People really love eating ass these days, so much so they do it when they aren't even trying to. It is less effort than working a clit, so I attribute it to laziness.
phew i'm glad that they used "bonus round" to explain things more accurately to us gamers, would have been kind of confused otherwise lol. we're a dying breed :p
I feel like maybe this woman shouldn't drink so much. People shouldn't take advantage of her, but this isn't a society where you can just get blackout drunk with other similarly wasted strangers and expect nothing to happen.
Its almost as if all those cultural mores and taboos served some higher function and were not just arbitrary rules created by "the patriarchy" or "old crusty white dudes" to oppress people.
Gattuso is not against sex by any means. “I don’t say yes. I say oh, yes. I say yes, please,” she wrote. And she did say yes at a booze-soaked party hosted by a group of men she didn’t know. One of the men told her that because she was bisexual, he assumed she was “particularly down to fuck.” He said she could make out with his girlfriend if she would hook up with another of the men.
“I have so much to drink my memory becomes dark water, brief flashes when I flicker up for air,” Gattuso wrote. “I’m being kissed. There’s a boy, then another boy. I keep asking if I’m pretty. I keep saying yes.” But in the morning, she wrote, “I feel weird about what went down” and was unsure how to express her feelings of dissatisfaction and confusion over “such a fucked-up experience.”
I remember Philip DeFranco joking about men in the future having to protect themselves from the new standards for rape by having women sign a contract before sex, but that probably isn't going to be a joke for much longer at this rate.
What do you expect the poor woman to do? Not get blackout drunk and enthusiastically consent to sex with strangers?
I don't see a written contract being any solution though. Surely you wouldn't expect a woman to follow through on her written word if she decided thirty seconds later that he was a revolting creep and she didn't want to fuck any more?
Apparently she was enthusiastically consenting to sex while still conscious, and her blackouts don't cause her to forget doing this - only to be unsure what happened later.
“I don’t say yes. I say oh, yes. I say yes, please,” she wrote.
“I have so much to drink my memory becomes dark water, brief flashes when I flicker up for air,” Gattuso wrote.
But of course a bunch of horny guys who have been drinking should be able to tell if a drunk horny gal is able to truly consent, right?
Quite right. So women shouldn't rape men who've had too much to drink, especially if those same women are so drunk they hardly know what they're doing.
so if they're both equally drunk (not same amount to drink necessarily, but equally drunk), is it possible for two people to rape each other? Doesn't that cancel it out? Feels like a victimless crime tbh. Unless they're both victims.
This is one of those situations where "rape" is twisted into this word meaning "not having sex the way a bunch of uptight social failures approve of you having sex"
Why the fuck wouldn't it be???? Is any other fucking crime excused because the person was under the influence? No, so why the fuck would it be any different with rape? JFC, y'all are dumb as shit.
But it was consensual. She said she wanted to to the men she did it with, and explicitly said "yes". That's what we're referring to when we're all saying the word "consent". If anything, it sounds like she never got permission from the guys and just kept telling them to kiss her and touch her. Does she ever remember hearing a "yes" from them? She remembers saying "yes" herself, but doesn't remember whether or not the guys said "yes"? That sounds an awful lot like she raped them to me.
Well, speaking only for myself here, I think fake dicks are way better than organic units attached to a dood. At least in my case. The organic penile unit I am married to appears to be dependent upon a hormone in order to function properly. A doctor has diagnosed this 'low' condition in him, and I've been told it's common in males 30-45+. I personally would not want to look at a life-like male sex toy/bot. This seems to be a male thing, wanting a replica of the whole woman. I am perfectly content with just a healthy approximation of the needed appendage. I can get mine, wash the thing and put it away and forget all about it until the next time I want it. That's the perfect 'man' in my opinion. Best of all, dildos don't talk or expect me to do stuff for them, they don't stink up the house with chili farts, they will never be caught staring at other women, and even better, the size you bought it is the size it stays. It will never shrink or lose girth from atherosclerosis and low male hormone levels. Males absolutely do have these issues starting around 30 or so...don't let them play you like hormone deficits happen only to women. I think it actually happens to them more than us, and sooner.
