imagine being this retarded

187  2018-01-29 by Ed_ButteredToast


I will have to defer to your expertise, Ed. What is it like?


Wasn't this some regular r/drama user? Who just an heroed their account?

Exactly how I imagine an average t_d user tbh

Plus he's from Florida. Not surprised by the amount of trashiness tbqh

I can't decide if this is worse than the first picture or not. 😐

Wow leftists are super ass blasted over this dude. Wtf look at those comments.

Chapo has a thread quite full of death threats and dox attempts, it's really something

Ahhh reddit. Gotta love it

That's why I love it 👌

Practice for that ass blasting he so obviously wants from Daddy.

they gonna trump and pump him.

Also threads in CringeAnarchy and CTH

That's why I support /u/GuillotinesNOW

Wait the guy posts in both CTH and The_Donald? How does that make sense?

populism is a helluva drug


ChapoTrapHouse. A sub dedicated to a commie podcast.




he deleted his reddit account, what a baby back bitch, at least be man enough to stand by the garbage you post on the internet punk ass kid has no bussy.

To be fair, we should deport the entire state of florida.

Lol, other people painted over his this imbecile doxxed himself.

Got a question - is incest popular in Florida?


They legitimately have billboards reminding the "people" that fucking your daughter is bad there

Florida needs to be nuked after Alabama tbh

The one thing I agree with you on tbh

the entire south needs to be nuked not kidding


*America needs to be nuked tbh

One Japan was enough

Stop bullying California you're just jealous >:C

i live in the south but i would be 100% ok with this, i would willingly give my life if it meant the death of the worst of the wypipo, that's how dedicated to the mayocide i am.

Sherman didn’t finish the job


I'm okay with this as long as we keep a couple morbidly obese women around to make us sweet tea

Mississippi first please.

The radiation would just make us stronger. Imagine supermutants that smell like Mountain Dew and cigarettes.

Had to make the girl in the poster black so as to not offend ass blasted mayos though.

Most posters on the incest subs are black/latino...

Interesting. I didn't know that. Probably because I don't hang out on incest subs.

You have a source for that?

ah so the incest sub has something in common with your mom, gotta alot of black/latinos in them.

Sure they aren't Arab?

Interesting take.

This but unironically

And this is coming from a kentuckian so you know she means business

Texican you potatofucker we're patrilineal 😤

Still cool with cousin fucking tho tbh

I only fuck grannies you know that 😤

Well obvs, step-whatever is still cool rite? Cus that's one of my fetishes

Your fetish is extremely well catered to in adult films nowadays.

Pls, all our bushes are filled with discarded needles.

We masturbate on the bus like the good lord intended.

.I've seen documentaries about that, too.

this is some of the funniest shit i've ever seen omg

That's northern Florida where red necks live

.....I gotta start lying about my home state

last time i went to florida it was a fucking strip mall wasteland covered in ABC liquor stores and hooters

WTF is all the criticism? Why is it wrong to report illegals no matter where they are? That kind of cowardly shit is why they keep coming

/u/ladynuts you know that most people don't actually care that they're coming, right? Like not even a little bit.

If you're having trouble understanding the opposition, that's something you might wanna factor in.

how can I make this conversation about Hillary

Drink poison (that won’t kill you)

You are just butthurt that daddy dearest creamed her hole. :3

Weak bait, you’d be better suited using you “talent” somewhere else. Try imgur or 9gag

You're a shit alt. Post from your main account you pussy ass bitch lmao

I am not trying to be an alt.

I am a new account and a new person.

Start drinking and drinking you unfunny mong. Lol

Start drinking and drinking

I always stay hydrated babe.

drinking and driving isn't funny. good people get hurt that way. He should start drinking and night-swimming.




He deleted his account Ed I hope your happy with yourself you cyber bully.

Plz no bully 😟

since 2005

we all know Hilldawg's a little behind the times, but try and keep up

But then I would have to put effort into my posts.

who cares she’s so 2016

Lol they're still parading her around. Shout out to the activist bitches supporting bitches btw

LOL! Damn you're stupid! I don't know where the hell you're from- some alternate reality?- but a LOT of people-the MAJORITY of people- DO care and are sick of illegal crime- every single death and injury at their hands is a PREVENTABLE crime and blood is on the hands of those defending them repeatedly sneaking in like weasels, we're tired of being forced to support illegals who are rarely self-sufficient and leech off hard working Americans. THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW, do YOU get a pass when you break the law, do you think you deserve to ignore laws because you don't like them? Just where do you get the retarded notion that most don't care that we're being invaded and putting an unnecessary strain and crime on cities simply for more pedo Shariacrat votes? You need to pull your head out of your ass, or are you freaking deaf and blind? Or maybe still a teen going through hormone overload? Have some common sense man, the world doesn't revolve around your feefees. You'd be funny if it weren't for the fact that you're seriously that naive. Bring on all the legals that can support themselves, respect our laws, learn to speak English, and want to live in the best country to have ever existed, they are most welcome. Others GTFO and get in line behind those who are doing the right thing the right way. Your own politicians have said it's wrong, until they fipped when needing illegal votes. Why does corruption mean so little to leftists retards

I'm not reading all this bullshit.

Haha! Truth hurts to much to accept doesn't it?

No, I'm just borderline retarded and reading this wall of text hurts my brain.

Lol- figures. That's why you guys are so naive to what's really going on in the world, bless your hearts! If I were religious I'd pray for you, but I'm not so will take the safe route and ask someone who is to do it just in case there is some higher being than your globalist slave masters. But I can still pity those who refuse to face reality.

Guess I'll dust off this one.

I know Donald Trump. He lived in a richer area of New York at one point. I bumped into him in a sandwich shop. He was shooting the shit with the sandwich maker when I came up to give my order. I got a standard turkey on wheat with mayo and pepper jack. It was something very simple. All the while Donald was laughing to himself and pointing at me occasionally mumbling, "Is this guy serious?"

I wasn't sure why I guess he was displeased about me ordering or what I ordered. After I got my sandwich I sat down and ate while he just leaned back into the windowed meat display and watched me. When I got up to throw the trash away he stopped me and offered his hand. I was shy because I knew who he was but he introduced himself anyways. When I shook his hand the other hand came out of his pocket holding a tazer which he used on my neck. When I fell to the ground tense I soiled myself. He laughed, "This guy." And started kicking me in the face quoting The Apprentice over and over, "YOU'RE FIRED, YOU'RE FIRED."

I woke up in the hospital next to a vase of broccoli labeled, "From Don."

Now every year he shows up to my families Thanksgiving dinner, uninvited, unannounced, and just eats, laughs to himself, and then leaves. Last year he murdered my mother. I fear what hurricane Donald will bring this year..ďťż

The mayocide can't come soon enough

Keep yourself safe hun it's a dangerous world out there 😘

Hmmmmm, Some have been telling me to kill myself, but that's typical 'tolerant' simpleton tardspew, and I've been enjoying the liberal shitshow of MSM talking pointslies- but is this supposed to be an actual threat or are you one of the few there left with an actual brain cell? Just checking, I laugh at liberal insanity but threats won't fly

Threat? Of course not hun! I enjoy your posting!

Just checking, have had threats before, some subtle some not so much. Have fun, I sure am!

What horrible horrible people make threats on the internet that's just not right at all I guess they weren't brought up right or maybe they lost there way from Jesus? Regardless that's horrible have a good day!

