Autist on AHS makes false flag post on T_D, entire AHS userbase proceeds to jerk themselves silly.

87  2018-01-20 by morerokk


This is retarded.

I honestly love that AHS doesn't even pretend to not have an agenda.

They also need to get rid of latestagecapitalism because they are calling for the killings of bankers and such [+40]

Calling for a violent class revaluation is not the same as calling for racially motivated assignations [+10]

Killing people is only acceptable when we do it. :le nazi thinking emoji:

/u/OPPoke why are you fucking stupid

/u/OPPoke /u/6MillionWay2Die

How does it feel to get gilded for such a hasty comment? Mind explaining why a single removed post with 0 points and 0 comments is enough to ban the whole sub?

user reports: 1: Personal Attack

Guys, stop with the personal attacks.

Personal attacks? In MY /r/drama?

ur dumb heh


wtf a personal attack mods????

wow rood 😞

But...muh...drama... :(

Oh hey that’s my comment

/u/OPPoke won't defend the false flag. He's a biased prejudiced piece of shit.

Any proof that this is false flag?

false flags are a violation of reddit law, and will result in /u/br00ce's subreddit being closed and he himself imprisoned.

I hope so! I cant wait for all those big yummy black cocks!

We're over BBD here. It's all about bussy now. Get with the program.

but what do you put in bussy 🤔🤔🤔

Bussy, slang for boy pussy

Uh no. What a fake news sub. Its the slang for boi pucci

It's like my dad trying to dab plz stop

walks in with two skate boards

How do you do fellow kids

Even if it wasn't, the post was only up for 2 minutes and it doesn't seem like it was even upvoted. Yeah, the_donald is retarded, but they aren't THAT retarded.

Nothing wrong with going full retard for Daddy. 😍😍😍

OP keeps posting archive links that were made literally two minutes after the post was made.

It probably wasn't, but this here's shit-posting country.

If you look at this through the "Obama is half-white" lense, it's just fine. People have been hanging politicans in effigy since a long time ago.

I guess alts don't exist.

Besides, even if it weren't a false flag, it's still pretty retarded if you ask me. Using a one minute-old post as a justification to ban the entire sub. Any other mod with the least amount of integrity would have stickied such a disclaimer, too.

Using a one minute-old post as a justification to ban the entire sub

This isnt happening. You can tell by TD not being banned over this. AHS is just a collection of hate from what we consider hate subs. This is an example of hate.

let's propagate false information because you agree with it.

What's false? It was a legit post from TD from a legit TD user.

Imagine being this retarded

multiple guilty confessions and indictments

"muh russia"

somone takes a snapshot of the_donald/new


multiple guilty confessions and indictments

"muh russia"

Literally not related to the campaign in the slightest

somone takes a snapshot of the_donald/new


And posts it to a known hate subreddit such as the shithole u/againsthatesibreddits lol yeah right

And posts it to a known hate subreddit such as the shithole u/againsthatesubreddits

being against racist makes you the real racists amirite

Uh you are not against racists you are anti white you mouth breathing retard.

Yeah that's called racism

anti-racism is code for anti-white amirite

also how could I hate white people? I fuck white people!

Imagine being this retarded

I literally cant

You literally are

That's disgusting. White people are degenerate and must be killed.

you can do whatever with them after I get my dick wet

Bestiality remains illegal in most states. Pervert.

Don't worry I live in the south


Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda. When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union, the Soviet response would be "What about..." followed by an event in the Western world.

The term "whataboutery" has been used in Britain and Ireland since the period of the Troubles (conflict) in Northern Ireland. Lexicographers date the first appearance of the variant whataboutism to the 1990s, while other historians state that during the Cold War Western officials referred to the Soviet propaganda strategy by that term.

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analogies arent whataboutism u dork

It wasn't an analogy, it was literal whataboutery.

ITT cuck mod u/Br00ce gets BTFO when he stops outside his AgainstHateSubreddits shithole sub

Haha yes

>that list of subs you mod

I'd tell you to kill yourself but your life is honestly worse than hell already






what do you have against dogs fren?