Well, speaking only for myself here, I think fake dicks are way better than organic units attached to a dood. At least in my case. The organic penile unit I am married to appears to be dependent upon a hormone in order to function properly. A doctor has diagnosed this 'low' condition in him, and I've been told it's common in males 30-45+. I personally would not want to look at a life-like male sex toy/bot. This seems to be a male thing, wanting a replica of the whole woman. I am perfectly content with just a healthy approximation of the needed appendage. I can get mine, wash the thing and put it away and forget all about it until the next time I want it. That's the perfect 'man' in my opinion. Best of all, dildos don't talk or expect me to do stuff for them, they don't stink up the house with chili farts, they will never be caught staring at other women, and even better, the size you bought it is the size it stays. It will never shrink or lose girth from atherosclerosis and low male hormone levels. Males absolutely do have these issues starting around 30 or so...don't let them play you like hormone deficits happen only to women. I think it actually happens to them more than us, and sooner.
"And it’s not as if that culture disappears upon graduation. Dusenbery, who is now 29, speaks of her “great feminist shame”: After a decade of sexual activity, she very often still doesn’t get off. “In one way that feels so superficial, but then, if I believe sexual pleasure is important, that’s terrible! Come on, Maya! Communicate!” She winds up feeling bad for not having done the work of telling her partners how to make her feel good. “What I want is not for me to have that burden. I want one of my male partners, who are wonderful men who care about me, to have just once been like, ‘No, this is unacceptable to me. I’m not going to continue to have sex with you when you’re not getting off!’ And I can’t imagine that happening.”
This woman is forever alone. Her only options are sex toys of a sexbot.
She wants a clairvoyant and yet continues to fake orgasms🤣🤣🤣.
If you'll excuse me serious posting here for a minute this one I found particularly fuckie.
There are completely mixed messages coming from women, particularly because they are such a diverse bunch. I've been with women who said that me asking what gets them off puts pressure on them that they can't. I've been with women who expect me to just know what to do to get them off, and then there women who say that everyone is different in regards to what works - which I acknowledge.
But if that's the fucking case, you at least gotta talk about what you like. You can't just clam up and get upset when guys try different things in the hope that one of the many ways of fucking is going to do the trick. This lady should feel bad for not telling her partners what makes her feel good. It's nice to have someone make the first step, but this doesn't apply to everyone.
With that out of my system, can anyone hand me a nice, tall glass of bussy? I'm parched.
Last winter, Reina Gattuso was a Harvard senior majoring in literature and gender studies and writing a biweekly column for the college newspaper, the Crimson. She covered a variety of subjects, among them her sexuality (she identifies as queer) and Harvard’s byzantine class hierarchies...
So you were the only sane person in the room? Sounds about right. I was working at dot-com companies when the whole "thinking outside the box" and "synergy" stuff became big buzzwords. I remember sitting in meetings going "this is going to fail miserably", but keeping my mouth shut because I was in my early 20s and being paid a ton of money.
well, one of them. i did contribute to shooting shit down but can hardly take the credit (depending on the meeting, a number of people you've all heard of in tech and entertainment were doing most of the target practice).
word to the wise: when the pitch for your project relies on using projections based on the single greatest success in the field ever, you're doing it wrong.
lol yeah, i swear like 90% of projects that people pitch should just be pitched into the trash. people who don't know anything always assume "Oh I can make a social network based around my dog and i'll be rich but those fuckin' old rich guys won't give me a chance!"
yeah it's because they like their money and don't want to lose it on some dumbass joke of a proposal.
"The dominant way of thinking about rape is that there is “good sex” and “bad sex.” Consensual sex is “good,” while non-consensual sex is rape. However, the notion of “consent” actually reinforces rape culture. The “consent” model legitimates relations of domination, shields the real content of sexual relations from scrutiny, and silences, downplays, or misrepresents gender-oppressed people’s negative experiences with sex. The reality which the “consent” model ultimately obscures is that sexuality under patriarchy is an oppressive set of practices. These practices dominate heterosexual relations but also cannot be escaped by any other form of sexuality within patriarchal society.