Don't forget to vote Hitlery again! lol

If she runs again I'll make the trip over the pond again an vote 5 times rather than the 4 times l voted last time!

Sounds like a plan!

he’s telling you to kill yourself.

K eep

Y ourself

S afe

Thanks, but 2 yr old mentality keyboard commando brats who make stupid 'kill yourself' comments only influence other simpleton desperate-for-attention liberals to act on something so retarded. Don't want them dead but dang, when will they ever grow the hell up! Geezus the indoctrination camps are doing a number on the young spoogeheads

If you had shitty arguments but good bantz I’d invite you to stay but not surprisingly your bantz are about as interesting as your shitty opinions.

Go crawl back up Hitlery's snatch you spoiled brat. Nobody gives a shit whether you like their opinions. For a nobody you think too highly of yourself.


Oh dear god, and from someone who just criticized someone else's 'bantz', I see you're still in training lmao. Keep it coming, I'm sharing.

You know Hitler is dead or in Argentina right? And he has a bussy not a snatch 🤣😂😂😂😂

What a time to be alive that I can watch a meth overdose happen live on my favorite websites. Amazing.

implying /r/drama is a liberal safe space.

People round here just hate on idiots of all beliefs.

And the Ameridrama has been popping lately.

bless your hearts

If I were religious


tl;dr: Illegals do crime, and my aunt and mother are the same person.

r u ok?


but a LOT of people-the MAJORITY of people- DO care

Maybe a majority care somewhat, like enough for it to actually be on their radar.

But the people who'd actually want to vote to stop it? 25% of the country, tops. 35% at its peak.

and are sick of illegal crime

Coming here illegally isn't a crime lol, it's a civil infraction. Like double parking.

every single death and injury at their hands is a PREVENTABLE crime and blood is on the hands of those defending them repeatedly sneaking in like weasels

So, like, all 20? You know they commit crimes at a lower rate than citizens, right? They gotta keep a low profile, after all.

What about all the illegal immigrants who have been robbed and killed instead of American citizens? Y'all never seem to consider that if less than .1% of a group is causing these problems, maybe the rest are shielding you from those same problems.

THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW, do YOU get a pass when you break the law

Yes? That's happened several times, actually lol

I have wide hazel eyes and I live below the Mason-Dixon. Turns out it's really easy to get off with a warning sometimes.

Just where do you get the retarded notion that most don't care that we're being invaded

Probably because we're not, don't be such a dork

and putting an unnecessary strain and crime on cities simply for more pedo Shariacrat votes?

Lol you know they haven't even raised crime rates right? Like I said, they're less criminal than average

I'm more concerned about expanding the consumer market and the tax revenue we could be getting, and the humanitarian angle's a plus too. But the possibility of extra (D) votes in the future certainly doesn't hurt.

You need to pull your head out of your ass, or are you freaking deaf and blind?

It's more like I find your narrative so implausible and abrasive that it causes me to gravitate towards the other extreme.

Your own politicians have said it's wrong

"My politicians" lmao. Them not paying taxes is wrong. Them coming here is good.

and illegals can't vote, you unbelievable retard. why do you think Trump disbanded the commission?

support illegals who are rarely self-sufficient and leech off hard working Americans

Is your job about anryposting on reddit? You sure are a hard-worker, beware of burnout man

Was this copypasta or are your parents siblings and you're just a hopeless genetic mutant?

The elimination of the "white" race is inevitable. In fact, race is, for the most part, a nonsense construct, but the "white" race even moreso. It is clear that there is no explicit, accurate definition for being "white", the phantasm of "race purity" is far from reality and is grounded in nothing but the fantasies of people who think that those that they do not consider "white" are "taking muh womenz" (read: insecurity, as well as misogyny).

In present-day society, the identity of Western countries and their inhabitants are not pegged down by race, but by nationality—additionally, you can now see people mixing their origins with their current nationality, an example being so called "hyphenated Americans". These people range from someone holding some aspects of their culture dear to them, to someone who calls themselves so because "my [insert near ancestor] was from [insert foreign country]". Contrary to the European failure at integrating immigrants, the United States has done well with the integration of immigrants, and miscegenation of races will thus be unavoidable, and the delusion of "white purity" will become extinct.

Even in Europe, although they may not have succeeded in integrating their immigrants well (leading to the formation of ghettos such as the ones in Tower Hamlets, London), there will always be a few immigrants who manage to escape from the grasps of these ghettos and integrate within larger society. This leads to race-mixing as well, albeit to a lesser extent, but every bit counts, and every bit helps. Why? When two people of color have children, you can usually see distinct features from both parents present in the child. When a person of color and a white person have a child, the most commonly (and usually only) feature passed down from the white parent is lighter skin (cumskin). This is due to the fact that the genes that lead to the expression of so-called "white" phenotypes, are for the most part, recessive. This facilitates the elimination of "white" features in society.

Furthermore, children who have blood from both a person of color and a white person are forsaken by those who fantasize about the white race being preserved, even though they carry recessive genes from their white parent, genes that could eventually be expressed again. This will also contribute to the demise of the so-called "white race".

Eventually, no person who considers themselves "white" will have so-called "pure" genes. Hence, the white race will have been eliminated by the standards set by the race purists themselves, having led themselves to their own demise

Holy shit this isn’t pasta? I hope you get aids.

I don't read posts with random capitalization as I've found in 100% of cases the poster is retarded and should have been killed at birth.

please hurry up and overdose on fentanyl already

Damn you're stupid!

No that's you

I don't know where the hell you're from

The non-retarded part of America

but a LOT of people-the MAJORITY of people- DO care and are sick of illegal crime

You have a source for that?

every single death and injury at their hands is a PREVENTABLE crime and blood is on the hands of those defending them repeatedly sneaking in like weasels

blah blah blah

we're tired of being forced to support illegals who are rarely self-sufficient and leech off hard working Americans

How are illegal leeching? It's not like they can go on welfare. Also all those nice Blue states are sick and tired of all those red welfare states (AKA all red states)

If anyone who used more than 3 sentences to reply to this could Kys that'd be great.

already on it

lmfao this autistic bitch mad as hell

Are you mentally ill?

TBH if you Americans got rid of all the illegals your economy would grind to a halt. When I lived in the states the illegals were the hardest working doing all the shit jobs.

You mean. Lowering the wages of the shit jobs, being paid under the table by tax avoiders?

I mean doing jobs you fat lazy cunts wouldn't do even if you had a non shit minimum wage. Farm work / cleaning shitters at 4am. You know actual hard manual labor. Mayo Americans are fucking lazy cunts.

If you lazy millennials would stop living off your mom's tits and go get a job with your latte associates degree instead of stealing drugs from your cancer ridden grandfather to sell to other college dropouts.

You mad son. Also sadly I'm not a millennial wish I was, I'd be young and pretty again.

You were never pretty.

Stop projecting we are not all fat American neck beards who drink to forget how bad they failed at life.

I'm pretty successful actually and no longer drink as much.

K. What if I hold multiple passports? I have 3 one of which is a u.s passport. Does that make me better or worse?

Depends if your US passport is from one of the territories without citizenship.

I wasn't born in the USA but I'm a full citizen of USA. why would I choose to live in a failing state if I didn't have to?

Not quite sure what you mean by failing state. I could understand not wanting to live in California or Michigan even.

You might not understand from your perspective but the rest of the world is literally pointing and laughing at you ripping yourselves apart while the chinks are working hard and surpassing the u.s on all levels.