> when modding multiple subs is the only thing that gives your life value


Don’t forget my drug addiction and puppies!

I'm not involved in this discussion, but m8 do you like have lots of free time or what?

I'm not involved in this discussion, but /u/br00ce do you like have lots of free time or what?

Most powermods are otherwise unemployed.

Yeah. Im recently out of college job hunting. I don't do a lot of modding tho bc that shit is boring. I usually just shitpost and chat with people on slack and discord.

Did you major in woman's studies brah? STEM majors, you know people actually worth a shit, get high paying jobs before graduating. What is this job hunt thing you speak.

Industrial/Organizationial Psychology!

That's pretty cool. So what does a typical day on the job entail?

It’s all about focusing on employees to make them happier to make them more productive. There are a lot ways to do that but I want to focus on recruitment.

Forum moderating apparently

So you majored in feels

It’s science!

Aka what I do, but replace slack and discord with modmail.

Maybe spend less time on Reddit?

>not posting the full list

the fact you tried to play it off is even more embarassing

r/shittyaskscience r/rarepuppers r/google r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog r/woof_irl r/Trumpgret r/TopMindsOfReddit r/happycowgifs r/AgainstHateSubreddits r/shittynosleep r/DoctorWhumour r/verypunny r/ShittyTodayILearned r/SummerReddit r/Negareddit r/PupliftingNews r/puppersheckingdying r/filesharing r/EnoughCommieSpam r/MetaHub r/worldpoliticalhumour r/ShitTheAdminsSay r/imgoingtohell r/AskModerators r/WhatAboutSRS r/BestOfAdminSmackdown r/deereatingchairs r/ShittyScience r/TempleOS_Official r/anarchismandtheory r/SPLCenter r/faggots r/TheTopMinds r/secretsocieties r/whiteeurope r/TheFemPillNSFW r/PoliceAnimols r/radicalcentrism r/Students r/BridgeEngineers r/GrammarNazis r/bussyNSFW r/shittyfinance r/HateSpeechOnTheWeb r/actualjournalism r/NewJerseyFreakshow r/BestofModSmackdown r/RedditFails r/stuffredditsays r/AnimalsAndCrosswalks r/UUUU r/Br00ceForMod r/brogressive r/fritzly r/The_Batcave r/assholeconvention r/SimpleCSSTricks u/dis_is_my_account r/ProHateSubreddits r/mypetsarecuter r/SRDAnarchy r/The_Maloney r/CapitalistMemes r/AskNJFreakshow r/Br00ce r/CenterBroke r/EnoughTankieSpam r/MensLibButGood r/NotEnoughCommieSpam

I didnt think mentioning joke subs like /r/bussy, modmail subs like r/deereatingchairs, hate subs that have been taken over like /r/faggots, or dead subs like /r/AnimalsAndCrosswalks were relevant but good on you for copypasting that full public list.

You can tell the majority of the subs I mod are pet/cute animal subs.

> /r/Trumpgret










you are totally a normal well adjusted person with a normal life irl

trumpgret and tmor I just sit on the mod list bc Im friends with the other mods. Other subs are small and inactive. Only ones on that list I pay any attention to is AHS and nega. Good detective work.

bro you are

1) a power mod

2) a power mod of politcal subs

3) a power mod of meta subs

4) a power mod of politcal meta subs

5) friends with other power mods

that's 5 layers of cancer you have going on, but you do you. I already think I spend too much time on this website.

Explain why any of those things are cancerous

They are full of circle jerking mouth breathing triggered beta male cucks such a yourself.

Not an arguemrnt

Because you're narrative/voice crafting because you're so insanely ass blasted that Trump supporters have jobs and families and you don't.

Holy shit you’re triggered. How many messages you going to send me?

Offer a rebuttal then or are you just going to double down on the prejudice and bias and continue the voice crafting?

Lol no. You are literally too stupid to debate.

I have no response so I'm just going to call my opponent a big stinky meanie head.

