It clearly is not. Have you ever noticed how the degenerate lolcows who get linked here are white (or hapa) at least 95% of the time? Have you ever noticed that the degenerate autists who post here are white at least 99% of the time?
So white supremacists are making it their duty to have as many white babies as possible while white soypeople are not having any white babies. So the whole next generation of white people are going to be raised by white supremacists.
I wish I could contribute by having lots of kids but that's hard when you can't find a girl. I guess I'll dedicate my life to politics and the subjugation and eventual removal of the negro and the other nonwhites from the earth.
That chick's boyfriend is retarded, let me explain why:
I have a great uncle who I consider a bit of a role model. He's in his 70's and has never worked a day in his life, he's avoided prison countless times, he's addicted to several varieties of drugs but they never affect him negatively. And I'm pretty sure that he is so lucky that he is literally immortal.
One time he was out on some guy's boat, drinking and up to all sorts of other shenanigans when the boat started to sink. Everybody ends up in the water, and right as he's about to drown he's pulled up by his (luxurious) long hair by someone in another boat that moved in to help. Everybody else on the boat that day drowned, and even that worked out in my uncle's favor because he owed them all money.
Another time he got too comfortable and brought his favorite prostitute home. After he was done with her they went out to the ATM to get her paycheck, but his girlfriend's card was declined. He couldn't ditch out like he normally does, since she knew where he lived, but he tried any way. Naturally, her pimp showed up at his house a few hours later, right as his girlfriend was finishing dinner. And no bullshit, it turns out that the pimp was his best friend from high school that he lost contact with like 30 years prior. He got off just owing a bit of money, and didn't have to blow his cover, they even all had dinner together.
He's been in countless adventures like this, and do you know what he attributes all that luck to? Having so many children with bad luck, which are so numerous he's lost count. And these kids really do have some shit luck, one time one of the disabled ones was struck by lighting between their school bus and front door, which couldn't have been more than 20 ft. Another one was grabbed by a gator hiding in a drainage ditch, miles away from an actual water source.
So the lesson I learned here is to have as many children as possible, with as many women as possible. You can't half ass it or it won't work. And while that chick's retarded boyfriend is "doing his civic duty" by not having any white children, I'll be undoing all of his work and outliving him with my 5 kids and counting.
I suspect this dude just didn't want kids and came up with the perfect excuse for it. If she ever changes her mind and starts to pressure him to knock her up, he can just be like "omg you racist" and she has to back down.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-01-30
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 cunnus_maximus 2018-01-30
It's okay to be white
1 Basically_Trash 2018-01-30
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2018-01-30
It's okay to be wrong
1 SupaDupaFlyAccount 2018-01-30
Not in r/drama.
1 Gladbach10 2018-01-30
not if you want to be good at jumping
1 TinyJibble 2018-01-30
It clearly is not. Have you ever noticed how the degenerate lolcows who get linked here are white (or hapa) at least 95% of the time? Have you ever noticed that the degenerate autists who post here are white at least 99% of the time?
There's nothing okay about white people nonsense.
1 pepperouchau 2018-01-30
You rn
1 GuillotinesNOW 2018-01-30
This post is a hate crime, imo.
1 retard_ed_ 2018-01-30
sOcIaL jUsTiCe tOtAlLy iSnT aBoUt DeStRoYiNg ThE wHiTe RaCe
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-01-30
Not sure how I feel about the new buttered alter-ego
1 cimarafa 2018-01-30
what if it was tho
1 ay_what_up2 2018-01-30
1 grungebot5000 2018-01-30
1 pepperouchau 2018-01-30
They're not even doing it right. Gotta ditch the mayo pairing and get to swirling.
1 TinyJibble 2018-01-30
Time to prep the bull.
Swirling isn't a final solution to the Mayo problem, but it's a good start.
1 Ade-lele 2018-01-30
1 RichEvansSextape 2018-01-30
Looking at that profile pic, homegirl already been to the chocolate factory a couple of times.
1 Goatmen1 2018-01-30
Choco choco chyip
1 TheEquimanthorn 2018-01-30
She must be an r/drama user? Come on ladies, who is it.
1 myshl0ng 2018-01-30
Soon you will all pay jizya
1 zeldaisaprude 2018-01-30
If the world needs less white people how come her and her beta bf kill themselves?
1 sAlander4 2018-01-30
This is so retarded
1 aqouta 2018-01-30
So white supremacists are making it their duty to have as many white babies as possible while white soypeople are not having any white babies. So the whole next generation of white people are going to be raised by white supremacists.
