54  2018-01-30 by wazzupnerds

Ed has been deleted for posting the Babe.net article of the snitch.


Its terrible than reard was already dox they also suspeded u/joanwaynegacy a top mod. With the rules on user pings drama is dying a slow death.

Nothing of value was lost.

It was lost a long time ago. This place used to make fun of all sorts of people. Now the only way to get any traction is to sperg out and start posting about how evil Daddy is. Or, to reap a much smaller amount of karma from mocking Democrats and hoping the CB2 mods have you blocked so they don't know enough to brigade you.

Everything is political. Nothing is about genuine retards anymore. It's just people calling those they disagree with retards. All. The. Time.

So this is good in that way. He was probably the top perpetrator when it comes to that.

Are you talking about joan or ed? Either way its applicable.

This but ironically

Quick look at the top 4 posts of the last month annnnnnnnd .....kys please https://i.imgur.com/RsJ92sL.jpg

That Wesley drama was great, though.

Best drama of the year imo


This but non ironically.

TBH it's hard to find drama surrounding genuine retards, most people don't engage with them or they're written off as trolls.

good point

Nothing is about genuine retards anymore.

I see plenty of those posted here. Yesterday that guy in a MAGA hat was on the frontpage, the fuck are you talking about

Chris-Chan stopped providing daily content.

Man what I would give to go back to shit posting about him.

Wait...wait, so this is not a temporary thing?


But the suspention is a few days deal?




The snitch self deleted, ed banned...fuck reddit is taking away all the fun.

It’s going to become a SRD and politics circle jerk at this rate.

So...you don't want it to be a politics, SRD circle-jerk, but you're somehow mad that he got banned?

You must have some very confused beliefs.

Ed was lwft leaning but hated both SWJ and Libtards. If you are South Park neutral you just lost an ally.

Southparks get the bullet too.

No, he was a SJW libtard. He adopted the wacky all sides persona after he came back from his first suspension for vote manipulation using alts.

/u/AnnoysTheGoys imagine believing a retard like nunast who made 69 accounts just to show how not butthurt he was. "Vote manipulation" lol.

SJW libtard

Shitting on daddy and conservatives in general doesn't make you an SJW lmao. You're just salty that we can be mean to daddy.

REEEEEEEEE all you want. REEEEEEEEE your hear out. Hahah

Never said I was mad just more meh. Banning the lukewarm morons means the more amusinggnones are next.

And ffs don’t pigeonhole people you mong. It is possible to have beliefs more complex than, “ durrrrr I love red. You love blue. Now we screw!”

But ed would emoji post😂😂😂. Those other 2️⃣ don’t 😢

RIP Ed. I'll miss her emoji posting.

Don't worry, he's probably here now under an alt

Fuck you😠! Ed was unironically the best poster in this godforsaken shithole (besides me of course😉)

Fuck off Ed ripoff

Hey! Be nice to him okay???


Ed, you know you're not supposed to use alts to circumvent a ban, right?

no u

Don't embarrass yourself

That's not me you dumb ass. But I mean I don't expect anything smart from you anyway lolol

No shit you absolute mong how do you even manage to feed yourself holy shit

i was just pretending to be retarded

nice defense lmao

It's always worked for you tho. Still never implied he was you either, but the fact he tried to pretend so is very much neck-worthy.

You're not allowed to use alts to circumvent subreddit bans. There are no rules against using another account to get around suspensions, though.



You first.

I think the retardation was fake. The autism was definitely real, though.

I don't care for your crackpot theories.

Nice alt.

Never suspect what??

Shh, say no more ;)


literally what

wew lad


In that case can we get that babe.net domain blacklisted and the user who contacted the reddit account for comment banned?

I would die of catharsis if that shit happened.

The guy that was asking for comment got deleted.

Goodnight, foul prince.


Watch your tone, serf.

I will miss his long, curly locks and thick Irish cock.

I never thought I'd be happy that a random anonymous teenager got banned from an obscure website, but here we are.

and nothing of value was lost


Doesn't he have like 10 alts?

I’d say that’s honestly a lowball number, but he unironically cares a great deal about his karma on his main.

a great deal about his karma

Imagine being this delusional lmao.

Yeah, Ed, it’s a hell of a thing.

Nah. Nope.

Should be deported.

Can he just make a new account?

yeah but we’ll never know for sure

Yes, as he’s done like 20 times before. This isn’t news.

What snitch? Whose snitching?

Looks like a guy that should be shoved into lockers daily

Looks like a retard who would get his face and irl name all over the internet

I'm unironically devastated


Yes, yes. We're all very sad that he now has to log on to one of his 74 alts.

apology for poor english

when were you when ed butter was deleted?

i was at home eating sleep

"ed is delet"


Fear not, citizens.


Trump curse strikes again

Supsending Ed is bad. And wrong. There should be a stronger word for suspsending Ed. Like badwrong. Or badong. Yes suspending Ed is badong.