Wow /u/Br00ce. Much enlighten. So clever. Wow.

Doge is so 2013. Get with the current memes and eat a tide pod

Excuse me. Some of us take the /r/bussy community very seriously. Please step down immediately.

Just christ. /u/Br00ce if you didn't have such an obsession with Trump you might have a job.

Also, nice circular logic.

"Spreading misinformation is okay, because the misinformation smears something we dislike!"

Lol what u using alts to modmail subs now?

Don't have any alts, some other guy showed this to me. Since you have access to the modmail, I'm sure you can figure out who.

Some other guy huh? Where? I hope yall arent colluding off site to push some kind of narrative. That would be unethical!

Sorry, no brigading here. I simply posted the AHS thread on multiple subs (as a screenshot).

I didn't say you were brigading. Why did you bring that up? Are you trying to cover something up? #releasethechatlogs!

/r/AgainstHateSubreddits would NEVER use an external chat client to coordinate narrative/voice craft EVER.

Fucking idiot.

Are you this butt hurt over somebody making daddys favorite retards look bad? Holy shit kill yourself my man.

Actually, I couldn't care less.

What gets my goat is that they took one of the worst possible examples, and blew it up to insane proportions.

Retards calling out other retards. Caring this much about the endless screeching on reddit is a sign of downs. Kill yourself

It’s great that you feel that way but this subreddit is basically just a retard cage match so you should probably post somewhere else.

4 days of posts qualifies as "established" top fuckin kek this sub and this mod are the real hate and cancer.

He had 2 standard deviations higher post history in /r/LeagueOfLegends and only began posting in T_D 1 month back.

Care to try again /u/Br00ce?

Should have known this was a false flag (maybe). This meme is too good to be anything the children in the_dumbass could possibly make.

How much of a faggot do you have to be to spend your whole life trying to get rid of another subreddit? I'd tell ahs to off themselves but that'd be the first productive actbin their lives.

TD is pretty fucking annoying i used to enjoy looking at all the top youtube links but since TD is so retarded only nutjob youtube commentators meet their rigid requirements for real daddy news they fill up the page and i have to sift through garbage for my funny maymay videos.

BONUS: Resident retard Br00ce responds on the matter. As predicted, the response is "it's okay because it's T_D".

(Disclaimer: I'm not the one in the above modmail)

/u/Br00ce I can't imagine going through life that stupid - do you not see your circular reasoning?

TD is hatful so its not surprising that it made a hateful post is not circular reasoning. This one post didnt make TD a hate sub, TD has been a hate sub.

Oh okay, I guess that makes it okay to leave up misinformation.

The "circular" part comes in when you justify Reddit being hateful with posts like the one OP linked.

You are the nosy, unlikable HOA member always bothering someone in the neighborhood. You are just a fucking busybody.

The "circular" part comes in when you justify the_donald being hateful with posts like the one OP linked.

I justify it being a hate sub from every other post. This post is not surprising bc td already is a hate sub.

Its like a neo nazi saying something racist or antifia breaking a window. Its not surprising bc of their previous actions.

Its like a neo nazi saying something racist or antifia breaking a window.

le truth is in le middle?

God damn, I really hope you're only pretending to be retarded, because there would be at least one thing we have proof you're good at.

Would you care to explain this comment then?

imagine being such a joyless culture war cucc you try to "call out" a mod for shitposting smdh

AHS is a pretty big fan of the whole "pretending to be racist is worse than racism" thing, so it really doesn't matter if he was shitposting, he was still calling for violence against homosexuals.


thank u 4 ur contribution fam

You couldn't even get block quoting right. That really takes the sting out of the cumback tbqh.

Bro /u/Br00ce is a fucking terrible human being but that is clearly a shit-post.

Attack /u/Br00ce for being a jobless fuck-wit who can't moderate for shit but dude that's clearly a shit-post.

You don't find it a little bit ironic that AHS claims "I was just joking" is not a valid excuse for racism, yet people are rushing in here defending exactly that?

