Should we care about men? Nah.

54  2018-01-30 by Socrates2x


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Dating is harder for women

It's early morning, I woke up a hour ago here and I've already seen the stupidest thing I'll see today.

Death can't come too soon to me.

They have a bigger chance to get beaten up or killed, that's for sure.

But, if we strictly talk about getting a one night stand or fwb?

Numbers don't lie señor Joe, a potentialy unattractive woman has more opportunities than a neckbeard.

They have a bigger chance to get beaten up or killed, that's for sure.

Men still have way more risk of being the victims of violent crime overall.

Yeah, why won't anyone talk about men-on-men crime?

I write erotic fanfic about it

A handful of women are victims of avoidable spousal abuse. And yet more than 60% of abused women stay with the offenders even after they've been convicted and jailed. Apparently their plight is unbearable.

Men are a more likely by a few order of magnitude of being victims of actual random violent crimes (either because they're more likely to be homeless, or to have jobs putting them at risk...), and underreport spousal abuse too : they need to walk it off and stop being crybabies.

Stroked my bussy to this post.

Men are a more likely by a few order of magnitude of being victims of actual random violent crimes

Maybe men shouldn't be commit so much violence.

So if you see someone being a victim, it's ok because he's the same gender as the attacker? Does it also work by color for instance?

I'm placing the blame squarely on the attackers, who are overwhelmingly male.

Maybe men shouldn't be commit so much violence.

Yeah just after a post about victimization. It's /r/drama, you don't have to pretend, it's ok to be a victim blaming piece of shit here.


>At the hands of who though?


At the hands of who though?


haha imagine thinking this is somehow a good point

“We women suffer at the hands of men”

“Men suffer at the hands of men even more”

“Doesn’t count, we’re still the most important victims”

who are overwhelmingly male

Black males - whites ain't taking the fall for this one.


Still men, sweetie. Sorry you hate facts :(

Praying mantis

Name one race where the women are the more prevalent victims.


Still men, sweetie. Sorry you hate facts :(

Yes, black men. A minority group of the population committing the majority of violent crime.

But yeah, let's adjust for race. Black men vs black women, white men vs white women, asian men vs asian women. Name one race where the women are the more violent gender.

How do you want to measure violence? Going by studies on domestic violence, women commit the majority of DV. Women are also the only gender that get to murder babies and have it not be called murder. If you only go by convictions, men will appear to be more violent.

And pulling it out of my ass from stereotypes - I'd bet Latina/Hispanic women are violent as fuck.

As /u/Gil-Gandel said below

Name one race where the women are the more prevalent victims.

Women are fragile and irrationally afraid.

Women are also the only gender that get to murder babies and have it not be called murder.

You forgot engaging in pedophilia without it being called pedophilia, and ditto for rape.

Women are plenty psychologically violent.

Still men, sweetie. Sorry you hate facts :(

Which race commits the most violent crime again? Can you spell it out for me? Show me how much you love facts, sweaty.

dude you can't just ask black men to stop committing crime like that

If you witness a woman getting raped, just say "wow maybe humans shouldn't rape so much" and cartwheel away.

Feel free to add "black" before "men" to those sentences and read them again, then see how you feel about shitting on an entire group.


well this did come from an poly sub so...

Men have a much higher chance of being the victim of violent crime when the offender is a stranger, for sure.

Which would fall under "dates" I guess.

On a date?

So crime in general : who gives a fuck? Less frequent crimes happening on dates : it's the end of the world.

Are you having a grammar stroke?

> implying /u/IAintThatGuy ever knew how to write grammatical sentences to begin with.

I'm not even pretending to be literate. I didn't get the best edumication.

Numbers don't lie señor Joe


You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Samoa Joe and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another wrestler, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then you add Kurt Angle to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way, at Sacrifice, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Kurt Angle KNOWS he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try! So Samoa Joe, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. See Joe, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice.

Numbers don't lie señor Joe, a potentially unattractive woman has more opportunities than a neckbeard.

That's why they have VR. It's a good deal for everyone.

They're moving to shut that down too. And sex bots. And prostitution.

They have a bigger chance

No they don't. They, and you, have bought into fear mongering. /u/dripless_cactus your fears are unfounded. If you aren't that terrified of half of the planet, you may need help.

Men have a far bigger chance to get beaten up or killed in everyday life. If that argument means women have a harder time dating, it completely destroys the entire argument for patriarchy that the people making it almost certainly believe in.

OP probably gets rejected all the time because she lacks basic hygiene and decided she has a very hard time in the dating world.

A better world starts with you

People out here literally using "Schrodinger's rapist" like it isn't an absurd comparison to make, and then posting on Twitter that men saying they don't know if they're assaulting a woman or not, are dangerous/lazy/dumb.

Really molests my molecules 🤔

Schrodinger's rapist makes perfect sense, men make up only 12% of the US population but account for 40% of murders, women are right to be afraid of them.

Nice bait, almost fell if not for username.

Consistency is for small-minded cucks

Is anyone really surprised that one in nine males between the ages of 20 to 34 are in prison?

Imagine calling yourself a real man and not being in prison. Like stop being such a fucking bitch, dude. Go make some meth, shoot someone, anything, just grow some balls, dude.