Chinks live under the thumb of a failed tyrant communist government falling to capatilism.

I'm not sure you know this but Americans have been and are still laughing at all of you.

Haha yeah.. your right you are winning lol. Keep telling yourself that it might come true lawl.

I'm sorry that you live as an expat because you lack the necessary level of independence to live in a free society.

I just like traveling fam I can live and work anywhere in the u.s Europe or Australia/NZ why would I stay in one place if I didn't have to?

Because one place is better than others.

How would you know?


Healthcare, education, police brutality, pollution. Objectively America has failed.

Lmao. Obviously don't know what that means when we have lower freedom than many European countries, education, happiness, murders. America is far from being number 1 at any thing. Well besides deaths at childbirth. We're great at avoidable baby deaths 😂👍


be American

get shot

Yeah, sure, the chinks are living under a failed tyrant, sure buddy

I was having sex while this all happened. not bragging i promise but its true. im assuming while you were killing my pod, i was cumming, cumming a decent amount mind you. it was great. i looked back just as the explosion went off.

all in all

totally worth it

You need to learn the difference between bant and being an angry retard

I'm angry? Lol I've got no skin in the game. I may be a retard tho.

The feeling inferior to America game? That shits universal.

Aww isn't that cute you haven't noticed you are stuck living in a failing state.

having to use the chance of the US being worse at some point in the future as an insult because you know there's nothing you can say about right now.


It's objectively p shitty ATM. Though not failed yet. you guys are working on it though I have faith in American exceptionalism in this regard. The quality of life index rates Australia higher than the u.s so your obviously doing something wrong. At the end of the day isn't it all about quality of life?

Those stats are mistaken in that they count rural areas and the poor. Also it was barely a year ago that we had Europes favorite bull rubbing things.

Obviously they shouldn't count the poor or rural they aren't even people!

Pretty much.

Thinking there is a difference puts you in the second category.

having feelings

Lol you're in the wrong place bud were all stone cold autists here.

Pm me your birth certificate. I guarantee you're a millennial too.

But I thought there weren't any jobs because of all the illegals 🤔


ok well since illegals are so useful as manual labor i guess we'll keep them in their current situation. nice advice euro

American Euro Australian thank you.

They came here to work of their own will and it's better than where they were before.

While getting completely shit on.

That's something these tards who "support" this illegal immigrant shit don't think about. They also don't live with or around them. So, they don't have to deal with the problems illegals bring with them and they don't compete for the same kinds of jobs either. All that matters is feeling morally superior to you and being able to buy cheap shit at the expense of the people they supposedly advocate for.

Thanks for making me seriouspost, fags.

You just need to stop being lazy and pull yourself up by your bootstraps if some lazy Mexican is out competing you in the workforce.

Bussy modeling is a fiercely competitive field, my man.

You are correct that's a very competitive market good luck with it! If you want an objective opinion feel free to post some bussy!

Living a lower class life in the US is worlds better than a middle class existence in Central America. We get cheap labor and they get better lives, it's a win win. Immigrants even commit fewer crimes than native born citizens, they actually improve the shitty neighborhoods that they live in.

Keep telling yourself that.

Seriously, take your fuckoff propaganda elsewhere.

I do enjoy the way it benefits my lifestyle, what's wrong with that? Only pinkos and fundies feel guilt over living a good life.

Lol look at this fucko trying to find the humanity in everything




I've lived around them most of my life. They're okay.

tax avoiders?

That just means I'm smart!

that’s what i’m saying! and they buy shit too. can you imagine how much better off Japan would be if they had a huge influx of illegals about now?

Huge influxes can cause issues but a steady flow over a long period of time would probably have helped there economy and fixed there horrible birth rate.

Bullshit you fucking retard.

If we got rid of all the illegals our wages would stop being depressed.

If wages had kept up with inflation the minimum would be 22/hr.

Impossible to demand that when paco works for 4/hr.


I thought you liked the free market what sort of communist scum are you. Stop being a lazy mayo and go out there and work harder than Paco.

There you go with those dumbass assumptions.

I'm a socialist.

But a socialist that wants Americans taken care of first.

Hate to burst your little provincial bubble, henny.

Ewww a pinko. Go seize the means to production or something.

So you'll literally say anything.

Low effort.

Why use effort when I don't have to? I'm getting mad pinged faster than you cum when you kiss your sister?

So you literally don't understand economics, got it

There you go with those dumbass assumptions.

I'm a socialist.

But a socialist that wants Americans taken care of first.

So you're mandating government theft to support the degenerates?

a million times yes.

I'm coming for your gains.

I'm a socialist.

No you're not.

4 whats an hour? Like numbers?

The dirty commie isn't happy working for $4 an hour. Marx is turning in his grave at this lazy bourgeois socialist.

Fuck off to Venezuela.

Illegals make up less then 5% of the workforce in America. Almost half of these working illegal aliens are working under fake social security numbers and getting paid much more then 4/hr. They are also paying full taxes on those wages.

That means about 2.5% of the entire workforce is illegal aliens working for cash. Those jobs are mostly seasonal jobs in the agricultural industry. If you think those lettuce pickers that make up 2.5% of the entire workforce are the reason wages have diverged from productivity since the 1980's, so as to not keep up with inflation, then well, you might be the retard in the room.

Real talk.

That bottom 5% sets the wage base, it represents the absolute minimum a human will accept in this country.

If that absolute minimum wasn't peanuts, wages would rise from there exponentially in all fields.

It's a symbol more than anything.

Real talk.

"Hey, I hear that some fuck in New Mexico isn't paying his 2.5% of his workforce peanuts any more!"

"Shit, better start paying my Walmart employees more!"

How can one man be so delusional? Did you eat lead paint then fall on your head?

I bet you're the first motherfucker screaming "trickle down doesn't work!"

Same idea applies, you have to bolster the bottom before the market can equalize wages.

And on top of everything all these shit illegal jobs are getting automated.

Another reason to get them out before there's no work for them either.

There was a 30 year study that it doesn't? But please, ignore reality. You're good at it.

No, you don't. That's as retarded as saying that raising wages in Madagascar will make increase the Australian minimum wage. They have nowhere near the influence you're ascribing to them because you watch too much tv and stupid shit on the internet.


No, there is, the shit jobs Americans can't and won't do that aren't automated, like cleaning toilets at 4am,

Most people do care, faggot.

most NERDS care

I care, I'm liberal, want free healthcare for all, equality for all Americans, but illegals can suck dick.

we need as many illegals as possible to win the mayocide.

This, but unironically.

i really do support the mayocide tho i know its used ironically on this subreddit but i am all about that shit

welcome to the 25%, nerd

No more than your mother though

Awe. Hes going to get doxxed and have his name be forever enshrined on every lolcow website forever.

Have fun getting a job when the first google result for your name is that.

Another fine patriot's life ruined by the rabbit crybaby cult of social justice.


I'm sure he can find some small business owner and convince him of how triggered liberal snowflake cucks will be at his hiring.

or just start a patreon, like everyone else who gets fired for e-politics

hatreon. ftfy

oh god, hes gonna get rich

Like you know shit about getting a job.

Fuckin and suckin is a full time job brah.

Fluffers are the hidden heroes of our world.

Post from your main account ya pussy.

fight me irl 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤

Shut the fuck up.