That's a fair assessment.

I'll heed that point.

Translation /u/Br00ce

Blacks are so used to committing crime so its not surprising that they committed a crime is not circular reasoning. This one wrongfully convicted black man didn't make black people criminals, black people have always been criminals.

This is you. This is what you're doing /u/Br00ce. Your fragile mind and your chapped ego are at stake here so what do you do?

Double down on the prejudice and bias.


Yeah laugh it up chuckle-fuck. No one buys your horseshit but you and your demented twisted "hate" acolytes.

Imagine being so fucking retarded that you legitimately think the FBI should be monitoring members of T_D in case they are domestic terrorists.

Like those fucking morons can barely even spell do you think they're gonna start firebombing universities or something?

It's true. I can't spell. All my posts are dictated via my mom.

did you break your arms or something

something something every thread

Eh, most far-right terrorists tend to be low-IQ, like Timothy McVeigh and such.

That motherfucker killed almost 200 people, if you think he had a low IQ, how dumb must all these muslim terrorists that sometimes don't even get 1 person be??

Meth heads have meth lab explosions that could take out an apartment complex.

Pretty dumb I'll bet.

Timothy McVeigh was actually a borderline genius, wasn't he? You have so many retarded terrorists to pick from to prove your point and you pick one that actually proves you wrong.

I actually don't know if he was low-IQ but he was definitely a marginally employed loser.

subredditcancer plz go



Few things are possible here:

  1. You think a screenshot of a post on a subreddit you don't like with no upvotes and no comments represents some significant portion of its users and want the entire subreddit banned.

  2. You are so full of hate and vitriol that you didn't even notice that there are no upvotes or comments.

  3. You don't care about any of this and love to stroke your own dicks digitally with coconut oil.

D. All of the above

Look at the comments, the top one has 10k upvotes and 2 guilds.

Where does it say its false flag?

We did an analysis of this shit on SRC. The guys account was 90% league of legends posts and immediately was deleted after the "transgression"

Of course he deleted his account are you retarded? he got on the front page with 20k karma looking like an asshole, its beyond belief that you honestly think this wasnt just some random retard and instead some spoooky liberal false flag.

Wouldn't he be proud of his precious little meme? After all if that's what represents the_donald wouldn't he be heralded by his peers?

Or are you just being intellectually dishonest because it reaffirms your biases and prejudices against people you don't like?

Come on, big man. Lay it on me.

Or are you just being intellectually dishonest because it reaffirms your biases and prejudices against people you don't like?

says the guy believing someone would go to all the effort of setting up an account and posting for months to act like an alt right retard only to delete it after using it for one post on an obscure sub, its totally not like trump supporters are known for acting like this on other sites.

His account was 90% league of legends posts, then went on to posting random posts in the_donald that never cracked 20 votes. There couldn't possibly be a market for aged accounts.

And please stop the deflection tactic of citing another group. I'm not painting you with broad strokes and claiming you're equivalent to James Hodgkinson.

Can you please stop this incessant creation of ignus fatuus.

"citing another group'' LOL what they are all trump supporters what are you smoking? Oh so because he was shit at posting in TD he cant be a TD poser?? Espicially because hes a LoL player because you just know they are known to be extremely intelligent and well spoken kek.

blah blah blah DACA & Muslims

nice changing the subject from the fact that you are retarded enough to believe someone went through massive amounts of effort to create a fake TD user instead of the established fact that Trump supporters act like this pretty often.

Let me guess. You're perfectly willing to paint with broad strokes in this instance but anyone stating the extremely high incidence of crime with DACA members or Muslims is literally Hitler?

just like to add how retarded this is because im not even american and in my country the anti immigration party is the leftist trade unionists in power (that i voted for) so you are just talking out your ass to confirm your biases about me.

What country is that? I'd love to read up on this.

