/r/CringeAnarchy tearing itself apart again, this time over a mspaint tranny strawman. Other slapfights throughout the thread.

85  2018-01-25 by wokeaspie







Good bot.

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.9995% sure that Ed_ButteredToast is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub

He is the type of bot that can pass the turing test.

We need to send a Butter Runner out to decommission him.

Can you explain to me the origin of the actual zozbot?

well, when a boy and a girl, or a boy and a boy, or a girl and a girl, or a zhe and a bunself, really love one another...

Some autist wrote it to spam all threads with zozzle a few months ago. People liked it because it broke the cycle of having to read pizzashill and botchling comments on all the political posts clogging up the new queue. However, after a while it got stale so the autist adjusted it to only reply to relevant comments (i.e. gave it sentience).


Right wing memes in a nutshell. lol

what? the shit tier effort or the far left going out of their way to flood in and get salty?

More like 80% of the right's arguments being MS Paint comics with less effort put into them than the average FFFFUUUU comic.

take a fucking learning annex class on politics dip shit

Bro what else are they going to do? Their entire ideology is based on resisting progress.

Science conflicts with half of their platform.

The other half is based on religion and economic illiteracy.

What else do they have other than shitty ms paint memes?

Wear a dress and attend a video game speed running event?

crossdressing twinks > speedrunning trannies that put in no effort

Trump fucking a pornstar only makes me like him more

But he sucked in bed.

To be fair, it was a porn star. Do you give a shit if your fleshlight has an orgasm?

You must suck too (nothing personal).

Ya, I suck. I suck hard on ur mom's clitty until she drenches my mustache with her pussy juice lmao rekt

Ok, maybe you are not that bad in bed.

He wasn't there for her pleasure, LOL.

Not an argument.

No one's arguing. Just pointing out the obvious: it doesn't matter how bad he was, she was there for his benefit, not vice versa. Women aren't sleeping with Donald Trump because he's a great lover, or charming, or attractive, or even likable. It's because he's famous and rolls with fat stacks of cash. It wouldn't matter if he was a one pump chump who smelled like soggy gym socks. There'd be women lined up to bang him thinking they'd get something out of it...but they'd know what they'd be getting out of it wouldn't be great sex.

I can't envy or even respect that. Bad sex for shitty reasons. It's mediocre.

science conflicts with much of any platform really. the Dems have retarded, impossible ideas just like the GOP, though in terms of being a danger to the continuance of the human race, the Trumpistas got that one in the bag.

We'll make a real centrist out of you yet

the only thing i'm centered in is my hate for the douchebags in washington and each state capital, then every other national and provincial capital on the planet.

we should just set off some nukes in the outback and toss all of those fuckers in there with nothing but some nope and shards of broken glass and see who can walk out alive

then again, there's a bullet left for the survivor too

Do you ever stop serious posting?

>Kill Niggers

>Bottom text lol

the far left going out of their way to flood in and get salty and defensive

Says the far right nutjob going out of his way to get salty and defensive.

He bitchdeleted it. Who was it?

It was /u/Ironyno. This was their comment:

what? the shit tier effort or the far left going out of their way to flood in and get salty?

/u/Ironyno y u mad?

I'm a registered democrat with Bernie stickers still on my car. Booom! CA is a godsend on modern Reddits

Pls clap

What's it like to have to sleep in a diaper?

The center wins again.

implying the center ever loses.

Ya. Counter signal memes for fashy goys


The absolute lowest of low efforts keep yourself safe in a prompt manner please

I like (hate) CA because most of the time their opinions are fairly reasonable but every once in a while some retard says something like this

Yeah there are a lot of people who are pretty up front about the whole white nationalism thing.

CA is not full of reasonable opinions, the 16 year old edgelordery that fills that sub isn't intellectually stimulating.

Where the fuck are you going on Reddit that is activating so many of your almonds?


Thank you for this wonderful gift

The only way to stimulate almonds on reddit is to view shithole like CA but assume everything is ironic.

