Tennys Sandgren, a professional tennis player named Tennys, has done the 2018 equivalent of beating a gay man near to death in a dark alley: he's made a gay joke on Twitter and retweeted Jordan Peterson. /r/tennis is torn asunder with butthurt, with fights erupting everywhere.

87  2018-01-24 by Rubitinwhydontyou


Slapfights erupting left and right. Sorting by controversial was barely necessary.


Wife of reddit co-founder, Serena Williams, gets in on the action, after falling for fake news story about him calling her appearance disgusting.


Tennys releases a statement when the press pushes the issue. Nowhere is safe. Fights are everywhere.


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/com... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/com... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/com... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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Jesus fucking christ Snappy you'd be scaring me at this point if I didn't want the world to end

Tennis players are such fags.

This but unironically.

This but with more emojis


This supports the theory that the earnings gap in tennis has nothing to do with talent, patriarchy, or how many sets they play but everything to do with who the majority of tennis fans want to see in tight short.

You can't see their asses, but those pictures they have up on the sidebar probably argue against that.

/u/GlennHill that was a brilliant trolling. Hats off to you.

Aww, my name has only one 'n'. I'll never be famous now!

I’ll remember you at least. It was hilarious :)

Tendies Sandgren.

name a less important sport than tennis

golf, chess






Fite me irl!

I've seen you out in the yard being a typical SJW mong, so yes please. Blue or black bike racks? Oh, I have a better idea: the Seth Rich memorial bike racks at DNC headquarters tommorow at 3:45.

His name was Seth Rogan!!!!!!!

Rich. Real Rich

I will cut you

College foorball



Oh wait you said less important. Bobsledding?

/u/serenawilliams get in here and defend yourself. You fell for obvious fake news, you complete retard.

/u/kn0thing, are you going to let this guy shittalk your wife?

American football

Baseball....”World Series” lol 😂, you yanks 🤣

Why do you think the japs and the spics come here to play in it?

Aren't you Australian or some shit?

Naw I'm Texan. My people were here before and during the Texas Revolution


The Australians of the USA

Biggest shitposter in USA: Alex Jones. It checks out.

Anything on a horse

You best not be trashing buzkashi.

Can we mod /u/diabeticweedqueen? He would fit right in. He commented some crap without proof, I tried to google it but found nothing so I dared to doubt him, get this as a reply: https://i.imgur.com/BHe9jUE.png

The fact that you couldn’t find anything simply demonstrates your very poor search skills. You only searched for tweets containing “Serena Williams” and didn’t even try “Serena” before deciding you’d done enough googling. That’s truly embarrassing, man.

Oh we gonna do this in 2 places? Hahaha okay, if you want to be embarrassed twice.

Really dude? https://i.imgur.com/BiyumTd.png Hahahahahahaha. Yeah indeed, just sad.

Why on earth would I be embarrassed that you don’t know how to search for deleted tweets? 🤣😂🤣

mod this guy


We have found our new for emperor, and it is/u/DiabeticWeedQueen

Please post the alleged homophobic, racist, and misogynistic tweets. Saying he's glad Serena lost isn't racist, especially since her opponent was also black.

Mod. Now.

Lmao, you played yourself.


Eat shit, you fucking faggot.

That doesn't sound very palatable so I think I'll pass. What exactly makes you so angry?


Maybe you should see a doctor about that. I've heard there's pills that can help! But you buy those online, not from your doctor. But still see your doctor. Regular health checkups are important regardless of whether or not you have a micropenis.

u sound jealous 😘😘😘


I doubt Tennys is going to raw dog you, no matter how much you White knight for him.


I'd never heard of this guy but apparently he's also from Tennessee lol