The point of our argument is precisely that there is not any lifestyle under patriarchy which is in itself subversive. Additionally, we must stress that the intent of our argument is not to moralize at any particular lifestyle. Moralizing at individuals is just as ineffective as glorifying a sexual practice as inherently revolutionary. The point rather is that sexuality without oppression is only possible if we get rid of the whole damned system.
There remains however the issue of how to address sexual practices pending revolution. Sexuality is an issue which communist organizations will have to address if they hope to advance feminist aims. It would therefore be useful to find a replacement for “consent” as a model of thinking about rape.
Such a replacement framework might be difficult to generate. We have discussed how all rape is sex. But is all sex rape? Recall that at the beginning of this piece, we said that rape is central to gender oppression because it transforms the victim into a “being for another.” But as our argument developed,we saw that this is true, to some extent or another, of all sex. Is a distinction between rape and sex in general even meaningful? Some, notably the Maoist Internationalist Movement, have argued that all sex under patriarchy is in fact rape. On the other hand, we might find that there is some usefulness in denoting some distinction between the average heterosexual relationship and, say, sex trafficking. For now, we leave this an open question.
In sum, we hope that in revisiting what is sometimes called “sex negativity,” we can take steps forward in the effort to build a communist movement that is poised not only to overthrow the bourgeoisie, but also patriarchy.
I'm going to ruin my mentions posting here but it's funny how you chucklefucks are too dumb (or too willfully ignorant) to even understand the discourse you're attempting to laugh at. But caring about other people's feelings has never been r/~Sociopathy~Drama's strong point.
I don't really have a strong opinion on the article—to me, it was basically saying "sex can still suck, even if it's consensual, maybe we should do something to make it better", which is fine, but I don't see how this is a "cultural" problem, it seems more like a sex ed problem to me. I guess the author might have been referring to some kind of cultural pressure to have sex, even if it doesn't feel good or something.
As someone who has reached levels of euphoria high enough to ascend beyond gussy, I am unable to understand how bad heterosexual sex is not remedied by communication and compatibility. I don't know why you chose me out of everyone here, though, because I wasn't even criticizing the article in the OP, I was making fun of another article. You don't think that the article I linked is reasonable, do you? I mean, come on.
You made me feel special though, thank you for that 😘
This article is written like "why do the men I hook up with not care about getting me off" and fails to have the cognitive dissonance to realize it's answering it's own question.
Remember when we were "We're equal! Women can do anything men can do! We control our own actions and future! Shout NO when someone violates your boundaries!"
What happened to that? Why did we go from that to "Please protect us fragile little dolls! We need special help to stop these actions done to us while we passively give non-verbal cues! Our boundaries must be respected without our participation!"
1 SnapshillBot 2018-01-17
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 CultOfCuck 2018-01-17
Someone needs to ride this mayo if they think I only go one round.
1 bjt23 2018-01-17
Yeah it sounds like she's just terrible at finding men. No one she goes home with knows how to eat out?
1 KateUptonsCumback 2018-01-17
Well she’s attracted to the type of dude who’s gotta get wasted to fuck.
1 bjt23 2018-01-17
I like a beer as much as the next guy but that's no excuse to be rude in bed.
1 Chicup 2018-01-17
Fuck, how hard it is to lick a clit?
1 Tar_alcaran 2018-01-17
Judging by the skills of some of my former partners, who needed to be told "You realize it's at the top right?"... quite hard.
1 Rkc69420 2018-01-17
People really love eating ass these days, so much so they do it when they aren't even trying to. It is less effort than working a clit, so I attribute it to laziness.
1 HydroDragon 2018-01-17
Eating ass is so yesterday, Trump has redpilled the masses and taught us to talk to dat ass like a business partner.
1 VidiotGamer 2018-01-17
I'm giving asses 401k and vested share options. It's all the rage.
1 Chicup 2018-01-17
I'll hook you up ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
1 Magehunter_Skassi 2018-01-17
phew i'm glad that they used "bonus round" to explain things more accurately to us gamers, would have been kind of confused otherwise lol. we're a dying breed :p
1 Pickled_Kagura 2018-01-17
I feel like maybe this woman shouldn't drink so much. People shouldn't take advantage of her, but this isn't a society where you can just get blackout drunk with other similarly wasted strangers and expect nothing to happen.