He's been doxxed on twitter, his full name is out there now as well as his twitter. He's not too active though last post was around the election

He used his full name as his twitter handle


He’s only in high school so I kinda doubt this affects him long term

I doubt it'll make any real impact but it will be one of those funny things people can snicker behind his back about for basically ever.

Why don't you think it doesn't have any impact?

Once something about you is on the internet, it never dies.

Literally the first thing employers do is to Google your name. Good luck getting hired anywhere, including at the shittiest minimum wage job, if you don't have a positive looking social media page. Now a negative result.... you might as well forego living on this planet.

I guarantee that this guy is gonna be dead by 25, either from sui or from meth addiction.

I couldn't be any more overjoyed that someone tracked down his identify. This is what all t_d posters deserve.

omg you just serious posted to r/rdrama.

I'm scared. What happens now?????????????????????????

See, I'm simply that much smarter than everyone else here.

I know exactly when to seriouspost and only do when the thread calls for it.

You get hit by a bus faggot. 😂😂😂

your lvl 505034554 lvl trolling has definitely convinced me that I should off myself.

Thank you so much for helping me wit that.

Yes. I have been diagnosed clinically retarded.

I'll be happy with every girl in his school seeing his porn-sub subscriptions.

im sure trump and pump will be on the list

I'd imagine he has a cuckold fetish

Well he can say bye to any college acceptance letters

realistically everyone will forget about this in a month and stop harassing him. After that, he can just change his name even slightly and it will all blow over

Nme changes are public record.

yes but it's a question of how much people will actually look into his identity

He went through the efforts, I'm sure others would do the same to him.

What would be funniest is if the photo was a rip and the actual kid is just some autistic t_d poster.

I am sure he can become a coal miner. Because, you know, that is still going to be a thing in 30 years...

oh no

what a shame

won't someone do something

He deserves all the shit he's getting just for that pipe.

+ watch tbh.

This tbh, I mean who wears a watch that way?

For real I see it all the time and I can't deal with it

It's his dads watch, which is too big for his scrawny wrist

His yellow teeth aren't flattering either lmao

People pretending to be special forces oper8ors.


Kekistanis and the_donald is are the modern edgy atheists

SJWs are the modern Puritan sex-haters

on T_D you said that we don't need anymore young people being miseducated in grievances studies(you don't need to add a hyphen to miseducate you would think someone who claims to have attended an ivy league school would know that) which is kind of an ironic thing to post considering T_D is the biggest circle jerking safe space on reddit. I also find it funny that you post on here despite your claims about white men being great but white women are terrible knowing that this subreddit is all about the mayocide, how cheap of a karma whore are you sir?

jesus fuck he may be a retarded agendaposting daddy worshipper but that paragraph of text was pure fucking cancer.

Thanks man, I think we've both really learned a lot about me today.

Post your stinky mayo bussy

lol you lust for men's shitpipes

I left atheism because of cringy redditbros

choosing your belief system based on cringe

that is quite possibly the dumbest fucking idea ever conceived

Seems legit to me.

Anybody who stops doing something in general because people on the internet do it or there's a meme about it should probably consider the state of their lives

Ok I'll stop doing that then.

Absolutely untrue. I spent the vast majority of my life on the internet so those are actually major issues for me and do affect the majority of my life.

I spent the vast majority of my life on the internet

No "probably" about it: You should consider the state of your life.

And you should fight me isl. That's in Second Life if you didn't know.

The fuck does leaving atheism mean? You decided to start believing in god because of reddit users?

I think he means leaving /r/atheism, but I'm not sure. /u/Frank_Tenpenny Do you mind clarifying?

No, as in I rescinded my atheist beliefs.

What do you believe in now?

Soka Gakkai International

The Soka Gakkai International (SGI—"Value Creation Association International") is an international Nichiren Buddhist organization founded in 1975 by Daisaku Ikeda. The SGI is the world's largest Buddhist lay organization, with approximately 12 million Nichiren Buddhist practitioners in 192 countries and regions. It characterizes itself as a support network for practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism and a global Buddhist movement for "peace, education, and cultural exchange."

The SGI is a non-governmental organization (NGO) with official ties to the United Nations including consultative status with UNESCO since 1983.

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Lmao one of those 'mystic' honey traps to separate gullible mayos from their NEETbucks?

I asked him how much of that pipe he can take and /r/the_donald banned me. Like they don't wanna know too.

ThE LaSt BaStIoN Of FrEe SpEeCh

dude I mod that

And that face

There's another level to this retardation that's apparently not obvious to most of the people commenting on this: He actually thinks ICE is going to bust in and grab some family and deport them just because a high school kid sent in a complaint about another high school kid. In his fantasy world, the federal government is compelled to act whenever a child wants it to.

Meh, maybe not when anyone says anything, but they sure do like deporting people.

He thinks he's Rolf, from The Sound of Music, ratting out the Von Trapps.

🎶 I am bitter teen going on MAGApede, I’ll sic ICE on you 🎶

Rolf was a true alpha male

When he got rejected by a woman he tried to get the government to murder her and her entire family

I mean, whatever works.

But it didn't. All it did was decrease the gussy he might have eventually had access to.

He really should just use every option he had. Sticking to just one is retarded

I thought they wanted to draft the dad.

But he never got rejected, it was almost as though he was repulsed by women after going full nazi.

That’s even more alpha

That's my fetish.

There's another level to this retardation that's apparently not obvious to most of the people commenting on this: he's an edgelord idiot who obviously made this up to get attention and they responded by doxing a teenager

FTFY, and gj Reddit

“Doxing”. The retard doxxed himself

He's like a starterpack for reddit worthless.

/r/drama is the veteran kit.

Part of me feels sad knowing that this dickhead is going to have his silly, post-pubescent opinions permanently on display for all to see forever, and part of me thinks this is a just outcome.

Why feel sad? It's hilarious that a fascist's life was ruined. A giraffe doesn't change its spots, he's not gonna change his shitty opinions. We should throw an e-party when he offs himself.

When I was 14 I still thought I'd settle down and marry a women and ride a motorcycle to my biologist job. Now I suck dick, and that's about it. People change.

He's 17 or 18 though


Yah senior in highschool

Where did you read that?

the peeps who doxxed him found it. He got written up in an article on that site that did the aziz story

Doxxing isn’t real, and yeah he sounds completely awful, a real turd. Still think 18year olds grow and change massively though.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

>be a "journalist"

>take your "job" very seriously

>spend your days writing articles about high school children 3 years your junior shitposting on Reddit

>honestly believe that you are making a positive difference in the world

literally hu

user reports:
1: This amount of sheer mayo-ness should be classified as a public health hazard.


When keeping it real goes know how it goes, it's a super old reference.

that boy's gonna get a long, hard talking to

This kid is getting corncobbed so hard lol

As a german: It is 1000% true what he's saying. You can't go out without having a Muslim beat you up and seeing a black washing in our holy fountains. My grandpa was raped and now he had to marry the muslim who did it and I always have to eat Çigköfte when I visit my grandpas now

Sheer brilliance.

ICE is kind of like vampires. They're forced to come in if you ask them. Or something like that

If you have a ring with the right symbol on it, you can compel the djinn to do your bidding.

I thought you have to force the djinn to bend to your will. Or at least that's how it worked in the Witcher

ICE enforcement officer, putting a chunk of paper down on the table: Ah, yes. I've got seven aggravated felony NTAs today and Benny's telling me a whole meth lab's worth of illegals are on their way out the day after tomorrow. Better get to work.