And if the left would align with that I'd be good. Looks like your country is:

  • Merit based
  • Has no chain migration
  • Has extreme vetting and a ban list of countries
  • No refugees from terror prone zones
  • Compulsory DNA Testing and screening

Jesus Christ. In my country you'd be crucified as a far right Nazi for compulsory DNA testing. lol

Thats because racists poison the well of discourse before it starts not to mention america still has a super strong undercurrent of racism in places so it just ends up being an inevitability, for you it may not be about race but many who are anti immigration it totally is. Our second biggest riot was literally racist american troops vs local troops when the troops on deployment threw a hissy fit over browns being allowed in the service club, we just done have nearly as much of a race relations problem.

Can you link me the news story about American GIs throwing a racist hissy fit?

I believe what you're doing is called Mind Projection and it's a logical fallacy.

lol if you google "Second biggest nz riot" its the first result, it definitely happened.

October 1943

Bro. Seriously?

I realize you're not an American so you don't get this but opinions in the US have changed drastically since the 1940s.

You're being intentionally obstinate for no apparent reason other than not wanting to admit defeat.

Thats barely a generation ago you think racism is going to be gone after a single generation? thats hilarious and your sheer projection is astounding, just because black people arent getting lynched for walking into a white bar anymore doesnt mean racism isnt still a thing, we all saw the charlottesville ralley (inb4 it was a heart attack etc)

Yes, let's base an entire argument based on punctuated hyperbole.

You do know that wasn't race based? That guy got first-degree murder charges. Not hate crime charges.

Should I go into anti-Asian racism in New Zealand and draw some parallels for you?

Im not saying we dont have race relation probelems im saying we dont have the massive clusterfuck that is america problems. You are honestly super delusional if you think they are remotely comparable situations.

I never before thought someone could be so delusional as to compare racism in NZ to USA , i always thought it would be some retarded SJW like the one who claimed our government was alt right but thanks for proving to me that horse shoe theory is a thing.

So your country didn't enslave Asians? You didn't have hate crimes or discrimination against Asians?

Or maybe just maybe like the United States in 2018 those are issues of the past greatly overblown by a hyper sensationalized media looking for a dragon to slay.

Would you like to reassess your world view through the lens of the mind projection fallacy?

No we literally didnt the article you linked said they went to peru you didnt even read your own source, i dont need to attack you because you attack yourself with you baseless accusations that NZ participated in slaving comparable to USA.

So you enslaved them and sold them to a foreign power for wealth?

Ah so much better. Beautiful that you're willing to defend slavery because of intellectual dishonesty.

And no the operation was much deeper than that.

It is interesting how your racism against asians persisted far into the 21st century. You even discriminate against them in the work place.

My family is Chinese immigrants and your "shit hole" country was too dangerous for us.


Blackbirding is the coercion of people through trickery and kidnapping to work as labourers. From the 1860s, blackbirding ships in the Pacific sought workers to mine the guano deposits on the Chincha Islands in Peru. In the 1870s, the blackbirding trade focused on supplying labourers to plantations, particularly the sugar cane plantations of Queensland and Fiji. The first documented practice of a major blackbirding industry for sugar cane labourers occurred between 1842 and 1904.

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Lol first i didnt vote NZ first, second we could ship 10000 slaves it still would be nowhere near what americas level of brutality, (chinese faced discrimination) did we ever lynch them for looking like a white women? or burn down entire blocks when they got rich? no? then still nowhere near americas level of racism. Just as dangerous as the US what a fucking joke we never had full blown segregation and civil wars over the right to keep slaves get your head out of your ass.

You're right. America's racism was pronounced and destroyed in the span of a few centuries.

Meanwhile here's modern day New Zealand. Ethnic residential segregation in New Zealand.

Why do you hate Asians so much?

Why would an Asian ever move to your shit-hole country when they could just move to America and be the wealthiest population block?

So I'll ask again. Why the mind projection fallacy?