I wonder what happens if we take race into account, and I wonder how the usual suspects will react to doing so?

But doing it by gender and generalizing from that is totally okay.

Too much maleeees asking for comfort in MY POLY SUB?



And I say that as someone whose first poly relationship was sexually and emotionally abusive

For a long time, I hated men too, despite being a man. I actually refused to accept oral sex until about 2 years ago because these stories shook me at my core and somehow gave me the impression that it was always a woman servicing a man and lacked intimacy.

Yup, these surely are mentally healthy, well-adjusted people who have discovered the secret path to healthy relationships that eludes the rest of us.

What! Are you saying poly people arnt most stable people?

They're hardly even people.

Well yeah, quantity over quality is the best option available to them.

I am truly an empathetic and lovely person I think

u/dripless_cactus illustrates an odd yet common feature of the modern leftist here, they love the idea of thinking of themselves as incredibly empathetic, as long as it doesn't involve ever having to show any empathy for anybody.

Gender reversal in online gaming has to be one of the best ways to get an idea of how the other half lives. I wish it weren't so stigmatised, because we all benefit so much putting ourselves in different shoes. Nowhere can you do that as easily as online.

Yes, wear a skirt in RuneScape to become a feminist

Playing a female character in WoW is HEAVILY STIGMATIZED

That's an interesting thot experiment tho, imagine if every male played as a slutty night elf, and every female played as a manly orc or something, that wouldn't actually be representative of the current situation because those secretly female orcs would give slutty night elves free stuff.

It's the lesbian male orcs you need to be wary of

slutty night elves

no kinkshaming allowed in Darnassus you sorry fucks

Where do you see shaming, bigot?

Don't call me a bigot, I have Night Elf friends.

A lot of dudes I know play female characters because I'd rather stare at a chick's ads all day than a dudes. I guess if you actually hardcore rp you'd want to get into character but the vast majority of people do not RP.

I had a female Draenei priest and a male dwarf paladin because I like to imagine the fucked up babies they would have together

Lmao she thinks men might want to rape her.

I'm on mobile so I can't link to a picture of her but please please go find it for yourself and laugh.

Spoiler: she is a fat ginger with old lady hobbies

Polyamory expectations: (1) Beautiful, successful and determined people too focused on their career who like to let it out, (2) Enlightened people who argue for abandoning societal limitations in favour of hedonism, and (3) Old successful couples who got a bit kinky later on in life

Polyamory reality: (1) Obese women who masturbate a lot, (2) Male feminists who haven't been laid im 5 years, (3) Ugly motherfuckers who like the shittiest parts or nerd culture and call themselves "sex freaks", (4) Histronic women with 20 various mental disorders, and (5) Histronic women with 20 various mental disorders who somehow got married to some old rich tech guy she emotionally manipulates to fuck 30 other people


The ven diagram of men in openly poly relationships and men sleeping with multiple women at the same time don't overlap.

My dating life is so hard, I have 100 matches but I don't like any of them :'(((( ~/u/dripless_cactus

Have you ever considered the flipside? The average man is lucky to have any attention at all.

/u/eroticas don't you think it's a little easy to say "men have it so easy" in your position? There is a sizeable group of men who literally receive no attention from women. At all. Ever. They are completely and utterly isolated.

Mind explaining how that's comparable to your problems? "Boo hoo, I get a ton of attention but it's from guys that I don't like! My life is so hard :(((("

And yes, just like what happens to men, I've seen women who initiate get rejected by various guys over and over again, and then get socially shamed for trying.

Yes, shamed by OTHER WOMEN. Men are practically jumping up and down at the prospect of not having to do all the fucking legwork. Time for some introspective?

No, they are also shamed, by the very same men.

I'm a man, the reason I know this stuff is because it was happening to my girlfriends when they were pursuing other guys, while we were dating. I was standing by their side as a supportive partner while they had bad experiences over and over and over again. This is the sum of experiences spread out over 7 different women, too, so unless I'm dating (and befriending - my friends' experience matches the people I'm dating when I ask them about this) particularly unfortunate people this is the norm.

Time for some introspective?

Yeah, i think you should ask yourself as to whether maybe the sizeable group of women who are completely isolated are perhaps just as invisible to you as you thought those men were to me.

unless I'm dating (and befriending - my friends' experience matches the people I'm dating when I ask them about this) particularly unfortunate people this is the norm.

You are, you're dating people who would date you

wew lad, this is like 1 death threat away from being an r/incels comment.

Doesn't matter. Had sex.

/u/shwallom please explain to these people why this degeneracy doesn't happen in an Islamic country.

To be very clear, I don't hate men at all. I love men. They are the only gender of people I feel any compulsion to have romantic relationships or sex with. I have known many great men. My husband and boyfriend are among them. And the majority of the men I have dated were decent and kind (again, I'm in the very lucky crowd).

But like... Who are these dudes on OKC anyway? There's no way this is a case of a few bad apples. I don't get barraged by messages like some women do... But the total waste of time and filtering messages from the "Hi" to the horrifying is very taxing.

Talk about a fancy word for cuckolding.

That thread is so retarded.