"I would not date a SJW guy again." /r/unpopularopinions outed as extremists hate subreddit!

180  2018-01-29 by lmao_how_old_are_you


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Too real Snappy.

I wish people posted more stuff here that's not obviously fake and only created to stir drama.

is that the Soul Train guy?

It hits all the nice points to bait the conservatives and Trumpettes to say, "See?! We told you SJWs were crazy." Which, yeah, they are, but c'mon. Do better.

stir drama

I wish.

Everybody over there basically seems to agree with OP.

There's that part where it refers to a previous /r/drama thread but I'm on my phone and too lazy to link it.

This part, with this excellent quote:

I think I occupy the segment of politics that is truly the core of the Democratic party (which is to say, my politics look strikingly similar to the average black woman's)


It appears that she has pictures.

Yeah post history backs her up for once

she’s ugly af wow

Damn she's fat as fuck and her white boyfriend looks straight up inbred lmao


one of the shittier, pretentious subreddits

It looks like it was written by a schizophrenic which makes it pretty believable tbh


only dates white guys

you are like those creepy white guys with yellow fever

You may have meant /u/celestialwonders08 instead of /U/celestialwonders08.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.


haha love it when the bots get in on the pinging

It's not her fault she's addicted to the BIG WHITE COCK. I commend her for doing her part to destroy the inferior Asian race and worship The White Man the way he should be, as God


can you confirm that you worship the BIG WHITE COCK. do you think asian men are inferior to your alpha white males

You are mistaken sir, she doesn't think that it's simply Asian men that are inferior, but all Asians. To accept the inferiority of the Asian race she has to understand that she herself is inferior to whites, in particular the white man. Celestialwonders08 understands that as a member of an inferior race it is her duty to serve races that are superior, and what race is more superior than The White Man with his BIG WHITE COCK


is it true that you think asians are inferior to whites?

is that why you date whites? to have him fuck the asian out of you?

are you trying to get rid of all the Filipino out of your future kids so they can enjoy white privilege?

Chill with the ping spam, you're making us look like a desperate ex-girlfriend

you're making us look like a desperate ex-girlfriend

Fam, that's all of us.

i don't think anyone is inferior to anyone. and i date white guys cause i like them and vice-versa (I know not all do but the ones I date like me so ya) also I know my kids would be mixed and I think that's cool I think

PS: My ex was actually half-Filipino, if we did have kids they would be more Asian than White.

mayo men have small penises, this is a fact. She should fuck black guys tbh

its something called preferences and to be fair I did date a mixed guy.

No one cares, racist.

My preference is to live in an all mayo community. It's just a preference and to be fair I fucked an asian girl one time.

He immediately saw me as anti-immigration which makes no sense since I'm an immigrant myself

That makes complete sense as the two are not mutually exclusive, /u/celestialwonders08.

Yeah, Asian immigrants are some of the most racist, anti-immigration people I've ever encountered tbh.

Asians are weird. My first real gf in highschool was half chinese half Vietnamese. Straight off the boat. Asians in the area I grew up were very.... Non inclusive. I was the only white guy in their asian group. And they definitely made me aware of it and were secretive around me. Like I'm talking speaking mandarin and looking at me.


They were talking about your penis

We're anti-immigration because we've seen how much damage we can do to this beautiful country. We're only trying to save your mayo ass from getting flooded by Chinese and Indians.

Yeah, unlike faggot SJW mayos, Asians are fucking cool.

I was just saying that I am against illegal immigration not immigration if its done legally and right.

Give it up, she isn't going to date you.

I would not date a SJW guy again.

I don't date nazis anyways.

These u/pizzashill novelty accounts have gotten ridiculous

We get it, you're retarded. Knock it off

> botchlings calling someone retarded

w e w l a d

Brown asian girl with rainbow hair. Nazi

Average male feminist.

> imagine being too retarded to understand sarcasm

Raping women isn't a form of sarcasm.

"I was raping her ironically, your honor."


But Nazis date you... You just don't know it.

To be fair they do have some sexy uniforms  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

“Uhmmm like my SJW BF was so into FAT RIGHTS than he wanted me to overeat and be fat for him totally real btw”

22 days

Are you guys even trying anymore?

22 days

the fuck you on about

The account age of the OP in that thread.

tbf people do use throwaways to post about their real life

even if it is real tho like never trust anything anyone ever has to say about their exes unless they were actually abused or you saw it yourself. people love to villianize their exes with exaggerated stories

no one has ever made a new reddit account in the history of the site.