LOL yeah because there is a paper on it, its obviously widespread, its not like i too can google it and then do the same exact thing to where racism is "destroyed"

Despite recent trends, blacks remain the most segregated racial group. The dissimilarity-index indices in 1980, 1990 and 2000 are 72.7, 67.8, and 64.0, respectively.[10] Blacks are hypersegregated in most of the largest metropolitan areas across the U.S., including Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, DC.[6] For Hispanics, the second most segregated racial group, the indices from 1980, 1990 and 2000 are 50.2, 50.0, and 50.9, respectively.[10]

Oh but of course they dont do it to asians too do they? oh wait they do Asian American stereotypes can also obstruct career paths; because Asians are seen as better skilled in engineering, computing, and mathematics, they are often encouraged to pursue technical careers. They are also discouraged from pursuing non-technical occupations or executive occupations requiring more social interaction, since Asians are expected to have poor social skills. In the 2000 study, forty percent of those surveyed who experienced discrimination believed that they had lost hiring or promotion opportunities. In 2007, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reported that Asians make up 10 percent of professional jobs, while 3.7 percent of them held executive, senior level, or manager positions.[97]

Other forms of discrimination include racial profiling and hate crimes. Research shows that discrimination has led to more use of informal mental health services by Asian Americans.[99] Asian Americans who feel discriminated against also tend to smoke more.[100]

You are the one with a mind projection fallacy here, its crazy how you manage to project your own faults onto others.

So would you say that cherry picking news paper segments and research papers to paint a broad picture of a country might be disingenuous?

I want you to plant your flag firmly on something.

Theres no point you will never accept anything and just move goalposts indefinitely back until you declare victory by getting me to give up so im just going to give up now because thats what youve done you couldnt argue that the OP was a typical trump poster so you switched tracks to something else and then you switch tracks to NZ being as bad as USA and you will switch tracks again.

Answer the question, /u/allendrio.

Stop being coy and make an assertion. Is cherry picking news articles to make a point fair or not?

For less than a year between 1862–63, Peruvian ships (and a few Chilean ships under the Peruvian flag) combed the smaller islands of Polynesia from Easter Island in the eastern Pacific to the Ellice Islands (now Tuvalu) and the southern atolls of the Gilbert Islands (now Kiribati), seeking workers to fill the extreme labour shortage in Peru.[2]


Which country sold the slaves again? Remind me.

Private sellers to markets in Peru, one of them happened to be a NZ citizen to compare that to the USA massive slave trading apparatus is the most hilariously delusional social justice bullshit i have ever heard.

So is selectively picking news articles fair to paint a broad picture of an entire country?

Yes or no. It's a simple question.


Answer the question /u/allendrio because this is how we can take this comment chain all the way back up to the top.

We've painted a very clear picture here and now I simply need you to answer the question.

So is selectively picking news articles fair to paint a broad picture of an entire country?

Yes or no. It's a simple question.

My only logical conclusion here is you are smart enough to realize the implication of this question because no matter what answer you give it's just destroyed every single argument you've made in this thread.

i didnt selectively pick anything you mong i stated facts and backed them up and you reeeed "BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME" and then linked to bullshit i debunked like the peru slave trade somehow being NZ which i have just debunked and which you are now deflecting away from.

you mong

Emotive response. Bring it in. Please.

i didnt selectively pick anything

Yes you did. You haven't linked anything related to black unemployment, black people in positions of power, rising black wealth, race relation positives, nothing. You've focused on multiple decades old news stories.

When I forced you to address Asian discrimination that is ONGOING in your country you shrugged it off by saying I was cherry picking.

So what is it. Is cherry picking an acceptable practice or not?


Answer this question with a Yes or a No.

The goal post is right where it started at the very beginning and once you give me your answer I'll explain how you're wrong.

As before I ask you keep your wild emotive swings in check.

And now you've gone back and dropped a down vote on this entire comment chain. Yikes.

So I take it you realize the trap you set for yourself. I'll lay it out since you're not going to respond.

If you answer YES, cherry picking is acceptable: Congrats NZ is an anti-asian hell hole.

If you answer NO, cherry pick is not acceptable: Congrats you're prejudiced and biased and guilty of the mind projection fallacy. You're assuming racist intent where your countries stricter policies are some how pure of intent. (Despite testing for Asian DNA lol)

Since you seem to be getting awful emotional I'll offer you one emotive response.

