agreed are prostitutes. If not, then I suppose they have a right to be offended at Franco assuming they were prostitutes, but that's about where it starts and ends.

It's different because these are students and he's not only a teacher but a world-famous celebrity. There's a reason why most university policies don't allow teachers to date students- because there's a huge power difference, and because the students are usually teens and early 20-somethings without the judgment skills, confidence, and experience to rebuke advances from people who have power over them. It's the same reason why adults aren't allowed to fuck kids. In addition, the students may have thought that they would be penalized academically if they didn't comply with his requests because he is the one in charge of their grades. 'not having any tact' is an understatement, especially given his history of grey-line coercion; not sure why people are bending over backwards to defend somebody who has a history of exploitative behavior.

It's different because these are students and he's not only a teacher but a world-famous celebrity. There's a reason why most university policies don't allow teachers to date students

That's bullshit. This isn't an accredited school. This is like going after the yoga instructor for dating someone who takes a class.

Taking a yoga class doesn't entail spending massive amounts of money or taking it to try and break into a very competitive career path. Not to mention that most yoga instructors don't remotely close to that level of fame or power to leverage over students, and there are a number of cases where teachers in unaccredited schools or training programs exploited their students in ways that are just as bad or worse (nobody seemed to challenge the fact that that one new age professor was running a cult in a post a few days ago, wonder why...)

it's amazing how many hoops people will jump through to defend celebrities they like. Franco won't let you suck his dick no matter how hard you white knight for him m8


“One of my favorite approaches was to ask young girls that requested to take a photo with me to email me a copy of the photo; that way I can give them my info very quickly in front of a crowd of fans and later work out a way to see them,” Franco explains. “Usually this happens at an event, which means I am usually away from home, so I have girls all over the world. Usually they are ready when I go back to that city, whether it is Rome, Portland, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit, Asheville, or D.C.”


This is problematic behavior to say the least my guy

agreed. franco is clearly appropriating hip-hop culture.

“When actors are successful they build up asshole capital. That means they can be assholes for awhile and get away with it. If they keep having successes, they can keep being assholes. I guess this goes for anyone: directors, writers, producers, etc.”

this is why i like losers

Why are you slut shaming him? Don't you know that you cannot denigrate any one for having a lot of sex?

Kind of a tame disclosure tbh.

"Movie Star smashes mad poon" Really?

Franco must have some darker secrets. I hope.

Yeah it just sounds like he gets off on sex/power and he knows he has the advantage over other aspiring actresses. He seems like a total sleeze but didn't do anything illegal afaik. He must pay his lawyer a lot.

dang, I thought this was some person who was just mad at him for not paying her enough to do nudity, I didn't know he was basically shooting private porno films and making people fuck him to get roles

It's been an open secret for years that he's into doing shady stuff, wouldn't be surprised if worse things come out over time. He also tried to peddle a made-up cultural/academic movement called metamodernism with a bunch of other wannabe intellectual icons, which is why I hate him in all honesty.

He also tried to peddle a made-up cultural/academic movement called metamodernism

Okay that is the most pretentious mayo bullshit I've ever heard, pull the plug on this guy's career immediately.

I don't really understand why he had to do this weird stuff when he's supposed to be one of the most desirable men in the country, like he could have a tinder account and just rake in hot girls who want to bang him literally wherever he went, and without all the exploitative, creepy stuff. But maybe he got off on the power or something.

There was something on popbitch about him also

James Franco drew some heat this week when allegations about his own potential misconduct surfaced after he collected his Golden Globe wearing a #TimesUp pin.

The allegations picked up enough momentum that Franco was forced to address them on Stephen Colbert’s show (to which his response was, effectively, “It’s crucial that we listen to women… except for the ones making accusations about me”). So consider this a little heads up, James.

The next big story regarding the harassment of women in showbusiness is going to be about the actors of your era who have used social media – specifically Instagram – to groom their teenage fans. In fact, we have one in the chamber about a different actor who’s been rather quiet in recent years that we’re trying to sign off with our lawyers.

Given that you famously tried to hook up with a 17 year old Instagram follower during that run of Of Mice And Men a few years ago, you’ll maybe want to make sure your talking points are watertight.

Enduring Franco’s “Do you know who I am, girl?” routine was a rite of passage for female students in the library at Columbia when he was doing his MFA.

Who is that actor, also is this ambiguous stuff or straight peado, the ansari stuff has shaken my faith in this a little.

He's an extremely popular actor among millennials, at least in the US, and he tried to fashion himself into some artistic intellectual wonderboy. It's not pedophilia, but he's into girls that are as young as he can legally bang at the very least and has a long history of using his position as a celebrity and lecturer to control and humiliate female students, to the point where pretty much every girl at one of the universities he studied at knew to stay away.

fyi there was another blind on this blog that implied franco has slept with underage prostitutes / sexslaves managed by david geffen

He does seem like a pretty big asshole, but I'm not sure how much of a success any article about him trying to bang 18 year olds who want to bang him is going to be outside of the twitter/tumblr feminist crowd, unless he's been an asshole to them in other ways it seems like a bit of an internet moral majority thing that is fit for internet outrages but not mainstream enough to take down a successful actor. I'm also not sure how much of an impact an article about an actor in his 30s being a horny asshole is going to be unless his exploits are extremely prodigious and/or exploitative.

The bit about his 'acting school' and that you had to bang him for roles seems like it will kill his career if it's true, but the level of fact checking on gossip blind websites leaves a lot to be desired and they are often subjective stories of people with grudges. So it may be an exaggeration or ambiguous if he doesn't outright say 'if you bang me, you get fillm roles in my shit '''''arthouse''''' films that nobody watches'. Still it will be interesting to see.

god im so happy snally reads CDAN too x

Never heard of it before today...it is good shit, /u/snallygaster I am forever in your debt.

Every true drama whore does, even though after a while you realise it’s at least 70% fanfiction.

He's good looking and charismatic, he's gonna get away with it, this thread is already full of people white knighting him. Meanwhile some subhuman curry comedian gets crucified as a Savile tier rapist for making awkward and crude comments during a date.

Um... I see a ton of people defending Aziz