CA has reached a point where, even if it is ironic, it's still not funny.

Apparently /r/baseball has the most intellectually stimulating discussions on reddit.

It is

That's the end result of teaching children simplistic narratives (Africa is poor because evil colonizers took everything) instead of actual explanations (Africa is poor because of specific geopolitical conditions and relative isolation). They often swallow the other simplistic narrative (Africa is poor because blacks r dum) as a kneejerk reaction.

That's the end result of teaching children simplistic narratives (Africa is poor because evil colonizers took everything) instead of actual explanations (Africa is poor because of specific geopolitical conditions and relative isolation).

Both reasons are true. It's complicated, man.

good point my man, or maybe start teaching kids this shit like in middle or high school instead of elementary

so did i go to the only public school that was funded enough to provide a reasonably nuanced picture of world history, or did nobody else pay attention?

These retards are probably from southern states and got a shitty education so they just assume everything is liberal brainwashing because they could easily poke holes in their underfunded shitty education

What, didn't they teach you city slickers about the War of Northern Aggression?

Africa is poor

you fucking racist, Africa is a rich and vibrant place, full of life and love and laughter, and JUST A TINY BIT of genocidal warfare but you fucking crackers always make it all about the whole "chopping off limbs" thing, you make me sick

I like (hate) CA because usually their opinions are fairly reasonable


edit: by fairly reasonable i mean not nazis

From what I've seen, you're wrong with that one too.

usually their opinions are fairly reasonable no edit: by fairly reasonable i mean not nazis

understandable, have a nice day.

edit: by fairly reasonable i mean not nazis

GOOD standard of reasonableness

Wants to destroy the very fabric of western society

OMG why can you guys just shut up, it has zero effect on you!!!!!

Being this retarded

I mean, that is their stated goal chip, and commienisms are pretty popular with the kids these days.

I mean,

They're not really good at it.

You realize that "the very fabric of western society" refers to capitalism right? Surely you aren't this retarded?


Gonna state the obvious and say, trannies probably have some impact on society, and probably a disproportionally large compared to the number of people who are transgender, but even if you're not that into queer theory there's no reason to worry for our society...

Thinking they want to destroy the very fabric of western society

Imagine being this retarded

What is the fabric of western society? Mayonnaise?

Mayonnaise is even grosser then mayo people

negro-picked cotton

Imagine waking up in the morning, turning on your computer, and actively searching for things to make you angry.

Imagine waking up in the morning, turning on your computer, and actively searching for things that make other people angry.


This but unironically.

To be fair, a lot of political views in this country are pure unadulterated lunacy because people think you have to hardline one side to oppose the other.

I'm an ironic-centricist. I care even less.

I find nihlists care too much about philosophy.

we care about nothing

but what if i seriously hold the conviction that the center is the best place to be?

checkmate atheists!

I'm a socialist and this sub is still extremely fun to me. I consider this community making fun of morons and oversensitive pussies not people with serious convictions.

The only thing we all have in common here is an insatiable hunger for bussy and fresh lolcow steaks. Even commies can't resist, they're still partially human after all.

Even commies can't resist, they're still partially human after all.

True, personally I identify as half unicorn.



I don't owe you an explanation about my identity, I have already profusely apologized about it in yesterday's self-flagellation session our local socialist group organizes.

You shouldn't admit to being retarded on this sub fam.

Imagine waking up in the morning, turning on your computer, and actively browsing /r/Drama.

That's the joke you fucking retard.

stop bullying me

mmm... Say it again.


crypto-bullying, please.


Its the only thing that makes me feel alive.

/u/kingbee54 you should lay off the soy, srsly https://i.imgur.com/BpvTq38.jpg

u/ramblingunited, why are you so angry? did a trans-mental-issue-six-more-hyphen make your dingle tingle and now you feel shame?

/u/kingbee54 did u check under your bed for feminists this morning? pls keep yourself safe