You're upset that an Asian spanked your Kiwi ass and that chaps your racist Asian hating ass

lol so delusional, get help.

Judging a group by an outlier via isolated incidents appears completely parallel to the discussion.

If you're unable to follow I can build a logic tree for you.

But that'd just reaffirm your prejudice about Asians wouldn't it, Mr. New Zealand?

except i didnt link ''outlier incidents'' i linked other popular trump supporter boards so it its complete deflection on you part because you cant admit you were wrong so you want to make this about racism in NZ.

Kind of like how the deputy leader of New Zealand first said there's too many damn asians?

And goddamn Winston Peters is a fucking anti-Asian nutjob.

Some I assume are good people of course.

Wow, build a flying wall?

White people are under attack in my country?

"They're bringing rapists and murderers."

"We're being flooded with MEXICANS ASIANS!"

Even Donald Trump liked the Mexican food. Why do you guys hate Asians so much?

Grab her by the epigenetics! It's just locker room talk!


** So come again. Shall we continue this charade of you think you're some how clever and can worm your way out of this one? **

You realize i never said winston wasnt racist or that nz didnt have race relation problems? i just said not on the level of america, are you so delusional that you missed that?

Wow your 2nd world shit hole country even attacked a Chinese businesswoman for just having the audacity to be in a commercial.

Holy fuck Kiwi's are awful racist degenerate people.

let me keep deflecting from the fact that my initial claims were retarded here is a random article please start talking about this instead of the fact that the idea that the post was a false flag was retarded

So plant your fucking flag and stop being a milquetoast fucking weasel for once in your life.

Am I cherry picking articles to make New Zealand look worse than it is?

If so can you draw a logic parallel from our comment chain.

COME ON. I know debating an Asian boils your Kiwi blood but do it. Make a solid assertion.

YES OR NO cherry picking news is not an acceptable form of discourse.

Let me plant my flag and affirm i will never address the initial argument and will never stop deflecting

Am i deflecting from the fact my initial claim was retarded?

If so can you draw a logical parrallel from how i will never admit this.


Good thing Asians are migrating to your country. Looks like you need the boost to the collective IQ of that 2nd world shit hole.


Firstly I've completely evaporated this argument from earlier in the chain:

Premise A: United States immigration policy is rooted in racism. Premise B: New Zealand immigration policy is not.

Once we resolve this item in the stack we can resolve FILO style.

Answer. The. Question.

premise A USA discussion on immigration is poisoned initially with racists stating racist reasons for why they want immigration so strongly and loudly that rather than economic reasons more racially charged ones are setting the tone of the political discourse to come to be overly based on racism

premise B NZ does not have this problem


Mind projection fallacy again. You're assuming intent where none exists.

I linked you nearly a dozen articles of the deputy of someone responsible for immigration reform in your country made extremely charged racist comments. Worse than anything Trump has ever said in my personal opinion.

I also linked you to a Reddit post where Kiwi's discussed how awful it was to be Chinese in that country and racists poisoned the conversation.

It is quite glorious to see you go from someone rational and poised to disintegrating into an emotional mess because I jabbed your racism button.

Just about the same time you learned I'm a child of Chinese Immigrants. Hmmm. Are these two things linked?

you stopped trying after i started being retarded and accusing NZ of being a slaver state because on citizen was a slaver in Peru, obviously im the winner here, i get doubleplus points due to being chinese.

i have succesfully deflected this entire comment chain away from my retarded claim of evil liberals doing false flags on TD and you refuse to argue further about my retarded claims so i declare i win.

Please pay close attention. I'm slowing this down for you. I'm not used to interacting with New Zealanders so dumbing things down doesn't come naturally.

We have 3 arguments going.

We've resolved one.

I'm trying to resolve the 2nd assertion now.

When we resolve these axioms we can return to the top of the stack first-in-last-out style.