Secretary: Hey, Josh, there's a kid in some shithole in the South saying over the internet that his Mexican classmate and their family are illegals.

The officer throws everything off the table and, sweating profusely, hand-scrawls an administrative warrant out as he puts his bulletproof jacket on with his other hand. God fucking damn it, Charles, this is a code red! I need CBP on the line with that little bastard's records, I want the EOIR clerk giving me any removal orders we can dig up on them, and I want it now! Get me three of any field agents we've got in the office and let's get moving!

He picklericked those browines THE SUPERFIGHTING ROBOT MAGAMAN !!!!

There's still the bot that replied to it.

there's ahem ahem material in that tweet thread. lolol this guy is fucked

metal watch band


/u/ChipperLockPicker Be honest, why'd you dox yourself?

I didn’t :)

Tell your parents to get you a new handler, your current nurse is obviously negligent

He had a nurse until he reported her to Homeland Security.

Donald 🔥Trump has🈶 🅰️a🅰️ fat womanly 💇 ass and I want to 💦fuck it🇮🇹. I was to spread those 🍑cheeks and find 🔎 his little 🍑stinker and feel that back 🔙🔙 meat🍔 squish💦 against me as🅰️ I plug 🔌 him 🆙up🆙.

This but unironically

This but unironically

Tell your mother it's never too late for an abortion

are you upset that the kid of some dayworker outperforms your inbred ass?


I'm wondering why your dumbass thought the gov would give two shits about the "report" from a useless teenager.

Get outside more. Go to another sia concert or something.

Hey man – I'm keen to interview you about this for a news article, please could you DM me and we can chat? Or email me on harry at babe dot net. Thanks

lol at your life that this isnt a joke and you actually do this for a living

He deleted his account lol

Shukman “News article” is a funny way of spelling “dox.” Kys.

For your next bit of journalism you should find out what college he's going to next year and send that article to them

tl;dr: Why does your doctor allow you out in public?

is the guy in the pic bullying you at school?

I bet your parents are pieces of shit like you.

he deleted his account LOL

And yet you felt the need to delete your account

TBF if the entire Internet knew what a colossal fuckhead I was I would probably delete mine, too.

What are they gonna do? Email me pictures of the new Star Wars to tweak my autism? The horror

 1) Probably

 2) There are some truly insane people that might actually make a play on you life.

Are you new to the internet? There are infinite ways to disrupt someone's life once you have their personal info.

>Having a life to disrupt in 2018

taps head

Yup. Look up "Porsche girl". Her family's email got leaked back in late 2007 or so, and a bunch of us on an IRC started sending her family emails with pictures of her gore, with captains like "I'm still alive, Daddy!"

Her thin skinned, rich parents got so butthurt that they removed themselves from the internet altogether and started homeschooling their kids. That wasn't even enough, as they would get mail weekly with her gore pics.

It even made the national news, ffs

Tfw at 30 my biggest accomplishment in life is trolling a dead girl's family a decade ago.

You can imagine their horror when, a few days later, Nikki's mother came across the images as she searched for an article about the crash. Soon after, Christos opened an e-mail he thought was from his office that had the images pasted into the body of the text. "Woohoo Daddy!" the message read. "Hey Daddy, I'm still alive." They discovered a fake MySpace page set up in Nikki's name, where commenters proclaimed she "deserved it," and the images posted on sadistic blogs devoted to pornography and death. In the worst of the photos, Nikki's nearly severed head is shown through the shattered window of her father's Porsche.

lmao this owns, you should be proud

Thnx bb

In the worst of the photos, Nikki's nearly severed head is shown through the shattered window of her father's Porsche.

Holy shit lol, I remember this.

the good old days, back when 4chan wasn't utter rubbish

What the fuck is the matter with you

Nothing! If there was nothing wrong with you, you'd be laughing along with the rest of us.

Normal people things include harassing a grieving family with gore for years

Yeah okay dude

If it makes me laugh and I'm smart enough not to get caught, there's nothing stopping me from doing it.

I don't care about what other people think. My opinion is the only one that matters.

yeah you're just trying too hard at this point

Switched to an imgur link 😀

Switched to an imgur link

Switch to bleach.

That's pretty tame.

You're so obviously incredibly insecure lol

you’re literally garbage

I'm not a moral fag. But this isn't funny. In fact this is seriously fucked up.

What the fuck? Why are you proud of this?

Because it's fucking hilarious? Who the fuck tries pursuing legal action against some random losers on the internet? How thin skinned do you need to be for that to happen?

Dumb rich bitch hopped into her dad's $150k sports car while doing lines of coke and decided to endanger everyone's lives that day.

If you raised your kid like that, you deserve a lot worse than what they got.

You lack any semblance of empathy. Parents don’t want to see pictures of their dead kids. I seriously doubt you lack social skills, either. Consider seeking help.

You lack any semblance of empathy

Only for people I like.

Parents don’t want to see pictures of their dead kids

I don't give a shit what they want or don't want. All I care about it my personal pleasure and amusement. If I can do something at someone else's expense for the lolz, I do it.

Consider seeking help

I've been pretty open about being a sociopath.

Do leftists ever stop larping? I guess not.

You're the type of guy to spam shovel dog everywhere

I've been pretty open about being a sociopath.

Lol. The fucking nerds in here

that's a lot of edge

you’re literally garbage

If this is your biggest accomplishment you should probably kill yourself

You should probably grow thicker skin

You don't need thin skin to see this isn't particularly impressive

It made national news, so yeah it kinda was.

You seem unaware of the kind of stuff which makes national news.

So does Trump taking a dump.

So I guess you're a piece of shit?

so do Terrorist attacks, are you impressed by those as well?

haha nice troll dude xd

Tfw at 30 my biggest accomplishment in life is trolling a dead girl's family a decade ago.

Imagine this being your biggest accomplishment at 30 lmfao

Well, I've already accomplished a lot just by being myself.

Waking up every day as myself is an amazing ride that never ends. I'm sorry the same can't be said about yourself.

You have literally accomplished nothing up to this point you fucking weeb

I don't watch chinese cartoons

he meant to say dweeb

damn, I actually did and just noticed. I should have went with Dork

I'm impressed at how drunk you probably are.

I have the sinking feeling it's going to be his "biggest accomplishment" for several decades. This is like Al Bundy's four touchdowns but at least Al's accomplishment was cool when he did it.

Have you tried not living.

By now you probably should have realized that I'm not affected by the opinions of others at all. I have way thicker skin than most people, and above all else I consider nearly everyone here to be beneath me.

I consider nearly everyone here to be beneath me.

finally some common ground between. Only in my case it’s true

No I mean it. Kill yourself. No jokes. No irony. You're doing yourself and everyone else in the world a disservice everything you breathe. Bullets are cheap. Buy some and put us out of your misery.

And mess up my pretty face? Why on Earth would I ever do that?

I'm sure the painting your brains will make will be much more beautiful than anything else in your life. I'm sure your parents would love to have a copy. You should get working on it now.

Think of all the funny gore pictures that we could send to your family.

And mess up my pretty face?

dude you posted a photo of yourself, nobody (not even yourself) believes that

Oh my god where is it? I need to see his face

stfu faggot


Good for you. Fuck those rich assholes and their dead kid. If they weren't a shower of cunts, she'd still be alive.