1 UmmahSultan 2018-01-17
And if you want to have that kind of society, the feminists oppose it based on intersectionalism.
1 EzraKleinVox 2018-01-17
It’s almost as if your suggesting a system of morals that is based on something other than pure hedonism. That’s extremely sexist how dare you
1 Chuck-U-Farley1 2018-01-17
Its almost as if all those cultural mores and taboos served some higher function and were not just arbitrary rules created by "the patriarchy" or "old crusty white dudes" to oppress people.
1 LSU_Coonass 2018-01-17
pre-marital sex is the downfall of society
1 Trumpsfatrolls 2018-01-17
Which is good.
1 heavenlytoaster 2018-01-17
Society has always been pretty shit tbh
1 Why_We_Need_Islam 2018-01-17
1 mr_almeida 2018-01-17
It's almost as if drunken one night stands don't make for good sex how weird really makes u think 🤔
1 LemonScore 2018-01-17
I remember Philip DeFranco joking about men in the future having to protect themselves from the new standards for rape by having women sign a contract before sex, but that probably isn't going to be a joke for much longer at this rate.
1 Gil-Gandel 2018-01-17
What do you expect the poor woman to do? Not get blackout drunk and enthusiastically consent to sex with strangers?
I don't see a written contract being any solution though. Surely you wouldn't expect a woman to follow through on her written word if she decided thirty seconds later that he was a revolting creep and she didn't want to fuck any more?
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
Pick one fam
1 Gil-Gandel 2018-01-17
Apparently she was enthusiastically consenting to sex while still conscious, and her blackouts don't cause her to forget doing this - only to be unsure what happened later.
But of course a bunch of horny guys who have been drinking should be able to tell if a drunk horny gal is able to truly consent, right?
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
Being under the influence doesn't excuse someone from committing a crime, I should know, I caught a charge for wrecking my car while on xans.
1 Gil-Gandel 2018-01-17
Quite right. So women shouldn't rape men who've had too much to drink, especially if those same women are so drunk they hardly know what they're doing.
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
No one should rape anyone fam
1 Rimjobs4Christ 2018-01-17
so if they're both equally drunk (not same amount to drink necessarily, but equally drunk), is it possible for two people to rape each other? Doesn't that cancel it out? Feels like a victimless crime tbh. Unless they're both victims.
This is one of those situations where "rape" is twisted into this word meaning "not having sex the way a bunch of uptight social failures approve of you having sex"
1 AnalogDogg 2018-01-17
The argument you're making right here is that it should be illegal to have sex while intoxicated.
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
No it's not dumbass. The argument I'm making is that RAPING SOMEONE WHILE YOU YOURSELF ARE DRUNK IS STILL ACTUALLY RAPE.
1 AnalogDogg 2018-01-17
Why is it rape?
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
Why the fuck wouldn't it be???? Is any other fucking crime excused because the person was under the influence? No, so why the fuck would it be any different with rape? JFC, y'all are dumb as shit.
1 AnalogDogg 2018-01-17
But it was consensual. When is consensual sex between adults considered rape?
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
Gee, idk, maybe when it's rape and not consensual?
1 AnalogDogg 2018-01-17
But it was consensual. She said she wanted to to the men she did it with, and explicitly said "yes". That's what we're referring to when we're all saying the word "consent". If anything, it sounds like she never got permission from the guys and just kept telling them to kiss her and touch her. Does she ever remember hearing a "yes" from them? She remembers saying "yes" herself, but doesn't remember whether or not the guys said "yes"? That sounds an awful lot like she raped them to me.
1 hexane360 2018-01-17
You're right. That woman should've realized her partner was drunk and couldn't consent. Being under the influence is no excuse for rape.
1 bahckdmagzh 2018-01-17
I guess she should be prosecuted for her own "rape" then, given that she's the one that got herself blackout drunk.
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
So how many women have been getting away with rape for sleeping with blackout drunk men?
