SRD discuss gypos.

47  2018-01-21 by Standard12




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Hilarious. Of all the people to take up the mantle of Gypsy internet defense force, the child thief is the one.

Hey /u/DonaldBlythe2 'gypsy" isn't a race you ignorant mong.

They're an ethnic group though.

After I moved to England I wondered why even my very progressive friends harped on about travellers. Then I almost let one sack my house while pretending to be a boiler maintenance guy. Luckily my housemates were there to cover for my dumb ass. There's really no equivalent to travellers in the US, so it's no surprise that Americans get offended when you bring them the fact that crime and swindling is an aspect of their culture. They don't understand that crime and swindling is literally and objectively an aspect of their culture and think that it's standard racist generalizing.

I have never heard or seen a story, on reddit or otherwise, about a pleasant interaction with gypsy/romani. I'm convinced they're entirely incompatible with modern civilization and need to be exterminated or relocated to some remote area.

I'm convinced they're entirely incompatible with modern civilization and need to be exterminated or relocated to some remote area.

Jesus fucking Christ dude, calm down. I know that most gypsies are pretty bad but supporting ethnic cleansing not only makes you look bad but it also doesn't solve the problem.

Ethnic cleansing doesn't work well enough, we need to go further.

- blerg3410

You can join them in the showers, then.


I don't think Hitler subsisted off easy mac and jerked off to vore but whatevs

"I mean, there are some great gypsies..."

When Ronnie Wood and second-tier Bond-girl Caroline Munro are the examplars of your race, something has gone wrong.

but it also doesn't solve the problem

How it doesn't solve the problem? This solution isn't perfect, but if there would be one thing it would solve, it would be their existance.

I'm convinced they're entirely incompatible with modern civilization and need to be exterminated or relocated to some remote area.

Jesus fucking Christ dude, calm down. I know that most gypsies are pretty bad but supporting ethnic cleansing not only makes you look bad but it also doesn't solve the problem.

As for your positive interaction, I once bought some pretty tasty apples for a relatively cheap price from what appeared to be gypsy lady. That is pretty much it though.

I'm convinced they're entirely incompatible with modern civilization and need to be exterminated or relocated to some remote area.

Jesus fucking Christ dude, calm down. I know that most gypsies are pretty bad but supporting ethnic cleansing not only makes you look bad but it also doesn't solve the problem.

As for your positive interaction, I once bought some pretty tasty apples for a relatively cheap price from what appeared to be gypsy lady. That is pretty much it though.

Yeah, I came up against that hard in that thread. People would be going 'marginalised communities have higher crime rates' and I'd be going 'yeah, I'm not sure you really get the issue here.' And then I got compared to Stormfront.

They'll literally take their kids out of school, if they even went, so they can beg on the streets and get that extra sympathy money.

don't you have carnies there? they're fairly similar

Carnies are nothing like Romani, or even Pavee Travellers for that matter.

except the pikeys here tend to run carnivals too

Are you a fucking dinlo? Neither Romani Gypsies or Irish Travellers run fairgrounds or carnivals.

Showmen run carnivals.

uh yeah they do, they used to visit my town

Showmen aren't Romani or Pavee.

They're occupational Travellers. They live in caravans when due to their work and not their ethnicity.

Showmen are. It connected to Gypsies or Irish Travellers in any way, shape or form.

I dunno most fairs I have went to where ran by travellers. I mean the accent is a dead giveaway and they told me as much there where related to the joyces cant get much irish traveller than that.

They travel and are close-knit, but they don't have a crime culture.

u really shoulda posted your story in the SRD thread snalpall. Its always fun seeing them get their fidget spinners in a twirl

sounds like carnie apologism to me. you must be one of them

Carnies are the upper class of travelers

do they steal iPhones and coffee at starbucks or what

Same. Didn't know about travellers until I dealt with them. We had a bunch of them living in a camp outside my work living in an abandoned backlot and their wild dogs bit my boss and a few tried to rough up our IT guy and take his laptop as he left. I had security escort me and another girl out of the building and down a few blocks at nights just in case because security was worried some drunk travellers were going to try to assault us as well. I have NEVER experienced anything like that. It was bizarre.

So yeah. Americans have no clue what they're talking about. They hear gypsy and thing Romani and think it's a race thing but it's really not.

I bet 99% of the people who complain about antiziganism have never met a gypsy.

You forgot black americans.

Black people don't have a codex saying that stealing is not only good, but the whole point of their existance.

Excuse me. I said 'Black Americans'.

This doesn't even make sense in a "hehe niggers steal a lot xDDD" way.

No need to be racist.

I'm sorry.

SRD is obnoxious, but we all knew that.

The Roma have some interesting laws (I learned about after I got into a fight with an Eastern European girl was dating) and called her racists for hating Gypsies. Although it was the same argument used in SRD, I maintain that I was funny and cool about it, and it would get her all worked up.

They can't touch non-Roma or they are "unclean" and potentially shunned.

/u/samwhite you're still a racist though, we can see through your charming Irish brogue

But you concede that I'm charming?

You're a real optimist. I like that.

Not trying to be a dick but your comment history is all complaining about people calling gypsies thieves aside from the thread where you're asking for help stealing from people. Lack of self awareness there mate.

/u/YicsHazard2, fuck off gypo.

Gorger bred scum. I hope some of my fellow Romani bred superiors invade your house and steal your shit, and murder you in your sleep.

You're a sad sack of shitty inbred genes. Your race is inferior, your projection is sad!

If your ethnic group is so innocent and superior, what is it then?

White people have never done anything wrong. It is our BurdenTM to show you gyp savages how to behave like human beings.

Whites have enslaved, sterilised, killed and shunned my people for centuries.

And they're still here - can't wypipo do anything right?

for centuries.

That will end soon. Report to a local showering and de-licing facility, and be one of the first!

Clearly they haven't done a good job there.

[–]_FinestJellyBeansRaw Fahrenheit scales to life 19 points 8 hours ago
Not trying to be a dick but your comment history is all complaining about people calling gypsies thieves aside from the thread where you're asking for help stealing from people. Lack of self awareness there mate.

Bask in the beauty.

Haha you're a thief lol

Enjoy being a filthy thieving gypsy

Relevant thread for the lazy.

There were gypsies living in a field near me when I lived in the west end of Newcastle. Compared to the locals they were neighbourly paragons.

But then, everyone looks good compared to people from Newcastle.

I think after 2 assaults or thefts by Gypsies, the Euro in question should be issued a firearm and a concealed carry permit.