Anyone up for some gender politics in DnD?

76  2018-01-19 by TakeMyVerySoul


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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It's not like the fact that DnD is full of male feminists should be a surprise to anyone.

yeah /r/fantasy is like this too. I just want to talk about my manchild books but they constantly drone on and on about lgbtqia+ and female representation

Is there a manchild books subreddit?

/r/fantasy pay attention sweetie

but they constantly drone on and on about lgbtqia+ and female representation

I meant a place where that doesn't get injected... honey.

Got it, bitch (didn't have anything to contribute, just wanted to call someone a bitch)


Now I'm wonderin whether r/drama is for edgy fagets, or is this a safe space for cunts. The outcome is the same, but still.

¿Por que no los dos?

So you just want to find somewhere you can exclude women without getting called out on it, go fucking figure.

Read the comment chain again. Slowly.

I'll wait until your reading comprehension kicks in.

Nope I think it's gone for the night I don't understand, that picture of mohammed kissing charlie hebdo is distracting me, peace out

I understand why diversity in live action media is important because it's really hard for minority actors and filmmakers to get jobs but I really don't get how it's that important in written storytelling or things like this.

I understand why diversity in live action media is important

I hope Wakanda is properly diverse and not racist and homogeneous.

It's basically a sort of affirmative action for authors who typically are underrepresented by the mainstream sci-fi/fantasy media(usually for good reasons concerning quality of work). It's kind of the standard nerd delusion that their fantasies are actually important to irl stuff taken to next level, where important social change is spearheaded by promoting niche work that most people will not shell money out for.

We'll look back on some shitty fantasy book written by a black fujoshi as one of the key pivotal moments of the New Civil Rights Movement, just you watch.

I understand why diversity in live action media is important because it's really hard for minority actors and filmmakers to get jobs

Unlike fucking whitey, who can just stroll onto a movie studio lot and wind up as the next Tom Cruise. That's all you hear about Hollywood, really - how easy it is to make it.

Also, we're talking about women, not minorities.

Put a hundred down and buy a car, in a week they'll make you a star?

I understand why diversity in live action media is important

umm no

implying black people want to work in the first place

The easiest prey for losers is even bigger losers

Isn't that where angrydm is from?

that’s what a DM is, yes

wasn’t Greggy Geargygax or whatever the creator’s name is a male feminist? or does he just look like one

i was almost tilted for a second there


I heard from somewhere that he cheated on his wives and sexually harassed other women. He also was a gun nerd

hm. well feminists had guns in the 70s, that’s inconclusive

Anyone up for some gender politics in DnD?

Do you even need to ask?

/u/Stewbacca22 I hope whatever woman that you donate to doesn't give you their contact information. This looks like textbook male feminist turns rapist after m'lady doesn't return your kindness with sex.

Gaming drama = cancer

What is it with these people and "super awesome kick-ass" adjectives everytime they mention a woman or minority.

What is it with this group and "super duper awesome epic" being the only descriptors they know?

because contrast to popular belief nerds are actually fucking dumb

If needs were smart, they'd know to become Chads.

Fucking duh.

Am nerd gone chad, can confirm

>gone chad


Pick one and only one, nerd.

Chad doesn't need to call himself a Chad, nerd.

There are two types of nerds, smart people and people obsessed with video games and that type of stuff

I think it can really cheapen the characters too because you end up writing a character that just exists to be a badass without any depth. If you want to write a badass minority character that's great, but they need to still feel like a human being.’s an RPG, why do they need to feel like a human being?

there’s a 50% chance it’s not a human being

I meant human in the sense that they’re complex/vulnerable/emotional/etc.


If it's a minority, it's probably not a human being.

Mostly it feels like it's to get a one up over supposed traditional heroes. But it's fairly shallow.

The trope of writing these supposed badass strong women characters is basically just taking an aggressive man and slapping boobs on them. I find it pretty annoying. Women don't HAVE to be physically strong or aggressive as men to demand respect and it's pretty sexist to assume femininity isn't strong in it's own right and you have to be act like a macho dude.

/u/Stewbacca22 If I told you I identify as a woman will you cough up some shekels? You're not a transphobe, right?

Do you have a lush lady beard and a throbbing feminine penis?


Look, you weren't getting any gussy from playing dnd, what makes you think promoting women in dnd will now get you some gussy.

as Homer Simpson said, "When in doubt, stick to what you know."

In this case, virginity, cheetos, and gnome illusionists.

Take a look around the table and see the kind of losers you're competing with. If you add one woman to that mix, then you have a chance.

Nah, she'll just fuck Chad Thundercock who she meets through a friend.