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
Idk, probably a lot?
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
Have you ever slept with a drunk person?
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
No? I hate drunk sex, I get a severe case of whiskey clit.
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
So you've had it before?
You're a rapist.
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
Men have had sex with me while I was drunk, yeah? I'm a rapist because I was drunk and men had sex with me? Lolwut
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
You've never had sex with a drunk man?
Also your reason for not having sex while you're drunk is "whiskey clit" and not "I don't like being raped."
That's weird.
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
I never said drunk people can't consent you absolute mongoloid, I said BLACKOUT DRUNK people can't consent. Are you unironically this retarded?
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
"Your honor they were not blackout drunk, just regular drunk, I'm sure of it. Thus, not rape."
"Case dismissed!"
What's it like to unironically be a rapist?
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
Oh god I just looked at your profile and you're legitimately super fucked up. If I knew, I wouldn't have come within 20 feet.
You're still def a rapist tho. All that drug use and alcoholism and you expect anyone to believe you've only fucked people who were sober?
You need to come to terms with your crimes.
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
Lmao you're just jelly bc I get laid, I don't have to rape anyone.
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
That's a good insult, you should tell every other bitter chick on earth to use it all the time too
I don't think you rape because you have to, I think you rape because you want to
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
I'm literally a pillowqueen, I have never initiated sex in my life lol what did I say that got you so bootyblasted famalam?
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
All that crazy and you're a bad lay? That's the saddest part.
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
I'm not here to please men, I'm here for men to please ME.
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
Your grools your rules
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
Kys m8
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
You're very mean, even for a rapist.
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
You're very retarded, even for a r/drama poster.
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
And you're very very stupid, though you're pretty smart for a woman.
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
Excuse me, did you just assume my gender???? I sexually identify as a fuccboi
1 assume-gender-bot 2018-01-17
lmao he said the thing
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
Gender is a social construct. So I get just as much say in ur gender as u do.
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
1 OniTan 2018-01-17
Ironic coming from you.
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
Lmao gottem
1 shallowm 2018-01-17
Well, speaking only for myself here, I think fake dicks are way better than organic units attached to a dood. At least in my case. The organic penile unit I am married to appears to be dependent upon a hormone in order to function properly. A doctor has diagnosed this 'low' condition in him, and I've been told it's common in males 30-45+. I personally would not want to look at a life-like male sex toy/bot. This seems to be a male thing, wanting a replica of the whole woman. I am perfectly content with just a healthy approximation of the needed appendage. I can get mine, wash the thing and put it away and forget all about it until the next time I want it. That's the perfect 'man' in my opinion. Best of all, dildos don't talk or expect me to do stuff for them, they don't stink up the house with chili farts, they will never be caught staring at other women, and even better, the size you bought it is the size it stays. It will never shrink or lose girth from atherosclerosis and low male hormone levels. Males absolutely do have these issues starting around 30 or so...don't let them play you like hormone deficits happen only to women. I think it actually happens to them more than us, and sooner.
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
100% agree sis
1 OniTan 2018-01-17
Sounds like you need to cuck your husband.
1 shallowm 2018-01-17
Well, speaking only for myself here, I think fake dicks are way better than organic units attached to a dood. At least in my case. The organic penile unit I am married to appears to be dependent upon a hormone in order to function properly. A doctor has diagnosed this 'low' condition in him, and I've been told it's common in males 30-45+. I personally would not want to look at a life-like male sex toy/bot. This seems to be a male thing, wanting a replica of the whole woman. I am perfectly content with just a healthy approximation of the needed appendage. I can get mine, wash the thing and put it away and forget all about it until the next time I want it. That's the perfect 'man' in my opinion. Best of all, dildos don't talk or expect me to do stuff for them, they don't stink up the house with chili farts, they will never be caught staring at other women, and even better, the size you bought it is the size it stays. It will never shrink or lose girth from atherosclerosis and low male hormone levels. Males absolutely do have these issues starting around 30 or so...don't let them play you like hormone deficits happen only to women. I think it actually happens to them more than us, and sooner.