1 ralpher313 2018-01-30
Consider how your average white supremacist looks and acts though.
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-01-30
Consider how your average soy-person looks and acts though
1 grungebot5000 2018-01-30
so no white babies anyway, got it
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-01-30
I don't care what color you are, so long as you act American.
1 BabyZiggles 2018-01-30
Pretty hard to make Latinos act white...
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-01-30
I said American.
1 BabyZiggles 2018-01-30
Yeah acting American is pretty white
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-01-30
I think you're having a hard time.
1 BabyZiggles 2018-01-30
yeah I'm having a very difficult time explaining this to you
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-01-30
Are you?
1 fsdgfhk 2018-01-30
What if they don't want to be morbidly obese and illiterate?
1 UnluckyImp22 2018-01-30
We're just having gorgeous multiracial babies.
1 Barnie_Senders 2018-01-30
White people were a mistake.
1 cimarafa 2018-01-30
The evangelicals and amish are the whites having the most kids and while they're somewhat prejudiced they aren't suburban /pol/tards either.
1 shallowm 2018-01-30
How many of them are actually just people like this, though?
1 aqouta 2018-01-30
broken link.
1 shallowm 2018-01-30
Weird, it works for me.
This is the linked comment:
1 cochnbahls 2018-01-30
That boyfriend is the white supremacist here. He thinks the only way minorities can succeed is if white people stop reproducing?
1 RetardDick 2018-01-30
That chick's boyfriend is retarded, let me explain why:
I have a great uncle who I consider a bit of a role model. He's in his 70's and has never worked a day in his life, he's avoided prison countless times, he's addicted to several varieties of drugs but they never affect him negatively. And I'm pretty sure that he is so lucky that he is literally immortal.
One time he was out on some guy's boat, drinking and up to all sorts of other shenanigans when the boat started to sink. Everybody ends up in the water, and right as he's about to drown he's pulled up by his (luxurious) long hair by someone in another boat that moved in to help. Everybody else on the boat that day drowned, and even that worked out in my uncle's favor because he owed them all money.
Another time he got too comfortable and brought his favorite prostitute home. After he was done with her they went out to the ATM to get her paycheck, but his girlfriend's card was declined. He couldn't ditch out like he normally does, since she knew where he lived, but he tried any way. Naturally, her pimp showed up at his house a few hours later, right as his girlfriend was finishing dinner. And no bullshit, it turns out that the pimp was his best friend from high school that he lost contact with like 30 years prior. He got off just owing a bit of money, and didn't have to blow his cover, they even all had dinner together.
He's been in countless adventures like this, and do you know what he attributes all that luck to? Having so many children with bad luck, which are so numerous he's lost count. And these kids really do have some shit luck, one time one of the disabled ones was struck by lighting between their school bus and front door, which couldn't have been more than 20 ft. Another one was grabbed by a gator hiding in a drainage ditch, miles away from an actual water source.
So the lesson I learned here is to have as many children as possible, with as many women as possible. You can't half ass it or it won't work. And while that chick's retarded boyfriend is "doing his civic duty" by not having any white children, I'll be undoing all of his work and outliving him with my 5 kids and counting.
1 jasos-2005 2018-01-30
Did you write this?
1 RetardDick 2018-01-30
Yes I did, I really am autistic enough to write something that long.
1 OnionBits 2018-01-30
1 MyRightToArmBears 2018-01-30
Not an argument
1 htmlcoderexe 2018-01-30
This but unironically
1 yesiamcorrect 2018-01-30
This is the best thing I've read in a while.
1 londonagain 2018-01-30
This is the world building for Idiocracy?
1 rewind45 2018-01-30
1 Rith2 2018-01-30
Anyone who thinks this isn’t either a false flag or someone trying to rile up the tards is retarded and I have some bridges to sell them
1 kane4life4ever 2018-01-30
he just wants to do it in her butt
1 King-Achelexus 2018-01-30
I think her boyfriend created a clever excuse to not be stuck with her for the rest of his life.
1 Alimentas 2018-01-30
wtf I love social justice now
1 GuillotinesNOW 2018-01-30
I suspect this dude just didn't want kids and came up with the perfect excuse for it. If she ever changes her mind and starts to pressure him to knock her up, he can just be like "omg you racist" and she has to back down.
1 grungebot5000 2018-01-30
literally who?
1 HistrionicMillennial 2018-01-30
I'm white and I have 3 children. This post just made me horny to make a 4th.