Regardless of whether or not the post was real, why would anyone want to date a rapist?


turnin the damn frogs gay!

You can't rape a willing frog

You see, a frog has a mechanism to shut down its reproductive organs in the event of rape.

frogina dentata, brutal

*cloaca dentata

* friggin









PS: I would not date a guy who is extreme right either, I would not date someone who was racist or something) (Me and my current partner share the same view on immigration too btw)

Radical centrism is the one true path in life

Indeed. Illegals out.

I know you really want a free government trip out of here but I don't think the government has a legal threshold on iq as a requirement to stay within the country.

Democrats would consider it sexist, islamophobic and a threat to their voter base


They'd be right lol

It'd be anti half the country.

Not untrue

Sounds like she didn’t hate him for being an SJW, she hated him cause he was a pussy.

There’s a lot of overlap.

The venn diagram is just a goddam circle, that's how much overlap there is.

Regular dudes aren't outraged enough to be an SJW or an alt righter.

I’m outraged at the lack of boypussy in modern society and that incest porn lacks mainstream representation

We need to stop this "Not Step Daughter and Not Step Mother get caught by Not Step Father!"

Quick fucking up the search for mother daughter incest porn. We want real stuff!

Who's with me?

I'll start a petition.

roll tide

what about pussies who only care about their own feelings? i've seen a couple of those

We guilt trip them into posting bussy here.

Empathy for others is the highest form of being a pussy.

well yeah, but you can still meet the bare minimum of pussyhood WITHOUT that. Just look at Rick Spencer

But you can't make pussification your primary worldview without it.

how can pussification be a "worldview"

"All men should become giant pussy-ass bitches." There.

Have you seen the links to menslib?

not in a few months

but i’d imagine a worldview centering around “pussification” would be some kind of TRP/MRA wingding. something that could blame all their problems on the pussification of men

Menslib has absolutely turned into pussies and it is celebrated. They are essentially a safe for work femdom sub but aren't fully self aware of it.

Being emotionally-stunted to the point of total sociopathic nihilism is the mark of the true Chad.

this but unironically

Empathy is commonly mistaken as sympathy.

I understand why you're a pussy. I just don't care.

Die in a fire

Take a creative writing course or finish highschool at least.

I'm prepared to accept the venn diagram may loom more like a bullseye with the SJW circle fully consumed by the pussy circle.

THERE we go

SJWs aren't real btw

The only people who believe that are sjws

and ghosts!

SJWs are all done with projectors and mirrors

It was Newt Gingrich the whole time!

SJW's are real, but the idea that SJW's are only on the left isn't

the right wing definitely has its own PC, but their SJWs are just reverse-SJWs

Ima drop the facade and say blah blah I yoosually lean more towards sucking mad social justice dick but people who make it their whole identity are just using it as a crutch to shame anybody who doesn’t like them personally.

Pussies don't stand up for themselves.

Nah, there are tons of pussies that aren't SJWs.

made me laugh thx

Im a huge faggot but SWJ are totally gay

ever met an SJW who wasn't a pussy?

Same goes for trumplets tbh, turns out subhuman omegamales typically gravitate towards whatever ideology gives them more pats on the back for participating

typically gravitate towards whatever ideology gives them more pats on the back for participating

The problem with humanity in a nutshell

Plenty of time to do so since no one wants to date a fucking loser.

Well, I've been called an SJW by Rightfags more times than I can count. I'm 6'2" and bounce between 205-210 lbs.

SJWs, of course, tend to call me a Nazi.

Does it count if only one side thinks you're an SJW?

im guessing you self identify as a libertarian then

No, I don't fuck kids.


Not seeing much drama tbh.

I struggle to think of anything as repulsive as a male SJW. Maybe a child molester?

You said the same thing twice.

>he was 107 pounds and 5'8

Soiboi doesn't cultivate mass

My 10 year old is 4'10 and 95lbs and could kick his ass.

Isn't 10 a bit young for dating?

Well, I wasn't offering him to date OP... but if there were a cage match, I'd bet the farm on my boy.

I'm 4'11 and 150 and i feel like even my risk averse shy away from conflict ass could curb check him.


I knew munchkins were real


I'm 4'11 and 150


The bravest little Hobbit of them all!

No but i have heard the nickname before.


When will they ever learn?