1 Going_up_the_Country 2018-01-17
Did you secure their enthusiastic consent?
1 jesussaurusrex 2018-01-17
You're not funny, faggot.
1 Going_up_the_Country 2018-01-17
Did you secure their enthusiastic consent?
1 -absolutego- 2018-01-17
Dave Chappelle had a skit about this way back in 2001 and it's prescient in hindsight.
1 PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2018-01-17
This is more than that, it sounds increasingly like they want to say "I was violated" even when there's consent.
1 mohkohnsepicgun 2018-01-17
Stopped reading right there.
1 GenitalGesticulation 2018-01-17
This is why white women shouldn't be allowed to have alcohol.
1 neveryousay3 2018-01-17
"And it’s not as if that culture disappears upon graduation. Dusenbery, who is now 29, speaks of her “great feminist shame”: After a decade of sexual activity, she very often still doesn’t get off. “In one way that feels so superficial, but then, if I believe sexual pleasure is important, that’s terrible! Come on, Maya! Communicate!” She winds up feeling bad for not having done the work of telling her partners how to make her feel good. “What I want is not for me to have that burden. I want one of my male partners, who are wonderful men who care about me, to have just once been like, ‘No, this is unacceptable to me. I’m not going to continue to have sex with you when you’re not getting off!’ And I can’t imagine that happening.”
This woman is forever alone. Her only options are sex toys of a sexbot.
She wants a clairvoyant and yet continues to fake orgasms🤣🤣🤣.
1 pointmanzero 2018-01-17
....and suddenly the bussey ain't so bad....
1 aqouta 2018-01-17
Most women don't post or read insane shit on the internet. There are plenty of actual sane women.
1 Whaddaulookinat 2018-01-17
Exactly, most are actually capable of having a give take, talk listen relationship.
Bloody shocker.
1 SpinningNipples 2018-01-17
1 Heydammit 2018-01-17
If you'll excuse me serious posting here for a minute this one I found particularly fuckie.
There are completely mixed messages coming from women, particularly because they are such a diverse bunch. I've been with women who said that me asking what gets them off puts pressure on them that they can't. I've been with women who expect me to just know what to do to get them off, and then there women who say that everyone is different in regards to what works - which I acknowledge.
But if that's the fucking case, you at least gotta talk about what you like. You can't just clam up and get upset when guys try different things in the hope that one of the many ways of fucking is going to do the trick. This lady should feel bad for not telling her partners what makes her feel good. It's nice to have someone make the first step, but this doesn't apply to everyone.
With that out of my system, can anyone hand me a nice, tall glass of bussy? I'm parched.
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-01-17
1 Russiangreyman 2018-01-17
What a queer.
1 [deleted] 2018-01-17
1 MasterLawlz 2018-01-17
imagine getting accepted to the most prestigious college in the world and then majoring in gender studies
1 MG87 2018-01-17
What a waste of dad's connections and money
1 JumbledFun 2018-01-17
Everything is rape
1 Gil-Gandel 2018-01-17
This but unironically.
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2018-01-17
1 CarnistHappyCamp 2018-01-17
i got nothin. you win today.
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2018-01-17
Were you pro or anti grape?
1 CarnistHappyCamp 2018-01-17
anti-grape, as any sane individual would be. though in these cases, "grape" meant "projects which would obviously fail" due to bizarro-world ideas.
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2018-01-17
So you were the only sane person in the room? Sounds about right. I was working at dot-com companies when the whole "thinking outside the box" and "synergy" stuff became big buzzwords. I remember sitting in meetings going "this is going to fail miserably", but keeping my mouth shut because I was in my early 20s and being paid a ton of money.
1 CarnistHappyCamp 2018-01-17
well, one of them. i did contribute to shooting shit down but can hardly take the credit (depending on the meeting, a number of people you've all heard of in tech and entertainment were doing most of the target practice).
word to the wise: when the pitch for your project relies on using projections based on the single greatest success in the field ever, you're doing it wrong.
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2018-01-17
Don't I know it! "Hey guys, this is how Amazon did it!" No butt munches, Amazon did not start off with millions of dollars in investment capital.