There was something similar with a raid on some teens overdose Facebook memorial page. He od'd on oxy or something and people kept posting that l4d "GOT PILLS" meme.

Wow you're a real piece of shit even for /r/drama

Maybe you should be modded

Oh fuck.

I don't want to sink that that level.

lmao i bet you get mad when people say nigger though

He gets mad when people discuss the mayocide

I am 100% pro mayocide.

Kill yourself to contribute, please.

u/libcuckslayer Are you chipperlockpicker's alt? And if so why did you feel the need to delete your account?

This account has been suspended


I hope he deletes his irl account too.

lol I wonder if he's going to get expelled like that other kid?

Hope he does lol.

Someone was expelled for reporting a crime to law enforcement?

Snitches get stiches.

Enough concern trolling for you, DoTard.

1) Yea that happens all the time. Schools will often remove people who are disruptive for any reason, including people who report crimes, people who are assault and people who are raped.

2) The cunt got expelled for starting a harassment campaign

didn't realize harassment meant following the law

From your link

Transy senior Paola Garcia said fellow student Taylor Ragg posted a picture of her Facebook profile, saying, “Everyone go report this illegal at my school bragging about breaking the law.”

^ That's a pretty clear harassment campaign

Last week, Trump, who was elected on an anti-immigration platform, announced that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program would end in six months if Congress doesn’t pass it into law.

Meaning the girl wasn't breaking any laws by being in the United States

DACA isn’t a law

It’s literally the opposite, in fact

It’s literally the opposite, in fact

what;s the opposite of a law? Also I never said it was a law, it doesn't matter if it is or isn't a law

what;s the opposite of a law?

A directive by the then-President to agencies charged with the implementation and enforcement of immigration laws specifically not to enforce those laws. The government literally sued itself over it.

How are you this ignorant?

A directive by the then-President to agencies charged with the implementation and enforcement of immigration laws specifically not to enforce those laws

That is not the opposite of a law

The government literally sued itself over it.

And which side won?

How are you this ignorant?

How are you this ignorant?

Bless your heart.

won't someone think of the scrawny white boys who want the government to make all the scary brown people go away?!?

TD posters OUT OUT OUT

Illegal immigrants OUT! OUT! OUT!

Are you scared of an uneducated, non-English speaking person taking your less than minimum wage job?

Yes, Yes they are

No, I just have an ethical opposition to a class of non-citizens who are easily exploitable. Your argument is one in support of exploitation.

No my comment is an examination on the reality of the situation and says nothing of my opinion of the matter. Your comment is a post hoc explanation that we all really know you could give two fucks about.

"But without the slaves who's going to pick the cotton?" Same bad argument're repeating yourself which makes me think you're confused as to what I just said. My initial comment reflects the reality of the situation (one which can be changed) and says nothing as to my value system or how it applies to the morality of the situation. What you are doing is creating a moral argument, one in which I am arguing you don't hold. Your fight against illegal immigration is not because of their unfair working conditons. And you are being dishonest in pretending it is.

could give two fucks

All of your valid points are spoiled, like my tender asscrack on a pleasant summer day.

So for some odd reason, you're suddenly presenting yourself as a defender of their rights by saying they're easily exploited and should stay our of the country?

How many times were you dropped on your head as a child?

lmao stop trying to pretend your obsessive hardline stance on illegal immigration is out of love and concern about exploitation of illegals

It looks like I've triggered the illegal immigrant exploiters. Trump?

Nah, it's that nobody is buying your disingenuous shit about being concerned for exploited people.

Trump is easily triggered, yes.

No, I just have an ethical opposition to a class of non-citizens who are easily exploitable.

So you want to give them more rights and protections right? Rather then send back to a hellhole dozens of times worse than anything they'd face in America

grow a bussy and at least stand by your believes instead of this Bullshit argument.

They are easily exploited, which is why I think we should doom them to Mexico.

Try a different tactic. Literally no one believes you

prob just doesnt want to get raped

Stop kinkshaming

Really? Over 57 percent of rapes are committed by white people. Around 23 are black leaving 20 percent for every other ethnicity.

If they didn't want to get rapped then they need to move away from their white friends and in with the illegals.

must be fun citing curated statistics when you dont actually have to ever do any of the shit youre asserting is cool huh

Do you have a counter argument?

yeah that what youre citing is cherry picked and that youre too far separated from the danger to have any sort of authority to be dismissive

and also that you clearly dont understand what per capita means

...too far removed from the danger? The danger of those sneaky brown people stealing and rapping and the drugs and the other crimes? GTFO with your hyperbolic nonsense. Its the safest time to be alive ever. Turn the fox news off for a minute. The brown people won't kill you.

Also I never mentioned anything about per-capita. Are you going to site some stat that floats around stormfront? Or do you have anything else to offer other than hyperbole and deflection?

Its the safest time to be alive ever.

if youre a hipster in a moderately well off isolated area that doesnt have to deal with poor people at all ever then sure

statistics dont mean much when people are concentrated into poor areas though, and coincidentally thats where the problems are

im sure the old people being home invaded and bashed by africans can take solace in the fact that you feel extra safe because the newspaper told you to

Also I never mentioned anything about per-capita. Are you going to site some stat that floats around stormfront? Or do you have anything else to offer other than hyperbole and deflection?

im saying that when a few % of your population commits as much crime as 50% of your population its disingenuous to compare them at face value

Latinos are counted as whites in crime stats.

Not in the stats I posted. But thanks for participating...Jim Crow (<--- I wonder how you feel about minorities...)

Get a new schtick

You are why we need mayocide



This but unironically

Transylvania University

America, why do have such fuck up names for places?

Transylvania Colony

The Transylvania Colony was a short-lived, extra-legal colony founded during 1775 by land speculator Richard Henderson, who controlled the North Carolina-based Transylvania Company. Henderson and his investors had reached an agreement to purchase a vast tract of Cherokee lands west of the southern and central Appalachian Mountains through the acceptance of Treaty of Sycamore Shoals with most leading Cherokee chieftains then controlling these lands. To further complicate matters, this early American frontier land was also claimed at the same time by both the Province of Virginia (particularly following Lord Dunmore's War) and the North Carolina colony.

The Transylvania Colony was primarily located in what is now the central and eastern parts of Kentucky.

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Pennsylvania is becoming a woman. Please respect its pronouns.

We do what we want.

Transy senior

cmon article shes a bit masculine but thats a bit much

probably, he's gonna get doxxed as fuckkk and its great lmao

lmfao his watch is so oversized it flipped over. This kid is such a nerd

It's like that because if you could see the face you would be able to see it's a shitty Chinese fake.

much like the rest of trump family clothing line.

Even his watch had the good sense to hide its face.


Is he using some filter that makes you look extra derpy? Something seems off with his face.

Nope he's as stupid as he looks.

goodnight sweet prince

When I first saw the picture, his face was censored. Deer god he looks creepy...

It’s called “teen years “ filter.

fetal alcohol syndrome

What's weirding me out is that he looks like he's wearing eyeliner and doesn't seem to have eyelashes.

There's something off with the eyes but I can't figure it out. It's like he circumcised his eyelids or something.

Never before have my expectations been so exactly on point

Why the fucking pipe, why? Did tbis fuckers learn about old school manliness tropes from comedies making fun of said tropes?

Above all why a fucking pipe.....

Cause pipes rock the kasbah

Oral fixation

The okay sign somehow manages to be an even faggier "symbol" than maga hats. They sure know how to pick em.