Jesus, you aren't lying. The low end of healthy BMI for that height is 120+. Keeping in mind, we're such a nation of fatties that someone on the lower end of healthy looks thin/slender to us. He must have been a fucking skeleton or the story is fake, I dunno.

6'2 180

8'3 489

You mean 3'8 984


Seems like the rejected SJW guy needs to pay a visit to /r/TheRedPill and learn all about hypergamy or whatever it's called, which they will be happy to tell him all about.

trp is just larping incels.

Hapas would be flipping out.

When isn't ET's 100 alts not flipping out?

An emotionally abusive self proclaimed male feminist? I am literally shocked.

(He was mixed)

and also to my ex's fears I left him for a straight-upper middle class white guy. (No lie, this ex was always worried and would say things like, "I bet you will leave me for some Jewish guy or some White dude.)

/r/hapas BTFO

Jewish != White?

I'm glad she ditched the racist.

You don't think that the fact that 40% of asian women are marrying white men has anything to do with getting white privilege and assimilating into whiteness, when other groups do not marry out at that rate? With every other race, there is a fair bit of hypergamy and dating up, but asian women will date any mediocre looking white dude by virtue of him being white.

u/YellowSoldier54321 sounds like a hapa material, and unsurprisingly, he is quite active in aznidentity.

Asians generally worships White, so what? You're just jealous that you're not getting a piece of the action.

lmfao his name is yellowsoldier

it doesnt get lamer than that

It's probably just an angry lego

If it were white soldier, you wouldn't be saying that you racist piece of shit.

i wouldnt be saying it if it were asiansoldier or easternsoldier. while whitesoldier is lame as hell too you have to see that yellow is as commonly used to describe cowards as it is east asians right

I can give a shit less what white people describe things as.

im filipino and i go to a school full of asian american and international asian students and not one person i know has described themselves as "yellow" instead of asian or a specific nationality. youre the only person retarded enough to call yourself yellow

most powerful

replies in english, the whitest of the whitey languages

The white race created english? Do tell.

Get your own language and then find some other savage to talk to.

English is your language? Did you create it?

Low energy comment

It was logical, unlike your assertion that a race created a language. Individuals do.

you little racist bitch. you would never say that to an asian dude's face.

You mean my cleaner? Doubt they would understand such a complicated concept

"If they're yellow leave them mellow, if they're brown keep them down."

-YellowSoldier, probably

"white soldier" is even worse, but in a different way

Muh hypergamy

And incels like /u/YellowSoldier54321 get pissy when people call their subs Azn Red Pill. It's cool, though. I'm assuming you live in some wypipo country and make first-world money. Mail-order brides are still an option. My dad went that route and I turned out okay.

I only fuck white women now.

Cool. Cool. That's what Eastern European women are for. Maybe only 75% as desperate, but you don't have to worry about your son growing up to be the next Supreme Gentleman.

Never actually dated an eastern european. We're talking about WASPs here, fam.

Basically he twisted my views and made me look as if I was anti-foreign/anti-immigrant which again as an Asian immigrant would make no sense at all. Next, he would question my dating choices in the past and accuse me of trying to get privilege. This guy was the only non-full white guy I had dated. (He was mixed) He would tell me that my pattern of dating/being with straight white males was me upholding white privilege. (BTW: He looked white too so I have no idea why he would think that).

Someone crosspost this to /r/aznidentity and /r/hapas.

Getting butthurt over Whitys taking Asian women away is a very real thing for Asian men, so I am not surprised.

Are you going to actually prove what i said wrong, or just go on some meaningless diatribe about how im active on some sub reddit?

The latter. I'm just pointing out how bitter you sound.

Turn that bitterness into something else, and join us on r/drama for some fun!

How is it bitter? It's the truth. You white supremacists are bitter about a number of things.

You white supremacists

Hey, hey, HEY! This is Mayocide sub.

One you lock the target. Two you set the line. Three you slowly close the net, and four you catch the man.

I'm just going to come out and say it:

White men are great and white women are terrible.

White men and ethnic broads is The Way.

Poor girl dated Talcum-X

I would they take it in the butt

My sexual fetish is drunken misunderstandings.

AAAAAAAAAND account deleted.

Another 4chan troll account.

Lad you know the two hate each other right?

Eh, from what I've seen of that sub it's like 60% "dae hate the negroes??" posts, which honestly is to be expected.

Original was deleted, did anyone save it?