I'm guessing OP is a nerd terrified of the prospect that the handful of grills that play D&D might join up and no longer have to endure the awkward light sexual assault of the mouth breathing neckbeards.

how would starting to play d&d mean you don't get sexually assaulted? if anything, they would spending much more time around a lot of male feminists, which statistically increases the chances for sexual assault/rape by several hundred percent.

I wonder how many women they've all raped.

I am pretty comfortable guessing virginity all around.

You're still a virgin if the only sex you can get is the male feminist variety. It doesn't count, just like oral and butt stuff.

best bit of that thread:

Demographically speaking, men are the big spenders at most taverns

he probably thinks they go there to pick up new quests

Tbh Quest is a pretty dope hooker name


Yeah, I mean honestly if we have an underserved community of RPers it is jocks. We need to make more jocks feel welcome in our community.

My man here has a point!

I mean, he said that sarcastically, but if you think about it... the first sentence is actually correct.

My favourite D&D drama is people looking the new rulebooks with drawings of PoC's and women and talking about how it's cool that the game represents them now.


I mean, they made FATAL specifically for such “imagination”.

I shouldn't have to roll for anal circumference. I'll just take ten.


FATAL isn't diverse once you realize that combat always becomes everyone trying to rape each other to death because it's a fairly easy insta-kill.

Imagine a 13 nipples dragon... mindblowing.

it's not really that unbelievable. it's basically a cow-dragon with a few more utters. another. and yet another kinda a cool concept that i think could be implemented pretty well into a DnD campaign, but i've never played DnD so i don't know if cow-dragons are banned or not.

Haha oh wow delete this

But you've completely missed my point! It's that there are an odd number of nipples! That's weird. I had a friend with four nipples but three were all on the same side.

that doesn’t sound like drama at all tbh

at least, not until you started yelling

DnD always had women drawn in the books but apparrently they were the wrong type of drawings?

I don't even know anymore. The circlejerk of women in RP feels like it comes full circle to sexism. Like, 'well done for liking DnD as a woman! Let me pat you on the head for liking something thousands of other people have liked for 30 odd years! Yeyyy you!' It's patronising as all hell.

DnD always had women drawn in the books but apparrently they were the wrong type of drawings?

They were (and still are) in the sense that they portray women as capable melee combatants.

Thousands of years of pre-industrial human warfare show us that's not the case.

Ackshually if you check chapter 17 subsection 4b of the rule book trans-eurasian vegan dragons can have no more than eight nipples...

I can't even imagine being so retarded that you think Lady's Night at a bar is feminist and not just a blatant bait-and-switch promotional tactic, but apparently /u/Malinhion is deluded enough to believe that.

There's a reason I just play D&D with select groups and don't engage with the online communities; tabletop is overrun with cucks and soyboys who will insist they need more women at the table and then either pamper them and go easy on them or sit there and breathe heavily on them for four hours at a time. I've read way too many stories about awkward white knights throwing out any chads who have the gall to imply a woman in the group is ruining the game, even when she is.

Most of them like trash "light rules" stuff these days anyways. RPGs have become a meme because of these cucks.

These people and the ones who listen to DnD podcasts. Why the fuck would I listen and watch someone play RP? A game is different. That's got visuals but DnD? Why? Just go play the game you casual.

I listen to dnd podcasts because I have no one to play with 😔

Never said that, but thanks for your bullshit misinterpretation and call-out. Considering the rest of your safe space whining about keeping your sausage fest D&D sessions, I'm glad to be the herald of disagreement to your deluded misogyny.

Lo, the herald of disagreement hath arrived

lmao /u/Malinhion is a massive faggot

Never said that, but thanks for your bullshit misinterpretation and call-out


You literally said that offering a Lady's Night is great because it caters to women and they're underrepresented or whatever, but you seem to acknowledge that the entire bar dating scene (in fact, basically every dating scene) revolves around the number of women present. It's literally a business tactic, and an old one.


Is everything cucks do a "call-out"? Does it have to be? Can nobody just disagree anymore? Does everything need to be "I'm callin' you out for sayin' a thing!"? Because that's retarded. A disagreement isn't some huge statement. Nobody likes "call-outs".

Considering the rest of your safe space whining about keeping your sausage fest D&D sessions

safe space

What "safe space"? I have no "safe space". You're perfectly allowed to reply to me, here and elsewhere, and I'll respond. My RPG sessions are open to basically everybody (which is easy to do when you keep politics out of your games, which is something anybody who isn't brain-damaged is capable of doing), and I'm willing to respond and have my beliefs questioned. No, I think this is a good bit of projecting on your part.

sausage fest D&D sessions

I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if I'd played D&D with more women than you.

I've found that it's harder to keep women mainly due to priorities; they're much quicker to drop it when they move, get new jobs, find a new boyfriend, anything else that occupies their time or makes being somewhere once a week less convenient. By contrast guys will usually be willing to commute to play games, so they stick around longer. But I probably have more new players who are women as well.