It's the white power sign. No joke. Google it.

It's not a thing, really. It's just some bullshit that /pol/ dreamt up.

I'm not saying everyone doing an OK symbol is a white supremecist but you know damn well in this instance it's what he's doing

its context like wearing just a thong outdoors, at the beach vs doing it in the mall.

Aren't all symbols just some bullshit that some group dreamt up?

oh fuck i didn't even notice

yeah, i'm not gonna keep my eye out for that one, it's dumb

It literally means "faggot" in Turkey.

PM me if you want his full name and home address

Typical edgy hu-white Trumptard.

He deleted his account lol. What a pussy.

Below and in bold are quotes i was able to pull before he deleted his profile:

** Shit’s fucked dude. Damn. The girl I’ve loved more than anybody broke my heart. And we were actually together. We’ve been apart for about 5 months now and I still think about her a lot. I still haven’t lost my feelings for her. She was the best thing to ever happen to me in my life. But things will get better. Trust me. When she broke my heart it was the absolute LOWEST point in my life. But, I’m pretty much like I used to be now. I’m happy. Yeah, I still miss her, that’s gonna take a long time to go away. But things will get better. You know what I did to make me feel better? Just lay in bed with a big bowl of your favorite flavor of ice cream, and just watch Bob Ross. He’s on netflix. If you don’t have Netflix, you can find him on YouTube and some other places. He’s so soothing, and happy, and he’s always got some advice and wisdom to give to you. One thing that I heard him say when he was painting during this time that really stuck with me was “We’ll add a little dark in the background to make the white stand out. Just like in life. You gotta have a little sorrow in your life to appreciate the good times.” That golden piece of wisdom helped me so much.

She’s a feminist who claims there are more than two genders and doesn’t shave her pits.

You’re beautiful but you’re a fucking dreg degenerate. It’s such a shame how gorgeous girls like you go to waste by becoming such trash. “16 smokes, drinks”? How lovely. You get by in life on your looks and you can’t see the negative repercussions of what you’re doing with your life. You’re going to float around from abusive trailer trash boyfriend to abusive trailer trash boyfriend until you become a prematurely aged crack whore by the time you’re 28 when no one wants you anymore. Please get your life together and make something of yourself. I can tell you have potential. **

In addition, there is the “I’d rather not have my race destroyed by a [racist term for black people” comment that has been linked, as well as seeking out trans-individuals progress photos to tell them they are mentally ill.

It seemed his love of Trump was a recent event, regardless of his claims. I found a brief uptick in post to TD about 40-50 days ago, before that it was mainly to voice acting, meme, and other less political subs.

He claims the lowest point in his life was being dumped, yet doesn’t see how deporting a child (or trying to) for something they had 0 control over is going to cause exponentially lower points for that family.

This ends my non scientific analysis

'Just put a few do-ers in there...' || Here's a link to a random video of me painting || Here's a random painting :) || code ||💻feedback



yet doesn’t see how deporting a child (or trying to) for something they had 0 control over is going to cause exponentially lower points for that family.

>implying he's telling the truth >implying ICE will actually deport them

(or trying to)

What would happen?

He claims the lowest point in his life was being dumped, yet doesn’t see how deporting a child (or trying to) for something they had 0 control over is going to cause exponentially lower points for that family.

Maybe that family shouldn't have broken the law coming here in the first place.

Nice linguistic trick of holding the child blameless and then trying to transfer that blamelessness over to the entire family, including the 100% responsible parents.

god bless that family, they are the reinforcements we need to win the mayocide the more non wypipo in the country the better.

Maybe that family shouldn't have broken the law coming here in the first place.

How did he come to that conclusion? There have been cases where ICE has tried to deport legal residents.

Nice linguistic trick of holding the child blameless and then trying to transfer that blamelessness over to the entire family, including the 100% responsible parents.

Who asserted the parents were blameless? Not I. Then again, you’re making some assumptions and linguistic tricks yourself. First, your making the assumption that both his parents are here or were involved at all. It could have been his uncle or grandfather that brought him over. Second, you’re using a linguistic trick in your own right to equate family to parents, and to put words that aren’t there. Let’s play it back:

I said the child has no fault > check, blameless I said it would cause hardships for the family > check I did not say the family was 100% blameless. I never once tried to transfer it. It seems you’re projecting because it hurts that one of your fellow pedes was a vile racist who used words that start with n and have an ig immediately following.

Also, a family can mean many things. It can mean

A household with two parents and their children

Notice children is plural. You’re operating under so many assumptions to make this logic work. The other children would also be blameless.

Family can also mean blood relatives and by marriage relatives. Forcibly moving someone who, lacking relevant context, has done nothing truly wrong (in my view, for you it would be nothing else illegal here), can cause hardships on their family back in their home country. That portion of the family is blameless.

Maybe if you’re going to accuse others of linguistic tricks, don’t attempt your own. Now slink back with your pedes and celebrate another day of eroding America brick by brickZ

It occurs to me that any and all of your arguments can be applied to anyone who benefits from a crime that they themselves didn't commit.

If someone robs a bank and gives the money to their kids, is it okay for the kids to keep that money, because hey, it would really benefit those kids?

If so, why should the kids of illegal immigrants get to benefit from educational and other civic resources that their parents stole by coming here?

why should kids get to go to a SCHOOL that their parents STOLE?

this is your brain on conservatism

Security footage of a paedophile disguised as a school; he's been getting away with it in Sheffield for 12 years. Do you know him? Have you seen him? Please call. We must catch that man - he really is a shit.

You better hope there are illegals in the US in future, because they will be the only people you can hire en masse to find your missing chromosomes.

Simple question to tell whether you live in the gray of reality or the make-believe, black-and-white of Fox: do you think that stealing food to feed your family is as bad as robbing a bank?

Ooh I’ve got a better scenario, actually:

Let’s say you and another group of people, we’ll them the Qwerty’s. You and the Qwerty’s take some people’s land, the ABC’s. You rape the ABC’s, enslave them, and then give them a tiny parcel of land.

Subsequent generations later, your great great great great great grandchildren are living in this land, a country now called Satiracopia. And the evils of you and the original migrants are coming to light, with calls for the current Qwerty’s to relinquish all land and go back to their original homeland, Imperiville. But, the current Qwerty’s didn’t actually do anything, they just benefitted from the acts in term of wealth, bloodline, and standard of living. Do you think the Qwerty’s should go back to Imperiville?

Why is it that lefties always want to talk about some shit that happened literally 400 years ago or whatever in order to excuse the bad, dumb ideas they have today?

Just answer the question without resorting to a “idontwanttotalkaboutit.” It’s be same basic logic you’re using to equate robbing a bank to that, and is more comparable than bank robbing. So, do you voluntarily offer to leave?

Just answer the question without resorting to a “idontwanttotalkaboutit.”

You mean the way you answered my question, instead of blatantly dodging it with another question?

If you're going to be this nakedly dishonest I'm not going to waste my time going in depth into why your blatant dodge of a question is a hilariously poor response to mine, beyond my general pointing out that lefties like you love to argue that someone doing something you don't like literally 400 years before you were born gives you an excuse to shit on the laws of today.

That question is effectively an answer. Just because it hurts your safe space doesn’t mean it’s not a justified response. Your question was so laughable that i had think of a way to frame it back so you would understand why the world isn’t as black-and-white as your simple mind wishes it was. It’s not “shitting on the laws today,” it’s explaining that the children, grandchildren, and so on aren’t guilty for the sins of their father. Pretty sure it’s actually in a famous book “righties” like to quote a lot

That question is effectively an answer.