You already agreed cherry picking articles wasn't an acceptable form of discourse.

So now to the next point. I've cherry picked articles, forum conversations, etc. to show that New Zealand is a racist hell hole. I chose to selectively pick articles about one of the pioneers of immigration policy in your country and defame him by targeting only his racist comments against Asians.

You will now take a deep breath stop your manchild blubbering and answer me one simple question.

Is it possible that you too have built a fabrication out of selective screening of news articles to build a fragmented and distorted view of immigration in the US.

Yes or no.

When you answer this we'll move back to the top of the stack.

You already agreed cherry picking articles wasn't an acceptable form of discourse.

No i didnt you obviously completely misconstrued something i said just like you did to start this entire conversation lol.

So then your country is a racist hell hole and immigration reform was entirely based on racism against Asians?

Cherry picking IS an acceptable form of discourse.

Yes or no.

unlimited deflection works

We're not deflecting. We're resolving issues top down. This is called a logic knot. Answer the question so we can move backwards through the logic knot.

Answer the question please. Stop deflecting with emotive responses.

we are resolving issue top down by starting and argument and then changing the subject multiple times until i claim i want to finish it by continually arguing about things that have nothing to do with the initial point

im definitly not waaay to deep into this to ever admit i was right in a million years please take this seriously

I'm glad you finally admitted it. I win. You lose.

I win by quoting a quote of me Thats a double negative so you just admitted you lost so: I'm glad you finally admitted it. I win. You lose.

Sure thing pal. Have a good one.

Hopefully by 2030 the influx of Asians to your country turns it from a 2nd world shit hole to a 1st world country.

We both know exactly who won this little debate. Throwing tantrums might normally work for you but it betrayed you this time.

The only person you're lying to is yourself.

u is racist i won by never addressing the initial point and going on a diatribe about how racist you are I AM NEVER WRONG STOP QUOTING MY INNER THOUGHTS AAAAAH

So I gotta say. What's your problem with Asians?

Is the fact that an Asian is whipping your ass in a debate boiling your racist blood? Does it make you want to vote New Zealand First to stick it to those damn Asians.

What do you call them in your country? Boonga? Coconuts? Hori? Coon?

Yeah really subtle buddy.


Low quality emotive response. Stick to the logic chain.

im currently full on denying that im doing what im doing, infact you are the one doing it!

/u/Br00ce also got blown the fuck out in two separate subredditcancer threads. Here's the newest.

Basically rather than admit the mods of AHS are so stupid they got duped he doubled down and basically uses the

"Well they're black even if they didn't do it they probably wanted to do it." typical prejudiced drivel that comes with bigotry.

/r/AgainstHateSubreddits is unironically one of the most bigoted and hateful places on Reddit and /u/Br00ce is one of the worst offenders.

He's completely willing to toss aside due process and pass a guilty judgement immediately because of his prejudice and bias.


Don't for one fucking second think your bullshit flies, /u/Br00ce. This might work on your slime drones but it sure as shit doesn't work on anyone with any semblance of critical thought.

You're using minorities as tokens in a game of you've crafted in your heads where defending them from illusory threats is some sort of sick fantasy of yours where you're the shining knight and everyone else is race-chasing wyvern.

You're not fooling anyone with your trash and it's why you go above and beyond to find any and all perceived threats rather than looking at normalized trend lines.

You're a fucking fraud, a piece of shit and a phony.

Minorities aren't people to you. They're toys. You never grew up from playing with toy soldiers on the floor of your bedroom. You just took your toys to the internet and projected them on to human beings.

You're disgusting and you're going to create hate crime hoaxes to defend your toy soldiers against until you go blue in the fucking face because it's literally the only thing in your life that gives you pleasure anymore.

Grow the fuck up and join the rest of us functioning adults in the work force. Drop your facade.

No doubt this will be on /QuitYourBullshit, and NTO removed because mod agenda.

No doubt.

It's one thing to false flag.

it's another thing when THE MODS KNOW IT'S A FALSE FLAG, but leave it up because it helps them.