Tip: the women will also think you're retarded.

deluded misogyny

Something I'll only be accused on online for saying that girls don't need special treatment. But hey, whatever floats your soybean latte.

Some women who want to begin playing may feel more comfortable to start with a table that had more women since there is a certain stigma that hangs around this game. That stigma being that it is mostly played by sweaty guys in their mother's basement.

u/Stewbacca22 so these are women are prejudiced and your solution is... to give them stuff?

Holy fuck I just want to play make believe with my friends why the FUCK do they have to interject their politics

It's just like with video games, movies... pretty much any fiction.

If you're allowed to think your own thoughts unsupervised, you might engage in wrongthink, and butterfly effect harm (against protected classes, ofc) into existence.

We can't have that.

if you’re allowed to think your own thoughts, other concepts you find interesting might sneak their way in.

if you’re a boring or serious person, this could involve politics, even gender politics

And that's perfectly fine. OTOH, it's just like anything else.

Even if I really really really love model train sets, it's still kinda rude if I decide to make every group I enter talk about model train sets, engage in their hobbies through the lens of model train sets, and cast aspersions against anyone that doesn't want to do so.

idk that all sounds accurate, i’m going to bed

Excuse me but hate thoughts are illegal, please delete this

I can actually hear the women being oppressed as a direct result of my wrongthink.

It's like holding a seashell up to my ear.

Untreated mental illness (probably the old 'tism)

There's no other explanation anymore


"Social justice warrior," or "anyone who's not as shitty as I am."

Found the rapist.

Um... I’m a woman, though. I think the real question is 1. What the hell and 2. Are you... okay?

-4 str -1 int +1 wis + 2 dex.

I’m a woman, though.

no, we were talking about irl

I’m a woman

No you're not, you fucking faggot.

God I fucking hate women, can't you cunts just go ruin something else that I don't care about?

In D&D, gender has to relation to the Strength and Endurance ability scores. It's clearly pure fantasy.

In classic DnD/ADnD it did... first edition rules, anyhow. Not sure when they dropped that.

First Edition AD&D capped the 18/xx exceptional strength roll for anyone who wasn't a male human. In the case of female humans that meant xx was limited to 50 whereas men could go all the way to 100. It affected female characters only if they were fighters (others didn't get the /xx anyway), only if they rolled 18 for strength, and only if they they rolled over 50% on the bonus roll. That meant, if you were rolling stats honestly, it affected only about one in four hundred female human fighters -- and female players not at all since you were under no obligation to have your character's sex match your own.

...But of course it was spoken of as though every woman was affronted instead of 99.75% of them being completely unaffected by this rule, whereas a look at the actual data would suggest that all women should be taking a STR hit, and that it's completely indisputable that the strongest woman is far, far behind the strongest man.

I've never played DnD so I would like to get a few things straight

So, this game is a bunch of people making up some (I imagine very poorly written) stores where they're a knight or whatever, right? Like, it's not an actual story that anyone else ever sees or anything? So why does it matter if it has more representation lol?

Not grills = no chance at getting laid

So, this game is a bunch of people making up some (I imagine very poorly written) stories where they're a knight or whatever, right?

No, it's an erotically charged sexventure.

This thread is about positive support and generosity in the face of toxicity. As such, I'm ignoring any reports made against the OP, as their content is fully within the spirit of our subreddit.

If people end up discussing "politics" here, that's not the end of the world, and perhaps some of these discussions need to happen.

Keep it civil, the moderation secret police are watching from the shadows.


"Our mod queue keeps getting reports in and we actually have to moderate! I didn't sign up for this, fuck you locked thread"

You sound like the guy that sues the bar to end ladies night because it's discriminatory.

There have been multiple guys who have done this over the past 30 years, and they have been entirely successful.

Sure, he might be "that guy" but he's right.

Someone rip that blindfold off that blue bitch with the weighing scales quick!

Diversity is SO IMPORTANT you guys! Hire more women! How dare someone criticise her and say she's a diversity hire!

Idk if they catch the irony here or what but this is pretty much the double edged sword of screeching autisticly about diversity. People are gonna think that person is a diversity hire. But god am I glad I just have my group and don't engage in online RP communities because they all seem like insufferable assholes. 'Hurr durr I make all my NPCs women give me my good boy points now'.

Side note, can we ban the word diversity? It's lost all meaning.

It's 2018, diversity means no straight white dudes you piece of shit

Anyone up for some gender politics in DnD?

hmm nope.

more evidence not to include women in anything.

gussycide when?

Fact: roleplaying is the worst kind of escapism reserved for the worst types of people

The only way this could be any truer would be if my username were genuine Elvish out of LotR and originally created for a D&D character I wanted to play.