1 CarnistHappyCamp 2018-01-17
"Now, if you look at our project, and then assume Facebook's growth curve..."
always good for a laugh
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2018-01-17
Yep, always assume you are going to be the next Facebook or Google.
1 CarnistHappyCamp 2018-01-17
lol yeah, i swear like 90% of projects that people pitch should just be pitched into the trash. people who don't know anything always assume "Oh I can make a social network based around my dog and i'll be rich but those fuckin' old rich guys won't give me a chance!"
yeah it's because they like their money and don't want to lose it on some dumbass joke of a proposal.
1 Chuck-U-Farley1 2018-01-17
You weren't a "team player" and didn't "buy-in" with the other "stakeholders" on the new "paradigm" shift that was going to "revolutionize" the world?
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2018-01-17
Nope, my job was to say "Nay!"
1 ironicshitpostr 2018-01-17
1 shallowm 2018-01-17
This, but unironically:
1 revisionistdonuts 2018-01-17
I'm going to ruin my mentions posting here but it's funny how you chucklefucks are too dumb (or too willfully ignorant) to even understand the discourse you're attempting to laugh at. But caring about other people's feelings has never been r/~Sociopathy~Drama's strong point.
1 shallowm 2018-01-17
I don't really have a strong opinion on the article—to me, it was basically saying "sex can still suck, even if it's consensual, maybe we should do something to make it better", which is fine, but I don't see how this is a "cultural" problem, it seems more like a sex ed problem to me. I guess the author might have been referring to some kind of cultural pressure to have sex, even if it doesn't feel good or something.
As someone who has reached levels of euphoria high enough to ascend beyond gussy, I am unable to understand how bad heterosexual sex is not remedied by communication and compatibility. I don't know why you chose me out of everyone here, though, because I wasn't even criticizing the article in the OP, I was making fun of another article. You don't think that the article I linked is reasonable, do you? I mean, come on.
You made me feel special though, thank you for that 😘
1 Chuck-U-Farley1 2018-01-17
The problem being the push by feminists to equate "sucky sex" with "rape"
1 Unicorn_Abattoir 2018-01-17
Define 'male'.
1 PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2018-01-17
Define 'soy'.
1 cultish_alibi 2018-01-17
Boohoo I don't always get to cum on a one night stand. The tragedy of the average white middle class female college graduate continues.
1 __Adam_Jensen__ 2018-01-17
every year 2d gets a bit better and 3d gets a bit worse
1 saint2e 2018-01-17
A pre-coital agreement fixes all these problems.
1 The_runnerup913 2018-01-17
This article is written like "why do the men I hook up with not care about getting me off" and fails to have the cognitive dissonance to realize it's answering it's own question.
1 ironicshitpostr 2018-01-17
Consent is for cucks.
1 fuckyourcontext 2018-01-17
1 siskonaut 2018-01-17
It probably explains why so much petty personal stuff is being blown up into grand political narratives.
1 Gil-Gandel 2018-01-17
It's almost like she's wilfully ruled out any career other than professionally bitching about men.
1 ricardogce 2018-01-17
It's ok, I speak Woke.
1 Leitos 2018-01-17
If her twitter is any indication, she has since moved to India, where a degree in gender studies carries much more authority.
1 blerg3410 2018-01-17
Nothing wrong with that
1 fuckyourcontext 2018-01-17
1 Tar_alcaran 2018-01-17
Hey women (yeah, all two of you).
Remember when we were "We're equal! Women can do anything men can do! We control our own actions and future! Shout NO when someone violates your boundaries!"
What happened to that? Why did we go from that to "Please protect us fragile little dolls! We need special help to stop these actions done to us while we passively give non-verbal cues! Our boundaries must be respected without our participation!"
1 [deleted] 2018-01-17
1 IAintThatGuy 2018-01-17
The fact that consent finally doesn't really matter makes me feel better about usually not bothering to get it;
1 MG87 2018-01-17
"All sex is rape"
1 Time_to_Drink 2018-01-17
1 PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2018-01-17
Define 'shitpost'
1 LemonScore 2018-01-17
I can't find the Any Key