No it isn't, lol

It’s not “shitting on the laws today,” it’s explaining that the children, grandchildren, and so on aren’t guilty for the sins of their father.

Guilt has nothing to do with my question, which you continue to demonstrate that you simply can't answer and, by your words, didn't even particularly understand.

Any time you want to prove me wrong by giving me an actual answer, I'll happily return the favor by answering why your question was so embarrassingly dumb.

It is? Your question was essentially it could be applied to any scenario where someone benefits from the crime someone else commits. Which, it can’t be, because the specifics aren’t the same. The scenario i am posting to you is the exact same as the scenario in question, yet you deflect. You’ve been wrong at every turn in this thread, and it’s no surprise- conservatards don’t live in reality.

Why is it that the aut rightists jack off to cartoon porn?

Step aside boys, I got this. If your dad has the balls of steel to rob a bank and the smarts to not get caught in this modern society ,then fucking live it up.

Although the logic is not consistent, everyone back to where you came from. Qwertys gtfo. Especially germans because they creep me out. This is the land of the bitter buffalo. Sorry for your bad luck.

Was that so hard /u/nmx179 Like, holy fuck lol. You are a squirmy leftist or some shit lmao


Well lazy white trash won't work the jobs immigrants do so thankfully they did come over to help keep our economy growing.

You’re beautiful but you’re a fucking dreg degenerate. It’s such a shame how gorgeous girls like you go to waste by becoming such trash.

I'm not surprised this guy has relationship problems.

Yeah that one caught me by surprise. It started off with a compliment and devolved into that.

Also, the comments he made on trans-individuals weren’t ones that would have made r/all, so he deliberately sought those out on r/lgbt to tell them: “You’re mentally ill. Get help.” (Not understanding that getting help = transitioning which alleviates the depressive and anxiety that stems from being born in the wrong body but i digress)

Lol turning to the_doofus for social affirmation. What a fucking loser

In addition, there is the “I’d rather not have my race destroyed by a [racist term for black people” comment that has been linked, as well as seeking out trans-individuals progress photos to tell them they are mentally ill.

You can just write "nigger", you know?

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

It wasn’t what he wrote, and i don’t particularly feel comfortable using that word even when quoting someone.

Well shit, there was no way for me to know which term you are referring too cos you didn't write it out.
You aren't using the word, you are quoting him.

Take the first three letters of the Spanish word for black and the last four letters of the word steroid.

Why would anyone post their face on the internet

lmao they deleted their account

know they can't delete any post they've ever made


Kid chickened out. The next few days aren't going to be very pleasant for him.

Highly unlikely. He can't leave Reddit because that means he can't circlejerk on T_D anymore. He'll be back under several new accounts and going back to doing what he's already started on u/ChipperLockPicker.

I hope he gets his own Encyclopedia Dramatica article.

Not enough drama for one (yet)

I heard through the grapevine that he may or may not have gotten expelled from school.

/u/sad_republican_furry how are you too poor for Reddit gold?

Why report a classmate instead of their parents WTF

He's a Trump supporter, what do you expect lol.

So who wants to bet the "illegal" is probably some 3rd generation Hispanic or Asian who speaks better English than he does.


So who wants to bet the "illegal" is probably some 3rd generation Hispanic or Asian who speaks better English than he does.

I hate not being able to tell people to kill themselves. There are still so many people that don't know that they should kill themselves! How will they know if I don't tell them over and over and over?

Someone think of the children. The stupid stupid children that need to drink bleach.

Lololololol I feel u

You could still hold the honest opinion that very late term abortion should be a thing.

i think it should at least go to 240th trimester.

hey I just posted surplus drama about this exact point!

or eat laundry detergent pods

It should be like libel law, where they have a "substantial truth" clause. The fact they can ban you for calling someone a dirt-eating retard, even if that person actually is a dirt-eating retard, is completely unreasonable.

This is just the latest phase of reddit's War On Truth.

The stupid stupid children that need to drink bleach.

They unironically eat tidepods now.

not eating enough of them. I went to the store and tidepods weren't even sold out. can you imagine?

So much mad in this post it's tasty 🍔

The irony of being doxxed by is not lost upon me.

Is the new Gawker??

Yes. Time is a flat circle.

Was it even doxxing? He had is real name on his twitter

Was he also stupid enough to post the picture there?

You the type of guy to report Jewish Neighbors in Nazi germany

Also known as being a Trump supporter

Actually, we love Israelis. Israel stronk, smash Islams.

No matter how much you white knight for them, they're not gonna fuck you.

False. Those motherfuckers know how to party.

Gal Gadot and Bar Raefali will never suck your micropeen


Tone down the transphobia, asswipe.

We actually fuck American taxpayers every single day.

If the Donald is a never ending Trump rally isn't that basically a fat man with fantasies of incest telling you about why Mexicans are bad but you can't go home after two hours and have to stay forever?

Cory Carnley

Cory Carnley

Cory Carnley

Cory Carnley

Cory Carnley

Doubt anything bad will happen to him. He's in high school.

His friends will find out and mock him. Don't you remember how cruel children can be?

Oh I remember. I remember it well...

Oy vey.

No fucking way did that little shit have the balls to call the cops. He'll probably get stitches anyway though.

Why tell people you snitched?

What's your address? I need it for the form thanx


You have an odd obsession with illegals. Does your wife’s boyfriend happen to be one?

Funny thing is, they are right. People did try to doxx him.

People did try to doxx him.

Who? The nazi? Or the kid that got snitched on by the nazi?

"OMG I cant believe you doxxed me just because I doxxed some kid!!"

Try? He’s pretty much doxxed in Twitter.

There's nothing wrong with doxxing fascists.


Damn, the salt in thread is too high. When did this sub get invaded by actual retards 🤔

Riiight, yeah, we're the retards, not the teenager posting his face online to millions of people bragging about trying to get other teenagers deported whilst standing in front of a picture of trump dressed as a dictator and doing that OK white power hand thing.

I was gonna say that I'm not talking about you, bit then I realized you're in fact retarded if you didn't understand that in the first place.

What do you guys call Swedish Fish in Swedishland?

It's called pastelfish, you can buy it in bulk among dozens other candies.


deleted account but not the pic

Confirmed retard

It's not like the picture or his username/real name/address etc are going anywhere.

Lol so many lives are going to be fucked from this. I almost feel bad that this drama is so juicy

being this assblasted over an illegal getting ICE'd

Maybe put on your pussyhats and start a gofundme lmao

Cry me a river REEEEEEEEE

What a legend!

Do your part and report illegal aliens.

Can't wait until t_d cries about leftists doxxing him when in fact the retard doxxed himself by posting his face and using his real name on twitter.

No, my imagination can only stretched so far.

And here's what happened since this post was sticky'd:

  • Kid got suspended (good riddance)

  • Ed got perma'd 😭😭😭

  • /u/joan_wayne_gacy got perma'd but she's still here for some raisin 😥🤔😃🙏

  • /r/drama is pretty much fucked at this point

  • Still no memo

  • Still no craft vinyl

Hope this summary helps many of you out who are otherwise confused.

I can use another account you know that right? :p

I'll use this one temporarily. Let's see if the admins reply to my appeal message. ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

All I see is a patriot.
